Wall Mural |
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Re-style your Cell Phone |
Роспись мобильного телефона
/мастер-класс для рукодельниц/
Сейчас, пожалуй, трудно найти человека, не пользующегося мобильным телефоном. На улицах крупных городов и в маленьких поселках всегда можно встретить человека с телефоном. Мы их очень любим, к покупке телефона каждый раз подходим серьезно и тщательно выбираем, благо выбор огромный. Но как бы мы не старались, всегда найдется рядом кто-то, у кого такой же телефон, как у тебя. Не сказать, что это очень обидно, но все же... Хочется, чтобы твой телефон был неповторим, чтобы подходил только тебе и являлся не просто полезным инструментом, но и одним из твоих украшений.
Если ты хочешь придать своему телефону элемент неповторимости, можно его расписать. Предлагаю достаточно простой способ, не требующий специальных навыков и дорогих инструментов вроде аэрографа. Сразу оговорюсь, расписывать будем не сам телефон, а чехол для него. Роспись чехла имеет ряд преимуществ:
- краска защищена от вредных воздействий и стирания;
- нет необходимости подбирать сложный состав красителей, чтобы они надежно держались на корпусе самого телефона;
- если вам надоела эта роспись, вы легко можете ее заменить, купив и расписав новый чехол.
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paintings |
Художник Алексей Хлебников. Цветочное великолепие.
Художник Алексей Хлебников, Санкт-Петербург, Россия.
Цветы и яхты
далее +20...
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Позитивный импрессионизм.Часть I (крепитесь люди,скоро-лето)
Французский художник Jean - Marc Janiaczyk
Сиреневые лепестки цветущей лаванды, ярко-красные - маков, солнечно-желтые - подсолнухов, оранжевые и тепло-зеленые - осенней и весенней листвы... Вот основные краски, которые современный французский художник Jean-Marc Janiaczyk использует для написания своих потрясающих, ярких и позитивных пейзажей. Что, говорите, импрессионизм нынче не в моде? Зато из моды никогда не выходят позитив и хорошее настроение.Увы, скромность этого художника не позволяет узнать его подробную биографию или творческий путь. Известно только то, что он коренной француз, много лет занимается живописью, а своим учителем и вдохновителем считает великолепного Ван Гога. Кстати, в пейзажах нашего автора можно заметить некоторое сходство с работами его "музы": те же подсолнухи, поля, скромные домики на обочине, убегающая вдаль дорога...Картины Jean-Marc Janiaczyk наивны и чисты, как глаза ребенка. И в них так же отчетливо можно увидеть настроение автора. То ли осеннюю легкую грусть, то ли летнюю негу, то ли весеннюю солнечную радость.
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Цветочные туфельки
В архиве 9 схем разных цветочных туфелек скачать с depositfiles
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Художница Sharie Hatchett Bohmann
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Interesting Technique |
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Flowery Shoes |
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Метки: decor frames |
Recycle Styrofoam Trays and Make Artful Prints |
Дневник |
Метки: painting recycle |
Crackle finish with Elmer's Glue |
Дневник |
Метки: painting |
paint-a-faux-venetian-plaster-finish |
Дневник |
Do you love the look of the aged-plaster walls found in European country manors? Re-create that look with nothing more than paint -- no messy plaster required.
From Paint Decor
The Basics
Troweling on thin layers of paint creates the timeworn look of aged Venetian plaster in minutes instead of centuries. If your tastes or color choices change after using this technique, you can simply paint over the layers with little, if any, sanding.
Метки: wall painting |
fabric-like finish |
Дневник |
To show off your chic sense of interior design, dress your walls in a fabric-like finish. The process consists of rolling a tinted glaze over a white or cream-color wall, then dragging a weaver brush vertically and horizontally through the wet glaze.
Because pink is the "new black," we chose a preppy pink glaze, but the finish looks equally enticing with glaze colors from pastels to deep shades.
Метки: wall painting |
Stone textured look |
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Stone Sorcery
This timeless wall treatment does more than add texture and color to walls; it disguises imperfections such as cracks, dents, and rough patches.
Achieve this textured look by rolling on a liquid-stone product (similar in consistency to cake batter) and creating more textural variation with a trowel. Once the stone product dries, add more depth and color by ragging on two shades of glaze.
You can start with any wall color, but if the original paint is bold, bits of it may be visible when you're finished.
Wall Watercolor |
Дневник |
Wall Watercolor
Like clouds stirring in the sky on an overcast day, color-washed walls bring movement and drama to a room's vertical surfaces. Because the pattern is subtle, it is the perfect complement for a stenciled design. The technique is simple to master and you can layer on as many tones as you like; the more layers you add, the more interesting the finish.
Метки: wall painting |
Asian-clouds Look Wall Techniques |
Дневник |
Find out how to accomplish two Asian-theme paint effects: crisp grass cloth and exotic stylized clouds.
Asian Clouds Wall Project
For centuries, Asian artists have captured nature's beauty in a unique, surrealistic style whose bold aesthetics, at once striking and serene, translate well to modern living.
These Asian clouds capture that style, and even if you are a novice artist, you can give them a try. Just express your creativity by painting a freehand design onto the wall.
The trick is to first draw the design on the base-coated wall using a colored pencil. When you are satisfied with the result, apply a stretchable automotive striping tape along the lines.
Brush an orange-red glaze mixture onto the wall using a horizontal dragging motion, then remove the tape to reveal the lines, seemingly etched in gold.
To increase the richness of the color, apply a dark brown stain to the entire wall. Use this technique to create any linear design or motif that complements your decorating style.
Download and Print the Cloud Pattern
Метки: wall painting |
Asian walls - Grass Cloth Wall |
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Grass Cloth Wall Project
Grass cloth wall coverings are a popular way to evoke the faraway cultures of Asia as well as the rich texture of natural grasses.
A painted grass cloth finish can be a stylish substitute for expensive wall coverings without their potential fraying and easy soiling. Also, by painting instead of wallpapering the design, you can vary the colors to suit your decor.
Grass cloth adds interest to a wide variety of settings. It is a natural choice for plantation- and Asian-theme rooms, but also works in transitional and relaxed modern decor.
Метки: wall painting |
Sponge Painting How-To |
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Sponge Painting How-To
Add visual punch to a plain-color wall with sponging. It's a quick and easy way to achieve a subtle texture and add depth to your walls. And if you mess up, it's easy to fix less-than-perfect spots. Just follow our no-fail steps and study the how-to photos for can-do confidence.
Using a paint roller, base-coat a clean, dry wall with a Jack o' Lantern; let dry. Apply a second coat if needed and allow to dry. Use wide painter's tape to mask around doors, windows, the ceiling, and the floor.
In a paint bucket, mix 1 part Harvest Brown and 4 parts Studio Finish latex glaze. Fill another bucket half full of water for rinsing sponges.
1. Pour a small amount of glaze mixture onto a paper plate.
2. Dampen a sponge with water and wring it out thoroughly. Dip the sponge into the glaze mixture and blot excess onto newspaper. Practicing on a piece of cardboard, dab the sponge lightly, overlapping edges of color and rotating the sponge for a random effect. When comfortable with the color intensity and texture, apply the sponging technique to the wall, beginning in an upper corner.
3. Cover 8-foot-square sections at a time, dipping sponge into glaze mixture as needed.
4. When the sponge becomes saturated with glaze mixture, rinse it in the bucket of water and wring it out thoroughly before continuing.
5. After sponging 8 square feet, dampen a clean sponge in clean water; wring it out thoroughly. Using the damp sponge, dab the wet glaze mixture to remove some of it from the wall so the base coat peeks through; rinse and wring the sponge as needed.
6. When finished removing glaze mixture from one area, continue the technique until the entire wall is finished, then move to an adjacent wall.
More Color Combos and Tips
When sponging, there's no magic formula for selecting the perfect color combination. If you favor subtle texture, choose colors with little contrast and use a dense application so less of the base color shows through.
For bold texture, choose colors that sharply contrast and use a sparse application. Or try anything in between. The key is to experiment with colors and coverage. In the meantime, let our color combinations inspire you.
Base coat: Blue Jean 2062-50
Sponge glaze: Blue Daisy 2062-40
Base coat: Bayberry 2080-50
Sponge glaze: Raspberry Truffle 2080-10
Base coat: Mellow Yellow 2020-50
Sponge glaze: Jack o' Lantern 2156-30
Base coat: Acadia Green 2034-50
Sponge glaze: Cedar Green 2034-40
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