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: 21.12.2009
: 7192


Simple Continuous?

, 25 2013 . 19:42 +

Continuous Indefinite (Simple). "work" - 4 - work, works, worked, working.
16 . Present Continuous Present Indefinite, - .
, , . Present Continuous Present Indefinite
. , .

I work I am working

you work you are working

he works he is working

we work we are working

they work they are working

, - I am work, " ", , . - I work, - I am working .

Present Indefinite (Simple)

  • for regular actions or events (, )

    I watch TV most evenings.

  • facts ()

    The sun rises in the east

  • facts known about the future ( )

    The plane leaves at 5.00 in the morning.

  • thoughts and feelings about the time of speaking ( )

    I don't understand.

Present Continuous

  • at the time of speaking ('now') ( , "")

    I'm watching a movie on TV.

  • things which are true at the moment but not always (, , )

    I'm looking for a new job.

  • present plans for the future ( )

    I'm taking my husband to New York for his birthday.


  • I usually don't drink coffee but I'm having one this morning because there is nothing else.

  • I often drive to work but I'm taking the train this morning because my car is in for repair.

  • I'm thinking about dying my hair blonde but I don't think my wife will be very happy about it.

  • My parents live in New York but I'm just visiting.

, present continuous , , present simple - .

, :/1.3

: 2

: [1] []


: ( )
