Употребление определенного артикля с названиями компаний |
Метки: деловой английский |
Whopper против "воппера", или Не бургером единым жив человек |
На что дама ему отвечает:
- If you like that kinda burger.
Тут нужно сразу же пояснить суть языковой игры.
И особено пояснить для тех проживающих за рубежом русскоговорящих, которым просто и некогда, да и незачем вникать в такие языковые тонкости. Незачем вникать, покуда это не влияет на зарплату, на воможность платить за medical insurance, и делать взносы за знаменитый даже в наших краях американский mortgage. (Это я изложил почти всю мифологию, царящую в наших кругах невыездных русских о жизни в вожделенной Северной Америке)
Возвращаясь к языковой игре: слово whopper в словаре официально переводится типа как "наглая ложь; "бессовестная ложь" и "громадина".
Вот о "громадине" сначала немного подробнее...
Дело в том, что whopper есть с некоторых пор и в русском языке - благодаря распространенной в России сети ресторанов Burger King. (фото из ресторана)
Они там так и называют этот знаменитый, "культовый" гамбургер: "уоппер" или "воппер", прямо русскими буквами. Прижилось видимо, ага.
Этот вуоппер и правда - огромный, я видел. Хотя сам гамбургеры не ем, а предпочитаю селедку с вареной картошечкой, посыпанной укропчиком, например.
Ну так что же, вопер и вопер, почему бы и нет?
Мало ли в русском языке сейчас заимствований из английского? Заимствований зачастую "кривых", некрасивых и небесспорных.
Как вам, например такое: "детейлинг". Если точнее: детейлинг автомобилей. Брррр...
Если вернуться к слову whopper, означающему "наглая ложь", то в том диалоге, получается, босс как бы говорит дамочке, мол, "гонишь ты, сестрёнка, врёшь, заливаешь, да ещё как!" или что-то в этом роде.
А вот дальше... А дальше и начинается, собственно, языковая игра, которую в пространстве русского языка лично я могу передать только в силу своего таланта, знания языка и воображения. А знатоки меня, может и поправят.
Дамочка-магнатша этой своей ответной репликой "If you like that kinda burger" как бы и иронизирует одновременно, и осаживает дядьку-босса. А заодно и показывает свою "нешитость лыком", если вы понимаете, о чём я.
Если выражаться по-умному, то whopper идиоматический превратился в whopper из фастфуда, съедобный такой.
Как красиво, а! В восприятии носителей языка эта языковая игра должна бы, поди просто блестяще смотреться, вкусно так, аппетитно! Эх, как жаль, что я не носитель английского языка... (шутка).
И я просто восхищён работой авторов сценария, ну и восхищён английским языком в целом.
Чисто из спортивного интереса хотелось бы узнать у проживающих в англоязычном контексте местных русскоговорящих читателей, какова была бы реакция настоящих носителей языка на такую языковую игру? Ну, типа если в обиходной ситуации этак зарядить вслух выражение " It's a whopper". И посмотреть, какая будет реакция. Желательно, конечно, чтобы этот носитель был человек образованный, начитанный, ну преподаватель истории или философии из университета, или просто из high scool. Интересоваться этим вопросом у автослесаря или вывозящего мусор водителя не имеет, пожалуй, смысла. При всём уважении к людям рабочих профессий, впрочем.
И напоследок приношу извинения русскоговорящим, проживающим за границей на ПМЖ.
Прошу простить за упоминание пресловутой селедки с вареной картошкой. Да, это было жестоко, да. Знаю из достоверных рассказов, что такой истинно русской еды там, за бугром, русскоговорящим поесть удаётся не то, что нечасто. А просто-таки почти никогда.
А хочется.
Тянет что-то в душе, воспоминаниями гложет...
Ну, что тут сказать, выбор у есть у каждого, кто-то селедочку кушает, а кто-то mortgage выплачивает...
Метки: перевод разговорный английский discuss slang |
Какой перевод корректен? |
Что такое каменное вино? |
CAN you - DO you - Are you - WILL you - WOULD you go? |
Метки: грамматика/пунктуация beginner начальный уровень grammar |
The newest version of my English musicology guide is ready to be downloaded |
This is very long and complex reference guide about English music that is designed to be used with keyword searches. This makes it easier to explore.
My writing is specifically designed for English learners. It also includes a lot of information about learning English, movies, television series and other things. It's mainly intended for people who have already reached an intermediate level of English reading skill. However, even a person with very basic English reading skills could find many interesting things if they use internet translation tools to view and analyze my writing.
It's basically a mixture of reading practice and listening practice, plus some analysis and recommendations about how to use English in your life (so that your English skills will improve from practicing) and also cultural studies.
Here's a link to download the newest version of the file:
Here's a list of some of the improvements that have been made since the previous version:
be going to [=be gonna] это НЕ собираться |
Метки: грамматика/пунктуация beginner начальный уровень grammar |
The newest version of my English musicology guide is ready to be downloaded |
This is very long and complex reference guide about English music that is designed to be used with keyword searches. This makes it easier to explore.
My writing is specifically designed for English learners. It also includes a lot of information about learning English, movies, television series and other things. It's mainly intended for people who have already reached an intermediate level of English reading skill. However, even a person with very basic English reading skills could find many interesting things if they use internet translation tools to view and analyze my writing.
It's basically a mixture of reading practice and listening practice, plus some analysis and recommendations about how to use English in your life (so that your English skills will improve from practicing) and also cultural studies.
Here's a link to download the newest version of the file:
Here's a list of some of the improvements that have been made since the previous version:
The newest version of my English musicology guide is ready to be downloaded |
This is very long and complex reference guide about English music that is designed to be used with keyword searches. This makes it easier to explore.
My writing is specifically designed for English learners. It also includes a lot of information about learning English, movies, television series and other things. It's mainly intended for people who have already reached an intermediate level of English reading skill. However, even a person with very basic English reading skills could find many interesting things if they use internet translation tools to view and analyze my writing.
It's basically a mixture of reading practice and listening practice, plus some analysis and recommendations about how to use English in your life (so that your English skills will improve from practicing) and also cultural studies.
Here's a link to download the newest version of the file:
Here's a list of some of the improvements that have been made since the previous version:
living |
The newest version of my English musicology guide is ready to be downloaded |
Here's a link to download the newest version of the file:
Here's a small text file that has some details about some of the improvements that have been made since the previous version:
This is very long and complex reference guide about English music that is designed to be used with keyword searches. This makes it easier to explore.
My writing is specifically designed for English learners. It also includes a lot of information about learning English, movies, television series and other things. It's mainly intended for people who have already reached an intermediate level of English reading skill. However, even a person with very basic English reading skills could find many interesting things if they use internet translation tools to view and analyze my writing.
It's basically a mixture of reading practice and listening practice, plus some analysis and recommendations about how to use English in your life (so that your English skills will improve from practicing) and also cultural studies.
The newest version of my English musicology guide is ready to be downloaded |
Here's a small text file that has some information about some of the changes that have been made since the previous version:
This is very long and complex reference guide about English music that is designed to be used with keyword searches. This makes it easier to explore.
My writing is specifically designed for English learners. It also includes a lot of information about learning English, movies, television series and other things. It's mainly intended for people who have already reached an intermediate level of English reading skill. However, even a person with very basic English reading skills could find many interesting things if they use internet translation tools to view and analyze my writing.
It's basically a mixture of reading practice and listening practice, plus some analysis and recommendations about how to use English in your life (so that your English skills will improve from practicing) and also cultural studies.
The Story of the Learned Pig |
The newest version of my English musicology guide is ready to be downloaded |
Here's a link to download the newest version of the file:
Here's a small text file that has some information about some of the changes that have been made since the previous version:
This is very long and complex reference guide about English music that is designed to be used with keyword searches. This makes it easier to explore.
My writing is specifically designed for English learners. It also includes a lot of information about learning English, movies, television series and other things. It's mainly intended for people who have already reached an intermediate level of English reading skill. However, even a person with very basic English reading skills could find many interesting things if they use internet translation tools to view and analyze my writing.
It's basically a mixture of reading practice and listening practice, plus some analysis and recommendations about how to use English in your life (so that your English skills will improve from practicing) and also cultural studies.
The newest version of my English musicology guide is ready for download |
Here's a link to download the newest version of the file:
Here's a small text file that has some information about some of the changes that have been made since the previous version:
This is very long and complex reference guide about English music that is designed to be used with keyword searches. This makes it easier to explore.
My writing is specifically designed for English learners. It also includes a lot of information about learning English, movies, television series and other things. It's mainly intended for people who have already reached an intermediate level of English reading skill. However, even a person with very basic English reading skills could find many interesting things if they use internet translation tools to view and analyze my writing.
It's basically a mixture of reading practice and listening practice, plus some analysis and recommendations about how to use English in your life (so that your English skills will improve from practicing) and also cultural studies.
Употребление артикля. |
загадки по физике на английском |
The newest version of my English musicology guide is ready to be downloaded |
Here's a link to the new version:
Here's a small text file that includes some details about the changes that have been made since the previous version:
Basic-Intermediate: типичные ошибки и что выдает русского собеседника на раз |
Метки: video american/canadian english работа над ошибками разговорный английский |
The newest version of my Western Musicology guide is ready for download |
This is very long and complex reference guide about English music that is designed to be used with keyword searches. This makes it easier to explore.
My writing is specifically designed for English learners. It also includes a lot of information about learning English, movies, television series and other things. It's mainly intended for people who have already reached an intermediate level of English reading skill. But even a person with very basic English reading skills could find many interesting things if they use internet translation tools to view and analyze my writing.
It's basically a mixture of reading practice and listening practice, plus some analysis and recommendations about how to use English in your life (so that your English skills will improve from practicing) and cultural studies.
Here's a link to the new file:
Here's a list of some of the changes since the previous version:
Additional note: I deleted all of my previous journal entries in this Livejournal community because they weren't serving any practical purpose anymore.
If it was - If it were - If it had been. разница |
Метки: грамматика/пунктуация средний уровень grammar test |
тест. Если бы ваша жизнь была книгой, каким было бы название? |
Метки: грамматика/пунктуация упражнения test |
The newest version of my Western musicology guide is ready for download |
I've made several hundred small improvements since the previous version.
Here's the new download link:
Here's a small text file that lists some of the changes since the previous version:
The newest version of my Western musicology guide is ready for download |
This is very long and complex reference guide about English music that is designed to be used with keyword searches. This makes it easier to explore.
My writing is specifically designed for English learners. It also includes a lot of information about learning English, movies, television series and other things. It's mainly intended for people who have already reached and intermediate level of English reading skill. But even a person with very basic English reading skills could find many interesting things if they use internet translation tools to view and analyze my writing.
It's basically a mixture of reading practice and listening practice, plus some analysis and recommendations about how to use English in your life (so that your English skills will improve from practicing) and cultural studies.
Here's the new download link:
Here's a small text file that details some of the changes in this version:
Additional note: I deleted all of my previous journal entries in this Livejournal community because they weren't serving any practical purpose anymore. They were just causing clutter and were distracting from the other entries that would be more useful to the members here.
at/on ... metro station |
Добрый день! Подскажите, допустим ли вариант 'on' в предложениях типа «It's located on Mayakovskaya metro station». В интернете нахожу только at...может не так смотрю?
Метки: grammar |
The newest version of my English musicology guide is ready |
Here's the new download link:
Here's a list that details some of the improvements since the previous version:
My writing is mostly about finding music or listening to music, but it also has a lot of other content that is related to learning and practicing English. It's VERY long though. I don't expect anyone to read all of it.
It's a reference guide that is specifically designed for English learners.
Без заголовка |
Метки: vocabulary listening |
Study English with Mathilda and Leon |
Метки: video listening самостоятельное изучение |
Рассказы об английском языке |
Метки: links самостоятельное изучение |