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, 05 2014 . 05:39 +
fljuida [ + !]




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, 05 2014 . 04:59 +
_ [ + !]

... Lionusagi!

       Jewel            Dusty

    -   Rosebud   Comb

Black Rose        Pin    Rosebud




, 05 2014 . 04:57 +
_ [ + !]




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, 05 2014 . 04:54 +
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, 05 2014 . 04:29 +
Lenyr [ + !]

Photo edited with http://www.tuxpi.com
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, 05 2014 . 04:22 +
SuperLissa [ + !]




, 05 2014 . 04:15 +
katya27 [ + !]


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, 04 2014 . 02:29 +
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, 04 2014 . 02:25 +
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, 04 2014 . 15:53 +
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, 04 2014 . 15:36 +
perlana [ + !]

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, 01 2014 . 01:51 +

I remembered why I like working with vinyl.  There’s no fraying, it holds it shape really well, and some are nice and soft……and almost look like real leather.  Almost. 

And turns out, I liked the look of it as a hair accessory.

Nice and clean and simple.

 Just throw in some simple little pins to really liven up that blah hair…

 (Do you feel nerdy taking pictures of yourself?  Haha…I do.)

Or attach a flower hair band into that hair, to change that last minute pony tail into something more fun.

Or how about a nice and sweet headband.  

Love the leather-ish look…

Ready to try your hand at some vinyl accessories?


Let’s try some accessorized hair bands first:

To make the red flower, I cut out a flower shape from paper and cut three different sizes so that I could stack them.  Then I used the paper cutouts as templates to cut out the vinyl.  And then I cut a little circle for the middle.  

Then I stacked the 3 flowers and used really thick quilting thread to sew the 3 pieces together.

And as I would sew to the back, I looped around the hair band each time, securing it in place.

Then I used hot glue to attach the circle to the front.

For the fluffier flower, I cut out a circle and a long strip of fabric.

Then I used hot glue to start attaching the strip to the outside of the circle……and gathered it in the glue as I went around.

I continued around…..

…..and overlapped the layers as I made my way to the center.

Then I just bunched up the middle and glued it into place.  You could also skip the bunched up middle and cut out a circle and glue it down to the center.

Then, I stitched the hair band to the back a few times.  

Next, let’s add some vinyl to bobby pins:

First, cut out a flower shape out of paper, to get the exact shape and size you’d like.  Then use it as a template to cut out some vinyl flowers.  Stack them and start stitching them together.

Make sure to include the end of the bobby pin each time you sew to the back.

The yellow pin was made the same way, but with a more circular shape.  

Have fun with any sort of shape!

Lastly, let’s create some fun little headbands:

 For the bow, I cut out a long strip to go around the head and then a shorter wider strip to make the bow.

Then I hot glued the two ends of the shorter piece together.

Then I placed a little glue in the middle and pressed the two sides together at the middle.

Then I pinched the center together……

……..and cut out a thin strip to use for the center and hot glued it down at the back first.

……then wrapped it across the front and glued the other end down at the back too.  

Make sure to keep the center strip tight as you’re gluing it down.

Then I sewed a bit of elastic to each end of the headband strip.  Then hot glued the bow onto the headband.

For the blue/grey flower……I cut out 5 wavy petal-like circles that gradually got smaller and smaller.

Then I stacked them and sewed them together, making little knots as I came up to the front with my needle each time.

Then I attached the flower to a long strip of the vinyl with hot glue, and added elastic to the back…..just like the one above.

Edited:  A reader created a template to use for the blue/grey poppy shaped flower and also the red stacked flower.  She graciously offered the use of the template to anyone interested.  So now you can click on the image below and print it as a pattern, if you’d rather not free-hand the shape.  (Thanks Mindi!!!!!)

 And that’s it.  

But yeah, there’s probably 7,000 other shapes and ideas that you could come up with.  

So go on, give it a try.

And with little or no sewing required, 

we can all make a few to add to our hair accessory drawer.




, 01 2014 . 22:29 +

DIY Mother's Day Corsage: Felt Dahlia Flower Brooch


felt dahlia brooch

This Mother's Day, make something beautiful for Mom. Credit: Megan Reardon

Wondering about what to make Mom for Mother's Day? I've been thinking about traditional gifts like flower corsages and lockets, and I decided to combine the two. This felt dahlia pin has a secret pocket in the back that can hold a picture or message for your favorite mom.

You'll need:

- scissors

- Fabri-tac adhesive

- two sheets craft felt, one for the flower and one in a contrasting color for the back

- needle and thread

- brooch pin (available in the beading section of craft stores)

- a bit of thin cardboard (a cereal box from your recycling bin will be perfect for this)

dahlia felt brooch

Credit: Megan Reardon

Also helpful, if you have them:

- pinking sheers

- a rotary cutter, mat and ruler

- a sewing machine

dahlia felt brooch

Credit: Megan Reardon

We'll be cutting out a bunch individual petals, and above I show what I think is the most efficient way to divide up your sheet of felt. First cut a 3.25 inch diameter circle from your flower color felt. (Do this first to make sure you don't leave yourself too small a scrap at the end.) Then cut three 1.5 inch strips, two 1.25 inch strips and one 1 inch strip of felt. In the contrasting color (here, the green), cut a 2 inch diameter circle and a 1.25 inch square. Cut a small indent into the square.

Finally, cut a 2 inch diameter circle from your cardboard.

felt dahlia brooch

Credit: Megan Reardon

Now cut your flower color strips into 1.5, 1.25 and 1 inch squares respectively. If you need more petals you can use the bit of leftover felt to cut more squares. I ended up needing fifteen 1.5 inch petals, thirteen 1.25 inch petals and nine 1 inch petals, you might find you need more or fewer to fill in the flower. To form the petals cut each square into a rounded petal shape, with a wide base and a pointed tip as shown above. Put dots of glue in the lower corners and fold each side over so that they meet in the middle.

felt dahlia brooch

Credit:: Megan Reardon

This is the most frustrating part of the project -- the glue can take a while to set and if you don't hold the petal shapes in place they will pop open. I found this to be true for both the wool felt and the polyester felt I tested. I made a few versions using felt from various sources and found the higher quality wool felt to be a bit thicker, which meant that it took longer to set, but the colors were richer so I was willing to wait. I used a heavy stainless steel skillet to hold my folded petals down while they dried, as shown above. Luckily, the Fabri-tac adhesive won't bond to the metal of the skillet, so you don't have to worry about petals stuck to your pan.

felt dahlia brooch

Credit: Megan Reardon

While the petals are setting you can prepare the back of the flower. Glue the cardboard circle to the center of the 3.25 inch flower color felt circle. Then dab glue on the overhanging part of the felt and fold it over the edges of the cardboard, wrapping it around to the back. You might need to put a saucepan on top to weigh it down while it sets. This will be the base for the petals, and the folded edges on the back will be covered by your contrasting felt circle at the very end.

Now grab your contrasting felt square and circle. Position the square at the bottom of the circle and stitch it around three sides to make a small pocket that opens to the side, leaving enough room at the top of the circle to attach the pin. You can put a few small dabs of glue on the pin before you hand stitch it into place at the top of the circle. I used contrasting thread that matched my flower, but you can use whatever thread color you'd like.

felt dahlia brooch

Credit: Megan Reardon

When the petals are set, it's time to glue them to the flower color base. Glue the 1.5 inch petals around the edge of the base, positioning them in about 1/4 inch. As you work be sure to snug the base of the petals as close together side by side as you can; the more you can fit on the base, the more dramatic the results. Next, glue a row of the 1.25 inch petals about 1/4 inch further in towards the center of your pin. Do the same with the 1 inch petals, leaving about a 1 inch circle in the middle.

felt dahlia brooch

Credit: Megan Reardon

To finish the center of the flower cut a 1 inch circle from the remaining flower color felt using the pinking sheers, or cut a wavy edge with scissors. Also use the pinking sheers to cut a thin strip from the felt; you can cut two strips if you think you'll need them. Glue down the small circle in the center of your flower to cover the ends of the smallest petals. Then curl the thin strip into a tight spiral and glue that to the very center.

dahlia felt brooch

Credit: Megan Reardon

All that is left to do is to glue the contrasting colored backing to the back of the flower, covering the back of the cardboard, and find a picture -- or write a little note -- small enough to slip into the secret pocket. Then wrap it up and present it to Mom!

dahlia flower brooch

Credit: Megan Reardon

: http://news.holidash.com//2010/04/23/mothers-day-corsage/ 



, 01 2014 . 22:24 +

Even if you’re still not on board, you have to admit that there is an abundance of adorable baby girl summer attire in your daughter’s closet that you’ve just been waiting to pull out! And what better way to complete that darling summer outfit than a cute as can be dahlia headband?

About a year ago, Megan from Not Martha shared this genius felt dahlia tutorial that immediately landed on my To Make list. However, I didn’t get around to attempting it until a recent car trip. And I didn’t have any glue on hand.

So this is my sewn version.

To make one too, you’ll need-

-a 9×12 sheet of wool felt

-a stretchy headband (I found this one at Michael’s [random, right?], but I’ve also had luck finding plain baby headbands at Target and at Dollar Tree)

-sew on pearl beads

-invisible thread and needle

1. Cut out a whole pile of wool felt petals in three different sizes. As suggested by Not Martha in the tutorial for the glued version, I cut my felt into a few 2″ rows, a couple 1.5″ rows and a couple 1″ rows (and used the leftover to make my circle flower ‘base’). Then, I cut the rows into rectangles and then made ‘petal-ish’ shapes. It’s not an exact science- just freehand it. Be sure to make a point at the top of each petal, though, if you want your finished flower to be dahlia-esque.

2. Fold the bottom of the flower in to make a pinched petal.

3. Secure the pinched petal to the circle base (my circle was about 2″ wide) by handstitching with invisible thread. It worked best to stitch across the base of the petal horizontally and then secure with a vertical stitch as well. I usually did one more stitch just for kicks, so three stitches per flower.

4. Continue around the entire base, using your biggest petals.

5. Repeat entire process for the middle layer, using your middle-sized petals.

6. Finish off petal-ing by handstitching the smallest petals into a top layer. There should be only a small spot in the center that isn’t covered in petals.

7. In that uncovered center spot, stitch a pile of pearl beads (I think I used about 20 total). For full coverage, some of the beads will be stacked on top of each other. Oh, and the back of your flower base will be a mess of invisible thread- haha!

8. Sew around the perimeter of the felt base, securing the flower to the headband. Sew threw the petals- if they aren’t stitched in place, they have the tendency to flip up and get all backwards.

9. Pair this new headband with something summer-y! So adorable!




, 01 2014 . 22:07 +
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, 01 2014 . 21:18 +
zabava_21 [ + !]

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, 01 2014 . 21:16 +
maranafa [ + !]


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, 01 2014 . 20:46 +

Avant d'utiliser les données de ce blog, merci de lire les conditions d'utilisation

L'année file avec son lot de rituels ! Concevoir un sac pour la récolte de Pâques en fait partie... Mais cette fois, mes petits doigts se sont activés pour les enfants de La Chipie.

Un sac alliant feutre, feutrine et tissu aux couleurs contrastées.

Facile à réaliser, il nécessite peu de moyens et de technique.

Si la machine fait défaut, les coutures peuvent être faites à la main et les anses, réalisées en feutre.



Fournitures :

- 2 plaques de feutre 30x30cm en 1.5mm ou 2mm d'épaisseur couleur turquoise/chocolat.

- chute de feutrine melon ou chair/bleu ciel et marron

- 20cm de ruban satin bleu ciel et marron.

- tissus coordonnés

- Fil à coudre

- Fil coton à canevas.

- Fil coton à broder.

Gabarits :

Gabarits  Gabarits

Rappel :

Enregistrer l'image ou le fichier sur le bureau et lancer l'impression via l'assistant  pour avoir les gabarits au bon format.

Réaliser les 2 faces Poule


Découper les pièces pour chaque face selon le gabarit et positionner chaque élément à sa place.


Coudre le bec et la crête au point lancé serré.

Appliquer l'aile au point avant, puis clarifier son contour à la machine au point zigzag.

Réduire la largeur du point et dessiner l'ouverture du bec.


Coudre la pupille à l'oeil par un point en croix, puis appliquer l'ensemble sur le corps au point avant.

Assembler les 3 plumes de la queue et les fixer au corps.

Dessiner les contours de chaque poule au fil coton à canevas de la couleur contrastante.

Fixer les pattes au ruban de satin. Dessiner leur contour au point avant , puis coudre l'ensemble au corps.

Confection et assemblage du fond :


Découper 10 rectangle de 6X4cm dans du feutre (5 de chaque couleur).

Les assembler à la machine au point zigzag large et serré.

Assembler cette bande aux 2 faces poulette au point de feston, avec du fil coton à canevas.

Attention ! La couture commence sur la jonction intérieure du bec.


Confection et Assemblage des Anses :


Découper les anses selon le patron dans les 2 tissus en rajoutant un surplus couture de 1cm.

Cranter la partie courbée et rabattre le surplus de tissu des extrémités sur l'intérieur (ourlet).

Assembler les 2 parties des anses endroit contre endroit à la machine.

Il n'est pas nécessaire de laisser une ouverture pour le retournement qui peut s'effectuer par l'une ou l'autre extrémité.

Retourner et donner un coup de fer sur l'ensemble.


Rembourrer généreusement de ouate et refermer les 2 extrémités des anses à la machine à 1cm du bord.

Fixer les anses au panier au fil coton à canevas, par trois point en croix serrés.

Prêt pour la grande récolte des Gourmands !



, 01 2014 . 05:02 +
[ + !]



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, 01 2014 . 04:49 +
SwetlanaS [ + !]

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, 31 2013 . 03:18 +
Tinalek [ + !]

Posted by   Short Link

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, 31 2013 . 21:11 +
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, 30 2013 . 03:03 +
Milaij [ + !]


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, 21 2013 . 14:51 +
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, 17 2013 . 01:49 +
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