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: 09.10.2009
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, 23 2018 . 08:54 +
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, 13 2015 . 07:12 +
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Yuko Nakata

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Sunga Park

, 04 2015 . 11:19 +
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Sunga Park

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, 04 2015 . 11:16 +
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, 27 2015 . 21:57 +
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Barbara Fox. + .

, 25 2015 . 10:18 +
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Barbara Fox. + .


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: Barbara Fox

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. Ceramic panels in the architecture of St. Petersburg.

, 23 2015 . 20:50 +
lj_art_nouveau [ + !]

. Ceramic panels in the architecture of St. Petersburg.

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Three houses with ceramic decoration

15 , 70 , : .
1910-11 . .. . , , . . : , , . , .

House for 15 line of Vasilievsky Island, 70 is not too notable for its architectural design, but it is decorated with panels depicting the colors of sunflowers and poppies.
The house was built in 1910-11 by the architect Eremeyev years. Majolica panels and finishing green tiles made in the workshop of PK Vaulina. Pyotr Kuzmich Vaulin began working in the Abramtsevo workshops, he collaborated with Vrubel, Serov and Korovin. Later, he created his own production together with Geldveynom in Kikerino near St. Petersburg. Vaulin performed large orders in Moscow, Yaroslavl Station, Tretyakov Gallery, Metropol Hotel. And then in St. Petersburg, the biggest was an order to produce tiles for the mosque.

, 1905-1907 "" , 35. .. .. . , , - , - . . . - " ", . , , . .

Profitable House of the Insurance Company "Russia", 1905-1907 years. Architects VV Ilyashev and AA Gimpel. The building is beautifully tiled with granite, as it was popular during the Art Nouveau, at the bottom - a rough machining, above - smoother. The stone is different in color. Majolica panels on the topic "Russian North", made from sketches by Nicholas Roerich. Unfortunately, they did not all come down to us. They were partially lost during the siege. Panels were originally made in the workshop of Peter Vaulina.
Bolshaya Morskaya Street, 35

21 .

Original panels have survived the second and third floor above the windows.

- . 1904 -1905 , 28. . , , , , . .

House Leuchtenberg - the first major building architect Theodore von Postels and is one of the most original works of the St. Petersburg Art Nouveau. The house was built in 1904 -1905 years of Bolshaya Zelenina, 28. On its facade originally joined mosaic panels between glass lanterns art studio upstairs and sculptural decoration of the lower floors.

1905 .. .. . , . , , , .
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Monumental mosaic frieze created in 1905 on the sketches of the workshop VA Frolov. Smalt panels do not have a frame, they are simply fill all the space between the windows. Topics for panels steel industrial landscape, typical of this part of the Petrograd side, sailboats at the dock, sea and landscape with arable land.

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Very stylised organic forms : water, fishes, foam.

. Portal with two figures of girls. Sculpture is more similar to the French Art Nouveau.

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