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kaliji (не богиня)

Из прочитанного

Воскресенье, 11 Декабря 2005 г. 22:26 + в цитатник
Refusing to be neutralized, to render the differences inconsequential, to be depoliticized as "lifestyles", "diversity", or "persons like any other", we have lately reformulated our historical exclusion as a matter of historically produced and politically rich alterity. Insisting that we are mot merely positioned but fabricated by this history, we have at the same time insisted that our very production as marginal, deviant, or subhuman is itself constitutive of the centrality and legitimacy of the center, is itself what paves the center's streets with semiotic, political, and psychic gold. Just when polite liberal (not to mention correct leftist) discourse ceased speaking of us as dykes, faggots, colored girls, or natives, we began speaking of ourselves this way. Refusing the invitation to absorption, we insisted instead upon politicizing and working into cultural critique the very constructions that a liberal humanism increasingly exposed in its tacit operations of racial, sexual, and gender privilege was seeking to bring to a formal close.

Wendy Brown, 'Wounded Attachments' in States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995) at p 53

What if it were possible to incite a slight shift in the character of political expression and political claims common to much politicized identity? What if we sought to supplant the language of "I am" - with its defensive closure on identity, its insistence on the fixity of position, its equation of social with moral positioning - with the language of "I want this for us"? (This is an "I want" that distinguishes itself from a liberal expression of self-interest by virtue of its figuring of a political or collective good as its desire.) What if we were to rehabilitate the memory of desire within identificatory processes, the moment in desire - either "to have" or "to be" - prior to its wounding? What if "wanting to be" or "wanting to have" were taken up as modes of political speech that could destabilize the formulation of identity as fixed position, as entrenchment by history, and as having necessary moral entailments, even as they affirm "position" and "history" as that which makes the speaking subject intelligible and locatable, as that which contributes to a hermeneutics for adjudicating desires? If every "I am" is something of a resolution of the movement of desire into fixed and sovereign identity, then this project might involve not only learning to speak but to read "I am" this way: as potentially in motion, as temporal, as not-I, as deconstructable according to a genealogy of want rather than as fixed interests or experiences. The subject understood as an effect of an (ongoing) genealogy of desire, including the social processes constitutive of, fulfilling, or frustrating desire, is in this way revealed as neither sovereign nor conclusive even as it is affirmed as an "I". In short, if framed in a political language, this deconstruction could be that which reopens a desire for futurity where Nietzsche saw it foreclosed by the logics of rancor and ressentiment.

Ibid, at 75.

очень вкусный дессерт, которым я обожралась в Белфасте

Вторник, 08 Ноября 2005 г. 23:12 + в цитатник
Serves 2 -- Prep time: 10 minutes -- Cook time: 5 minutes
Per serving: 760 cal; 58g fat (32g sat fat); 36g sugar; 0.13g salt

6 Corsini cantuccini (almond biscotti)
4 tablespoons freshly made espresso or strong fresh coffee
50g Green & Black's Maya Gold chocolate, broken into chunks
75ml double cream
4 tablespoons Baileys or other Irish whiskey cream
100g mascarpone

You will also need 4 x 125ml capacity coffee cups or glasses

1 Break the biscuits into rough pieces and divide between 4 coffee cups or glasses. Pour over the espresso. Melt the chocolate either in a bowl set over a pan or simmering water, or in the microwave.

2 Beat together the double cream, Baileys and mascarpone until smooth and creamy. Pour over the melted chocolate and stir a couple of times until rippled. Spoon over the biscuits and serve.

Оттуда же

Пятница, 28 Октября 2005 г. 14:03 + в цитатник
We appear not only in law but in courts and public policy either as (undifferentiated) women, or as economically deprived, or as lesbians, or as racially stigmatized, but never as the complex, compound, internally diverse and divided subjects that we are. [..] the difficulty of analytically grasping the powers constitutive of subjection, a difficulty symptomatized by the law's inability either to express our complexity or to redress the injuries carried by this complexity.


Пятница, 28 Октября 2005 г. 13:52 + в цитатник
In Foucault's understanding of the power that circulates throught the subject of regulation, there can be no actual apparatus because there is no sharp distinction between what is produced and what is regulating - we are not simply targets but vehicles of power. Thus, to paraphrase Nietzsche awkwardly, we must be able to conceive regulation without the regulator, to understand regulation as only and always materializing in its effects, and to understand these effects as specific to that which is being regulated.

Wendy Brown, "The Impossibility of Women's Studies" (1997) 9 Differences 79 at 87

еще одна красивая цитата (да, красивая!)

Понедельник, 04 Июля 2005 г. 05:23 + в цитатник
Comtemporary critical theory teaches that identity is created through borders and oppositions. The outside constructs the inside and then hides this work of fabrication in an entity that appears to give birth to itself.

Wendy Brown, 'At the edge' (2002) 30(4) Political Theory 556, 556


Воскресенье, 03 Июля 2005 г. 22:54 + в цитатник
Года два назад была на лесбиркоме такая поэтесса - Mah. Одно из ее незабвенных стихотворений заканчивалось так: "Мой самолет летит спонтанно и вертикаль накрыла хвост". На что Air сразу же сделала следующий комментарий: "А горизонталь, похоже, накрыла мозг".

что сие означает?

Воскресенье, 03 Июля 2005 г. 02:13 + в цитатник
"Фуко утверждает, что, к примеру, тип человека, который мы называем "гомосексуальным", является изобретением медицины девятнадцатого века. Когда ученые начали изучать анатомию, формы выражения и деятельность, связанные с сексуальностью человека, были произведены статистические обобщения о сексуальном созревании. В ходе этого процесса ученые заметили, что некоторые люди отклоняются от нормы. Они начали изучать таких людей и распределили их по категориям: фетишисты, геронтофилы, зоофилы, зооерасты, автомоносексуалисты, миксоскопофилы, пресвифилы, сексоэстетические перевертыши и, конечно же, гомосексуалисты."

Первые три, предположим, я знаю, что такое. Но остальные "категории" - о чем это?!!


Четверг, 30 Июня 2005 г. 15:39 + в цитатник
I don't know you at all, she said.

And I thought exactly the same. I don't know you at all. But why? Why don't I know you, I do! I know your every gesture, every intonation of your voice, every shade of your taste, every response of your body... Why is it then that I don't know you at all? I do know you...

Вдова, "Мечта для героя"

Четверг, 30 Июня 2005 г. 11:56 + в цитатник
Особенно прониклась:

"- Я тебя совсем не знаю… - сказала она.

И я подумала точно также. Я тебя совсем не знаю. Но почему? Почему я тебя совсем не знаю, ведь знаю же! Я узнаю каждый твой жест, каждую интонацию твоего голоса, каждый оттенок твоего вкуса, каждую реакцию твоего тела… Почему же тогда я тебя совсем не знаю? Ведь знаю…"

Именно так.

You are nuts, Edippa, out of your skull

Вторник, 28 Июня 2005 г. 06:21 + в цитатник

А книжка начинается так

Понедельник, 20 Июня 2005 г. 03:14 + в цитатник
On St. Valentine's Day, 1989, the last day of her life, the legendary popular singer Vina Apsara woke sobbing from a dream of human sacrifice in which she had been the intended victim. Baretorsoed men resembling the actor Christopher Plummer had been gripping her by the wrists and ankles. Her body was splayed out, naked and writhing, over a polished stone bearing the graven image of the snakebird Quetzalcoatl. The open mouth of the plumed serpent surrounded a dark hollow scooped out of the stone, and although her own mouth was stretched wide by her screams the only noise she could hear was the popping of flashbulbs; but before they could slit her throat, before her lifeblood could bubble into that terrible cup, she awoke at noon in the city of Guadalajara, Mexico, in an unfamiliar bed with a half-dead stranger by her side, a naked mestizo male in his early twenties, identified in the interminable press coverage that followed the catastrophe as Raul Paramo, the playboy heir of a well-known local construction baron, one of whose corporations owned the hotel.

К вопросу о произношении

Понедельник, 20 Июня 2005 г. 03:07 + в цитатник
Начала читать книгу Салмана Рушди "Земля под ее ногами". По ходу там дается следующее определение США:

'.. that mighty democracy of mispronunciation ..'

Очень точно.

Falling in love again

Понедельник, 20 Июня 2005 г. 00:52 + в цитатник
вот какое я кино смотрела. разве не красиво? Туся Морковкина, я у Вас спрашиваю!

О вечном

Пятница, 17 Июня 2005 г. 03:54 + в цитатник
As for Chekov, he never did take a wife. In spite of this supposed handicap, however, he did well in his chosen profession. His rapid rise continued. But one day in May 1991 he was, by chance, a member of the entourage accompanying Mr Rajiv Gandhi to the South Indian village of Sriperumbudur, where Rajiv was to address an election rally. Security was lax, intentionally so. In the previous election, Rajivji felt, the demands of security had placed an alienating barrier between himself and the electorate. On this occasion, he decreed, the voters must be allowed to feel close.

After the speeches, the Rajiv group descended from the podium. Chekov, who was just a few feet behind Rajiv, saw a small Tamil woman come forward, smiling. She shook Rajiv's hand and did not let go. Chekov understood what she was smiling about, and the knowledge was so powerful it stopped time itself.

Because time had stopped, Chekov was able to make a number of private observations. 'These Tamil revolutionists are not England-returned,' he noted. 'So, finally, we have learned to produce the goods at home, and no longer need to import. Bang goes that old dinner-party standby; so to speak.' And, less dryly: 'The tragedy is not how one dies,' he thought. 'It is how one has lived.'

Salman Rushdie, 'Chekov and Zulu' (East, West)

Mr Jalal again

Пятница, 17 Июня 2005 г. 03:16 + в цитатник
He would never be able to inflict pain on himself. He would never experience its serenity, its sanctity, its purity. All he could do was read about it and fantasise. Mr Jalal wondered wistfully why pain had to be so painful. (p.88)

О боли

Суббота, 24 Июля 2004 г. 21:05 + в цитатник
"Mr Jalal was surprised, he was shocked, he was amazed at the sheer painfulness of pain." (с) Manil Suri, 'The Death of Vishnu', p.273

The sheer painfulness of pain!!!

Уроки французского по ТВ

Среда, 26 Мая 2004 г. 16:03 + в цитатник
Чувак разучивает фразы, прокручивая магнитофонную запись:

Je deteste votre langue, je deteste votre pays et je deteste vous. ("Я ненавижу ваш язык, я ненавижу вашу страну и я ненавижу вас")

Все это по слогам, на очень большой громкости и прямо в центре Парижа.

Процитировано 1 раз

Следующая фраза

Четверг, 20 Мая 2004 г. 22:01 + в цитатник
What is your hobby?

Разговорник. Первая фраза диалога в разделе "Знакомство":

Понедельник, 17 Мая 2004 г. 19:35 + в цитатник
Hello, do you live alone?


Пятница, 14 Мая 2004 г. 21:35 + в цитатник
Подруге прислали в рассылке новостей:

Chinese Alumni meet with Duke of York
His Royal Highness, Duke of York attended a special Chevening
reception in Wan Fung Art Gallery in Beijing recently. After
visiting the Gallery, His Royal Highness came to the court yard, and managed to
speak to every guest one by one. All of the guests were impressed
by his humour and relaxed nature.

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