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Читатель сообществ (Всего в списке: 2) Shoe-addicted Celebrity_Style


Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 23.06.2009
Написано: 317

Выбрана рубрика Twilight news.

Другие рубрики в этом дневнике: Стоит ли смотреть?(4), Противоположный пол(2), О себе(11), Красота(2)

Видео-запись: News Блок MTV о "Новолунии"

Среда, 25 Ноября 2009 г. 13:58 + в цитатник
Просмотреть видео
137 просмотров

В премьерный уикенд "Новолуние" собрал более 250 млн $!!!

Рубрики:  Twilight news


Вы уже видели Новолуние?!))))


Пятница, 20 Ноября 2009 г. 15:30 + в цитатник
В колонках играет - Yiruma - River flows in U

Вчера состоялась премьера "Новолуния" (продолжение нашумевших "Сумерек") в Москве. И, посмотрев фильм, я сразу же поняла, что должна сделать это ещё раз.

 (525x700, 96Kb)

Поэтому той же ночью, я поехала на последний сеанс вместе с  E_l_f_t_i_d_a и её молодым человеком.

 (700x525, 79Kb)

И если в первый раз атмосфера была трогательная, волнующая, волшебная (мы ходили с фан клубом), то во второй раз мы весь фильм смеялись)))

Теперь про сам фильм.

Краткое содержание: Белла видит во сне какую-то страшилищу и понимает, что это она в старости. Это её сильно пугает и она начинает настаивать на том, чтобы Эдвард (её возлюбленный вампир) сделал её бессмертной. Эдвард же(как и его семья)  считает, что бессмертие губит душу. А девушку он очень любит, поэтому - конечно, нет!

На своем ДР Белла режет оберткой палец... на неё набрасывается Джаспер... Эдвард отбрасывает Беллу об стенку... та падает на стекло... что-то бьётся... она вся в крови... все хотят её крови... Эдвард решает, что так не должно быть и покидает свою подругу навсегда.

Белла сильно страдает. Всё это очень затянуто. Но потом появляется Джейкоб и превращает её жизнь во что-то сновсное. Это дает ему повод надеяться на лучшее, но не тут-то было. Гениальным телефонным разговором он вводит Эдварда в заблуждение (типа Белла не смогла пережить расстования и покончила с собой) и тем самым теряет шанс быть с ней вместе навсегда.

Эдвард решает покончить собой, никто не знал, а он оказывается всё это время любил Беллу, и бросил её только из лучших побуждений. Белла его спасает.

Эдвард соглашается обратить Беллу. Делает ей предложение. Она в замешательстве. Конец.

Вердикт: смотреть стоит

Игра актёров: 10/10



Спецэффекты: для такого фильма... да если вспомнить предыдущую часть, то 10/10

Недостатки: жуткий дубляж, немного затянуто вначале.


 (520x346, 115Kb)

 (500x236, 28Kb)

 (500x250, 29Kb)

 (139x86, 10Kb)

 (139x92, 3Kb)

 (139x92, 5Kb)

 (500x236, 40Kb)

Рубрики:  Twilight news
Стоит ли смотреть?


Twilight news (10/11/09-12/11/09)


Пятница, 13 Ноября 2009 г. 14:15 + в цитатник

It’s A New Moon At Burger King!

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 04:20 PM PST


? crown-cards


It’s a New Moon at Burger King!?? I previously posted the Burger King trading cards and?crown from?Comic Con.?? Well, now there’s more!! Burger King has exclusive New Moon fan pack, New Moon BK® Crown Cards, and….wait for it…wait for it…..TEAM EDWARD?& TEAM JACOB?WATER BOTTLES!!?

Purchase a 6-pack BK BURGER SHOTS® Value Meal and get a fan pack with New Moon collectible cards and exclusive offers for special New Moon ?merchandise!? This offer will be available November 16th!

The water bottles are NOT available in the restaurants and sold online while supplies last.? You can order your Team Edward or Team Jacob water bottle here!

Free Official New Moon Volturi Featurette Podcast on iTunes

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 04:09 PM PST

Volturi Behind the scenes making of free new moon podcast itunes Robert Pattinson behind the scenes dvd extra new moon charlie bewley demetri volturi new moon behind the scenes dvd extra podcast volturi

Fight scene new moon behind the scenes dvd extra volturi podcast

There’s a an amazing new video on the official Twilight Saga: New Moon video podcast on iTunes, and it’s a Volturi Featurette.

It shows brand new behind-the-scenes clips of the filming of new Moon as well as interviews with cast members such as Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen), Dakota Fanning (Jane) and Jamie Campbell-Bower (Caius) There’s even a bit with author Stephenie Meyer as well!

The feature can be downloaded for free in sizes ranging from small for the iPod to stunning 1080p HD resolution direct from the iTunes Store.

Nikki Reed Visits Los Angeles Middle School

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 11:06 AM PST


Nikki2 Style Lab Demo with Twilight Star Nikki Reed Nikki11


Nikki Reed? who plays the glamorous no nonsense hell on wheels vampire, Rosalie Hale in the?ever famous Twilight Saga: Twilight & New Moon,? spent her day yesterday at the Los Angeles After-School All-Stars at Vista Middle School demoing Style Lab Jewelry Design and Makeover.? The Style Lab Jewelry Designs and Makeover is a product for Nintendo DS? where users can create their own jewelry boutique.

I think this proves again and again how sweet, loving and humble the entire Twilight cast is, it’s not easy to hold the attention of a bunch of youngsters.??But Nikki looks like she’s got it all under control, and having a great time in the process, after all she had tons of practice with little Nessie.? Who says Rosalie has a chip on her shoulder?

Taylor Lautner NOT Shirtless In Men’s Health Magazine?!

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 10:56 AM PST

293_ad_Lautner_111009 425_ad_Lautner_111009 425_ad_Taylor_111009

Taylor Launter will be featured on the cover for the December issue of Men’s Health Magazine.?? Taylor bulked up for New Moon by adding 30 lbs of muscle in one year to portray Jacob Black, and will continue to gain even more for Eclipse.

“My character continues to grow,” he tells Men’s Health, “so I’d like to pack on at least a few more lean pounds.”

To maximize his muscle gains, Taylor varies the amounts of weight he lifts and the number of repetitions he performs, his trainer tells the mag.

Wait a minute.? Taylor on the cover of Men’s Health Magazine, with a shirt on? No, no, no, NO!? LOL!? I guess I can see him shirtless in 9 days!!? 9 days!!?

This issue of Taylor on the cover of Men’s Health Magazine will be available on newsstands ?November 17th!

New Moon Photo Call: Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, and Chris Weitz in Paris

Posted: 10 Nov 2009 10:15 AM PST

gallery_main-new-moon-photocall-paris-3-11102009-02 GYI0058877734 gallery_main-new-moon-paris-photocall-photos-2-11102009-02

New pictures of New Moon stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner along with New? Moon director Chris Weitz. The foursome is in Paris promoting New Moon on their whirlwind of New Moon Promotional Events.

Kristen looks amazing! What a difference a year makes. Her dress, those shoes = awesome!

Check out more pics after the break!

gallery_main-new-moon-cast-photocall-paris-4-11102009-06 gallery_main-new-moon-paris-photocall-robert-pattinson-kristen-stewart-photos-11102009-03 gallery_main-new-moon-paris-photocall-robert-pattinson-kristen-stewart-photos-11102009-09 gallery_main-new-moon-paris-photocall-robert-pattinson-kristen-stewart-photos-11102009-13 GYI0058877718 GYI0058877745 GYI0058877761

You can check out the rest of the pics over at RadarOnline.com and SocialLiteLife!

Exclusive Interview with Ashley Greene

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 01:18 PM PST

aliceShe’s the world’s most favorite sister, The Twilight Saga: New Moon’s Ashley Greene, chatted it up with About.com, on the directors, paparazzi and of course the adoring fans.

It must have been a lot easier this time around, wasn’t it?

Ashley Greene: “I had a lot more fun on New Moon. Definitely. In the first one, we were all terrified that everyone was going to hate us and no one was going to accept us. And the fact that the fans embraced us and we had so much positive support going in made it a lot easier for me to go in and still make it better.”

And your character gets to do so much more in this one, so that must have made it a lot more interesting.

Ashley Greene: “Yes, it was fun, and you know what? I’m glad it happened when it happened though, because during the first one I was so new and nervous and just going, ‘What the heck is going on?’ But by the time I got to the second one, I was a little more grounded and had my bearings a little better. Plus, Chris Weitz was incredible. You couldn’t ask for a better director.”

Can you compare him to Catherine Hardwicke?

Ashley Greene: “Chris and Catherine are just so separate and different. They’re both incredible, but Catherine is so high energy and she’s kind of all over the place. I just don’t understand how the woman goes and goes and goes. And then you get Chris and he is the most Zen, calm person ever. He’s very like, ‘This is here and this is there. We’re going to try this. If you don’t like it, then…’ But he’s just so Zen. It’s so funny, the difference between the two. And then I think Chris had a lot more preparation.”

“I think that Catherine, the kind of nice thing about it is that she was going through this crazy madness with us, going, ‘What the heck is going on?’ And so that was actually kind of cool because we could all relate on that level. And then Chris had time, and he definitely did his homework. He came with a packet of what he wanted to do. The mood and everything, it was just very [calm]. He was very respectful.”

Was Chris as collaborative as Catherine was?

Ashley Greene: “Yes, I definitely think so. He was. It was nice because we were all…I mean I don’t think it could have gone better. We were all so open to each other’s ideas because it was a really positive atmosphere.”

Check out the rest of the awesome interview after the break!


Was it easier off the set dealing with the fans this time?

Ashley Greene: “You know, it just keeps growing.”

It’s never easy.

Ashley Greene: “And you can never ever get used to it. It’s incredible. I can’t wrap my head around it right now because we hit Twilight and the premiere and the opening weekend and the fans… I was just going, ‘Oh my gosh, how could that last?’ That was it, that was the top and I was okay with it. And then this one’s coming around and the anticipation’s even higher. And the fans are growing and they’re even more dedicated and crazy about this film. I don’t even know.”

Did you find the time in between the two films to be absolutely crazy for you personally, because people want to know everything about you now?

Ashley Greene: “Definitely. In between the first and the second film it was a little crazy. One, because I am so new to this world and I think we all are. I mean, what is this world, really? And it was a little crazy having paparazzi sit outside my house.”

Did they really do that?

Ashley Greene: “Oh yes.”

How did you handle that?

Ashley Greene: “I think the fans are phenomenal. The paparazzi, I’m going, ‘Please go away and leave me alone.’ They want that photo. That photo sells now, which is so bizarre to me. People pay money for a photo of me drinking in Starbucks. So that was a little crazy. And sometimes it’s a little frustrating. On the same token, it’s not like woe is me because people want to see my picture in a magazine. People do care what I’m doing and that’s the reason why I’m able to continue on with this job. But then, you know, in between I was also wrapped and then started doing photo shoot after photo shoot after press event for the film and the premiere and all that stuff, and then we went right back and shot the second one. We just finished the third one and now there’s the press work for the second one. And so it’s just crazy.”

Do you ever look back and go, “Why did I sign on to this?” Or was it the best thing you could possibly have done?

Ashley Greene: “No, it’s the best thing. You know, there are moments where I do, but then I have to sit back and go, ‘Okay, why are you complaining right now because anyone would kill to be in your shoes?’ We all are people, we all get tired, and so there are moments where I just sit there and I just want to sit in a corner and be like, ‘I just want to sleep.’ Right? I mean I’m 22 years old, it couldn’t have happened at a better time, and it’s a really good chapter. I’m going to look back on my life and go, ‘Okay, you were tired but look at all the things that you had to do within three years.’”

And all those millions and millions of girls who will always recognize you as Alice.

Ashley Greene: “And I think they’re so dedicated. I think they’re going to be with me for the rest of my life. And to have that solid fan base of young girls that are going to grow up with you is…it’s an actor’s dream. I mean they will stand by you.”

She’s such a gem, anything?including Ashley Green I’m all ears.? She is the sweetest, kindest gal around, not to mention humbled by all this.? For the entire interview check out About.com

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner’s Entertainment Weekly Cover!

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 12:58 PM PST


The cover shot from the November 20th issue of Entertainment Weekly has been released! Featuring New Moon co-stars Robert Pattinson (aka Edward Cullen, Kristen Stewart (aka Bella Swan), and Taylor Lautner (aka Jacob Black).

According to the cover Robert told EW that “The hair is 75% of my performance”.

New Moon London Fan Event Photo Call, Plus Videos from the Red Carpet!

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 12:44 PM PST


New Moon-ers Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner along with New Moon director Chris Weitz are in London for the UK Fan Event!

The above pictures were taken of the New Moon foursome on the red carpet for the event!

Everyone looks so happy! Love it!

Check out more Red Carpet pictures plus 2 video interviews of Robert Pattinson after the break!


001 012 014

You can view 75 + pictures of Rob, Kristen, Taylor, and Chris over at Breaking-Dawn.fr!

Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz in Chicago!

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 11:50 AM PST

NewMoon_jwilloughby Ashley Greene (aka Alice Cullen) and Kellan Lutz (aka Emmett Cullen) were in Chicago yesterday promoting New Moon at Fox Valley Mall.?? Ashley and Kellan signed autographs for 500 lucky fans at Hot Topic and answered Twilight questions at the?Q & A later that evening.


Time Out Chicago has great coverage and photos by Jon Willoughby?of yesterday’s event with Kellan, Ashley and?a performance by Anya Marina.? Check out their coverage here!

Time Out Chicago also has a Twilight section on their website and they reference NewMoonMovie.org? under the blogs and fansites!!! ?Check out their Twilight section now!!

Jamie Campbell-Bower and Edi Gathegi In Virginia!

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 08:41 AM PST

58874030_Actor_P__Mo 58874133_Actor_P__Mo

Jamie Campbell-Bower (aka Caius) and Edi Gathegi (aka Laurent) were at the Fair Oaks Mall in Fairfax, Virginia yesterday promoting New Moon.?? Our New Moon cast is busy, busy, busy promoting the film from Paris, France to San Fransisco, CA to Fairfax, Virginia!?

Check out the rest of the pictures and a video of Jamie and Edi at RadarOnline!

Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz in San Fransisco

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 08:12 AM PST


Ashley Greene (aka Alice Cullen) and Kellan Lutz (aka Emmett Cullen) were in San Fransisco?Monday promoting New Moon.? The on-screen siblings stopped by San Fransisco’s The View From The Bay ABC show to promote New Moon.

Check out the rest of the pictures of Kellan and Ashley at Breaking-Dawn.fr!

More Robert Pattinson Vanity Fair Outtakes By Bruce Weber

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 07:05 AM PST

pattinson-B-0912-02 pattinson-B-0912-05

VF.com posted the 2nd of FIVE slide shows?featuring?outtakes from Robert Pattinson’s Vanity Fair portrait session with photographer Bruce Weber.

Ah, Rob’s shirt is open a little there.? NICE!? Do I see a little mole there??

Enjoy the rest of the outtakes at VF.com!

New Moon Fan Event in Madrid!

Posted: 12 Nov 2009 02:32 PM PST

? 58897842

New pictures and video from the New Moon Fan Event in Madrid, Spain!?? Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and director Chris Weitz answered questions from the fans during the event.?

Wow!!? Just WOW!!? They all look fabulous!??

Check out the rest of the pictures at KristenandRobert.org!

?More pictures and videos after the break!!? EDIT:? Part 2 of the video is up!



Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner & Robert Pattinson EW photos!

Posted: 12 Nov 2009 07:18 AM PST



Entertainment Weekly just released brand new exclusive photos of Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson.?? As?previously?posed, ? the New Moon Trio are on the cover for next week’s Entertainment Weekly ?on sale this Friday!!!

Check out all the beautiful pictures at EW.com?and? Thinking of Rob!


Рубрики:  Twilight news


Twilight news (05/09/09 - 11/09/09)


Пятница, 11 Сентября 2009 г. 15:03 + в цитатник

Ashley Greene On the Hunt for New Acting Role

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 08:29 AM PDT

Ashley Greene Eclipse New Moon

New Moon beaut Ashley Greene was spotted in Hollwyood working on scoring an audtion for a role for a new post-Eclipse movie role.

No word yet on what the project is, but Ashley was spotted in Santa Monica Thursday to have a meeting for the potential role.

Check out the rest of hte pics over at Justjared!

New Poster of Edward and Bella for New Moon

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 06:20 PM PDT

New Moon Poster Bella Swan Edward CUllen Robert pattinson kristen stewart

Check out this stunning new poster/promotional shot of Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen and Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan in a loving embrace that’s just hit the web.

No telling if it’s an official post, as it has the NECA symbol in the lower right–they make New Moon paraphernalia–but the art is well worth a look.

UPDATE: These seem to be promo posters you can buy from NECA. Check out the rest of the amazing posters after the break!




New Moon Toys and Crowns Coming to Burger King ?

Posted: 05 Sep 2009 09:56 PM PDT

Burger King New Moon Crowns Toys

You may be able to get your hands on some New Moon schwag with your whopper, as a tipster at TwiFans notes–

Now my cousin went to BURGER KING today and found out that NEXT WEEK they will have NEW MOON TOYS and CROWNS!!!!! Just wanted to tell you all. SO SPREAD THE WORD!! I hope you all can get yours too. I know i will be getting them too!

I can defintely believe this rumor since they gave out New Moon themed Burger King crowns at Comic-Con recently.

HQ New Still of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan

Posted: 07 Sep 2009 03:30 AM PDT

Edward Cullen New Moon bella swan embrace

Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen and Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan look lovingly in each others’ eyes in this new super high resolution still from New Moon.

They also touch hands and show an intense longning for each other.

Click the pick for the super high resolution version.

Robert Pattinson Spotted at Bobby Long Concert Last Night

Posted: 08 Sep 2009 05:44 AM PDT



Robert Pattinson and several other members of the Twilight gang were spotted at the Bobby Long concert last night at the Backstage Lounge in Vancouver.

Robsessed has the full wrap-up of the sightings on th Robosphere, such as Malcious Mandy noting


Rob, Kristen (both in ball caps) stayed mostly in back room watching from doorway. Kristen mostly sitting and Rob leaning in the doorway.

Noone bothered them or snapped their photo or invaded their privacy. I actually walked by them a few times to go outside for air or to the bathroom and they seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Nikki and Paris were inthe same area as Rob and Kristen but came out once to the dance floor.

Near the end a few crowded outside and two taxi’s pulled up.

[Pic Source: Breaking-Dawn.fr]

Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner Face-Off in February!

Posted: 09 Sep 2009 09:22 AM PDT

TJTEWell, its not quite what you think! But they both have movies premiering on the exact same day – February 12th!

Twilight Examiner gives the deets -

Twilight fans may or may not face a bit of a conundrum on February 12, 2010. It is the shared date of release for Remember Me and Valentine’s Day.Remember Me stars Robert Pattinson (Edward in The Twilight Saga: New Moon and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse), while Valentine’s Day stars Taylor Lautner (who plays Jacob in the saga).

Both films were shot with the Twilight actors during their off-time between filming New Moon and Eclipse and will be released on the same day – perhaps reanimating some of the Team Edward versus Team Jacob spirit?

Peter Facinelli Shares An Indispensable ‘New Moon’ Line With MTV

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 01:59 PM PDT

bellaandcarlisleAt first this ‘line’ was dispensable. Not making it to the final cut of Melissa Rosenberg’s script for New Moon. But our beloved Chris Weitz knew this particular scene was important. Peter Facinelli tells MTV -

MTV: When it comes to the “Twilight” films, there are two types of scenes: Those in Stephenie’s books, and the new ones Melissa Rosenberg added. Do you feel an extra level of excitement shooting those, because they’re so new?

Facinelli: I do. A lot of people keep asking “Hey, what happens in ‘New Moon’?” And you say, “Well, if you’ve read the book, you know what happens.” But I like the scenes that aren’t necessarily in the book, that get to tell a little bit of the backstory. It adds another element to the moviemaking, and it’s a little surprise for the fans.

MTV: We’ve been asking your co-stars to give us their favorite “New Moon” line in character. Can you do yours?

Facinelli: Oh, wow. Now I have to reach back a whole year and try to remember my lines from a year ago, when I can barely remember my lines the day of. … OK, here we go: “Like everything else in life, I just had to decide what to do with what I was given.” That’s a line that Carlisle says.

MTV: OK, cool. But can you do it in character?

Facinelli: No. [Laughs.] Then, you gotta pay me. If I’m gonna act, you better pay me, Larry Carroll!

MTV: All right, we’ll take down your address and have every fan send you a quarter.

Facinelli: You know, I don’t even know if I can do Carlisle on the spot like that.

New Interview with Chris Weitz in Bliss Magazine

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 10:29 AM PDT


Lion_Lamb was awesome enough to scan and transcribe, a new interview with New Moon director Chris Weitz from Bliss Magazine. In the interview he talks about Rob, Fans, and Robsten -

Body Beautiful:
“It’s impossible to take a bad picture of Rob, even with these motion picture spots all over him! I think the hysteria over him is greater than for any of the other guys because the character he’s playing is unattainable and perfect. Thankfully, Rob has a highly developed sense of the absurd, so he doesn’t suffer as much as he otherwise would. However, when we were in Vancouver, there were days when he would just stay indoors and read or watch movies. If he went to his window, people would scream! He was kind of a hermit, really/ It’s hard for me to judge how he’s changed because I didn’t know him in the last movie.”

Fan Frenzy:
“I tried not to check what fans were saying on the internet until the film finished, as I knew I’d be influenced by them. We had a lot of crazy fans show up during filming, especially in Italy. I mean crazy only in a nice way! More and more fans showed up every day until the entire town was just awash with young people. They didn’t even sneak around – they were just there. I’d say 90% were what you’d think of as typical Twilight fans – young girls – and then there were the parents, the Twilight Mums… even the occasional heterosexual male! The only difficulty is when you have a camera, all the lighting gear and you’re in a little city with small alleyways and there are thousands of fans there, it’s actually hard to move from one place to another. That posed a practical probelem.”

Robsten’s Snog Secrets:
“I was surprised at how clever Rob and Kristen are. That’s not to say that I thought they were dummies before, but they had such a strong sense of their own characters and they’re very serious about what they might say at any given moment. In a way, you expect people to coast a bit in the sequel or to think, ‘This is not a realistic situation because I’m playing a girl who’s in love with a vampire, so I have no responsiblilty to convey realistic emotions.’ But they both want to put some kind of truth into everything, even when the scenes they’re playing are just bizzare.”

Chris also talks about Kristen you can check it out here!

Michael Sheen Talks ‘New Moon’ at the GQ Awards in London

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 09:47 AM PDT

_46345874_pa_sheenIn a new interview with New Moon Volturi leader Aro aka Michael Sheen he talks about how tight security was on set. He also touched base on why he wanted the role as Aro -

He said: “I remember someone whose job was containment and I thought: ‘What does that actually mean? Does that mean stopping people from getting on the set?’

“And it wasn’t, it was to stop people on the set taking pictures and sending them out.”

He said: “The best thing about it is I’m now a poster on my own daughter’s wall, which is about the best thing that could ever possibly happen.

“When they first asked me if I wanted to do it, I hadn’t read the books or anything, so I had to ask my daughter what the character was like without tipping her off… because I didn’t want to get her all excited if I didn’t end up doing it.

“She said she thought Aro, my character, was bald but he’s got long black hair so I hope I haven’t ruined it for her by not being bald. She cried when I told her.

“No matter what happens I have to be at the premiere in LA. That’s the whole reason she wanted me to do it, so she could go to the premiere.”

Check out the rest of the interview over at BBC!

Рубрики:  Twilight news


Twilight news (29/08/09 - 04/09/09)


Пятница, 04 Сентября 2009 г. 15:57 + в цитатник

Taylor Lautner Photo Outtake from EW Photoshoot

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 07:24 AM PDT

Taylor Lautner sexy ew photoshoot

Check out this sexy outtake from the recent Entertainment Weekly photoshoot with New Moon star Taylor Lautner!

Never has loungin’ in the dirt look so lucious!

New Chaske Spencer Photo Shoot!

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 06:07 AM PDT


Rawr!? New Moon wolf pack leader Chaske Spencer has some new pics out! Not sure when the photos were taken, or what for. But who cares! Yay Team Wolf Pack!

You can view the rest of the pics over at TwiGossip.blogspot.com!

Twilight Nominated for Several Scream Awards!

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 06:06 AM PDT

1251418911876The Scream Awards are held on Spike TV at the Greek Theatre in LA. The show is taped on Saturday October 17th, and will air on TV Tuesday October 27th at 10pm ET.

Twilight is nominated for -

  • The Ultimate Scream – Twilight
  • Best Fantasy Film – Twilight
  • Best Fantasy Actress – Kristen Stewart, Twilight
  • Best Fantasy Actor – Robert Pattinson, Twilight
  • Best Supporting Actress – Ashley Greene, Twilight
  • Best Breakout Performance – Taylor Lautner, Twilight
  • Robert Pattinson, Twilight
  • Best Ensemble – Twilight
  • Scream Song of the Year – “Decode” by Paramore, Twilight
  • Best Villain – Cam Gigandet as James

Lets get voting!! Click here to vote!

Sexy Stars of Twilight New Moon Coming Soon!

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 05:48 AM PDT


Us Weekly is coming out with another Sexy Stars of Twilight tribute. This time is the Sexy Stars of Twilight New Moon! They promise 128 pages of pictures and posters including Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner.

Eclusive New Moon Trailer to Premiere at MTV VMA Music Awards!

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 11:48 AM PDT

200909021442.jpg On September 13th, you’ll be getting a brand new dose of New Moon action with an exclusive new New Moon trailer, along with guest appearances from Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart!–

“Twilight” stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will appear on the show to debut an exclusive expanded trailer for “New Moon,” the second film in Summit Entertainment’s vampire saga.

Airing at 9 p.m. on September 13, the Russell Brand-hosted VMAs will pit Lady Gaga against Beyoncé, as each pop star has nabbed nine nominations, including nods for Video of the Year and Best Female Video. Britney Spears has garnered seven nominations for her “Womanizer” and “Circus” clips in categories like Video of the Year and Best Pop Video. Kanye West, Eminem and Coldplay received four nominations each.

Also premering the same night: Death Cab for Cutie’s lead single from the New Moon soundtrack!

Exclusive ‘New Moon’ Trailer To Premiere At 2009 MTV Video Music Awards

Gill Birmingham Shares Pics from New Jersey Twilight Convention – Wolf Pack Alert!

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 07:45 PM PDT




New Moon-er Gil Birmingham recently shared his own personal pics from the Official Twilight Convention in New Jersey. Included are fellow New Moon cast members: Kiowa Gordon, Chaske Spencer, Alex Meraz, and Edi Gathegi!

Below is a video of Gil playing the guitar and singing AccicoCon this past spring. He’s pretty good!

You can check out the rest of Gill’s pictures over at his Facebook account!

Jasper Hale’s Special Power Shown in New Moon

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 07:17 PM PDT

jasperEclipseMovie.org has an awesome new interview with Jackson Rathbone (Jasper Hale) done by MTV. In the interview he does give out some tiny New Moon details -

MTV: And is that the first time we’ll see your powers?

Rathbone: Actually, in “New Moon,” we get a little glimpse. Inside the school.

MTV: How was it to film scenes where you were influencing the emotions of those around you?

Rathbone: It was fun. I just played it very naturally, like, if you have these special powers — like Edward has the ability to read minds — it’s not like he’s going to [get overly dramatic] and go, “You’re hungry!” No, it’s a natural thing, like the human ability to smell or to hear is a natural ability. To affect the mental state of anyone around you [I depicted Jasper as] keeping it all right in the eyes. Just thinking it and transferring it through the eyes, which are the windows to the soul — even to the soulless.

MTV: And will it be clear to the audience that this emotion-manipulation is going on?

Rathbone: In “New Moon,” when we see it? It’s pretty obvious.

You can check out the rest of the article, plus a video, over at EclipseMovie.org!

Edward and Bella in a Loving Stare, Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale in a Friendly Pose: New Pics

Posted: 03 Sep 2009 06:23 AM PDT

Robert Pattinson Kristen Stewart

Start your Thursday off right with this awesome new picture of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart giving each other a longing look from New Moon that appeared in the new issue of People Magazine.  

Are those purple silk bedsheets? Swanky!

After the break, check out a pic I haven’t seen yet of Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale looking all-smiles.



Robert Pattinson’s How to Be Now Available for Order

Posted: 03 Sep 2009 05:58 AM PDT

Robert Pattinson How to Be Animated GIFIf you missed out on Robert Pattinson’s recent indie flick How to Be in theaters, you’ll have the chance to watch it just in time for the release of New Moon.

The DVD is coming out November 17th, just a few days before New Moon hits theaters.

Amazon has How to Be available for order now, and it’ll turn your November into a month of pure Pattinson!

Рубрики:  Twilight news


Twilight news (22/08/09-28/08/09)


Пятница, 28 Августа 2009 г. 17:28 + в цитатник


The New Moon Board Game is Coming!

Posted: 24 Aug 2009 12:13 PM PDT

New Moon Board game boardgame

A brand new board game is being made for New Moon. Here are the details we know so far:

  • Enter the world of the Twilight Saga and reunite Bella and Edward
  • Challenge your friends to see who knows more about New Moon, the more you know, the greater you chance of winning
  • Includes board, Scene cards, playing pieces, and dice
  • Answer questions about Twilight and your friends to move forward around the board
  • Have your friends over for a New Moon party

You can pre-order it now for $14.99!

New Moon Chocolate Candies: Jacob, Edward and Bella

Posted: 24 Aug 2009 12:06 PM PDT


Check out this new set of New Moon candies that reader Melissa found at a local Walgreen’s for $2.99–

24 in a pack, Bella is Creme filled, Edward is caramel filled, and Jacob is Peanut Butter.

Bellas is a heart, Edward is the Cullen Crest, and Jacob is a Wolf howling at the moon

Jacob is totally peanut butter. Amiright? Trusty and dependable tastiness, if a little boring. Edward is the more exotic and sexy caramel, and I’m not even going to touch the fact that Bella is creme-filled.

New Screenshots from Recent New Moon Preview

Posted: 24 Aug 2009 11:41 AM PDT

New moon jacob bella kissing

There were a few new scenes in the “Meet Jacob BlackNew Moon preview/trailer that we haven’t scene before.

Check out the screenshot above of Jacob and Bella kissing, and after the break check out a distraught looking Edward and Jane with evil eyes.


edward cullen new moon Jane new moon

Robert Pattinson to Star in Superhero Movie Youngblood?

Posted: 24 Aug 2009 11:18 AM PDT

200908241415.jpg X-Men director Brett Ratner has his eye on New Moon superstar Robert Pattinson for his new superhero film Youngblood–

Forget about Team Edward. If “X-Men: The Last Stand” director Brett Ratner has his way, “Twilight” star Robert Pattinson will be joining Team “Youngblood.”

“Definitely [Robert Pattinson] from ‘Twilight,’ ” Ratner told MTV News when asked if he had any actors in mind for his upcoming film based on a comic book series about a government-sanctioned team of superheroes. “He just feels like he belongs in that world.”

“I don’t only see him as a vampire,” explained Ratner. “He’s a really good actor.”

“[Pattinson] could do anything,” said Ratner. “He just has that look. … I picture him on Youngblood, for sure.”

Robert Pattinson Should Star In ‘Youngblood,’ Brett Ratner Says

Kellan Lutz Fixes a Flat in California, Makes My Heart Stop

Posted: 24 Aug 2009 10:56 AM PDT


New Moon star Kellan Lutz fixed a flat on his truck at a gas station in California on Sunday morning, wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and some jeans.

Cue the grease monkey fantasies!

You can check out all the pics at JustJaredJr

Preview of New Robert Pattinson Photoshoot

Posted: 24 Aug 2009 10:49 AM PDT


Some thumbnails of a new Robert Pattinson photoshoot have surfaced, giving an enticing look at this new set of pics from a yet-unknown source.

We’ll let you know when the full set is out!

Interview with New Moon Director Chris Weitz

Posted: 24 Aug 2009 10:37 AM PDT

MTV has a new interview with New Moon director Chris Weitz, where he reveals more details on how the movie will differ from the perspective of the book–

MTV: Obviously, “New Moon” is written from the perspective of Bella. But Melissa Rosenberg recently told us about a scene with Victoria that gets away from Kristen’s point of view. Are there other moments like that?

Weitz: It’s from Bella’s point of view … but, for instance, when Alice has a vision of Edward about to commit suicide, we see her vision. To me, that’s fair — because, in the book, Alice conveys that immediately to Bella, and you can see Bella imagining what Alice is saying. At points where a reader of the book might logically imagine a scenario, it was OK for the filmmakers — me — to imagine seeing something that would be outside of Bella’s knowledge at that point. Or something that’s within the scope of her imagination. She fears the worst, really, in terms of Edward.

Exclusive Edward and Bella in Prom Clothes Dolls by Tonner

Posted: 24 Aug 2009 10:23 AM PDT

200908241319.jpg 200908241321.jpg  

Tonner is making new versions of their Twilight dolls, with Edward and Bella in their prom clothes. These are the more expensive and very tall (17-inch) dolls, not the action figures.

Amazon will be carrying them exclusively, and you can pre-order Bella and Edward for $140 each now.

Alex Meraz Video Portrait: Angry and Shirtless

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 01:54 PM PDT

200908251657.jpg Tyler Shields filmed this video portrait of New Moon wolfpack member Alex Meraz.

He hulks out and rips his shirt off to let off some steam–not that we’re complaining!

You may remember the video portraits that Tyler Shields made previously for Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz.

HQ Comic-Con Portraits of Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Ashley Greene

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 06:40 AM PDT


Some new high-resolution portraits have emerged from the New Moon crew’s recent visit to Comic-Con. Pictured are Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart (with Joan Jett hairdo), Ashley Greene and Taylor Lautner.

Check out another pic after the break.


Ashley Greene Taylor Lautner Robert Pattinson Kristen Stewart Comic-Con

Filming New Moon an “Epic Experience”, says Christian Serratos

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 06:21 AM PDT


New Moon human pal Christian Serratos was at a Nylon party last night in Hollywood and Radar had a chance to quiz the actress on what it was like to film New Moon.

“It was an epic experience and so massive,” She explained at the Nylon Magazine party on Monday night at Hollywood’s Mondrian Hotel. “I didn’t expect it. But we all get along so well. We film and get our work done, and then we all get together, we go to dinner, we have fun, we’re all around the same age so we just mesh really well.

She also says “hell if I know” to the Q of whether Rob and Kristen are dating.

Another New Moon Calendar is on the Way

Posted: 24 Aug 2009 05:59 PM PDT

new moon calendar

200908242059.jpg Yet another calendar is on the way for New Moon, this one taking the form of a 16-month wall calendar with scenes from the movie instead of stylized promo shots.

Previously: New Moon Calendar, New Moon Desk Calendar

Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner: Talk About Bella/Jacob Break Up in New Moon

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 07:23 PM PDT

new_moon_jacob_bella_gazeIn a new interview with MTV, New Moon-ers Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner talk about their ‘break up’ scene in New Moon and give out some juicy deets -

MTV: He is very huggable. Tell us about one scene that you read either in Stephenie Meyer’s book or in Melissa Rosenberg’s screenplay that you were like, “Man, that’s going to be tough to pull off,” and tell us how you were able to figure it out.

Stewart: “New Moon” is riddled with all of that. I think it’s the one book in the series that I was intimidated by — in a good way. That’s the best feeling to start a movie with. But probably, my favorite line in the book is when I have to say to [Jacob], “It’s him; it’s always been him!” Like, I have to say that. Yeah, it killed me, it killed me.

MTV: It was a tough day to shoot?

Stewart: Yeah, and just like everything in our movie, it’s such a heightened version of reality. It’s like, people don’t just break up [in the "Twilight" films] — they break up and it literally kills you. It’s not like you just say, “Oh, I’m really depressed and crying.” Everything is supposed to be a fantasy version of that. So I always had a really hard time figuring out, “Am I doing enough? Do I look like I’m going to die?”

MTV: Yeah, it would be tough to be the most dramatic person in the world, but without being cheesy. And Taylor?

Lautner: ["New Moon"] is very complicated. There’s a lot of heartbreak, there’s a lot of things going on. Edward leaves at the beginning, she goes into this depression, I come to try and bring her out of it. Then I go through my own issues, and then she leaves me. It’s all over the place, and there’s a lot going on, and there’s many of those scenes that you described.

MTV: Which was your favorite to shoot?

Lautner: My favorite one was — well, we call it the breakup scene — but it’s the scene right after she sees me shirtless and I’ve cut off my hair, all different for the first time. I have to tell her that we can’t be friends anymore.

Jamie Campbell Bower Attends Diesel’s Denim Day

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 12:46 PM PDT


New pic of New Moon-er Jamie Campbell Bower (Caius) at Diesel’s Denim Day. Looking pretty good!

Jamie was sporting Diesel’s Poiak 008WM jeans

New Moon Soundtrack Cover Art Revealed

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 11:19 AM PDT

New Moon Soundtrack Cover

Here is the official cover art for the New Moon soundtrack!

Stephenie Meyer’s website has a new post detailing the Death Cab for Cutie news where she also exclusively reveals this cover art.

The New Moon soundtrack is now available for pre-order for $9.99, and will be released October 20th.

First Official Pic: Christopher Heyerdahl as Marcus of the Volturi

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 10:56 AM PDT

Christopher Heyerdahl marcus volturi new moon

Summit has released this first look at Christopher Heyerdahl playing Marcus of the Volturi in New Moon.

Marcus is wearing a long draped robe with what appears to be a somber brown and black paisley scarf, among the fabric you can also spot a Volturi crest necklace.

Check the break for more info on Marcus.



Full Name: Marcus
Status: Vampire
Group: Volturi Coven
Date of Birth: Around 1300 BC
Date of Transformation: Unknown
Special Abilities: He sees the strength of the relationships between people

“You already know what you’ll do, Aro.”

Marcus is the most detached of the Volturi leaders. The loss of his mate has essentially turned him into a zombie over the centuries. He is surprised by the intensity of Bella and Edward’s relationship.

1) The Volturi include: Aro, Caius, and Marcus as the leaders, and then Jane, Alec, Demetri, Felix, Heidi, and several other unnamed members of the guard.
2) The Volturi are similar to a ruling body, and protect the secret of vampires by wiping out any “problems” as vampire law defines.
3) The Volturi live in an ancient Tuscan city called “Volterra”.
4) Aro and Jane’s powers do not work on Bella.

First Official Pic of Dakota Fanning as Jane of the Volturi

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 10:51 AM PDT

Jane Volturi new Moon dakota fanning

Dakota Fanning looks absolutely creepy in this first official pic of the actress as Jane of the Volturi in New Moon.

Jane is wearing a somber dress with a serious yet cute dark brown bow and the Volturi crest necklace peeking out. Behind her is Volterra, Italy in tones of brown.

[via TrailerPark thanks Mariya, TSH, LMCullen & Hazeena!]

First Picture of Michael Sheen as Aro of the Volturi

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 10:44 AM PDT

Volturi Aro Michael Sheen New Moon

Here is the first official promo pic that Summit has released of MIchael Sheen as Aro of the Volturi in New Moon.

Set against a washed-out sepia backdrop of Italy, Aro is wearing a regal black suit with the Volturi crest around his neck.

[via Yahoo, thanks LMCullen, Sparks, Anna, TSH!]

First Picture of Volturi Member Caius aka Jamie Campbell Power

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 10:39 AM PDT


The New Moon goodies keep coming, with this first look at Caius of the Volturi.

Caius has a black robe with a red scarf accent peeking out and appears like evil royalty.

[via Moviefone, thanks Sparks, Patty, Anna, Breeann, LMCullen!]

First Promo Pic of Cameron Bright as Alec of the Volturi

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 10:35 AM PDT


Check it! Here’s the very first high quality promo pic of Alec of the Volturi in New Moon, as played by Cameron Bright.

The black and crimson looks very regal yet foreboding, and the background takes the brown naturalistic elements of the poster and earlier promo pics to Italy to give an old-world feel.

[via MTV, thanks Anna, Sparks, Patty!]


Robert Pattinson on the French Cover of Premiere

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 08:10 AM PDT

Robert pattinson premiere magazine

New Moon superstar Robert Pattinson is on the September issue of the French magazine Premiere.

Rob’s wearing a retro Batman shirt and a leather jacket as well as a very intense stare. Aimez-vous le sexy?

[thanks wolfnat & Natalie, via jeanmarcmorandini

Рубрики:  Twilight news


Twilight news (15/08/09 - 21/08/09)


Пятница, 21 Августа 2009 г. 15:58 + в цитатник

Kristen Stewart to Grace the Cover of Dazed and Confused Magazine

Posted: 17 Aug 2009 12:22 PM PDT


New Moon-er Kristen Stewart will be on the cover of Dazed and Confused Magazine. It hits shelves this Thursday (August 20th!). For those who are not familiar with the magazine they cover Music, Arts & Culture, Fashion, Photography, etc. And are located in London.

You can check out their website here.


New Moon-er Kristen Stewart will be on the cover of Dazed and Confused Magazine. It hits shelves this Thursday (August 20th!). For those who are not familiar with the magazine they cover Music, Arts & Culture, Fashion, Photography, etc. And are located in London.

You can check out their website here.

[photo source: Dazed & Confused Twitter page!]

Dakota Fanning’s New Photo Shoot with New York Times

Posted: 17 Aug 2009 09:08 AM PDT


Absolutely stunning. Hard to believe she is only 15. New Moon Volturi Guard Jane aka Dakota Fanning, had gorgeous photos taken of her recently via New York Times. The New York Times article states -

Dakota Fanning is so self-possessed and so articulate that the only reminder you’re speaking with a 15-year-old and not someone much older is her occasional tendency to giggle when she’s sharing some droll aspect of her life.

Dakota shares details on Jane being pure evil -

‘‘You have to be able to separate your personal life from playing a character. . . . That’s not your real life.’’ Good thing; next up for her is ‘‘New Moon,’’ the second film in the ‘‘Twilight’’ series, in which Fanning takes a fangs-first plunge into the darkness as Jane, a very nasty vampire who functions as a kind of vampire enforcer. She didn’t bother trying to find some redeeming characteristic in Jane, she says. ‘‘She’s pretty much evil,’’ Fanning says with a laugh. ‘‘Yes, she may feel like she’s just doing her job by torturing people, but that’s evil.’’

You can read the rest of the article here. With pictures over at JustJaredJr!

Thousands Give Blood and Met ‘New Moon’ Actor Peter Facinelli During a Recent Blood Drive

Posted: 17 Aug 2009 08:00 AM PDT


The Red Cross stated that a couple thousand donors came to the blood drive. The young girl in the above picture was so excited about meeting Peter, that she forgot her copy of Twilight and had to buy a new one!

You can read the article here!

Stephenie Meyer – I Know What You Did This Summer!

Posted: 17 Aug 2009 05:53 AM PDT

Stephenie-Meyer_lStephenie Meyer just posted on her official website, what she has been up to this summer! And apologized for not updating very much (its ok Steph! Just keep on working on Midnight Sun! lol). She also went to the movies to see the New Moon trailer on the big screen!? -

And then this Saturday I went to see an actual grown-up people movie, yay! Admittedly, I went to see the New Moon trailer on the big screen (yes, I’m a total dork. Who cares? It was worth it). But then I stayed to see Bandslam because the reviews were so good, and I was glad I did. With my hopeless love of music coupled with my total lack of musical ability, I really dug Will. He’s my hero right now. It had a good soundtrack, as one might expect, a lot of very quotable one-liners, and it turned upside down some of those lame female-interaction stereotypes. It’s a good time.

You can read the rest about Stephenie’s summer over at StephenieMeyer.com!

Team Chris Weitz – New Moon Will Have More Natural and Authentic Performances!

Posted: 17 Aug 2009 05:45 AM PDT

DF-13610.jpgRotten Tomatoes has an awesome article outlining Chris Weitz’s style as a director,? what we can expect from him when it comes to New Moon and what he has brought to the table -

Coming into the project, Weitz’s filmmaking pedigree was already impressive. In the span of just a decade, he’s notched numerous successes under his belt, including an Oscar nomination (shared with brother Paul) for About a Boy; a hand in the successful American Pie franchise; and most recently, the honor of bringing Philip Pullman’s enormously weighty His Dark Materials novels to the big screen, in the form of 2007’s The Golden Compass. But our earliest familiarity with Weitz himself was as an actor in the darkly comic indie, Chuck & Buck, where he starred opposite Mike White’s obsessive man-child as Charlie (formerly known as Chuck), a yuppie record exec trying to put his past (and his childhood buddy, Buck) behind him.

Producer Wyck Godfrey, speaking exclusively to Rotten Tomatoes, surmised that Weitz’s own acting experience and affinity for actors made for a remarkably comfortable working environment on the set of New Moon: “I think having been in a movie himself and having acted before, he really trusts actors and I think they can really feel that inherently. And as a result, we’ve gotten much more authentic, very natural performances from all the actors.”

I don’t about you, but I kinda like Wyck. He seems cool. (off topic, sorry!)

The Rotten Tomatoes article also lists what Melissa Rosenberg, Taylor Lautner, and Rachelle LeFevre think of Chris Weitz! You can read the rest of the article here!

New Moon Cast Attends Speical Screening

Posted: 17 Aug 2009 05:25 AM PDT



Some? New Moon cast members have been lucky enough to attend a special screening of New Moon! We previously reported that Edi Gathegi tweeted that he had watched New Moon with Stephenie Meyer! Now there are pictures surfacing of various New Moon cast members in Vancouver, attending the? screening on Saturday.

You can view the rest of the pics of Kellan here!

UPDATE: More cast pictures have been added! You can view the rest of them here!

Kristen Stewart Interview with MSN Mexico

Posted: 17 Aug 2009 05:17 AM PDT

kristen-stewart-comic-con-09-new-moonJournalist Oscar Uriel from MSN Mexico had the opportunity to interview New Moon-er Kristen Stewart, during Comic Con. Twilight Poison has the complete English translation -

Stewart arrived with a heroin chic look, probably because of the movie she’s filming ‘The Runaways’. She completely avoided any visual contact with the journalists interviewing her.
I’ve been told that it’s because the actress is extremely shy and doesn’t like certain aspects of her job.
We still managed to talk to her about the dificulties of her character in this sequel and this is what she said: “In this movie the only way we can see Edward is through the very subjective point of view of Bella. It’s only through her memory that the character is present, so he doesn’t have to be there physically.
This movie is much more emotional than the first, I can promise you that. Anyone who’s read the books knows that the second book is much more intense than the first because unlike Twilight, New Moon is not about your first love.

In this movie, Bella presents herself as a manic depressive person and my challenge was asking myself ‘How Can I get this character to come out of that state she’s in? And how can I play a character who’s going through that process? It was very hard to portray a young woman who’s getting over the hard blows she gets from life and how she grows up after them.

I know that in my career I haven’t been involved in many projects that have generated so much expectation as Twilight and I just have to confess that I’m just another fan of the project. I get so excited to see how the movie is wrapping up, what the first trailers look like, etc.

I know that fans are worried that Edward is not in this movie that much, but trust me, you’ll see him enough, and if the character Edward Cullen didn’t leave, then how were we going to miss him?” concludes the actress.

New Pictures of Chaske Spencer and Alex Meraz at Creations Twi Tour in Phoenix

Posted: 18 Aug 2009 11:09 AM PDT


New Moon wolf pack members Chaske Spencer and Alex Meraz (aka Sam and Paul) attended the Creations Twi Tour in Phoenix, Arizona, over this past weekend!

They also had a little visit from the brooding Vamp we all love .. he let us all know what he really thinks of the wolves …



You can view the rest of the pictures over at TwiFans.com!

Catherine Hardwicke Reveals the Edward Cullen Wannabes

Posted: 18 Aug 2009 10:32 AM PDT

The WannabesTwilight director Catherine Harwicke recently revealed that the other candidates to play Edward Cullen were while at? Twi Tour in Phoenix -

  • Jackson Rathbone
  • Ben Barnes
  • Shiloh Fernandez

She also stated that she referred to them as Bachelor’s 1, 2, 3, and 4 (that is including Robert Pattinson!). As we all know, Jackson was cast in the movie as Edward’s brother, Jasper Hale.

What do you think? Loaded question I know! We obviously are very happy with Robert as Edward Cullen. Can? any of you see Jackson, Ben, or Shiloh as Edward?

MTV: What is Missing From the Newly Released New Moon Trailer?

Posted: 18 Aug 2009 09:30 AM PDT

317MTV Breaks down what they feel are missing from the recently released New Moon Trailer: Meet Jacob Black -

The Cliff Dive — Kristen Stewart told us long ago that Bella’s pivotal cinematic near-suicide will be CGI, and we’ve got to admit: We’re still a bit concerned. Fan-made videos like this one give us an idea of some things to expect from what could be the most powerful moment in “New Moon,” but so far, nothing official. Come on, Chris Weitz — cough it up!

Fight Scenes — Although Catherine Hardwicke’s “Twilight” won the hearts of millions of women, it won’t be stealing men away from sports and “Star Trek” sequels anytime soon. Now, with male directors in place for the next two films — and increasingly darker, more action-oriented plotlines to come — it’s time to start convincing the dudes that seeing “New Moon” will do more than put you in your lady’s good graces. But what have we glimpsed so far? Shirtless Jacob, shirt-open Edward, shirtless wolf pack. “Fight Club” gave the same number of abs, but also brought along just as many punches to the face — so bring back the honey and chicken, already!

The Vanishing Volturi — As any good Twilighter knows, the Volturi feature prominently not only in “New Moon,” but also in the overall arc of the “Twilight” saga. So, why have they become the J.D. Salinger of the film series? We want full-on, official shots of Aro, Caius, Marcus and the rest. No more slowing down video clips to see if that’s Michael Sheen in the background — it’s time to bring out the big guns.

Quil Be Seeing You — Everybody’s got their own favorite quasi-obscure “Twilight” character, and mine is Jacob’s “wingman” Quil Ateara. We know he’s played by Tyson Houseman in the film, but we haven’t seen so much as a publicity shot yet. Sure, some might laugh — but I’ll be wearing a “Team Quil” shirt when I see the film on opening night. Which reminds me of a second complaint: Why has no one invented “Team Quil” T-shirts yet?

It Ain’t Easy Being Human— They’re the nicest people in the world and the backbone of the “Twilight” film series: Mike Welch, Christian Serratos, Justin Chon, Anna Kendrick, Billy Burke and others. But although these fan favorites are among the most visible at “Twilight” conventions and other events, we haven’t seen so much as a glimpse of them in the “New Moon” trailers. It’s bad enough that these guys don’t get to pretend they have superhuman powers, the ability to live forever or even a clue as to all the craziness going on in Forks. “Twilight” is nothing without the humanity that Stephenie Meyer injected into it — here’s hoping that Weitz remembers that element as he’s working all those long hours and late nights in the “New Moon” editing bay.

Do you guys agree? Want more? We do!

Will Hot Topic See Big New Moon Merch Sales?

Posted: 20 Aug 2009 02:55 PM PDT

200908201754.jpg Forbes has a new article where they wonder if retailer Hot Topic will see the same big sales for New Moon that they saw for Twilight.

The apparel based on the “Twilight” hit book and movie series about teenage vampires had helped Hot Topic ( HOTT – news – people ) post big gains in sales late last year and earlier this year while other retailers struggled.

But other stores are also releasing “New Moon” product, and Van Sinderen said the company felt it would be hard to be better than flat with last year’s “Twilight” sales.

Given that Hot Topic was pretty much the only place to get Twilight merch last year, and we’ve seen big sales pushes from mainstream retailers like Wal-Mart into Twilight land in the last few months, it’ll be interesting to see if the lack of exclusivity can be made up with a higher profile movie.

Рубрики:  Twilight news


Twilight news (18/07/09 - 14/08/09)


Пятница, 14 Августа 2009 г. 16:13 + в цитатник

New Moon Heart’s Desire Chocolate Candy at Blockbuster

Posted: 18 Jul 2009 04:35 PM PDT

New Moon Chocolate Candy Heart's Desire Blockbuster Creme Filled Heart
New Moon Chocolate Heart Creme CandyThe newest piece of New Moon merchandise is–get this–a creme filled milk chocolate heart. ?Jessica found this candy at Blockbuster. ?The chocolate hearts feature three different packages with the faces of Edward Cullen, Bella Swan and Jacob Black. The candy is named “Heart’s Desire” and is made by Skybar.

Inside the package, you’ll find the same chocolate design in all three wrappers. ?The shape of the chocolate is two hearts on top of a base, the top heart has “Bella” written on it and the heart below it has the Cullen family crest.

Rachelle LeFevre Dishes on Victoria in New Moon: Stunts Galore

Posted: 18 Jul 2009 11:56 AM PDT

Rachelle LeFevre Victoria New Moon Canadian actress Rachelle LeFevre plays bad-vamp Victoria in New Moon, and she talks to HitFix in-depth about her experience filming New Moon while she was in Vancouver. In particular, she reveals quite a bit about the type of stunts we’ll see in the movie–

Q: So, we get to see you jump from 25 feet up in a tree down to the ground? There’s leaping off trees to the ground. There’s leaping up in the air from trees to other trees. I was about 40-feet up just hanging out looking like I was just kind of standing there. There’s a lot of that. And then my stunt double, who spent five years with Cirque du Soleil did some very cool like backflips and things like that on the wires. Yeah, being thrown around by werewolves you’d be like in one place one minute and then they pull [and] you’re like hooked up to wire and then they’ll pull the wires and then you get yanked up flying into the air and your body’s folded in half. It’s very cool.

Rachelle also reveals that there will be a slight change from Twilight–she’ll now wear shoes instead of going barefoot! Find out why after the break.


Q: Is Victoria still walking around barefoot? No, Stephanie gave us permission for me to be wearing shoes in this.

Q: Really? Because there was so much stunt work that it would have really jeopardized our safety. And, you know, Stephanie always has to have a reason for every thing. So there was a whole conversation about why Victoria should be allowed to wear her shoes. And the idea was that the barefoot thing was something that they do together, I guess the three of them. Laurent, Victoria and James, and that was one part. And now it’s Victoria on her own and she’s a hunter and she’s out for Bella and it’s a mission. And so I insisted that if I wear shoes that they be like military of some kind to sort of symbolize that I was on a mission so I’m wearing combat boots.

Check out the entire interesting interview at HitFix.

More Huge New Moon Advertisements in Indonesia

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 09:04 AM PDT

New Moon Poster Ad indonesia

New MOon Poster Warped Tour

Remember that huge billboard style ad for New Moon that we showed you from an Indonesian mall?

It turns out there is more, with this enormous New Moon poster ad looming over the escalator in the mall. It’s at the XXI Ciwalk in Bandung, Indonesia.

I have to ask–when will we see this in the rest of the world? We’re ready!

UPDATE: To the right, check out a picture of the New Moon poster seen on a tent at the Warped Tour 2009 that punkfarie sent in!

[Source: Anggia Maryorie Cullen Facebook]

Peter Facinelli at Forbidden Planet in Dublin, Ireland

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 01:24 PM PDT

Peter Facinelli Dublin Ireland Forbidden Planet

New Moon doc-dad Peter Facinelli signed autographs and met with fans at the Forbidden Planet Store in Dublin, Ireland today, as seen in this pic from Radar Online. Check after the break to see several more pictures from fans that attended!


Niamh sends in the below pic and says–

Heres a picture of PFach in Dublin with me and my friends Robyn, Amy and Louise. He was a really nice guy and he had no problem posing for photos but it was ?15 for a signature… Worth it in my opinion! He also learned to jig and showed everyone his new dance :-)

Peter Facinelli Dublin Ireland Forbidden Planet

Saoirse sends in the pics below and says–

Myself and my best friend arrived at the forbidden planet store at 3:50pm. The sign said peter would start at 4:45pm. When we got there the que was relativly short but by the time we entered the stop it was all around the shop, out the door and around the corner. Peter was 35 minutes late but nobody really minded. He showed up and there were many screams. We finally got into the shop and up to where he was signing. He was very friendly and nice and kindly signed books, photos and whatever else, aswell as getting a picture with each person. I got my Twilight book signed and he had difficulty with my name, it being Irish, but we got there in the and i also got a photo. It was very cool ;)

Peter Facinelli Dublin Forbidden Planet Peter Facinelli Dublin Forbidden Planet

Peter Facinelli Dublin Forbidden Planet

Nikki Reed in Greece with Paris Hilton’s Ex Paris Latsis

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 07:34 AM PDT


New Moon star Nikki Reed has finally been found: she’s in Greece with Greek shipping magnate heir Paris Latsis, who is Paris Hilton’s ex.

The young American actress has completely stolen his heart and they have been together for 6 months now. He claims to be madly in love with her, and has introduced her to his parents and will adapt his schedule according to the actresses schedule. In August she filming for her new movie so they will stay in Greece until the end of July and will return together in LA. Paris wants to stay with her and encourage her and because he can’t stay away from her.

Sorry, but he has douchetastic hair.

After the break, check out a pic of Nikki walking around with…a knotted shirt! The K-Knot returns!


Nikki Reed

Alice, Bella & Jacob New Moon Still: HQ Close-Up

Posted: 21 Jul 2009 09:59 AM PDT

Alice Cullen Bella Swan Jacob Black new Moon Still

Here’s a closer look at the new still shot from New Moon that shows Alice Cullen, Bella Swan and Jacob Black in the living room at what appears to be Alice and Bella’s reunion.

In this version you can see the characters a lot better!

Jamie Bower on Appearance of Caius in New Moon

Posted: 21 Jul 2009 08:15 AM PDT

200907211114.jpg Jamie Campbell-Bower, who plays Caius in new moon, spoke to Fandango about his role in the movie, along with his visual appearance in the film–

Q. How come you’re not wearing your vampire red contacts right now? Campbell Bower: They hurt. They don’t hurt so much as make me feel a bit sick because my peripheral vision is very much impaired when I have them in.

Q. How would you describe Caius’ look? Campbell Bower: I had a discussion with (costume designer) Tish (Monaghan), and we figured out that Caius probably doesn’t get to go out that much, so… he just steals his clothes from previous victims. The style is nice and smart and sleek and slim and – yeah, I like it. It’s very Italian, and I like the shoes, particularly.

Q. How much is expanded on in the 18th century flashback scenes? Campbell Bower: A little bit – not very much as far as the Volturi go. It’s awesome. It does look really cool and it will be kind of shocking. I don’t want to go too far and ruin it for anyone.

Check out the rest at Fandango.

Official New Moon Movie Website

Posted: 22 Jul 2009 12:39 PM PDT

Bella Swan Jacob Black La Push Beach

200907221541.jpgThe official New Moon website is here. features include–

  • “Enter the Cullen House” interactive exploration
  • “Enter La Push Reservation” interactive exploration
  • “About” section with “Story”, “Cast”, “Crew” and “Worldwide” section
  • 200907221541.jpg“Media” section with photos and videos includes upcoming film clips, TV spots and brand new images
  • “Downloads” Section with widgets, wallpapers and IM icons
  • “Mobile” section (coming soon)
  • “Community” section with links to Twilight sites
  • “Official Store”
  • “The World of Twilight” section (coming soon)

Check out all the cool features at NewMoontheMovie.com

New Moon Panel at Comic-Con: Hall H 1:45 PST

Posted: 23 Jul 2009 11:00 AM PDT

New Moon Panel Comic-Con

The New Moon panel at Comic-Con has concluded. Highlights from G4TV’s coverage by Stephen Johnson include:

  • (after first exclusive clip) Uh oh…Jacob took off his shirt in the clip and the fans went nuts-o-crazy-go-nuts.
  • Fan to Rob: Would you ever do open-mic nights for music, ever again? ? Rob: Yes. I’d love to do it again. It’s good for your soul.
  • Fan: for Taylor, how was it filming in different weather conditions, half-naked? ? Taylor: It was cold. There was a day when I was only wearing jean shorts (Cheers from crowd.) It was really really cold, but I’m doing it all for you guys!
  • I should point out that all questions are interupted by screams of “I love you!” and “You’re awesome!” and “wooo!” at random.
  • Rob: Edward’s who character is about restraint, so I always found it difficult to move as the character. So in the new movie, a lot of the shots are set up so that I can move as little a possible. The camera moves more often.
  • Chris Weitz is going to show another scene! The fans go insane.?The scene: Alice and Bella racing to save Edward. ? You remember that scene right?

Rotten Tomatoes has an extensive write-up on the scenes that were shown, including these spoilers for the first clip:

Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) and Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) are bent over an antique light blue motorcycle. Jacob wears jeans, a brown t-shirt, and his hair is long. As Bella sits on the motorcycle, Jacob guides her hands (touching!) over the handles. “Brake. Clutch. Gas,” he reminds her. Bella revs the engine. “Slowly release the clutch,” says Jacob.

Suddenly, Bella sees the translucent apparition of Edward, a concerned look on his face, standing in front of her. We can see him, but also see through him. Bella takes off on the bike.

As she zooms down the road, Bella gains speed. She zooms by another apparition of Edward, standing in her path. She speeds by another. Losing focus, Bella swerves and falls from the bike, hitting her head on a rock.

Jacob speeds over to Bella on his own bike, coming to a stop with a flourish. He hops off the bike and rushes to Bella’s side. She is bewildered, and blood gushes from a gash on her forehead.

“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” Jacob asks. Bella apologizes for the blood, but it doesn’t bother Jacob.

He takes a step back, the camera following his every move. Jacob strips off his shirt, revealing a six-pack, and bends down to dab Bella’s wound with it. Their faces come very close.
“You’re so beautiful,” she tells him. Emotion flashes across his face.

Find out what happens in the other scene at Rotten Tomatoes. You can also check out the rest of G4TV’s excellent liveblog coverage as well as the Twitpics from Buzznet.


UPDATE: While you wait for the event to start, check out these pics of Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner from their press session!

Kristen Stewart Taylor Lautner Robert Pattinson New Moon Comic-Con

Robert Pattinson Comic-Con Kristen Stewart Taylor Lautner Robert Pattinson New Moon Comic-Con  

More pics at RobertPattinsonWho, Robsessed and Celebuzz!

[Source: Twilighters.org and TwiFans and TwiCrack

Live Streaming Video from New Moon Comic-Con Panel

Posted: 23 Jul 2009 10:04 AM PDT

Jasper Emmett New Moon Need it

If you couldn’t make it to San Diego, fear not–ETOnline is promising to stream coverage live from the New Moon event! –

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are in San Diego today to help kick off this year’s star-studded Comic-Con and ET is there for all of the fun! And starting at 9:30 am PDT, ETonline will be live streaming from the ‘New Moon’ trio’s press conference! Check back here then to see if they spill any ‘New Moon’ secrets!

It’s already 10:00am PDT and coverage has not yet started–keep checking back!

UPDATE: The live stream is going very slowly, but it’s working now!

New Moon Comic-Con Panel UPDATE2: HitFix has an excellent LiveBlog of the event if you can’t get the stream to work! For example–

10:03 a.m. How has Stewart changed? “I cut my hair off.”

10:04 p.m. Lautner’s grateful to the fans, “It’s awesome that we get to see them all waiting for us again a year later.”


10:05 a.m. “I pretty much live an almost identical life apart from being recognized and that’s not necessarily the worst thing in the world.” He adds, “I never did anything normal anyway. I just get other people to do it now.”

10:06 a.m. “Sometimes it gets me nervous because I’m trying to live up to the fans expectations and represent Team Jacob in the right way.” – Lautner on Team Jacob.

10:07 a.m. Don’t worry. The stars all reassure us that Edward is in the movie plenty. You won’t miss him. [read the rest]

UPDATE3: Rob has just revealed that one of the scenes they’ll show later today at Comic-Con involves the ghost-like apparition version of Edward!

UPDATE4: “10:21 a.m. Pattinson says he has no musical contribution to “New Moon.”.

UPDATE5: And that’s it for now. Come back later for the New Moon event at 1:45pm PST (FYI: this was the Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart press conference, not the main event with the clips from the movie.)

UPDATE6: Pictures of Rob, Taylor and Kristen leaving the press conference: [Source, 2 ]

Taylor Lautner Kristen Stewart Robert Pattinson New Moon Comic-Con 2009

Robert Pattinson Kristen Stewart Taylor Lautner New Moon Comic-Con 2009

UPDATE7: Here is the video of the appearance!

[thanks to the huge number of people that sent in live stream info!, thanks rpattzproject for the still via Bella&Edward. Here's the explanation of the above picture. Pic from TwiSource and Sourece , Twilighters.org

New Moon’s Jessica, Anna Kendrick is on Twitter

Posted: 25 Jul 2009 05:39 PM PDT

Anna Kendrick Jessica Twilight New Moon Twitter

Add Anna Kendrick to the ever-growing list of New Moon stars on Twitter.

Anna, who plays Jessica, has posted this picture on her Twitter stream, Batman shirt and all, to prove her identity.

You can follow her tweets at @AnnaKendrick47. While you’re there, be sure to add our accounts to get updates on @NewMoonMovie and @EclipseMovieOrg!

Happy Birthday to Michael Welch aka Mike Newton!

Posted: 25 Jul 2009 12:00 PM PDT

Birthday Michael Welch Mike Newton

Michael Welch, who plays Mike Newton in New Moon, is celebrating his 22nd Birthday today.

Happy Birthday, Mike–we hope it’s a fantastic one!

Taylor and Taylor up a Tree …

Posted: 31 Jul 2009 06:25 AM PDT



Taylor Lautner locks lips with Taylor Swift, on the set of their new movie Valentine’s Day.

Calm down wolf girls (and boys)! Robert Pattinson got busy on-screen with his new co-star in Remember Me. So its only fair Taylor gets to do the same!

You can see the rest of the smoldering kiss over here

Rachelle LeFevre ‘Stunned’ Over the Role of Victoria Being Recast for Eclipse

Posted: 29 Jul 2009 03:46 PM PDT

rachelle_lefevreAs we reported earlier, Rachelle Lefevre will no longer be reprising her role as the evil Vampire, Victoria, in The Twilight Saga -Eclipse. Instead, Victoria will be played by none other than Bryce Dallas Howard.

We were given very little details as to how this came about, and the main reason being why?

Access Hollywood is now reporting that Rachelle Lefevre was “shocked” and “stunned” by what has happened -

“I was stunned by Summit’s decision to recast the role of Victoria for ‘Eclipse,’” Rachelle said in a statement to Access Hollywood.

On Tuesday, Summit announced that Bryce Dallas Howard would be taking on the role in “Eclipse,” due in May 2010.

“I was fully committed to the ‘Twilight’ saga, and to the portrayal of Victoria,” Rachelle continued, explaining the turn of events that led to the casting change. “I turned down several other film opportunities and, in accordance with my contractual rights, accepted only roles that would involve very short shooting schedules. My commitment to ‘Barney’s Version’ is only ten days. Summit picked up my option for ‘Eclipse.’ Although the production schedule for ‘Eclipse’ is over three months long, Summit said they had a conflict during those ten days and would not accommodate me. Given the length of filming for ‘Eclipse,’ never did I fathom I would lose the role over a 10 day overlap. I was happy with my contract with Summit and was fully prepared to continue to honor it. Summit chose simply to recast the part.”

The star concluded her statement with a regretful tone.

“I am greatly saddened that I will not get to complete my portrayal of Victoria for the ‘Twilight’ audience. This is a story, a theatrical journey and a character that I truly love and about which I am very passionate. I will be forever grateful to the fan support and loyalty I’ve received since being cast for this role, and I am hurt deeply by Summit’s surprising decision to move on without me. I wish the cast and crew of ‘Eclipse’ only the very best,” she said.

You can read the rest of the article here.

The Top 10 New Moon Facts Unveiled at Comic Con

Posted: 29 Jul 2009 03:00 PM PDT

99025_taylor-lautner-kristen-stewart-and-robert-pattinson-strike-a-pose-during-the-2009-comic-con-new-moon-press-conference-in-san-diego-on-july-23-2009Rotten Tomatoes unleashes the Top 10 New Moon Facts released at this years Comic Con in San Diego.

1. Summit Entertainment knows its audience, evidenced by the two scenes they brought to Comic-Con. Whether you’re Team Edward or Team Jacob, there was a shirtless scene for you. Who wanted to see the birthday party scene or the cliff diving scene, when they could get their first peek at Jacob Black hopping valiantly off a bike to strip naked to tend to an almost-drooling Bella? Or watch as Bella raced across Volterra in vain as Edward opened his shirt, stepping into the sunlight? It was such an amazing sight, Bella started running in slow motion.

2. Director Chris Weitz will use a lot of dialogue straight from the book. This was one of the biggest points of contention with the first Twilight, into which screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg had written quotes directly from Meyer’s text — with varying results. (”And so the lion fell in love with the lamb,” to which non-fans groaned inwardly.) In both scenes shown at Comic-Con, the majority of dialogue was taken from the pages of New Moon and filmed quite closely to what we imagined.

3. Taylor Lautner is the press-friendly celebrity star that New Moon needed. Compared to his co-stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, Lautner has just the right youthful vigor and enthusiasm (read: he’s not jaded yet) to turn Twilight press events into, well, downright energetic press events. Deposited between Stewart and Pattinson in Thursday’s early morning press conference, Lautner picked up the slack whenever his co-stars trailed off; the kid’s been well prepared. I mean, have you seen that Sharkboy-era dancing video?

4. Kristen Stewart knows that Bella is a head case in New Moon. Critics who thought Bella was unhealthily dependent on Edward in the first Twilight film, or even that his behavior was borderline stalker-ish, will likely seize on her obvious psychological issues in the sequel. When those criticisms come, Stewart’s fully prepared. “This is a severely emotional movie,” she told journalists. “That’s the one big difference. This movie is not about discovery or falling in love, which is sort of just an intense emotion, but this is low and there high points for her, too. She’s a manic depressive, basically.”

5. A year later, Kristen Stewart’s life is just as crazy and her answers just as wry as they were during Twilight. The build-up to the first Twilight film transformed its stars’ lives into a constant media circus, with fans even stampeding a mall just to see Pattinson. Asked if life was any different with the sequel on the horizon, Lautner said now he was “really, really busy” and Pattinson noted that he walks down the street hoping not to be noticed. Stewart deadpanned that her only life change was the stylistic kind: “I cut my hair off.”

Personally #7 is my fav, and is the funniest! You’ll have to refer to the rest of the list over at RottenTomatoes.com to see what it is!

Ashley Greene Talks About Kissing Kellan Lutz

Posted: 29 Jul 2009 12:30 PM PDT


Ashley Greene gets to lay a wet one on Kellan Lutz for their upcoming movie Warrior. And we are all jealous!

Ashley was interviewed by Celebuzz at this years Comic-con. When asked if it was awkward to kiss Kellan because they play siblings in the Twilight Saga Movies, Ashley responded:

“No, it wasn’t, because Kellan and I know each other so well, it was kind of a no-brainer. And again, we’ve already got this kind of chemistry, so no it wasn’t hard at all,” Greene told us. “I was kind of wondering about that because he is one of my very close friends, and we definitely have a platonic relationship, so playing romantic, I was wondering if it was going to be hard or easier, but because we are already so comfortable with each other it was actually less awkward than kissing someone I didn’t know.”

I don’t think I would have a hard time doing that either. I mean its a job, someone has to do it right?!

You can read the rest of the kiss all over here.

Here are some pictures from the set of Warrior (as previously posted). Enjoy!

Nerd World Interview with Chris Weitz

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 04:33 PM PDT

sparkling-edward-cullen-wallpaper-smallNerd World (a Time magazine blog) sat down with New Moon director Chris Weitz recently, to discuss all things New Moon, and how massive the fan base is -

It’s like Beatlemania.

That’s the only thing I can think of, the Beatles. You see old footage of that type of thing. It happened in Montepulciano, when we were shooting there. It was like The Birds, but with young girls. You’d turn a corner and there would be one or two or three. And the next time you looked there would be 10, 20, 50, 100.

Then before you know it gas stations are exploding.

Exactly. I think basically the panel today would have worked perfectly for the fans if it had just been us sitting there, and they could just look at Rob and Taylor. Maybe Rob and Taylor would move a little.

Taylor seems the most comfortable with this level of scrutiny. He doesn’t squirm as much.

It’s funny. In a way he’s the least prepared for the intense scrutiny, but he’s very balanced about it. Whereas I think Rob and Kristen are very sheepish about it. Not that they don’t appreciate it. But they’re thrown a bit by it.

I guess I should ask you about the actual movie. How done is it?

It’s pretty done. It has to be done. It has to come out on November 20. Which means we sort of have to hand it over October 30. Which means the picture has to lock August 30. And so in a few weeks it’ll be locked, the visual effects are in good shape, all the R&D on the more complicated, more ephemeral effects is being completed.How weird was it, stepping into somebody else’s franchise?

It was a bit odd at first. But then again it’s pretty amazing to have a huge fan base just dropped into your lap. And it was a pleasure to be able to deliver faithfully on a book. With Golden Compass I felt that by being faithful to the book I was working at odds with the studio. But Summit understands that it’s Stephenie Meyer’s world, and really it’s about recreating the experience the reader has, in some kind of faithful manner. Creating a picture that doesn’t violate too badly the picture they have in their minds.

I hope there’s sparkling in this one.

There will be lots of sparkling.

Did you read that? LOTS of sparkling. Hopefully they can get it as realistic as a Vampire sparkling in the sun could be!!

You can read the rest of the over 12 minute interview here

Picture brought to you buy NewMoonMovie.org!

Robert Pattinson’s Favorite Scene in New Moon

Posted: 31 Jul 2009 07:30 PM PDT


According to FanBolt.com, Robert Pattinson revealed what his favorite scene in New Moon is: The Break Up -

“I think my breakup scene was my favorite scene. I mean, hopefully it’ll come off as having quite a few more levels than the relationship in ‘Twilight’. It was interesting. It was like a five page long dialogue scene. That didn’t happen at all in the first one and it’s quite an interesting little moment. It completely bypasses all the supernatural elements of the story, as well, which I found quite interesting.” Pattinson explained.

I’m looking forward to seeing this on screen. It was extremely well written in the book, and I would love to see it played out. However, I will be well equipped with tissues and wearing water proof mascara!

You can read the article at FanBolt.com

Jackson Rathbone on Stage with 100 Monkeys in Dallas

Posted: 03 Aug 2009 06:22 PM PDT

rathbone concert 03aug09 01rathbone concert 03aug09 03

Lainey Gossip has new pictures of New Moon vampire, Jackson Rathbone (aka Jasper Hale), performing in Dallas this past weekend with his band.

He is soooo dreamy….

You can view the rest of the rockin’ hot pics here.

Spotted: Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson at Bobby Long Concert in Hollywood

Posted: 07 Aug 2009 10:18 AM PDT

robert pattinson kristen stewart bobby long concert hollywood los angeles

Last night, Moon from LettersToTwilight went to the Bobby Long concert in LA and Robert Pattinson and Marcus Foster showed up, followed by Kristen Stewart. Guess who left together?

Find out at LettersToTwilight!

Ashley Greene, Rachelle LeFevre, Nikki Reed and Noot Seear in Glamour Magazine

Posted: 06 Aug 2009 06:55 AM PDT

ashley greene noot seear nikki reed rachelle lefevre\

Some of the New Moon gals are in the newest issue of Glamour magazine, and they posed for this gorgeous new photo for an article on “Twilight Beauty”. Nikki Reed, Rachelle LeFevre, Ashley Greene and Noot Seear make up the beauts.  


Рубрики:  Twilight news


Новости с 27.06.09 по 04.07.09


Вторник, 30 Июня 2009 г. 18:03 + в цитатник



Twilight Producers Interviewed on Robert Pattinson, Spinoffs

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 04:30 PM PDT


Radar has a new interview with Twilight producers Wyck Godfrey and Greg Mooradian concerning how Robert Pattinson must be protected from fans so that he won’t be “torn limb from limb”.

The producers, who worked on New Moon, answer if there will be any Twilight spinoffs–such as a Volturi spinoff–after the four books of the Twilight Saga are filmed.

The verdict? “Stay tuned”, they say–not ruling anything out.



Robert Pattinson on Remember Me Set in New York

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 01:02 PM PDT

Robert Pattinson Remember me NYC

Here’s your daily dose of New Moon superstar Robert Pattinson in New York City on the set of his new movie Remember Me. He’s working with Lost actress Emilie de Ravin.   

You’ll find more pics of Rob at Celebrity-Gossip.

Other sources: JustJared,RadarOnline.


Twilight Beauty Makeup, Luna Twilight and Volturi Lines

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 12:53 PM PDT

Twilight Beauty Makeup

Twilight-inspired makeup is coming in a major way. There will be two lines–Luna Twilight and Volturi. Styleist says

LunaTwilight is the more luxurious of the two offerings — the packaging is heartbreakingly gorgeous and the formulas are more sophisticated than the alternate collection.

I hate to tease you with some of the the product names before they’re available, but let’s be honest, I can’t help myself and you can’t wait: “First Light Body Glow,” “Mortal Glow Blushing Creme” and Color Palettes in “Bella,” “Rosalie,” “Alice” and “Victoria.”

The other line of Twilight Beauty products will be called Volturi–

The Volturi is the most feared and powerful coven of vampires, and that same dark, exciting sensibility can be felt in its products.

The Volturi family crest appears on the packaging and some standouts include “Deity Body Lotion,” “Immortal Body Shimmer” and “Crown Mascara” (shown).

The makeup released date hasn’t been announced, but is set to come out near the release of New Moon on November 20th.

Review: Defining Twilight SAT Verbal Study Guide

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 12:26 PM PDT

Defining Twilight Review SAT Preparing for the SAT and other standardized tests like the ACT and SSAT can be one of the most stressful rites of passage a student can go through.

Brian Leaf’s Defining Twilight hopes to ease the preparation for the verbal portion of these tests by guiding Twilight fans through the memorization of more than 600 vocabulary words found in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight. Does it succeed in helping with test preparation? We read through a pre-release review copy of the guide in order to find out. Read on to see what we discovered.


In each of the 40 sections of the guide, a group of words from Twilight is given. The first step is to look up the word on the page indicated in Twilight and write down your best guess for the definition of the word based on existing knowledge and context clues. Next, the answer is checked against the provided definition for each word.

The definitions that Brian Leaf provides offer additional tips on how to memorize the word by noting word clues like prefixes, suffixes, word origins and synonyms. The level of the vocabulary in the Twilight series never reaches the same difficulty as the most challenging vocabulary that is found on the SAT, so this is a welcome addition as these clues can help to learn other more advanced words that are not in this tome. This information helps expand the usefulness of this book far beyond the 600 words included from the Twilight universe.

After checking your definition, a group of multiple-choice quiz drills that include SAT-style questions like synonyms, analogies and sentence completions are done in order to reinforce your memorization of the word. These drills also help with becoming acclimated to the peculiar style of questions on the SAT. An important part of SAT preparation is getting used to how questions are asked on the test.

After every five sections there is a quiz which tests what the student has learned. There are eight of these summary quizzes as well as two additional summary quizzes at the midpoint and end of the book.

Defining Twilight Review Verdict VERDICT: [4/5 Stars]

Brian Leaf’s Defining Twilight offers a unique method of SAT prep for Twilighters by building on knowledge of a novel that fans are already familiar with. It won’t be the only study guide you’ll use to prepare for the SAT–the vocabulary in Twilight is not advanced enough–but it’s the most inviting and fun SAT study guide a Twilight fan will find. Defining Twilight is a must-buy for any Twilight fan that is preparing to take the SAT, ACT, SSAT or GED.

Robert Pattinson Filming Subway Scene in New York

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 08:03 AM PDT

Robert Pattinson Subway Remember me New York City NYC

New Moon superstar Robert Pattinson was fiming a scene for his new film Remember Me in a New York subway station on Friday night.

A smaller-than-usual crowd gathered to catch a glimpse of Robert. He was dressed a bit more formally than seen so far for Remember Me in a suit jacket over a white dress shirt and red undershirt. A fan that was there says–

He did show up for a short time to film a subway scene. He looks even cuter in person. Not alot of people at all…guess alot of folks didn’t want to chance it with what was said Thurs night and what was posted in various places (it’s really a gamble). His main body guard was really cool and nice. He came over to us and said that he will be coming out shortly and to get our cameras ready. He also said that he will not be signing any autographs or taking any pictures with anyone while filming and that he was leaving subway shoot to shoot somewhere else afterward.



Jackson Rathbone at WordTheatre Pushcart Benefit

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 07:44 AM PDT

Jackson Rathbone WordTheatre Pushcart

Multi-talented New Moon star Jackson Rathbone read from The Bank Robbery by Steve Schutzman at the WordTheatre Pushcart Press Benefit in New York City this weekend. Afterwards, his band 100 Monkeys played.

Lainey Gossip has more pics of Jackson at the event, and notes


First he’s all arty and cerebral hanging out with the literary set, then he rocks out and gets sweaty with them on stage…like, can you picture Kellan Lutz doing the same? Hardly. Kellan Lutz can smile pretty and flex his muscles, the end.

Elizabeth Reaser Photo Outtakes from Vogue

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 07:08 AM PDT

Elizabeth Reaser New Moon

New Moon Cullen family mom Elizabeth Reaser had a photoshoot with Vogue Magazine, Lion & Lamb Love has some new outtakes from the lush photoset.


Face Punch Movie Within Movie for New Moon

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 05:47 AM PDT

Michael Welch Face Punch New Moon Movie Mike Newton During the three-way date scene between Jacob Black, Mike Newton and Bella Swan that takes place in a movie theater in New Moon, Michael Welch has revealed a bit of a spoiler–the name of the action movie they’ll be watching: Face Punch.

When the cast of “New Moon” began planning out the pivotal date scene, they got a laugh out of some of the silly, fictional action-movie names that Weitz and his crew had assembled. But in the end, “Face Punch” was the winner.

“We started out with a few other comical names, but it turned out those were actual films so we couldn’t use those titles,” Welch laughed. “I forget the first few titles, but it was like ‘Crazy Explosion’ — and it turns out, there actually was a ‘Crazy Explosion.’ “



Kristen Stewart in Soccer Shirt on Set of Runaways

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 05:32 AM PDT

Kristen Stewart Runaways Joan Jett Soccer

New Moon star Kristen Stewart was on the set of her new movie The Runaways this weekend wearing a soccer-themed retro shirt. She’ll be playing legendary ’70s and ’80s rocker Joan Jett in the film.

News From StephenieMeyer.com

Posted: 30 Jun 2009 04:08 PM PDT

200906301907.jpg New Moon author Stephenie Meyer’s website has been updated with the following information–

It has been a while since the last time I posted anything—I hope everyone is doing well. I just wanted to bring your attention to a couple of things.

First, in case you didn’t see it, New Moon: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion is already available for pre-order (even though the cover art has not been released). For those of you who haven’t seen the Twilight Companion, it is filled with high-quality images and behind-the-scenes information. Please note that Stephenie does not write these books, but I really enjoyed the first one.

Also, Random House (the company who produces the Twilight audiobooks) is hosting another contest through their subsidiary suvudu.com. They will be giving away the entire Twilight series on audio books (you must be a resident of the United States and 18 years of age or older to enter). Please note that this contest is not at all affiliated with StephenieMeyer.com, although I do enjoy listening to the audio books.

Good luck!

Taylor Lautner at an LA Dodgers Game

Posted: 30 Jun 2009 01:34 PM PDT

Taylor Lautner LA Dodgers

New Moon wolf hunk Taylor Lautner was at a Los Agneles Dodgers baseball game last night in the front row. Radar Online has the full report and says

“He was really nice when these young girls came over, signing autographs and posing for photos with them,” the onlooker. “He was totally nice.”

Video and Photos of Robert Pattinson in Central Park Today

Posted: 30 Jun 2009 10:30 AM PDT

Robert Pattinson Emilie de Ravin Central park new york remember me

We posted some pictures of New Moon star Robert Pattinson earlier today filming Remember Me in New York’s Central Park at the Alice in Wonderland statue, but now we have this video of Rob relaxing on the statue and some new pics of Rob and co-star Emilie de Ravin, as well.

CONTEST: Win Twilight Trading Cards with Peter Facinelli Autograph

Posted: 30 Jun 2009 08:25 AM PDT

New Moon Contest

In celebration of the Limited Edition Twilight trading card set being released tomorrow exclusively through Amazon which includes Peter Facinelli’s autograph in a limited edition of 5000, we’re holding a contest to give away one set to a lucky winner.

To enter, all you have to do is use Twitter to retweet the following to share the contest with your friends:



Jamie Bower aka Caius at Public Enemies London Premiere

Posted: 30 Jun 2009 06:58 AM PDT

Jamie Campbell Bower Public EnemiesJamie Campbell Power, who will play Caius of the Italian Volturi vampire sect in New Moon, was seen at the London premiere of Public Enemies yesterday.

Public Enemies is the true-life tale of Great Depression era crime and the birth of the FBI. It stars Christian Bale and Johnny Depp, the latter of whom previously worked alongside Jamie Bower in Sweeney Todd.

Check out more pics at SocialiteLife.

There is also a video interview at Digital Spy, where Bower noted that–

“Rob’s genuinely just a normal guy. It was weird being around it all because we couldn’t go out to dinner because there would be 40 paparazzi and screaming girls waiting for Rob,” he explained.

He added that [New Moon] “looked awesome” and praised director Chris Weitz for doing “a really fantastic job”.

Robert Pattinson in Central Park in New York this Morning

Posted: 30 Jun 2009 06:40 AM PDT

Robert Pattinson Alice in Wonderland Central Park New York City NYC

New Moon star Robert Pattinson was on the set of his new film Remember Me this morning in a park in New York lounging on what looks like the Alice in Wonderland statue in Central Park.

Check out all the rest of the pics at Celebrity-Gossip.


Ashley Greene and Christian Serratos at Vision Awards

Posted: 30 Jun 2009 06:35 AM PDT

Here are some video interviews from this weekend’s Vision Awards at which Twilight was honored. Twilight and New Moon actresses Christian Serratos and Ashley Greene were interviewed, check out the rest of the videos after the break.

Ashley Greene at Ralph’s; On Dating Co-Stars

Posted: 30 Jun 2009 05:34 AM PDT

Despite her fame, New Moon vamp Ashley Greene goes shopping at the grocery store just like the rest of us as these new shots of Ashley at Ralph’s supermarket show.

Ashley recently talked to E! about the possibility of real-life relationships behind the onscreen romances of Twilight

Why do you think fans either need Rob and Kristen or you and Jackson to be together, or need you to be apart?

I think maybe part of it is the fans see that relationship onscreen and want it to be real, which is great for all of us to hear because at least we’re doing a good job portraying the fact that we’re absolutely enamored with each other. And of course, there’s real chemistry there. On the other extreme, it’s usually because they really just don’t like one of us!



Robert Pattinson & Undies on Remember Me Set Monday

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 07:47 PM PDT

Robert Pattinson Remember Me New York

New Moon star Robert Pattinson is still in New York filming his new movie Remember Me, and lucky us there are some great new pics coming out from his activity today.

Of the new pictures over at Lion & Lamb Love, most noatable are the one above of Rob giving a grin in a brown button up shirt while leaving his trailer and the picture shown after the break where he shows off the tiniest bit of skin and the waistband of his undies.


Robert pattinson remember me

Robert Pattinson Plays Guitar in NYC for Remember Me

Posted: 01 Jul 2009 10:52 AM PDT

Robert Pattinson Guitar Remember me

Multi-talented New Moon star Robert Pattinson was caught on camera holding a guitar on a New York roof for his new film Remember Me. He appears to be shooting a scene where he’s playing the guitar while a male co-star works out on free weights.

Check out more pics of Rob on the guitar at RobertPattinsonWho. There are additional shots at Celebrity-Gossip.

Bloodied Robert Pattinson on New York Set This Morning

Posted: 01 Jul 2009 08:42 AM PDT

Robert pattinson remember me

New Moon megastar Robert Pattinson continues to take a beating on the set of his new film Remember Me, he was seen with cuts and bruises on his face again today, though not looking as gruesome as he had before.

SocialiteLife has all the pics of Rob with the scary makeup on. Popsugar has a few more. Also, X17 has this video of Rob filming in Central Park yesterday

Michael Welch Talks New Moon, Robert Pattinson

Posted: 01 Jul 2009 08:05 AM PDT

Michael Welech Mike Newton New Moon Celebuzz chats with New Moon civilian Michael Welch, and he says people will be really impressed with the Volturi scenes in Italy–

When we asked what part of New Moon will surprise fans the most, he said that the biggest shocker, hands-down, will be the scenes with the Volturi in Italy. “Chris Weitz is one of the best directors out there…visually just really knows what to do with the camera, so I think Italy is going to look amazing,” Welch offered.

There is also this new video interview that Mike did with Reelzchannel

Robert Pattinson Caption Contest, Twitter Winner

Posted: 01 Jul 2009 07:39 AM PDT


200907011042.jpgCaption this picture of Robert Pattinson in New York and you could win a copy of the forthcoming New Moon Complete Illustrated Movie Companion. To enter, add your caption in the comments area below and press “Like” underneath the ones that you enjoy.

The person with the most “Likes” by Midnight PST/3am EST tonight wins! Don’t forget to sort by “Newest First” in the comments so you can vote on the new entries–by default, the most “Liked” comments will show up first.

As for yesterday’s “Tweet This” contest, congrats to @UNCfan4life11, who was chosen at random to win the limited edition Twilight trading cards with Peter Facinelli’s autograph that are released today.

Kellan Lutz to Host July 4th Fashion Event

Posted: 30 Jun 2009 07:13 PM PDT

Kellan Lutz Social life MagazineNew Moon hunk Kellan Lutz will be hosting a special event on July 4th in Watermill, NY for Social Life Magazine. It’s a sneak preview of the July issue of the magazine for which Kellan is the cover boy.

The fancy-sounding event will take place at the Social Life Estate from 7pm to 10pm on Independence day–I’ll be knee deep in fireworks, hot dogs and adult beverages at my own party by then I hope!

Kellan Lutz Interview: Filming on New Moon Set

Posted: 02 Jul 2009 03:33 PM PDT


Kellan Lutz Social Life Magazine


New Moon hunk Kelllan Lutz has a new photoshoot for Social Life Magazine, for which he’ll be hosting a July 4th Party. OK Magazine has a new interview with Kellan along with some new pics from the shoot

What is your typical day like on the set of New Moon, the sequel to Twilight?

New Moon was a very relaxed film to work on and it all starts with how easy going director Chris Wietz is. That vibe rolls down to the crew and actors. It makes it so easy when we’ve all worked together before. Everything was so well organized, making it easy for the actors to do our job. We had more time to just laugh and make jokes and hang out; it’s important to have a cast that gels the way we do and you’ll see that more in the second film.

The entire cast of Twilight and New Moon has gone from Hollywood new faces to overnight international sensations – has that been a bonding experience for all of you?

It’s amazing what Twilight has done for the cast! It has opened up so many doors for us all. It is such a blessing to be a part of the phenomenon that is Twilight. It’s a dream come true! We are all very close and stay close on set as well as off. We play board games, go out to dinner and just hang out. It’s amazing to be able to work with such a talented group of actors.

Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning in the Runaways, Kissing?

Posted: 02 Jul 2009 03:31 PM PDT

Dakota Fanning Kristen Stewart Runaways


Here are some new pics of New Moon stars Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning, who are currently working on the Joan Jett biopic The Runaways together after a stint on New Moon. Also, here’s a pic of the whole gang getting into a car!

I have it on good word from a couple of tips sent from people on-set that the duo of Kristen and Dakota have filmed an intense lesbian makeout scene for the movie. Just wait till the mainstream press gets their claws on that one!

Check out the rest of the pics or Kristen and Dakota at SocialiteLife. There are also some pics at LaineyGossip.

Rachelle LeFevre with Beau Jamie Thomas King

Posted: 03 Jul 2009 12:50 PM PDT


Here are some new pics of New Moon bad vamp Rachelle LeFevre with two handsome men–Jamie Thomas King and an adorable puppy.

See the rest from the set at SocialiteLife.

Pictures: Jackson Rathbone with Hat on a Roof

Posted: 03 Jul 2009 12:47 PM PDT

Jackson Rathbone

Jackson Rathbone Hat

Check out these awesome new pics of New Moon vamp Jackson Rathbone from an unnamed photoshoot.

Breaking Dawn Coming “Right After” Eclipse?

Posted: 03 Jul 2009 12:39 PM PDT

200907031539.jpg According to Ashley Greene, Breaking Dawn will be filming soon after Eclipse

“We’re going to start right after Eclipse,” says Ash.

So will we see any repeat directors for the fourth film?

“I don’t think so,” says Ms. Greene. “[Eclipse director] David [Slade] and [New Moon director] Chris [Weitz] will both be busy in postproduction, and Catherine [Hardwicke] will be doing Hamlet.”

Kiowa Gordon Digitally Scanned for Wolf Transformation

Posted: 04 Jul 2009 12:01 PM PDT

Kiowa Gordon Embry Call new moon Kiowa Gordon, who will play Embry Call in New Moon, has a new interview with Indian Country Today from his first major public appearance–a graduation–since he filmed the wolfpack scenes. He reveals–

Рубрики:  Twilight news


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