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: 27.03.2014
: 3244



: (623), (177), (54), (27), (44), .(57), (179), (73), (83), para navidad(0), para hijos(217), macrame(81), food(107), crohet(159), basa de tejer(349)

, 01 2024 . 00:23 +
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alt (alternate) beg (begining) bet (between) BO (bind off) BLO (back loop only) Bobble I – : 6 1 , 1 , 1 , , 4 , , 4 , , 2 2 , 2 . Bobble II – : , 5 ( ), , 4 .., 2,3,4,5 , , , cable – CA (color A) ( ) CB (color B) B ( ) (contrasting color) , CDD (centered double decrease) : , , . CN (cable needle) CO (cast on) , cont (continue) cross 2 L (cross 2 stitches to the left) , , . cross 2 R (cross 2 stitches to the right) , , . CDI (Central double increase) 2- : , : 3 DD (Double decrease) 2- : 2 , , 1 , 2 Dec 4 – 2 , 3 , = 4 dec (decrease) DPN = DP (double pointed needles) , , elastic edge st (edge stitch) end on RS (end on right side) . end on WS (end on wrong side) . EON (end of needle) EOR (end of row) ; (every other row ) FC (front cross) FL (front loop) fol (follow) G st (garter stitch) : - , . grp(s) (group(s)) () garter st (garter stitch) – , , inc (increase) inc 1 – : inc 2 – 2 : 1, 1, 1 inc 1 p-st – 1 : k1p1 (knit one, purl one) , K2tog (knit two (2) stitches together) kwise (knitwise) K (knit) K tbl = K1 tbl = K1b (knit through the back loop) K-B (knit stitch in row below) : , , . K1f&B=KFB (knit 1 stitch in the front , then in the back) . : - , - . K2 tog (knit 2 stitches together) . K2 tog tbl (knit 2 stitches together through the back loop) . KLL (knit left loop) : , , , . KRL (knit right loop) : , , . KSP (knit, slip, pass) : , , . . K2SP (knit 2, slip, pass) : , , . . LH (left hand) lp(s) (loop(s)) () LT (left twist) , , . ML (lmake loop) 1, , 1-2 , , MT (make tassel ) – , , 2 5 , , MB (make bobble) MC (main color) M1 (make 1) . , , . M1A (make 1away) : c . . M1L = M1B (make 1 front (left)) : , . M1R = M1B (make 1 back (right)) : , . M1T = M1A (make 1 towards) : c . . p2sso – 2 P (purl) p tbl = P1 tbl = P1B (purl stitch through the back loop) P-B (purl stitch in the row below) , , , . , . P-wise (purl wise) P1f&B = PFB (purl 1 stitch front & back) , . P2tog (purl 2 stitches together) . P2tog tbl (purl 2 together through the back loop) . pat(s) = patt(s) (pattern(s)) , pm (place maker) PSSO (pass slip stitch over knit stitch) . PNSO (pass next stitch over) prev (previous) PU (pick up stitch) , . pick up and knit – pick up and purl – rem (remaining) rep(s) (repeat(s)) (), rev St st (reverse stockinette/stocking stitch) : , . RH (right hand) ; right hand needle rib (ribbing) . , K1 P1 rib - 11 rnd(s) (round(s)) () RS (right side) RT (right twist) , , , . seed st (seed stitch) (1,1, , ) sk (skip) SKP = SKPO = sl1, k1, PSSO (slip, knit. pass) , , . SP2P (slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slip stitch over) : , , . sl = S (slip) . , . , : . sl1k = sl1 k-wise (slip a stitch knit-wise) . sl1p = sl1 p-wise (slip a stitch purl-wise) . slip knot . sp(s) (space(s)) , () SSK (slip, slip, knit) : , , . SS (slip stitch) SSK (improved) = sl1, sl1 p-wise, knit slipped sts tog : , , , SSP (slip, slip, purl) , : , , . SSSK (slip, slip, slip, knit) : , , . st(s) (stitch(es)) () St st (Stockinette/Stocking stitch) : - . SP or spn (single-pointed needles) SB1 (slip bead) TBL (through back loop) tog (together) wrap WF (wool forward) : , , . WON (wool over needle) : , , , . WRN (wool round needle) : , . WS (wrong side) WYIB (with yarn in back) ( ) WYIF (with yarn in front) ( ) YB, ytb (yarn to back of work) YFWD = YF (yarn forward) YO = YFON = YFRN = YON =YRN (yarn over) . YO2 = YO twice (yarn over twice) . 1\1 LPC – 1 . , 1 ., 1\1 RPC – 1 . , 1 ., 1\2 LC – 1 . , 2 ., 1\2 RC – 1 . , 2 ., 1\2 RPC – 1 . , 2 ., 1\3 RPC – 1 . , 3 ., 2\1 LC – 2 . , 1 ., 2 . 2\1 LPC – 2 . , 1 ., 2 . 2\1 RC – 2 . , 1 ., 2 . 2\1 RPC – 2 . , 1 ., 2 . 2\2 LPC – 2 . , 2 ., 2 . 2\2 RPC – 2 . , 2 ., 2 . 2\3 LPC – 2 . , 3 ., 2 . 2\3 RPC – 2 . , 3 ., 2 . 2-st LC – 1 . , 1 ., 2-st LPC – 1 . , 1 ., 2-st RC – 1 . , 1 ., 2-st RPC – 1 . , 1 ., 3\1 LPC – 3 . , 1 ., 3 . 3\1 RPC – 1 . , 3 ., 3\2 LPC – 3 . , 2 ., 3 . 3\2 RPC – 3 . , 2 ., 3 . 3\2 RTC – 3 , 2, , – . 3\3 LPC – 3 . , 3 ., 3 . 3\3 RPC – 3 . , 3 ., 3 . 4\1 LPC – 4 . , 1 ., 4 . 4\1 RPC – 1 . , 4 ., 4-st LC – 2 . , 2 ., 2 . 4-st RC – 2 . , 2 ., 2 . 4-st RPC – 2 . , 2 ., 2 . 5-st LPC – 2 , 1 , 2, 1 – , 2 – 5-st RLC – 1 , 3 , 1, 3 – , 1 – 5-st RPC – 3 , 2, , – . 6-st LC – 3 . , 3 ., 3 . 6-st RC – 3 . , 3 ., 3 . 6-st RPC – 3 . , 3 ., 3 . 7-st LC – 4 . , 3 ., 4 . 7-st RC – 3 . , 4 ., 3 .



, 21 2023 . 04:09 +
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, 21 2023 . 04:06 +
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, 21 2023 . 04:03 +
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  (30 , )

! ! ! . , , 30- . , , , , . , . Pimsleur . , - , ..




2 - ( 30-60, )



, 21 2023 . 04:03 +
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 (591x323, 8Kb)




( ) 





I, me, you, he, him, she, her, it, we, us, you, they, them

my, mine, your, yours, his, her,
hers, its, our, ours, your, yours,
their, theirs

-   (
myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself, ourselves

each other, one another)

this, these, that, those, such, the same, it

who, whom, what, which, whose)

who, whom, what, which, whose, that)

no, none, neither, no one, nobody, nothing

some, any, somebody, someone, something,
anybody, anyone, anything, one)

all, both, either, each, every, everybody, everyone, everything, other, another)

many, much, few, little, a few, a little, several)

, .   



The Present Indefinite (Simple)   
To be to have (got)
The Present Continuous   
to be going to   
, Continuous 
The Present Perfect   

Present Perfect Past Indefinite
The Present Perfect Continuous   

The Past Indefinite (Simple)
The Past Continuous
The Past Perfect
The Past Perfect Continuous 


The Future Indefinite (Simple)  
The Future Continuous  
The Future Perfect  
The Future Perfect Continuous 
The Future in the Past 





; .   

can, may, must, ought (to)
to have (to), to be (to)
shall, should, will, would,
need, dare




Present Participle Simple  
Present Participle Perfect  
Past Participle (Participle II) 







there is 


 ( .)













" "



"to vodka"

1. :

1.1 (Indefinite),

1.2 (Continuous),

1.3 (Perfect),

2. -, :

2.1 (Present) -
2.2 (Past) -
2.3 (Future) -
, : , . .

3. .

3.1. Present

3.1.1. Present Indefinite
( ).

I vodka every day - .
every day :
usually, seldom, often, from time to time,
from melkaya posuda, bolshimi giotkamy...

3.1.2. Present Continuous
( )

I am vodking now. -

is constantly vodking - .

3.1.3. Present Perfect
( )

I have already vodked. -
( )

3.1.4. Present Perfect Continuous
( -)

I have been vodking since childhood.
( inclusive).

( exclusive).

3.2. Past

3.2.1 Past Indefinite ( )

I vodked yesterday -
( 3.1.3 - )

3.2.2. Past Continuous ( ).


Unfortunately, I was vodking at the moment
my wife came. -
, ,

3.2.3 Past Perfect ( ).

I had already vodked when my wife came. -
, .

3.2.4 Past Perfect Continuous
( -).

I had been vodking for about a month when my wife came.
, .

3.3. Future

3.3.1 Future Indefinite ( ).

I wiil vodka tomorrow. - .

( )
3.3 1 3.1.1:
If I vodka tomorrow I will be sick the day after tomorrow. -
, .

3.3.2 Future Continuous ( ).

I will be vodking tomorrow at 5. -


3 3.2
Soon! Soon I will be vodking.
- ! !

3.3.3 Future Perfect ( )

Tomorrow by 5 o'clock I will have vodked. -

3.3.4 Future Perfect Continuous
( -).

By tomorrow morning I will have been
vodking for a week. -

3.3.5 Future in the Past
( ).

Would you vodka in the children garden? -




, 10 2023 . 23:49 +
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. 16 ! 1-

( ) , .





, 10 2023 . 23:47 +
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, 10 2023 . 23:35 +
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: 9

15060714-shutterstock_157245068-605x419 (484x336, 46Kb)

. , , «» – . .



, 10 2023 . 23:28 +
echeva [ + !]


100%. !

1. Hello/ good bye - /
2. Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! - ! / /
3. Please thank you - /
4. Sorry -
5. I don't understand. -
6. Please speak more slowly. - , , .
7. Could you repeat that? - ?
8. What is your name? - ?
9. My name is . . . . - ...
10. Nice to meet you! -



, 05 2023 . 16:41 +
_ [ + !]


Sorry. – /. , .

I’m sorry. – / . .

I’m so sorry. – . , .

I’m very sorry. – . .

I’m really sorry. – . . , , .

I am awfully sorry. – . .

I beg your pardon. – . . , II, .


 : [1]