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Поиск сообщений в Lady_Catherine


Читатель сообществ (Всего в списке: 1) Рыжая_Ласточка


Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 22.01.2006
Написано: 7232

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О погоде...(Голландия)


Среда, 21 Июня 2006 г. 03:45 + в цитатник
I told you already in which city and country I live but I don't mind to tell it twice. I live in the Netherlands in a place called Spijkenisse. I like Moscow! My sister had to make something about Russia for school and I helped here. I've been looking for pictures of Moscow because that's the capital and I think it must be a beautiful place. I also like Nightwish! A few years ago I only like pop music but my father has always liked Within Temptation and Nightwish and he listenes it very much, so I heard it very much. I liked it so I asked for cd's and so on and you know, Now I've got a lot of cd's from them. Yes, we sometimes have festivals but i don't go to them very often. My mother hates it and my father hasn't got much time to go. But sometimes I go and I like it very much.
My lessons start at 8:20. I wake up at 6 o'clock and at 6:45 I leave. Then I have to cycle for a bit more than a hour.
Well, I'm a bit jealous that you have nice weather and I'm hear in the rain. In Holland it rains very often. Sometimes i have the fealing that it really can't be summer for more than 2 days, because after 2 days sun and warmth it starts raining for a week again and I hate that.
Okay, something about myself: Well, I am 15 years old, My birthday is on 30th January. I don't like school. Now we have testweek and I have to learn for 2 tests tomorrow but I really can't learn. that's one of my weakest points. I really can't concentrated on things I don't like at school. O, I forgot to tell, I also like drawing. I often draw forests and rivers and waterfalls. And I often play football with my little brother. But he always wins. I like singing. Everyone tells me I'm good at singing but I think I'm not. But they tell me I have to sing in the eurovision son contest next year but I don't know if I want to. But I really like singing and it would be nice to let other people hear it. But i'm still doubting. I hate to hear myself singing. Oops, I think I wrote a very long mail. I know you told already about yourself but if there are things you didn't tell can you tell them?


From: "Korizanda" <korizanda@yandex.ru>
Reply-To: Korizanda@yandex.ru
To: marescha_fan_m@hotmail.com
Subject: About my homeplace.
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 19:45:27 +0400 (MSD)
>Dear Myriam,
>Maybe I seem so stupid but please, tell me what city and country you are=))) Are you from Netherlands?
>You really like Within Temptation? I like it very much too! In the same way I like Nightwish, HIM, Lacrimosa, Deep Purple, Rainbow, Scorpions and my favourite (maybe I wrote this) Blackmore's Night. As well I like irish and celtic music and folk. But I have never heard about Rapalje and Omnia. I'll try to find these groups=)
>Do your country have festivals of gothic and folk-rock groups?
>I see you live in nice place=) As for me I live in the capital of Russia, in Moscow. Its very big city!!! There we always have something to do. I live not in the center...in center often ther is only offices. My school is far from my house too, but not as far as yours. We begin lessons at 8:30, so at 7:00 I wake up and at 7:45 I go to school be public bus...about 20 minutes. But now I've passed all the exams so I have summer holidays. I think you are very slim if every day you have to cycle 18km=)))
>As for me I like rains! Now in Moscow is very hot and sunny so I can't go out from my flat.
>Please, tell me something about yourself!
>Love & Light...
Рубрики:  Penfriend

Комментарии (2)

О музыке. (Голландия)


Среда, 21 Июня 2006 г. 23:34 + в цитатник
My favourite group: Well, there are a lot. I like within temptation. It's a band from my country but it's very popular in a lot of other countries. There are also 2 other bands from my country called Rapalje and Omnia. They are not very popular, but everyone in my country who plays that role game knows them. They play a kind of medieval songs etc.
I like going to concerts from the bands I just called. And I also like going to concerts where a lot of different singers sing.
Well, the place where I live isn't very interesting. It's called Spijkenisse. I live near to factories and there's a lot of traffic. And it stinks. When the wind comes from another side you smell the cows and that also stinks. I'm not at school in my place. I have to cycle everyday 18 KM to get on school and 18 KM back home. Normally it's nice to cycle, but mostly it's raining and then cycling isn't nice anymore. I really hate rain when I have to go to schoo.. Today it was raining and I was totally wet when I arrived at school.
You know, the time is very funny. I looked at the time you wrote the mail and it said wednesday 21 june 2006, 15:47. Well, where i live it's also wednesday 21 june, but here the time is 14:54. That's funny. I received a mail on a time which still has to come.
Can you also tell something about the place where you live?


From: "Korizanda" <korizanda@yandex.ru>
Reply-To: Korizanda@yandex.ru
To: marescha_fan_m@hotmail.com
Subject: Hi!
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 15:47:30 +0400 (MSD)
>Dear Myriam!
>Can I ask you? What is your favourite group?
>I like write poems in Russian and in English. At the same way I like read!
>In your country you call "some kind of a play which is played in a forest or old buildings like castles etc." as Larp (Action Role Play), in Russia we call it just Role Game. I like it very much too! I have many medieval dresses and I like to fight with sword, bow or crossbow. I can ride horse.
>What concerts do you like visit to?
>Can you tell me something about place where you live, please?
>I have one younger sister, she is 8.
>I think we have different times in our countries.
>Love & Light...

Прикольно. Хороший музыкальный вкус. А по утрам 18 км на велосипеде наматывать в школу...лично я бы не смогла!
Рубрики:  Penfriend

Комментарии (0)

О ролевых играх...(Голландия)


Среда, 21 Июня 2006 г. 23:27 + в цитатник
Hi, You have almost the same interesses as me! The music and I also like singing. I also like fantasy, writing stories and poems. My most favourite hobby is something you'll probably don't know. It's called Larp. It means Life Action Role Play. It's some kind of a play which is played in a forest or old buildings like castles etc. Then we play just what we want. Nobody tells you what to play, you can think of it yourself. That's what I like most. I also like going to concerts very much. I love almost every kind of music.
I have 2 little sister and 1 brother. They are 12, 8 and 5 years old.
I'll ask you 1 question if you don't mind. Do you have a different time as where I live? I mean, for example it's now Half past 8 here, but what's the time where you live now?

Big Kiss

From: "Korizanda" <korizanda@yandex.ru>
Reply-To: Korizanda@yandex.ru
To: marescha_fan_m@hotmail.com
Subject: Hi!
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 23:55:46 +0400 (MSD)
>Good night!
>What can I tell you about myself? I like music very much! I listening to
>classic rock and folk-renaissance music. I can play some musical
>instruments. I like sing and dance. I like travel! Moreover I adore
>Tell me something about you, please...
>Love & Light...

Прикольная девчонка! В ролевухи играет=)))
Рубрики:  Penfriend

Комментарии (3)

Переписка с Голландией.


Среда, 21 Июня 2006 г. 23:07 + в цитатник
Ну вот, думаю уже точно есть человек, с которым я буду долго переписываться)))

A visitor of our Penfriend Club at www.aj.cz/penfriends has found your
advertisement and would like to contact you. If you are interested, you can

E-mail: marescha_fan_m@hotmail.com
Gender: Female (woman)
Year of birth: 1991
Country: Netherlands
Details: Hi! My name is Myriam, I am 15 years old. I would really love to
mail with you or something like that, because within a few years I want to
live in Russia to study there, so it would be nice to get in contact with
someone there. Send something back. Kiss Myriam


Your advertisement at http://www.aj.cz/penfriends

Your e-mail: Korizanda@yandex.ru
Your Name: Catherine
Your gender: F
Your year of birth: 1991
Your country: Russia
Your writing language: Russian
Your second writing language: English
Your third writing language: null
Your details: Hello to all the dreamers! My name is Catherine. I would like
to find new friends to talk about cultures, music, dreams...I like listen
rock and medieval music (especially Blackmore's Night), dance arabic, irish
and medieval dances, play
minstrel's musical instruments and travel. Please! Write me if you have
similar interest with me...
Last change: 20th June 2006

You can edit your advertisement at:
Рубрики:  Penfriend

Комментарии (4)

Заскучала я...


Понедельник, 19 Июня 2006 г. 00:52 + в цитатник
Вот решила как в старые добрые времена взяться за английский и найти себе друга по переписке. Посмотрим что из этого выйдет и чем ограничится.

Вот моё сообщение на сайте http://www.aj.cz/penfriends/ (полезный сайтик):

Catherine, F, 1991, Russia
Writing language: Russian, English
Hello to all the dreamers! My name is Catherine. I would like to find new friends to talk about cultures, music, dreams...I like listen to rock and medieval music (especially Blackmore's Night), dance arabic, irish and medieval dances, play minstrel's musical instruments and travel. Please! Write me if you have similar interest with me.

Рубрики:  Penfriend

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