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Четверг, 21 Февраля 2013 г. 16:38 + в цитатник
46896852_VATASI_DLYA_IZDATELSTVA (700x555, 402Kb)
Дом Кошки и Собаки (КИС) "Завидово Шу-Шу"
выражает искреннюю признательность
Благотворительной автономной некоммерческой организации по спасению животных «ЭКО»
и лично главе БАНО «ЭКО»
Петросьян.jpg (400x260, 26Kb)Вере Владимировне Петросьян
за бесценный для нас дар -
поставку партии продовольствия
для всего четверолапого народа КИСа,
чья численность на сегодняшний день
к семи десяткам душ.
Размеры КИСа и «ЭКО» не сопоставимы,
у Веры Владимировны и её помощников
более десяти тысяч подопечных,
но, если мы чем-то сможем помочь этой организации,
то будем готовы сделать это всегда,
исходя из старого мудрого азиатского принципа
«действие на действие»
Рубрики:  Друзья КИСа


Zone Of Our Responsibility


Пятница, 14 Декабря 2012 г. 15:28 + в цитатник
http://myschool.in.com//media/student_corner/2012/Oct/114720_earth.gifИгрунка (475x460, 171Kb)
Under this general heading we've published here several our messages
which are in fact the sketches of a large material we hope to write soon.
These essays were prompted by a recent comprehensive study
of the North American and Australian scientists
that summarized the destructive influence of the chosen by the mankind current civilization
on the flora and the fauna of the Earth, including, of course, a human sapience himself.
Researchers, in particular, found out how much the nature pays for
the production of hydrocarbons (oil, gas) in the countries-exporters
and burning of these raw material in the importing countries;
the latter at the same time have occurred to be world-wide exporters of goods, without which
it’s quite possible to do in everyday life.
The analysis was applied to the economies of all (without exception) countries of the world including the USA, Canada and Australia,
and the interaction of all (without exception) branches of the national industries.
Supercomputers have calculated all damages – up to a single blade of grass.
The picture is so close to apocalyptic
(see also http://www.gazeta.ru/social/2012/05/15/4584373.shtml), that
the only one conclusion could be made: our ‘hydrocarbon civilization’ has reached a deadlock.
As a matter of fact a man (as a part of the nature) is going into a frontal assault on the nature,
in most cases not even thinking of the harm he’s doing.
In such circumstances the role of environmentalists and animal rights activists is unbeaten.
We reckon among them not only those people who run shelters for the four-paws,
feed or take home destitute cats, dogs and birds,
participate in public actions against flayers,
but also those who have got at least a small fish in an aquarium or a canary in a cage:
for children, who take care of them, it’s a start – just a beginning of an Education of the Senses
What’s situation in Russia? In our country
– where majority of people is musing how to make ends meet, while the others are pondering over a fresh buy.
It’s worthy of regret but our animal rights activists are often divided by petty differences
that are absolutely intolerable in the current situation.
But at the same time more and more signs point to the emergence
of an increasing number of people of all ages,
particularly rank and file women and men,
who are actively not indifferent to the fates of the other highly organized Earthlings,
especially of those, who are in essence the creations of a man.
Call this phenomenon as you like it more – perhaps the perception of God's Providence, –
be our guest: we don't care at all when sometimes they call us the «kooky», «fanatics», or «radicals».
We perceive it as a tribute – indulgently, with smile and gratitude.
The Russians differ.
It’s remarkable that the authorities of a few RF regions neighboring with the capital
often show a greater understanding of the problem, develop their own policies
similar to the European, especially Finnish, standards.
A number of Cossacks’ communities outside Moscow are ready, as we know, to support the common case
– for example the protection of the homeless four-paws from the murderers.
That’s cool.
But that is why we, native Muscovites, sometimes feel shame for our dear city.
Here are nevertheless at least four thousand volunteers
(half of them in the system of shelters «ECO») who spare no effort and nerves, spending
hours and days of their weekends and holidays with animals
who are awaiting them like excited children in orphanages wait for potential adopters
Four thousand heroes for one megalopolis - is this a lot or few?
There are more of us than one could imagine.
It's a high time for our President and PM
- to take care not only of the celebrated labrador Cony, tomcat Dorofey and other their pets;
- to give a legal setting to suppress the so-called 'doghunters';
- to contribute just now that the State Duma’s draft law on city animals would be based upon the fundamental principle:
«No one can be saved by killing».
The presence in the title of this material of the word «zone»
– yes, in its national understanding which we’ve got accustomed to –
is not random.
The only (however, significant) difference is that
our animal-defenders take on their burdens voluntarily, they aren’t intimidated by inevitable hardships,
very often painful for purse and health.
The animal rights defense is a hard, exhausting work not so much for the hands and the mind, as for the soul.
This work draws you forever, for the rest of your life.
One of very close friends of us says:
«Such persons as we have always got sick conscience. Animals, they can’t help themselves and
we always suffer that we didn’t manage to do some vitally important thing or to save some poor creature».
We believe however that in XXI century
the famous words of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky should to be rephrased as follows:
«Any welfare and well-being
– of a country, of a state, of your family, or of your own –
are not worth a single tear of a homeless kitten or a puppy crying in a street»
Рубрики:  Публикации в СМИ
Друзья КИСа


Спасибо, "ЭКО"


Воскресенье, 09 Декабря 2012 г. 13:46 + в цитатник
Дом Кошки и Собаки (КИС)
"Завидово Шу-Шу"
Благотворительную автономную организацию по спасению животных
и лично президента "ЭКО"
Веру Владимировну Петросьян

за бесценную помощь продовольствием и медикаментами
Рубрики:  Друзья КИСа


Зона нашей ответственности: «ЭКО»


Четверг, 06 Декабря 2012 г. 14:42 + в цитатник
Благотворительная автономная некоммерческая организация по спасению животных «ЭКО»,
сайт - http://www.ekohelp.ru/
Рубрики:  Радости Конрада Лоренца
Друзья КИСа


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