
2011 china fashion japan style video автомобили арт арт-искусство архитектура архитектура и интерьер блог блоги будущее быт видео вода вязание гаджеты декорирование дизайн дизайнер дневник дом дорого живопись жизнь на земле жилье заголовка здоровье идеи идея иллюзия инновации инсталляция интерьер инфраструктура искусство италия картины кафе китай коллекция комментарии корея кошки красиво красота креатив мастер-класс машины мебель медиа медиа-дизайн мода нанотехнологии необычно новое обман зрения одежда оригинальные отдых правда предметы предметы быта природа проект промышленный дизайн просто пространство реклама рисуем саморазвитие свет светодиод светодиоды серьги каффы скульптура современное современное искусство стене сша творчество технологии трансформер туризм удобно украшения фантазия фантастика фото фракталы футуристично хэндмэйд цвет цветы человек экология япония ярко

 -Всегда под рукой

 -Я - фотограф



Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 10.10.2010
Написано: 534

Комментарии (0)

"Сочные" упаковки. Фруктовый дизайн Наото Фукасава (Naoto Fukasawa) | Медиа Медиа-дизайн


Среда, 10 Ноября 2010 г. 06:36 + в цитатник

"Сочные" упаковки. Фруктовый дизайн Наото Фукасава (Naoto Fukasawa)

Упаковка для продуктов - словно одежда для женщины: может скрывать недостатки, а может подчеркивать достоинства. И никогда заранее не знаешь, что скрывается за красивой коробочкой или красочным фантиком, но дизайнеры "одежды для продуктов" дают нам возможность это представить, потрогать, а иногда и понюхать.


Размещено с помощью приложения Я - фотограф

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Рубрики:  Cool ideas/Промышленный дизайн

Комментарии (2)

Будущее глазами Франца Штайнера|Human and Robots: Visions of the Future


Четверг, 28 Октября 2010 г. 05:38 + в цитатник
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Истории, в которых люди живут рядом с роботами, уже давно перестали быть сугубо фантастическими. В наше время их воспринимают скорее как описание будущего, причем, судя по темпам развития технологий, будущего не такого уж и отдаленного. А пока ученые в лабораториях создают «механических людей», людей настоящих продолжает беспокоить вопрос: жизнь рядом с роботами – на что она будет похожа?


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Свой вариант развития событий предложил цифровой художник Франц Штайнер (Franz Steiner). В своей серии изображений «Personal robots» автор предлагает нам взглянуть на общество, где роботы стали полноправными партнерами людей во всех сферах жизни.


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Как видно из изображений, роботы будущего способны как помочь человеку в работе, разобравшись с самыми сложными вопросами, так и разделить с ним досуг, сыграв шахматную партию. Уезжаете в отпуск? Кибер-помощник останется в вашей квартире и будет заботливо поливать цветы и протирать пыль.


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Не забыл Франц Штайнер и об интимной сфере, предоставив нам возможность полюбоваться на робота-любовника. Поцелуи с роботом и сладкий сон в его объятиях – неужели несколько десятилетий спустя это станет нормой жизни?


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Франц Штайнер живет и работает в Лос-Анджелесе (США). Автор окончил German Film School. В 2004 году он основал в Дюссельдорфе (Германия) дизайнерскую студию Blutsbrueder Design, сотрудничающую с известными рекламными агентствами, модными журналами и брендами. В том же году филиал компании появился в Берлине, а в 2007 представительство Blutsbrueder Design открылось в Нью-Йорке. Среди клиентов компании Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen, Apple, Dupont, Microsoft и другие.


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РОБОТ ДЕВУШКА 13 -Mecha Author tinypants

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ВЕРСИЯ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ, ИСТОЧНИК -http://www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/120510/12463/

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ВЕРСИЯ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ, ИСТОЧНИК- http://www.chilloutpoint.com/featured/human-and-robots-visions-of-the-future.html

Robots and other high-performance inventions have always been of a vast interest for humanity. A great number of scientists have spent the whole life in their laboratories with one aim – to work out innovative schemes, develop them and create some highest qualitative ranking robot. This engrossing process has reached its peak with the technical push that took place due to the endeavours of a number of brilliant and clear intellects of scientists all over the world. The creative thinking of people doesn’t know any boundaries, it is the inexhaustible forth and for today millions of robots of various kinds are to be found. The most striking fantasies in this sphere are brought successfully into reality and a great number of robots are in service of people in order to make the process of work or manufacturing automatic. It happens so that people and robots go together in this life side by side, in some spheres of life they are even interchangeable and who knows into what this opposition “Robots VS People” will translate.
To contribute to this order of the day I have composed this collection of the most striking 3D models of robots. Hope, you will appreciate them.

Title: I’m Robot
Author: Widyantara

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Love is a curious thing – never knows when it happens so that you will be overtaken with this feeling and who will be the matter of your sleepless nights. It can be a bonny girl from the next door, a handsome boy from the night-club or… even a cyber creature.


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Here is a refreshing variation on a girl’s theme. This robot renders the girl, the cyber one. Interesting concept and well-done model. Its author should have spent not one hour to create such a good example of a robot.

Title: Bjork
Author: Lee Davies
Software: Maya, mental ray, Photoshop, ZBrush

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In the process of the humming work robots can be of a great use for people. With them less time would be spend for the most complicated tasks and the crunch times would take place not so often. The only question that is left – to find such a robot.

Title: I Repair Your Broken Cyborgs
Author: Randis Albion
Software: 3ds max, Photoshop

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ROBOTS COLLECTION - http://7009gb.blogspot.com/2010/05/robots-collection.html

Japan's Folk Arts

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The MANOI AT01 (AT stands for “Athlete”) is designed for the hobbyist in mind and definitely lives up to its name. Build it, customize it, and then ultimately program it to your specifications. The manual is in Japanese of course, but there is a wealth of information out there in English from others, especially from Robots-Dreams.

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• Length: 340mm (13.3in)
• Width: 205mm (8.1in)
• Weight: 1,410g (3.1lb)
• Degree of freedom: 17
• Software: Heart to Heart3 (Japanese)
• Hardware Requirement: Windows XP/2000 Pentium III or above
• Connectivity: USB
• Power: 100v AC adapter

2-Asimo the Waiter

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If you are a hotel butler or a waiter you’d better watch your back – there’s a robot out there that’s after your job. ASIMO can greet and escort guests, and after getting its assigned humans sorted out, can deliver trays of drinks. This humanoid biped is ‘comfortable’ around humans (meaning it can choose its movements independently) allowing it to dodge spewing drunks or unwanted groping hands at parties. Yes, it’s true, having a robot sounds like no substitute for a cute young waiter or waitress, but let me remind you of the HRp-4C robot supermodel – a mechanised waitress who is also hot? Beauty. In the future Asimo will deliver tiny parcels of radioactive matter before forcing us to eat them, rendering our brains useless lumps of jelly.

3-MechaDroid C3 the Receptionist

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The MechaDroid Type C3 robot receptionist uses face recognition technology to recognize the faces of visitors to a company’s reception desk. The MechaDroid never makes mistakes, knows perfect directions for everyone and eliminates all those awkward conversations with receptionists, but it does have one drawback – along with those little conversations goes the chance to flirt. Eventually all receptionists will be history and a MechaDroid will control entry and exit of every firm, store and home in the country. These unflinching droids will at first deny us access to all public buildings, and soon after be used to trap us in our own homes indefinitely, forcing us to face slow death through starvation.

4- AIBO the Robot Dog

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Sony’s AIBO robot dog is able to walk, ’see’ its environment via camera, and recognize spoken commands. Added to this it’s damn cute – in a manly sort of metallic/gadget way – and will soon have the standard family dog out of its job. AIBO was marketed as a novelty alternative to a real dog that places its owner firmly at the cutting edge of artificial intelligence technology, and perfect for the kids to play with as it won’t bite or make any mess (what’s not to love?). What they don’t tell you is that it is programmed to transform from cute ‘family dog’ into vicious ‘attack dog’. Once the robots’ take over of the world is complete AIBOs will patrol the streets in brutal gangs, mauling anyone out after curfew hour.

5-Home Assistant Robot

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Tokyo University’s Home Assistant robot can carry out simple domestic chores such as wiping floors, washing, cleaning dishes and even moving furniture. It is equipped with 5 cameras and laser sensors, and 6 hands with three joints each. Cleaners and mothers everywhere will be out of a job when HAR gets its act together, and then instead of placing dirty laundry in the washing machine HAR will be placing you and your children in there.

6-RI-MAN Elderly Care Robot

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RI-MAN is the world’s first robot designed to lift and carry humans, and before long will put all those working with the elderly out of a job. Not only can RI-MAN lift up the elderly when they get bored of scrabble and place them down in front of the TV, but it can also serve them up their mushy food, as well as use its ability to see, hear and smell to sense when they’re about to go into cardiac arrest. Unfortunately, once we’re all lying helpless in our own mess, relying on teams of robot helpers to move us around, it won’t be that comfy chair in front of the TV they’ll be dropping us in – but a giant extermination pit, brimful of acid.

7-Motoman SDA-10 the Robot Chef

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Are you one of those chefs who always burns the toast and struggles to remember how long you boil an egg for? If so we have an announcement for you: YOU ARE BEING REPLACED BY A ROBOT. ‘Motoman’ can produce over three dozen savoury Japanese pancakes in four seconds (or something like that…), is never late for work and never makes mistakes – bad news for all those chefs who consider the microwave essential to haute cuisine. But even worse news is that once ‘Motoman’ is installed in every restaurant and diner in the land, he will start to adopt the attitude of the ’soup Nazi’. The weak will be selected and brutally made into perfect pieces of sushi, before being force-fed to the rest of us whilst we are held in an electrified pen, guarded by cruel robot sentries.

8-Mobiro the Robotic Violinist

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Concert violinists and music teachers the world over, be afraid. Be very afraid. Toyota’s ‘Mobiro’ is a 5 ft. tall robot with an uncanny ability to play the violin. And here’s the bad news: ‘Mobiro’ is only the latest in Toyota’s ensemble of musical robots that already includes a trumpeter, trombonist and several others. It uses its 17 computer controlled joints and agile fingers to hold the instrument and delicately sound out sweet airs – but don’t be fooled by its humanoid charms. Once ‘Mobiro’ and its friends have replaced all the musicians in the world (and hold a monopoly on your ears) they will begin to transmit inaudible telekinetic pulses designed to reprogram and enslave us. Before long we’ll all be dancing to the beat of their drum – as long as we’re not immediately earmarked for euthanasia, that is.

9- Anybots

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make it to a meeting thousands of miles away, but wish you could? Need to be two places at once? Perhaps you need the telepresence robot from Anybots. This weekend while attending Singularity University’s second Curriculum Planning Meeting (CPM2) we had the pleasure of bumping into QA, the telepresence robot from Anybots. Below is our short review of the robot, followed by an exclusive Singularity Hub video interview of Anybots engineer Benjie Nelson showing off the robot.
This slick looking robot navigates a room, continuously streaming video and audio feeds of what it sees to one or more remote viewers. Not only does the robot allow remote individuals to see what is going on, but it also allows remote individuals to interact with the remote location by sending information, such as audio, images, and pdf files.

If just one person is remotely participating in an event they can view the video/audio feed using anybot’s custom software. If hundreds or even thousands of people want to see what is going on, the feed can be sent to justin.tv where anyone with the proper credentials can hop on for the ride. For the Singularity University CPM2 there were several people using justin.tv to view the meeting remotely.
An individual can remotely control the robot with a piece of Anybots’ custom software program. Not sure that you could remotely control a robot without accidentally bumping into random objects or even people? No worries: the telepresense robot from Anybots comes with automatic collision detection algorithms, allowing the robot to proactively navigate away from anything you may be steering it into. In our interview with the robot, a person controlling the robot tried to steer the robot right into us, but the robot automatically corrected its path and went around us.
Afraid that that the robot might fall over while you are operating it? Have no fear: the robot is very hard to knock over. In our encounter with the robot we were able to shake it and push it all we wanted and the robot remained standing with no problem.
In addition to the telepresence robot, Anybots has two other robots in the pipeline, named Dexter and Monty.
“Dexter (5′10″ tall, 135 pounds) balances dynamically on two legs, walks, jumps, and will be able to run. Monty (5′7″ tall, 160 pounds) has one fully articulated hand (driven by 18 motors) and one gripper, and balances on two wheels.”
Many will be shocked to learn that Anybots has produced all of its work so far with just four engineers! This is certainly a testament to the quality of the engineers at Anybots, but more importantly it is a sign of how far the robotics industry has come. Need to build a complex robot but don’t have the money or the expertise to build a factory? No problem, just send the specs off to a third party manufacturer. Need advanced motors and sensors to build a state of the art robot? No problem, simply choose from a growing list of off the shelf parts that are plug and play.
Anybots’ ability to create a first class robot with only a handful of engineers is a recent development that is not to be taken lightly. The robotics industry has reached the “hockey stick” portion of its growth curve. The next ten years and beyond promise to unleash an army of amazing robots with a vast array of shapes, sizes, and abilities. Singularity Hub will be here to show you them.

10-HRP-4C the Robot Supermodel

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This saucy sexpot fembot (just check out that ass!) has an unlimited capacity to eat tiny designer salads, pull perfect pouts and snort endless lines of cocaine. Due to its total lack of human feelings it is perfect for the utterly superficial job of supermodel and won’t spiral into an emotional breakdown everytime something nasty is written about it in the papers. Let’s be honest, we won’t miss the tiny-minded bunch of turkeys we’ve got as models at the moment. And anyway, robots are sexaaay… Unfortunately this robot is more deadly siren than heavenly angel as, true to form, concealed in her bosoms are large calibre machineguns (have I watched too Austin Powers too many times?). To be honest, I still find this damn sexy… And just so you know, when the fembots take over, all you out of work supermodels can come stay with me.

Cute J-Girl Robot in Tokyo, Japan

If you’re a chef, musician, cleaner, model, or just anyone, you should be afraid. Very afraid. You’re about to lose your job – and when robots rule the employment roost, don’t be surprised if you end up losing your life too…
Note: the following is pure speculation and may be an example of mass hysteria mongering.

AKIBA ROBOT FESTIVAL 2006: Actroid Female Robot

Androids - Are they already near us? -機人


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Рубрики:  VIDEO
Cool ideas/Промышленный дизайн
SPIRITUAL /визионарное искусство

Комментарии (0)

Kori no Suizokukan -Japan's Frozen Aquarium/Японский ледяной аквариум


Среда, 27 Октября 2010 г. 01:22 + в цитатник
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As a way of battling the summer heatwave that hit Japan this year, authorities have inaugurated a frozen aquarium that will keep visitors cool and entertained.

Kori no Suizokukan is located in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture and features around 450 specimens of around 80 species of marine wildlife, all captured at a nearby sea port. Visitors can enjoy a brief break from the scorching sun and admire all sorts of fish, crabs or octopuses, as well as unusual objects like action figures, bottles of sake, or flowers, all embedded in huge blocks of ice.

The Frozen Aquarium was inaugurated, in Kesennuma's fish market, in 2002, and uses flash-freezing technology to conserve fresh specimens and keep them looking so good.

While the Frozen Aquarium is a welcome tourist attraction, visitors can only spend a few minutes inside. Because temperatures inside the aquarium reach -20 degrees Celsius, a special suit is needed to keep people from becoming freezing exhibits themselves. Without these special suits, visitors would start feeling severe pains in just five minutes time.

А ТАК ЖЕ СМОТРИМ -Kuroshio Sea - 2nd largest aquarium tank in the world - (song is Please dont go by Barcelona) -ЭТО ТОЖЕ ОЧЕНЬ ИНТЕРЕСНОЕ И КРАСИВОЕ МЕСТО В ЯПОНИИ, ОГРОМНЫЙ АКВАРИУМ ЗАНИМАЮЩИЙ 2-ОЕ МЕСТО В МИРЕ...

Аквариум вмещает в себя 7500 кубических метров (1981290 галлонов) воды , его особенности это акриловое стекло-толщина которого составляет 60 сантиметров , размером- 8,2 метров на 22,5 метров с т. Там обитают Китовые акулы , скаты и множество других виды рыб .

Shot by: http://jonrawlinson.com
Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/jonrawlinson

The music is "Please don't go" by Barcelona. iTunes: http://bit.ly/1zAVu
Barcelona's website: http://www.myspace.com/barcelona

This was shot at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Japan. http://www.kaiyouhaku.com/en/

Download the desktop wallpaper: http://bit.ly/19rTC5

Buy the album Absolutes by Barcelona on the iTunes store: http://bit.ly/o57OL

The main tank called the 'Kuroshio Sea' holds 7,500-cubic meters (1,981,290 gallons) of water and features the world's second largest acrylic glass panel, measuring 8.2 meters by 22.5 meters with a thickness of 60 centimeters. Whale sharks and manta rays are kept amongst many other fish species in the main tank.


This was shot using a Canon 5DMKII with a 28-135mm lens.

You should visit my website: http://jonrawlinson.com
Рубрики:  VIDEO
SPIRITUAL /визионарное искусство

Комментарии (1)

Kori no Suizokukan -Japan's Frozen Aquarium/Японский ледяной аквариум

Среда, 27 Октября 2010 г. 05:36 + в цитатник
Рубрики:  Технологии/Innovation
SPIRITUAL /визионарное искусство


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