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Читатель сообществ (Всего в списке: 2) ФАБРИКА_ЗВЁЗД_7 Все_в_дозор


Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 14.01.2006
Написано: 293

''I wanna sit on that window sill & when the wind blows, I want to feel that chill. I wanna look down that long road & off of my <3 I wanna feel the sadness unload...'' Lena. L.<3 Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us


Понедельник, 23 Апреля 2007 г. 10:36 + в цитатник
Liviu Lebrescu Is My Hero (Virginia Tech)

As Jews worldwide honored on Monday the memory of those who were murdered in the Holocaust, a 76-year-old survivor sacrificed his life to save his students in Monday's shooting at Virginia Tech College that left 32 dead and over two dozen wounded.

Professor Liviu Librescu, 76, threw himself in front of the shooter, who had attempted to enter his classroom. The Israeli mechanics and engineering lecturer was shot to death, but all the students lived - because of him.

Liviu Librescu was killed as he blocked his classroom door to keep the gunman out as students escaped out the window.

"When he heard the gunfire, he blocked the entrance and got shot through the door," his daughter-in-law Ayala Schmulevich said.

"He realized he had to save the students," she said. "That was the kind of man he was."

The hero educator was beginning a class on solid mechanics when all hell broke loose on the second floor of Norris Hall.

"It wasn't like an automatic weapon, but it was a steady 'pow,' 'pow,' 'pow,' 'pow,'" student Richard Mallalieu, 23, told The Washington Post. "We didn't know what to do at first."

The students in the class dropped to the floor and started overturning desks to hide behind as about a dozen shots rang out, he said.

Then the gunfire started coming closer. Librescu, 77, fearlessly braced himself against the door, holding it shut against the gunman in the hall, while students darted to the windows of the second-floor classroom to escape the slaughter, survivors said.

Mallalieu and most of his classmates hung out of the windows and dropped about 10 feet to bushes and grass below - but Librescu stayed behind to hold off the crazed gunman.

Alec Calhoun, 20, said the last thing he saw before he jumped from the window was Librescu, blocking the door against the madman in the hallway.

He died trying to protect the students.

Librescu taught aerospace and ocean engineering but focused much of his time on research.

He leaves a wife and two sons. His family is planning to bury him in Israel.

Professor Librescu and his wife, immigrated to Israel from Romania in 1978 and then moved to Virginia in 1985 for his sabbatical, but had stayed since then.

Thanks to his heroic effort almost the whole class has survived.

Please spread the word, among your friends, about this great man.
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new emotions, different thoughts...

Воскресенье, 08 Апреля 2007 г. 20:03 + в цитатник
Don't know why I've been feeling like this lately...
Sometimes I just get pissed off that I don't have anyone who's always by my side AND ON my side. Not that I can't stand up for myself, but sometimes a lil extra someone doesn't hurt, would actually be kinda nice.
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Четверг, 15 Февраля 2007 г. 10:10 + в цитатник
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omg I keep seeing that kotik v tramvaichike, its like people are talking to me about something serious & all that's running thro my mind is the lil black cat that takes public transportation, & walks on two FEET, for God knows what reason.
My mom's like what do you think of the movie?...Im like its scary, the kotik
is following me lmao. I'm sober, I swear.
About to watch the 2nd part haha..
But I consider it normal, to be disturbed by an overgrown cat/demon. No?
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find yourself.

Воскресенье, 04 Февраля 2007 г. 11:00 + в цитатник
 (427x147, 18Kb)
Feeling like this really sucks, especially when you've never felt like this before. & just before writing this, I read her blog, & it basically summarized what I was about to write here. It didn't make me think ''aww we think alike'', it actually made me pretty mad. Don't like when I am somebody reminds me of myself, or when I remind myself of someone, ironically recently I did the opposite of what was just written.

expect the worst & hope for the best.

Суббота, 20 Января 2007 г. 09:09 + в цитатник
Unbreakable (50x50, 1Kb)
This is what happens when you try to get back @ people. Everything turns against you & hits you in the face, when you least expect it. Though I know I got through tougher shit, in comparison, this is N0THING.
I always know things in the back of my mind, always, but I never let them actually get through to me, so I spend months & months lying- to myself. I know right off the bat, who wants what, & why. Honestly, right now I'm not sure of anything, w.e. happens- happens- oh well. I know I got a long life ahead of me, so I know it ain't the last time. So I'll make sure to be ready next time...

read this:

Понедельник, 15 Января 2007 г. 08:15 + в цитатник
I got my 1st call back!!! wow, out of the 20 others 1s I sent lol, just like my modeling teacher told me it would be
these are the pix that I sent them:
& guys who actually knew that my dance school from 100 years ago had a website & was like worldwide lol I just thought it was a russian school then I lo0ked @ the award thingy & it said United Kingdom Alliance, so I searched lol
I still think the jugdes were like homophobic we would have gotten 1st place if my partner wasnt a girl, hey not my fault guys dont join...but yeah I kinda included that in my resume thing but the callback from the hip hop audition still didn't call back'' lol lets hope they do hehe *exited*

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I know its not thanksgiving..

Четверг, 28 Декабря 2006 г. 07:19 + в цитатник
but I am thankfull for
having the best mom in the world...
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did you guys notice I use ''...'' a lot? lol :/

Пятница, 08 Декабря 2006 г. 11:12 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - some gypsy music LOL
Настроение сейчас - fckd uppp

ahhh wtf its 3am & ever sinse I woke up, exaclty an hour ago & I can't fall asleep...maybe it's the medication, I don't even know anymore.
I went to my doctor today- he said I can go to school tommorrow, he also told me not to od on the drugs lol...I'm trying not to.
...still I don't understand, I wake up in the middle of the night, my head hurts like crazy, no one interesting is on to talk to... so I'm just sitting here drinking cups of tea one after the other :/
...still don't know if I'm gonna go through w. my plan. on Sat.
b.c. the fact that I'm 5o% proud & 50% stubborn just makes me think nahh, but then again...thanks to Toliy who got me all confused, 1st he's like you do it- ''I'll take out my bat, don't temp me...okay allright tempt me & see what happens pal...'' (LMAO!)
& s0 the next day which was yesterday he's like ''do it!'', I'm like if I do it I'll feel like shit, he's like ''you'll feel like crap if you don't''...allright he made his point.
besides all that going on... I gotta start my research paper some time this weekend, even though its due after XMas break, we all know I luv to procrastinate.
& lately I've been running into ppl I know online...tell me how this kid who Asya used to like from JCH knows my bf? mdaa hate the stupid russian circle!...I think he thinks I must be crazy though, I rem. I made up a random nick name for him- ''sky'' so everytime I'd go yelling around omg SKY! omg the sky IS BLUE! Asyas like I'll kill you. lol
ugh 1 thing I actually AM kinda happy bout is my mom, we talked & it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...
like I don't understand Anna's like ignore it, I can't ingore someone I live in the same house w. esp. if it's my mom...kinda hard to do, besides it's much more easier to just make up w. her.

what I'm NOT happy bout it the fact that no matter how much I excerise I'm not lo0sing much weight, & I don't even eat that much, seriously it's so weird.
I've been bellydancing to like gypsy music & stuff lmao, which reminds me of ...
NO. lol
reminds me of- the times me & Alya to0k belly dance...haha we came in we didn't know SHiT...& then she's like I think we're getting better...but no0o0 I HAD 2 quit that to0.
ahh somehow when I write all my shit here I feel a lil better...
its so cold in my ro0m

Без заголовка

Четверг, 30 Ноября 2006 г. 13:21 + в цитатник
In a dark room full of fears
With you & I full of sensless words
Only now I understand your question- was more than it appeared
You wished to go without causing me pain...
But that was impossible, your answer was vain- to my questions too hard to explain...now.
You lied to keep me away from further gettin hurt,
But I denied everything, when hate into love I tried to convert.

just some things . . .

Четверг, 16 Ноября 2006 г. 02:42 + в цитатник
I finally got myself un-confused, I guess with a little help but still.
I was just listenin to Dr.Rowes analyzing ''Macbeth'' & how towards the end Lady Macbeth completely looses her mind.
She made a connection between how both- Macbeth & Lady Macbeth are cold hearted & cannot feel any sympathy for anything & anyone to an example in real like when you're out on a date with someone & you really had fun with that person & then he/she disappears & never calls again...
So the other person starts to wonder if everything was so perfect- what went wrong? While the other person doesn't make any conntact with you simply because he had bad experinces with dating before you even came in the picture...so they shut down for everyone, & those kinda people are very hard to get them to open up to you, most of the time you can't.

& that day I realized that that was the case in my PAST.
One thing I know is that what you don't know can't hurt you.
& how do you tell someone the complete truth if you KNOW they'll take it the wrong way.

There's only one person I love in this world, & I think he knows who he is.
But despite that I don't think love should get in the way of friends, & other stuff. I mean we all have our own ''circles'' of people who we talk to & even if I do with all honesty tell the complete truth that person will get mad without even thinking about me, will go ahead & start doing stupid things that will ruin everything for the both of us, & who will be happy then? NO ONE.

play on words....(old) =)

Четверг, 09 Ноября 2006 г. 08:52 + в цитатник
It's just a play on words
Like the rocks thrown in the water,
In those crystal eyes I see
I see all the things of what love just couldn't be-
It wouldn't be for it ceases to exist
My sincere heart shattered into tiny bits & pieces
Each one reflecting how I saw you
With raging waters, & broad midnight skies
I felt it was right to stay with you until the sun will rise...
Life is like a stage
May silence speak too much
While the actors' heart is filled with rage
Some, full of compassion-
Molding someone else's fate
For all to be given in return-
Is to hate.

L.L.<3 '06

I dont care what yall say...

Вторник, 07 Ноября 2006 г. 03:42 + в цитатник
Im just cheating myself, like this.

another poem L.L.<3

Воскресенье, 28 Мая 2006 г. 10:38 + в цитатник
''A Tear Could Be.''

I like the sound of silent music
The feel of non existing love
I like to hear the silent laughter
The skies with morning stars above
I love illusions & it's dreams
I cannot love.
Beacause for me too plain it seems
I like the water, when it's clear
For when it is too dark
It sheds a tear
Not visible to you- but me,
The only one a tear could be.
L.L.<3 '06

My Poetry L.L.<3

Воскресенье, 28 Мая 2006 г. 10:37 + в цитатник
''Play On Words.''

It's just a play on words
Like the rocks thrown in the water,
In those crystal eyes I see
I see all the things of what love just couldn't be-
It wouldn't be for it ceases to exist
My sincere heart shattered into tiny bits & pieces
Each one reflecting how I saw you
With raging waters, & broad midnight skies
I felt it was right to stay with you until the sun will rise...
Life is like a stage
May silence speak too much
While the actors' heart is filled with rage
Some, full of compassion-
Molding someone else's fate
For all to be given in return-
Is to hate.

L.L.<3 '06

''Thoughts'' by L.L.<3

Четверг, 18 Мая 2006 г. 10:10 + в цитатник

You're a vivid illusion inside of my heart
Something I tried to change, but we were too far apart
You know, after you, I'd die to feel again
Just one more time, just a little bit...
You'll never see me cry
Only in the April rain, when I whisper goodbye
I want...
Life- beginning with a capital letter
I have to walk away, doesn't matter what it takes me,
It's for the better
Barefoot over broken glass
I'd rather drown in my own tears but I have to get out
Until midnight I'd act, see you through someone else's eyes
It isn't me, I don't believe those twisted lies
I love...
Your heart stays cold despite my never ending tries
I cry...
Because there's nothing else real except those fiery eyes
I'd rather everything mean nothing, than something,
I'd rather loose all hope, not hear the savage laughter of my mind
My heart is shattered-
From everything so hard to leave behind
But from second to hour it's harder to let go
I thought I had everything figured out, I thought I had the key
But I never was & never will be what you needed me to be
Somehow I still have that desire, to find a way for you...
It's like every time I wake up you- my tears, remind me of the morning dew.

our fun, fun times!

Пятница, 12 Мая 2006 г. 06:54 + в цитатник
Written By Asya(Pot), Editted & Illustrated by Lenok(fruity)

*In this exiting play you will learn all about the dramatic lives of the characters, such as...Lena- the lovely, bubbly blonde, but oh...she always gets what she wants- SHE WINS! Asya- Finally finding her true love, or lover, Kitty- the girl who is dating two guys at the same time, both Andreis btw, Andrei- who apparently doesn't keep a checklist of the girls he makes out with, (Andrei Jr.- still has time to act in a play), Timur- who is way off track & needs a life ASAP, Vlad- The guy in love with Lena, Sergey- who is desprate for a girl, that's all there is to it, Artem- fun guy, notices unusual stuff easily, Kostya- the talented & skillfull liar, the stage is missing a very good actor!, Ejik- Kostya's ''friend'' who is aware of Kostya's evil deeds, Alya- the girl who finally, too, gets what she deserves, as do Natana,& the N girl*

*Asya narrates ...*

Lena: Okay Asya- I get the pink wedding dress, pink, pink, PINK!

Asya: Yes & we are Andrei's two of four wives, & Andrei is coming to Passage, which is also The Muslim Youth Center (well...according to Lena) therefore he's allowed to have as many wives as he wishes. (Asya starts bitching)

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Lena: yo we should chill here all da time yo ..

*Andrei is punching walls*

Asya: Oh look! *Kostya runs in with the sniper* (& he be like . . .

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Kostya: Get down bitches, I'm the Pope!

Lena: Yo bitches get down, he's the pope!

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Asya: Lena...that's not your line, for the last time!

Lena: *pshh*

*Timur jumps through the window with 2 girls in bikinis, with Vlad & Natana . . . *

*Who is jumped by Lena & Asya*

Lena & Asya: yo we will RIP YOUR HAIR OUT!

Asya: It's not his baby bitch! He's not the daddy!

Lena: Yes! lies I tell you, LIES!!!

*Natana lies on the ground- ''a little'' messed up.*

Vlad: OMG, she has a fake nose! *he screams*

*Lena stands there, using her favorite line . . . *

Lena: HA!, I win!

*Vlad falls in front of Lena*

Vlad: prosti menya! (will you every find it in your <3 to forgive me?)

Sergey: NO, she's mines!

Lena: Sergey, how many times must I tell you, it is mine, mine & mine, no S, you're so illiterate!

Asya: *Just that minute Kostya takes out his gun...*

Kostya: Leave the girl alone, & take 3 steps back!

*Sergey & Vlad move*

Lena: Oh God, now I must choose, they're all drills, how shall I make my pick? Let's see, the NYPD, or the Mafia, NYPD, Mafia . . .

Alya: Come on Lena, tick tock, make that brain function you can do it, yes you can!, (trenerui mozgi!)

Lena: Okay! I think...in my opinion, well....from my point of view...

Asya: Lena this is not a difficult choice, do not worry we will both fed ex you the icecream!

Lena: Yes, yes okay, (because last time my icecream wasn't fedexed to me)...

*Kostya!!! Lena screams, they run in slow motion & hug*

*Everyone awws*

Asya:*Kostya throws the gun away, hitting the N girl across the head*

Asya: ''Let's go to our grandma's house'', Kostya says.

Asya:*& they leave on their honeymoon- k babushke*

*Lena turns back*

Lena: Did she pass out, is she dead, huh, huh, huh?

Asya: Oh, she's just a little knocked out.

*Ejik comes in screaming...*

Ejik: Why are you running away with that psychotic bitch?!?

Asya:*But Alya grabs the gun & says ''Leave them alone, i bros' svoyu suku!'' (& dump your gf!)*

*Ejik obeys...& they leave, (no one knows where)...*

*Asya is left in the room with Timur, 2 bikini girls, Sergey, & Andrei...*

*Asya is looking around- confused*

*Timur is telling the 2 bikini girls about the hardships of life & having kids*

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Asya: Oh, lies, lies, I tell you...LIES! (pauses)
Asya: Oh Jesus, God, now I sound like Lena!

*Just then Andrei cracks his pothead against the wall...& it cracks & tells Sergey...*

Andrei: See this? That will happen to you... let her go.

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Asya: Oh Andrei, I've always known you loved me...

*Just then Kitty runs in with a baby in her hand!*

Kitty: No, you'll never have him!

Kitty: Andrei, take Andrei Jr. He's yours, I'm sorry...

Asya: I thought you never had sex with her!

Asya: Bitch!

*Asya whacks Andrei across the head.*

*Artem flies in through the doors...*

*Too bad Lena's missing all the REAL action...ehm*

Artem: Asya, come, I'll take you away!

*Artem throws Asya over his shoulder*

Artem: & now you shall see that it really is 7 inches long and 3 fingers in diameter!

*Artem runs away with Asya, while Sergey is left trying to get with one of the bikini girls...*

*& Andrei is holding Andrei Jr.- looking at him @ him very funny, pst- cuz it's not even his, but shh...*


whoa this is weird...Im finally inspired lol as always @ not a very good time...

Вторник, 18 Апреля 2006 г. 11:56 + в цитатник
okay another poem...not really 4 Asya but w.e. its 4 me lol...here it goes this1s more serious...

''Love or no love, that's not the point...
I was understanding, & I trusted more than you ever knew; it was for you-
I was honest, & I was real,
I was true, & your <3 was the <3 that I tried to heal...
Just to waste my time & find out that neither of us can really feel...
There's no one to blame, but why say your hearts on fire if you can't feel the flame?
There comes an end to everything in life, to every lie, to everything fake, to the opportunities to show our love that we don't take.''

~ L . L . ~

now that that's done & ovr w. tom. Im movin on & Im bck in the game as Asya puts it lol, Im goin on a double ( blind ) date w. her 2 the movies & thn the beach hmm shld be interestin... ;) LOL (& no stupid shit!!!...again lol noooooooooooooooooo)
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Asya this is so 4 you my pot of gold....golden weed<3 hahaha

Вторник, 18 Апреля 2006 г. 11:46 + в цитатник
''Cuz Lena's got her pot of gold always by her side,
Whenever Lena slips up, or gets mad, Asya's down for the ride.
All the guilt trips. regrets, & upsets,
Asya started smoking cigarettes.
Lena broke her ankle dancing to ''Thriller''
& Asya came running with the pain killers.
When Lena runs away from home, Asya's the first person on Lena's phone.
When Lena hears rumors
Asya's got the facts
Sometimes for Lena's sake Asya has to control how Lena acts.
When Lena calls for backup, Asya's got 10...
Asya, please make sure his name isn't Dima or Ken.
Asya has to break up with Lena's boyfriends, otherwise she knows with her dear Lena the same story never ends.
Lena keeps making the same stupid mistakes-
But Asya will do whatever it takes to heal Lena's heart from the heartbreaks
When Lena starts liking her bfs best friend, Asya says that a big no no
Lena, with you...does it EVER end? =]
Lena & Asya break bottles on Brighton, burn paper at home,
That's why right now they can't come to the phone...
Lena uses Asya's tactics to get the guy
& when she does, he's 1 fake lie, so Asya says
Lena dump his ass, just don't fckn cry! =)
When Lena's nervous, Asya's always there with her ideas & service...
Lena, say hi, what's up? He'll say nothing much you?
Okay, bye...good luck!
When Lena was sure she couldn't get hurt,
Asya warned her, don't get emotionally involved, don't get stuck.
Asya finally found someone for Lena who doesn't work for the secret service =D
Lena, he's hott, but not conceited so don't get nervous!
When Lena's at home & she's out of tea...
Asya says ''Lena, meditate, & say you're a tree.''
''Lena, where are you? Look @ the street sign!''
''I can't see there's a tree''
''LOL Lena, will you please try & see?''
''Asya it's raising hay''
''No Lena, it's develop pay...''
For the 1st time Lena was right,
Sometimes Asya has those days, when she's not very bright. =P
Asya & Lena share an ex
Asya helps Lena with her h.w. & projects.
When Lena needs help, Asya's like the encyclopedia on Lena's shelf! ;)
Asya will hurt anyone who tries to rip Lena's hair out...
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the difference between you & me . . .

Понедельник, 17 Апреля 2006 г. 05:40 + в цитатник
The difference between you & me is that I'm real. Im sick of everything, my mom's bf, my mom being upset cuz of me, & I do want a normal family, yeah you say these days no one has a perfect family, but I wish I did.

It's at times like these that people with fake personalities & fake stories bout their miserable lives piss me off...you don't know half of what I'm goin through, & I don't want to write my whole life story here- online, but I don't think I'll be able to trust anyone for a while. The thing is everyone takes things differently, & personally- I care, a lot, especially about my family. & I don't wanna tell you how I never cry (which I just did)- because I do, & that I am always right, it's not even that, what makes me real is that I do get upset, & I do make stupid, stupid mistakes in my life; which cause problems for others. & yes I complain about my life, you might not wanna hear it but I am, as you can see I am bein very honest here... & the thing that (in my opinion) makes me strong is that I admitt when I'm wrong, I can be honest with myself, I don't ask anything from anyone if it's not comin from them, & I can admitt it to myself when I did something stupid, & I don't want people to suffer for the mistakes I've made b.c. I feel like no one owes me anything.
So live your life- but live it for yourself.
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lol no I do realize it ppl....I DO...

Суббота, 15 Апреля 2006 г. 21:43 + в цитатник
its not that Im stupid or I don't get it, but mne tak udobno...for now...so there. Im not emotionally attached, can't get hurt, its all good =)

Без заголовка

Понедельник, 27 Марта 2006 г. 15:16 + в цитатник
''send everythin to hell''
''do myself a favor''
? thats like...''to be or not to be'' ... LOL

. . .

Вторник, 14 Марта 2006 г. 04:44 + в цитатник
why is it once you get somethin, you dont want it anymore? ;)

I hate when ppl do things b.c. they ''feel bad'' . . .

lol I would never get a real tattoo . . . a- duh

does this thing even need a tittle?

Суббота, 25 Февраля 2006 г. 11:31 + в цитатник
APromise.gif (100x100, 1Kb)
I tend to dramatize things 10x than they really are, da mne nujno leg4e otnositsa k jizne, that is true. & before I start convincing my self Im in love Ill ask myself a question, what if . . . ITS NOT? anyway before I start obsessin let me not take this any further w. the topic, all the rest goes in my DIARY..shh lol Im kiddin I dont really keep 1, but I guess Ill start tod. why not? but 1 thing I know for sure, I ALWAYS get my way, you know it.

I think I see now . . .

Среда, 15 Февраля 2006 г. 04:19 + в цитатник
I think I now understand . . .
We all want one thing, hapiness, to love & be loved, to live. Sometimes life makes you choose, between friends & best friends, crushes, bfs, & true love . . . none of the choices life gives are easy to make, I guess fate & destiny will decide for us. I guess what goes around- comes around, gotta deal with it. I guess that each one of us should decide for ourselves, whats true, & whats not, whats more important to us & what we really don't need. I dunno . . . its like every one of us is different no ones bad & no one is perfect, we all are not ideal people & make mistakes, some big, some small, some that just dont matter. I guess crying is just another way to express our emotions, whether it is love, hapiness, or sadness. I guess tears come & go . . . inside jokes are always remembered & some frienships do last forever. I guess conflicts can be resolved, I guess love is more important than money, & frienship is more important than love- in some cases. I think hate always comes from jealousy, & when people are given too much they just get used to it. I know years from now I'll laugh . . . AGAIN?
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Everythin That Happens Is For The Better ... OR NOT?

Воскресенье, 05 Февраля 2006 г. 10:32 + в цитатник
okay NOT. Because sinse the moment I woke up my day went wrong, kak s ne toi nogi vstala, Alya, ya srazu vstayu LOL!
K didn't im me lol, then me & Alya made an attempt to go to the MOMA museum but it was like overcrowded, then we went to her casa & to the movies @ like 10pm & my mom started callin me & bitchin cuz she found out we had alchohol & Alyas mom wasn't home. So she's like you better get your ass home right now. lol & so as always I call V for moral support, but he's mad, so I call SourEX lol & he's obviously not home. Then we went back to Alyas w.e. & K finally offered help but w.e. my mom came over...
The funniest thing happened we were sittin @ Alyas before all this shit happened & she's like you're not drunk yet, how much do you need? & I'm like A LOT, the next secong I was layin on her bed & I couldn't get up, but we had to leave so I was laughin the whole time we were walkin & ppl kept starin @ me, prob. cuz I couldn't walk straight. . . lol we video taped it 2 hehe
The sad part is I fell again on the same ankle I sprained while dancin, not to blame Dima or anythin but still lol I didn't fall when I was drunk but I fell before that...yeah weirdo haha.
Music oh yeah we were listenin to Photograph by Nickelback & it made me cry, reminds me of him, reminds me of summer...anyhoo
''vot eto bil ebnutiy den'. '' < said by Alya but I TOTALLY agree.

''o0o0o ! think I like him . . . ''

Вторник, 31 Января 2006 г. 05:40 + в цитатник
I've got to keep my feelings inside, & if I can't then I'll just have to try . . .
(Don't think bout it- you WON'T GET IT)

What do you do when you like someone but you know you really don't in fact you really don't like that person but you still do? *

hmm well all I know is I gotta bring my grades up, because everyone I meet is like freakin smart lol its pissing me off so yeah tom. is the 1st day of the new semester, now's a good time to start. ;)
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My Horoscope ForToday~ ''Today it may be easier to make a clean break from some aspect of your life that is no longer serving you well. But more than leaving something behind, think about what you can pull into your life that is new. There is an exceptional depth to your attractions now and you should take your desires seriously. The potential is high for entering into a joint venture--romantic or business. Whatever you do, above all else, be honest.''''Don't let a power struggle early in the week put you in a bad mood. This is just a test to see if you can stand up for yourself without putting someone else down, which is perfect practice for a relationship. Staying strong and sweet can be your ticket to love now, Leo.''

Me & My 0bsessions . . .

Понедельник, 30 Января 2006 г. 06:15 + в цитатник
OMG guys I have a new obsession- again, I wanna learn to play guitar ! lol I'm not crazy but I really wanna do this. N0w. . . who wants to teach me? (I'm slow learner. . . ehm) 0=)

hmm I wonder if the guy I like can play guitar lol, I don't even knw (shows just how much I know him . . . )

Wierd Dream

Четверг, 26 Января 2006 г. 09:28 + в цитатник
wow I don't know whats wrong w. my ankle because it still hurts. I was probably sleepin in an uncomfortable position because I had a dream that Dimitriy broke my foot! hahaha Asya was laughin @ that for a while...well it is funny, I mean wow how jealous do you have to be to actually break my foot. nah he wouldnn't. . . but then again no one knows =P
well anyhow I woke up in pain, guess I shouldn't have kissed my bf in front of him lol!
I wonder if people actually mean somethin by sayin ''I love you.'' ? cuz if they don't then I don't need that kind of love . . .
BTW have you guys heard the song ''Ameno'' by Era? Do any of you know what language they sing in & how to translate it? cuz I heard that its Latin, but sinse its a dead language some say it might be old Egyptian, but then again others say that its useless to translate it because they sing nonsense & its not meant to be translated. I dunno why I think ''Ameno'' means amen because their music sounds a lil like a church choir, & I actually wasn't wrong beacuse I did some reasearch & turns out their music is based on religion only they add more musical instruments to it. I love their song ''Enae Volare Mezzo'' I don't know but ''Volare'' means to fly in Italiano, in that song you also hear them say ''Cantare'' which means to sing, also in Italiano, but really its impossible to make something out of it even if you really try. I do think that their music is a lil depressin & gothic but I actually like it. *(o0hh Lena's turnin punk-!sh)* lol well me & Alya found some links so here it goes...
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfmfuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=33359541 http://home.ural.ru/~eRa/news.htm
Warning- don't listen to it before you go to sleep, I'm speaking from personal experience here. =]
u- ha ohhhh...CANTARE.....oh ..ha CANTARE u - ha . . .
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N04n0i Dozor <3

Понедельник, 23 Января 2006 г. 05:31 + в цитатник
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yay I finally saw ''No4noi Dozor'' w. my fave actor Konstantin Habenski <3 !!!
Well it's good for the most part, I love the theme- ''good against evil.'' But like they say there's no pure good, & no pure evil, there's a lil bit of each in everything.
btw,* for those of you who have not seen The Matrix, Gladiator, Star Wars, Harry Potter . . . shall I go on? Well No4noi Dozor kinda stole a bit from each of those movies, which I think totally sux b.c. the movie is pretty good, (esp. w. him lol) but if you haven't seen all those movies, you won't even notice.
I'll prob. get the ''Dnevnoi Dozor'' book tom. so I can read it before the movie comes out, but I dunno if there's even a point to that sinse the movie is mostly all about special effects . . . oh & they're filming part 3 in Hollywood ! I'm very exited, can't wait!
What I still don't get is why ''No4noi Dozor'' is supposedly against evil & ''Dnevnoi Dozor'' is against good, I mean I'm sure it's supposed to make sense, I guess I'm just a lil slow. =]
< The evil & the good have a contract lol
< the movie is mad violent
lmfao, okay I'm done w. my movie review now,
thank you<3 L.L.<3

Lena Tancuet LOL

Пятница, 20 Января 2006 г. 22:15 + в цитатник
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Maybe I'm not meant to be a dancer...
Last time dancing to ''Thriller'' by Micheal Jackson I twisted my neck & couldn't move it for like two days, & thank God I didn't break it!
Yesterday I was home alone cuz everyone eles went to the Jazz concert & I decided to practice some of my dance moves, & so I kind of jumped up & I landed really badly & twisted my ankle. =[ So I called Asya & she's like don't dramatize it, but being he drama queen that I am, I imed Sergey & he came over, so they both told me to see what happens in the morning. I just came back from the hospital & they said it's just like my muscle, nothing serious =]
It still hurts!!! =...[ the doctor was really nice though lol =D

Дневник LitaRocks

Суббота, 14 Января 2006 г. 22:10 + в цитатник
Here's a LOT about me:

I love poetry, writing, design, photography, psychology, art, drawing, sketching, painting, singing, acting, dancing, drama,
& of course, last, but not least...music.

I know 3 (2 of them which I learned), languages which are Russian, English, & Italiano.

I am in love with... life, my family, my best friend Asya (who's my home girl from MockBa) even though we have our bad moments, which don't usually last for more than five minutes.

I was born in the center of Moscow (yeah people do like to joke about that.) Before I turned 5, & until I moved, we lived in a really old (ancient is more the word) building. Our walls were decorated with numbers of old friends & close relatives, kinda became a habit that my mom started lol. I never attended kindergarten, but I did go to pre-school, (where believe it or now, did learn a lot of cool stuff.) Now that I think back, THAT was the ''school'' that I actually enjoyed going to lol. Besides that, I loved waiting till my mom got home from work, she would always bring me something that would make any little kid happy. I had two loving grandparents, & probably the best aunt in the whole world. All of this sounds fake, & I know everyone says this, but, I have to admit I was born into a really loving family. I guess since I was (& still am) an only child, I got ALL the attention. There are many things I remember from way back, like always wanting a pet, planning on becoming a famous ballerina, my mom teaching me how to sing & dance, & many, many more. Right before I turned six, we moved to The Big Apple- New York City. I went to 1st grade, for the first time, we were renting an apartment on ave U, & the roof WAS our balcony. I remember realizing that the guy next door was apparently in all of my classes also. lol it took him a good two months to realize that too. Most of the time I spent torturing my babysitter, while my mom worked, & my dad picked my up from school. School wasn't bad, I used to love the library, haha maybe it's because the books included more pictures than words in it. The best part was planning the graduation dance, we all got to wear feathers lmao. I got pink, that made my childhood, along with being student of the month. I still have pictures from every one of those events, which I, for some reason never look at. Right after my mom sent me back to live with mt grandparents. (Which I am thankful for, now.) & so I started going to a Russian school, & couldn't speak a word in Russian, let alone read or write. So I ended up being the oldest one in the whole class, as I got used to school & new friends my grandmother made sure I never had ''too much'' free time lol. I started taking ballet classes, which I guess led to gymnastics, which ALSO lead to Latin dance classes. As if that was not enough, I also took additional science classes, & an art course. It's not that I hated any of them, I guess it was just overwhelming. I remember my gymnastics teacher her name was Lena too, so was my ballroom teacher lol. My gymnastics teacher was really young, now that I think of it, she was like 20, & she was mad pretty. I guess out of everything I pretty much started hating ballet cause in the beginning, when you just start out, EVERYTHING hurts. Then, ballroom, the teacher ALWAYS found a problem with the way I hold my arms, plus my partner was a girl lol, not enough guys, unfortunately. She was older than m, & if my memory is correct, I think her name was Anna, or Eva, some shit like that. My other grandmother made me this really pretty pink dress, & since the girl's dress was open in the back, I got the stupid number lol. Then again, no complaints here, we did get second place, actually if one of us was a guy, we would have gotten 1st. I think thats bullshit. So get this- RIGHT after the competition, my babushka goes, okay do you want to do table tennis now? I'm like ha...ha...nah. After that came my art show, in which I got in & was pretty satisfied with the results. The pieces that actually did get it, was a butterfly made out of broken glass, & a portrait of my grandmother.

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