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, 21 2016 . 13:44 +
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6_646_11 (646x431, 145Kb)
- Advices. Warnings

- Keep on trucking
- I dont mean maybe
- No kidding
- How theyll try to hush you up
? - How does that grab you?
, ! - Hold your horses!
- Sit down and relax
. - Stay away from him. Hes a real heel
Β. , - OK, hang cool, man
- Thats all right
- Dont make waves
! - Keep on straight!
- Keep your head right
- Keep your nose clean
- Keep out of this
- Youll get a good talking to
, - Theyll give you hell
, - Ill give him a piece of my mind
. - Nothing to worry about. Just soe gibber-gabber
- Get here with all your kit and caboodle right away
- Dont let them knock you down
! - Dont blow the gasket!
! - Dont blow a stack
- Cut the comedy
, ! - Oh, come on!
- Cut fooling me
- Youre going to catch hell for it
, - Dont lust sit here and blabber, dammed
- - Somethings to be done
, ? - Do you think life is all beer and skittles?
! - Buck up!
! - Perk up!
! - Cheer up!
- No need to dampen his spirits
- Dont break me down
! - Cool off! Calm down! Cool it!
- Everythings gonna be all right
, - Come on, dont clutch up
- Mind your own beeswax
, - Whats to be done, old chap
! - Dont bellyache to me about it!
, - Dont trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
- Hey man, youre cruising for a bruising
- Dont give it another thought
- Dont give it a second thought
- Thats no way out
, - Its not the right thing to do
- Stop crowding me
- You need some breezer
, . - Well, stop it old man. Im clanked
- Dont cuss him out
! - Cuss him out all right!
, - I dont like to be scolded
, . - Just cool down and relax, man. Its gonna be fine tomorrow
, - Youre playing with fire, buddy
! - Stop being pushy!
! - Make it snappy!
. - Dont blow your top
- Dont loose your grip
! - That was the last straw!
, ! - Shut up you jerk or Ill conc you on the head!
! - Heads will roll!
, ? - No more flub-ups, got it?
! - Ill kick you out!
! - Shut your hatch!
- Dont have a big head about it
- Theres no need to get him heat up
, , - Stop it, buddy. Ive seen enough of your stunts
- You can fool me no more
. - Dont get down on him. Its not his fault
, , ! - Listen, man, get off me!
- Try to bring your mind together
! - Get real!
. ! - Youre acting stupid. Get a life!
! - Get your shit together and get lost!
! - Go to hell with all your belongings!
, - Do as you want
-, - I guess youve got to do gack to your room and chiz for a while
! - Dont give me all that baloney!
- I dont need anymore your bigtalk
- ! - Ill cancel your christmas some day!
? - What would you have done?
, - I hate seeing you dilly-dally around
- Dont try to duck
, - Lets blow the joint before theres trouble
, ! - Betcha cant do this!
, - Man, theres no reason to be so bent out of shape
, ! - Shut up or youll get a bump!
- You must break the ice
- Dont get scared
- We must come clean with you about the matter
! ! - Dont be such a doormat! Fight!
! - Never say uncle!
! - Dont rib him any more!
! - Stop razzing me!
! - Get off my back!
! - Get off my case!
! - Lets cut out the rough stuff!
! - Stop rubbing my nose in it!
! - Dont raise such a ruckus!
- We have to learn to live in this dog-eat-dog world
-, - I guess youd better get off
! - Stop fooling around!
- - Get on the stick
- Youll need all your guts
- Drop it like a hot potato
! - No more beans!
, ! - Come on, talk straight!
! - Dont fade!
! - Lets keep it open!
! - Stop yakking for a while!
! - Thats enough yackety-yak!
- Your guess is as good as mine
, ? - Youve got another thought coming?
- Stop spacing around
! - Dont get sore!
- Try to soft pedal the whole problem
- Go home and sleep it off
- Stick around
- Just sit right
! - Dont get the willies!
, ! - Just wait for a while, Ill take the starch out of you!
- Stop taking the wind out of my sails
! - Dont throw your hat in the ring!
, - You can talk until youre blue in the face, Im not listening anyway
- You dont have a snowballs chance in hell
, , ! - Come on, take a crack at it!
! - Take care of number one!
! - Try and get spiffed up!
- Well have to take our belts in a notch
- Dont shoot from the hip
- You have to see a little further than the end of your nose
- Youll find yourself on skid row one day
! - Dont be a zhlub!
! - Dont be such an out and out fool!
! - Dont take it on so!
? - You can shove it?
? - Ill tell you what to do with it?

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Nechaeva_Olga   , 28 2016 . 20:24 ()
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