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: 30.01.2008
: 313



. . To a false friend

, 21 2010 . 20:34 +
- Ludovico Einaudi - Lady Labyrinth

 (283x295, 13Kb)



To a false friend.
Thomas Hood

Our hands have met, but not our hearts;
Our hands will never meet again.
Friends, if we have ever been,
Friends we cannot now remain:
I only know I loved you once;
I only know I loved in vain;
Our hands have met, but not our hearts;
Our hands will never meet again.









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, November

, 11 2010 . 16:52 +

1267635424_-alast_date___leonid_afremov_by_leonidafremov (480x600, 73 Kb)


                                 Thomas Hood

    No sun – no moon!

    No morn – no noon-

    No dawn – no dusk – no proper time of day-

    No sky – no earthly view –

    No distance looking blue –

    No road – no street – no “to other side the way”

   No end to any Row –

   No indications where the Crescents go

   No top to any steeple –

   No recognition of familiar people.

   No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthfulness,

   No comfortable feel in any member –

   No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,

   No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds –








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