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Wojciech Magierski




 - e-mail




: 12.05.2011
: 2229


/David Ligare/

, 23 2011 . 20:47 +


4409173_2001_summa (650x596, 98Kb)

(David Ligare,  . 1945) – . 1978 , . , 18- . (), .

4409173_2001_Cactusand_Oranges (650x564, 106Kb)

-, . -.   -, . -, -, Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi, , .

4409173_1978_Naxos (650x501, 88Kb)

4409173_1986_Achilles_and_the_Body_of_Patroclus (649x506, 174Kb)

Achilles and the Body of Patroclus, 1986

4409173_1991_Archer (464x650, 128Kb)

Landscape with an Archer, 1991

4409173_1993_Hercules_Protecting_the_Balance_Between_ (609x650, 184Kb)

Hercules Protecting the Balance Between Pleasure and Virtue, 1993

4409173_1994_GrapeJuice_andSandwiches_ (649x546, 107Kb)

4409173_1994_RockandLeaf (650x545, 93Kb)

4409173_1996_PonteVecchio (649x446, 99Kb)

Ponte Vecchio/ Torre Nova, 1996 

4409173_1999_Measure (495x650, 132Kb)

4409173_1999_Techne (491x650, 114Kb)

4409173_2003_diver (650x254, 58Kb)

4409173_2005_GeorgicLandscape (650x528, 185Kb)

4409173_2005_PeachesandWater_ (650x546, 108Kb)

4409173_2006_Apple_and_Wheat_ (650x534, 103Kb)

4409173_2006_Apples_and_Wheat_ (650x544, 122Kb)

4409173_2007_apples (650x542, 129Kb)

4409173_2007_figandrose (524x650, 90Kb)

4409173_2009ClaudianLandscape (650x441, 238Kb)

Claudian Landscape with Graffiti, 2009



1 - Cheri Blum .
2 - Oscar Casavalle. .
6 - Maria Gruza...
7 - Edwin Georgi
8 - /David Ligare/
9 - |Michael Lassel
10 - ( Stanislav Sugintas )
11 - (Wilson Delgado Zambrana)/
12 -
13 - (56 )



Jozzi   , 24 2011 . 02:42 ()

, 24 2011 . 13:20
, .... )
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