



 - e-mail



: 23.10.2010
: 3412


, .

: (112), (72), (21), (95), , , , ...(439), , , (187), , (50), , (165), , (33), , , (7), , , (62), (59)

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- " "(Leaf and Nupp Shawl)!

, 24 2011 . 16:51 +
Helam [ + !]

- " "(Leaf and Nupp Shawl)!

4595665699_83e5d05ac3_z (300x400, 99Kb)4595667183_4ed3f057df_z (300x400, 139Kb)
- " "(Leaf and Nupp Shawl)!
- (Nancy Bush),
"Knitted Lace of Estonia".


/ Thallo

, 24 2011 . 16:50 +
Tanzja [ + !]

/ Thallo ().

3545250_120a (700x464, 450Kb)

: Dagmar Lutz (2010)
. : , , , , .
Ravelry: Thallo





, 09 2011 . 08:52 +
Akva_Marinka [ + !]

articles: belasha1_1.jpg


1 - ""
2 -
5 -
6 - -,
7 -
8 - - / Destroyed Cowl
9 -
98 - -2
99 - - !
100 -


, 19 2011 . 11:59 +
lyiolik [ + !]




, 19 2011 . 10:18 +
Olga_Lana [ + !]



, 18 2011 . 20:50 +
Dama_Madama [ + !]

http://spicami.ru/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/1.jpg                                                       spicami.ru/archives/13824



, 13 2011 . 12:23 +
Olga_Lana [ + !]



1 -
2 -
98 -
99 -
100 -



Montclair Pingouin

, 02 2011 . 12:52 +
- [ + !]

Montclair Pingouin - http://www.vjazhi.ru/

Montclair Pingouin.

: 60 140 .
Montclair 5 pingouin sublime 1641. 5,5





Nelio Lehtihuivi

, 06 2011 . 23:22 +

Nelio Lehtihuivi


Neliö Lehtihuivi, Tuutikki Heiskanen

 (471x500, 309Kb)



Montclair Pingouin

, 06 2011 . 23:17 +
- [ + !]

Montclair Pingouin - http://www.vjazhi.ru/

Montclair Pingouin.

: 60 140 .
Montclair 5 pingouin sublime 1641. 5,5





- Handspun Medallion Stole!

, 22 2010 . 21:22 +
Helam [ + !]

- Handspun Medallion Stole!

 (307x400, 49Kb)
- Handspun Medallion Stole!

- Handspun Medallion Stole Dorothy Reade!




, 17 2010 . 12:32 +
Daliute [ + !]


 (443x699, 105Kb) (298x401, 32Kb)
 (698x242, 43Kb)

 (699x545, 103Kb)


, 13 2010 . 18:10 +
annikushka [ + !]

8bec7236112a64f054943736bbc39c79 (438x180, 41 Kb)

 (484x698, 62Kb)

 (486x699, 54Kb)


62850061_x7a8rp0s (384x49, 4 Kb)

1 - -
2 -
61 - -
62 -
63 -
64 -
65 -
98 -
99 -
100 -

1 -
2 - -
12 - -
13 - -
14 -
15 -
16 -
52 -
53 - -
54 - -


, 25 2010 . 09:38 +

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, 25 2010 . 09:34 +
Aelen [ + !]

 (380x512, 44Kb)



, 09 2010 . 08:51 +
Daliute [ + !]


 (489x699, 83Kb)


, 09 2010 . 08:50 +
Daliute [ + !]


 (489x699, 83Kb)


, 31 2010 . 15:31 +



, 27 2010 . 09:16 +
Krasnoyrochka123 [ + !]




, 25 2010 . 09:55 +


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, 25 2010 . 09:32 +

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, 25 2010 . 09:24 +

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, 24 2010 . 19:57 +
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