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Среда, 28 Июня 2017 г. 20:57 + в цитатник

Loving v. Virginia

Вторник, 28 Мая 2013 г. 23:31 + в цитатник
In the middle of the night, in 1958, in the bedroom of their Virginia home, newlyweds Richard and Mildred Loving, a European-American man and an African-American woman, awakened to blinding flashlights and police. The couple was arrested. The charge: violating the ban on marriage for interracial couples. Although it was just a generation ago, that kind of law existed in Virginia and in many states.

Facing a felony conviction and the possibility of up to five years in prison, the Lovings originally pled guilty. They received a one-year jail sentence -- suspended on the condition that they leave the state and not return together for 25 years. The Lovings appealed their case and, nearly a decade after their arrest, the United States Supreme Court held that "racial hygiene" laws that existed in Virginia and 15 other states unconstitutionally sought to interfere with a person's right to marry the partner of her or his choice.

Pre-Loving, states defended laws against interracial marriage as vital to protect "the natural order of things." Virginia's anti-miscegenation law read: "All marriages between a white person and a colored person shall be absolutely void without any decree of divorce or other legal process."

In 1967, the United States Supreme Court struck down the remaining interracial marriage laws across the country and declared that the "freedom to marry" belongs to all Americans. Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1, 12 (1967). The Court described marriage as one of our "vital personal rights" which is "essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by a free people".



Loving v. Virginia

Вторник, 28 Мая 2013 г. 23:31 + в цитатник
In the middle of the night, in 1958, in the bedroom of their Virginia home, newlyweds Richard and Mildred Loving, a European-American man and an African-American woman, awakened to blinding flashlights and police. The couple was arrested. The charge: violating the ban on marriage for interracial couples. Although it was just a generation ago, that kind of law existed in Virginia and in many states.

Facing a felony conviction and the possibility of up to five years in prison, the Lovings originally pled guilty. They received a one-year jail sentence -- suspended on the condition that they leave the state and not return together for 25 years. The Lovings appealed their case and, nearly a decade after their arrest, the United States Supreme Court held that "racial hygiene" laws that existed in Virginia and 15 other states unconstitutionally sought to interfere with a person's right to marry the partner of her or his choice.

Pre-Loving, states defended laws against interracial marriage as vital to protect "the natural order of things." Virginia's anti-miscegenation law read: "All marriages between a white person and a colored person shall be absolutely void without any decree of divorce or other legal process."

In 1967, the United States Supreme Court struck down the remaining interracial marriage laws across the country and declared that the "freedom to marry" belongs to all Americans. Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1, 12 (1967). The Court described marriage as one of our "vital personal rights" which is "essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by a free people".



Без заголовка

Пятница, 17 Мая 2013 г. 22:08 + в цитатник


Без заголовка

Пятница, 17 Мая 2013 г. 22:08 + в цитатник


"Еврейского жилого района в Варшаве больше не существует"

Суббота, 20 Апреля 2013 г. 15:58 + в цитатник

Вчера было было 70 лет с начала "успешной" операции по "зачистке" варшавского гетто. Сопротивление продолжалось до 7-го мая 1943 года когда немецкая полиция, специальные подразделения SS и украинские добровольцы прорвались в центральный бункер  ZOB (Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa). Согласно донесению командующего операцией Юргена Штроппа в штаб квартиру SS: "Еврейского жилого района в Варшаве больше не существует!".  "Всего было уничтожено 13929 евреев", дополнительно от 5000 до 6000 было уничтожено "посредством взрывов и пожаров". Больше 42000 человек было депортировано в Концлагерь Мажданек. (via Die Welt Kompakt, 19. April)

Вечная память погибшим.



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