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So there i was, buck naked in the middle of Canada.

Суббота, 20 Января 2007 г. 05:25 + в цитатник
haha fooled ya :-P. I am actually having a better day than i thought i would. School wasn't so much hell as i thought it would be. It was nutty though. I managed to do an entire 10 page lab and calculations in under 3 hours and study for a huge midterm as well as finish more homework after that. I decided that i needed a day off :) so tonight is the night :). Everyone that reads this LJ should read my other one that my school friends made me get. I update that one about the same as this one. go to http://www.livejournal.com/~aerodyne777 Anyway just wanna say hi pam, i luv ya soo much (don't worry as a friend hehe) Hey chelsea, I love you babe :) I want you both to know i will stick by both of ur sides forever no matter how long we don't talk cause ur like 2 of my most favorites :). Anyway i gotta go. ttyl night night have a nice day



So there i was, buck naked in the middle of Canada.

Вторник, 15 Мая 2001 г. 10:30 + в цитатник
haha fooled ya :-P. I am actually having a better day than i thought i would. School wasn't so much hell as i thought it would be. It was nutty though. I managed to do an entire 10 page lab and calculations in under 3 hours and study for a huge midterm as well as finish more homework after that. I decided that i needed a day off :) so tonight is the night :). Everyone that reads this LJ should read my other one that my school friends made me get. I update that one about the same as this one. go to http://www.livejournal.com/~aerodyne777 Anyway just wanna say hi pam, i luv ya soo much (don't worry as a friend hehe) Hey chelsea, I love you babe :) I want you both to know i will stick by both of ur sides forever no matter how long we don't talk cause ur like 2 of my most favorites :). Anyway i gotta go. ttyl night night have a nice day



Word Up!!!

Четверг, 29 Марта 2001 г. 10:14 + в цитатник
So today was fun. Some Friends and I went to dinner at a restraunt called cactus. that was a really nice restraunt. My pally wally Tina didn't call me but o well i will just call her tomorrow and yell at her (as if i would ever yell at her lol). No wonder she thinks im the nicest guy in the world hehe. Ahh i would never yell at anyone :) that is unless they yell at me :( O well i hope pam is doing well. I Love you so much you don't even know :) and chelsea i hope you are doing well too luv you too babe. *HUGS AND KISSES FOR BOTH OF YOU* Pam i hope you don't think less of me for liking you so much hehe. Anyway not too much going on here. survived yet another day, no earthquakes, lyndsey is frustrated (she is another one i like a lot hehe but she doesn't have live journal so no point in saying it hehe) i feel bad for her sometimes. Somepeople just don't understand her. She is really sweet and one of the most loveable girls i know (just like pam chelsea and tina hehe). Well i hope to god she is ok cause i do love her too and i want her to smile cause she is so pretty when she smiles :) Anyway watching a movie so ttyl


Gotta Go to Work

Среда, 28 Марта 2001 г. 04:06 + в цитатник
So school seems like its actually going to be fun this quarter lol. Lotta of reading though >:( o well its cool. so My pammy wammy seems in a better mood today :) im so happy cause i like her a lotttttttt hehe. Ok im nuts lol!!! WEll i gotta work and i heard its going to be hell. OH NO :( O well maybe they will put me in the boring part of the store so i can sleep lol. I love sleeping on the job hehe...anyway more lates



Вторник, 27 Марта 2001 г. 03:22 + в цитатник
I hope pam doesn't mind me using her picture of a chihuahua :) i think its soo cool so i put it on here hehe


long day!!!

Вторник, 27 Марта 2001 г. 03:15 + в цитатник
So classes were fun today (NOT) lol. All i did was sit and write, i have a huge blue dot on my hand where the blue ink smeared after hours of hard work lol. On a good note though i have no homework YAY!!! So Pammy Wammy is sad and i feel so bad for her :( she is like the sweetest person and i can't help but love her lots :o) I just hope that guy she liked lots stops being dumb cause he doesn't know what he has in her. Anyway pam im writing on here again just for you. :) O and HI chelsea luv ya hehe. More later ttfn.


Без заголовка

Суббота, 17 Марта 2001 г. 10:44 + в цитатник
Well, its been awhile again. whats with me haha? I worked today, All day, but on the bright side i got to go to the airport this morning and see cool big airplanes :) I work tomorrow again too so i get double the foot pain haha. J/P Pamela my newest friend, has gotta be the kewlest girl i know :) she isn't a bitch like she says hehe. Shh didn't hear that from me o:)<--thats an angel hehe. Anyway mom called me twice while at work...its funny how if someones cell phone goes off no one cares but when mine does everyone looks at me as if im dumb lol. I also had a quad venti white chocolate mocha today. I ordered a triple but they put one extra shot in there for me haha. IM good haha. You order three shots and they don't wanna waist the 4th shot so they just add it haha. I was wired off my butt because of it. It effect is finally starting to wear off :) I gotta do laundry so i will write later :)


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Вторник, 12 Декабря 2000 г. 11:13 + в цитатник
You know its been a long time since i have used this. Many things have happened in the course of the summer. I met an angel on ICQ and met her in person on september 29th...i fell for her right then. Becky was a great girl. Then suddenly november 4th i lost her because of something that i think i did. Tomorrow heather is making me call her so pray to god that things will work out. I am kinda scared. I have a final then i have to call her. I never knew how much i really cared about her.

I remember all the fun conversations she and i shared over the summer. She kept me company as i studied away the wee night hours and i tried to help her through her boy problems. She always had some cute story to tell which always relaxed me enough to know i was going to be ok, even when my first summer roommate was hell. My friends conned me in to asking her on a date and would you believe she said yes. I was so excited because i knew in my heart that she was going to be beautiful...yet i was scared. What if she didn't like me.

I took her to the san juans and whale watching. that was a blast. then we missed out ferry and just cuddled on a hill top over looking friday harbor. We went to go see the movie almost famous then i took her home. I will never forget the feelings that went through me when i saw her come to the door that morning. I was amazed at how incredibly beautiful she was, and how sweet hear smile was, and how perfect she looked. I felt as if i knew this girl my whole life yet i only knew her in person for 10 seconds. I gave her a teddy bear and some flowers and even a friendship bracelet that took a week to make because of how busy i was.

I wasn't too intimidated by her yet i was just enough to be bashful. I got home after our first date at 3 am and had to be up that morning at 5:45 so i could get down town and go to a meeting at work. I didn't mind being tired because i was so excited to tell everyone how much fun i had. Things promptly went down hill though. Becky told me she liked me yet i still lost her. School was getting rough and work was also and the stress began to pour on heavier each day.

Due to the stress 3 things happened...i first began to depress because i couldn't do as much as i wanted and everything was demanding more hours per week than there were. I then proceeded to get clingy toward becky...i really don't know why that happened to me...i think i just felt my depression was pushing her off so i felt i had to hold on and not let her go. Finally i got pissy, which put me in the bag i bet and that would most likely be the set of reasons becky no longer wants communication between her and i. I have tried many times to get her back yet all have failed...tomorrow though hopefully when she hears my voice things will spark and the chain reaction will come push us back to being friends atleast.

I miss her dearly and each day that goes by my missing her gets stronger. My one christmas wish for this year the only one i want more than anything, is to have becky be my friend and talk to me again. My new years resolution for this coming year the year 2001 is to work on not being so clingy and to stop letting school work and other stresses get me down as well as to work on things between becky and i so that she and i may remain friends. and God if you read this, please know, I do care about becky and i don't wanna hurt her and i mean it when i say Im sorry i took the gift you gave me(Beckys friendship) for granted, Please God help her and I find one another again. Well its 12:12 and i have a final in less than 8.5 hours so i must be off to bed.

ttfn tah tah for now.


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Среда, 07 Июня 2000 г. 19:36 + в цитатник
ok well i completely forgot that i had live journal but chris reminded me today ;). Well anyways finals are going well and that is all you need to know right now.


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Четверг, 01 Июня 2000 г. 23:02 + в цитатник
well so far today astronomy taught me how we are all going to die...lets just say ummmm yikes. hehe. Anyway im doing some hard ass engineering problems which are posing a threat to my well being in every way. I found out last night that I may have a date with corinne's sister...hehe...shes cute :) well more later


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Четверг, 01 Июня 2000 г. 02:22 + в цитатник
ok it was really hard to get up this morning...as it is many mornings. On the bright side though the pretty blonde girl in my math class named katrina talked to me today so that made waking up lots better. Engineering was well lets say my prof cannot understand how to work the over head. I am kinda scared to be an engineer now cause i don't want to forget how to use simple things ;) Anyway, boring day so far, maybe it will get better


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Среда, 31 Мая 2000 г. 08:47 + в цитатник
well, i just realized today that this weekend was probably one of the best weekends i have had in a while. I got my Blazer back after being repair from the breakin that i had a week ago. I hung out with my closest friends all weekend and even got a chance to hang out with my dad this weekend. Yesterday we took a boat to lunch and then had dinner at a friends house. I got stuck downtown so i had to take a cab which was lots of fun. I enjoyed this weekend a lot.


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