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, 23 2019 . 11:21 +
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          http://moscomeco.org/; moscomeco@mail.ru

        Citizens, sign an appeal to the UN Secretary-General on the prohibition of radiating-type weapons, like weapons of mass destruction! A weapon of a new generation is being used against all of us - the radiating type that cripples our body and our consciousness.

   If you think that this weapon does not concern you, then you are deeply mistaken. This weapon is remote, it acts, covertly, invisibly and silently. It affects our organs and the brain by acting on them with radiation, whose frequency is equivalent to the natural resonant frequencies of the organs affected. Radiating weapons, in the form of generators of electromagnetic and acoustic radiation that adversely affect the human body, can provoke us any disease, including stroke, heart attack, perforation of gastric ulcer, pulmonary edema, etc., as well as destroy any of us. We. peaceful citizens, not understanding why we are sick, we turn to doctors. Doctors prescribe expensive medications that do not help us, or they send us for paid treatment or surgery. Radiating-type weapons created enormous corruption in which power structures (the owners of these weapons), doctors (and psychiatrists), pharmacology, and a number of other structures were involved.                                                             

   This weapon works with human consciousness. This allows you to deprive a zombie person of a business or property; any person can be turned into a thief, a criminal, a terrorist; provoke a car or plane crash, unleash a war, seize power, etc. The users of this weapon, working with the psyche of people, create quarrels and divorces in families, aggression in children and adults, shorten our lives, break our fates. This weapon can affect one person, a group of people, whole nations and countries, and is a weapon of mass destruction (WMD).

   The Moscow House Ecology Committee held the 3rd International Conference against these weapons in Moscow. The conference adopted the draft Convention on the Prohibition of Radiating Weapons and made an appeal to the UN Secretary General and the Heads of the leading countries of the world. The appeal contains the requirement to support our draft Convention and decide to ban weapons emitting type like weapons of mass destruction. Otherwise, humanity will self-destruct, and our planet will perish.

   We urge All citizens to join the demands of the Moscow House Ecology Committee to the United Nations: to adopt the Convention on the prohibition of these terrible weapons, weapons of radiant type, as weapons of mass destruction (WMD). If you value your life and the future of your children and grandchildren, please sign this appeal.


To UN Secretary-General Mr. Antonio Guterres

Address of the participants of the International Conference

Against the use of weapons of radiation type for people ",

                                   Dear UN Secretary General!

  Radiation (psychotronic, non-lethal) weapons are secretly and remotely applied to the civilian population of the Russian Federation and other countries, which violates all national and international laws on the rights and freedoms of citizens. The weapon of the radiating type allows you to manipulate the mind, psyche, physiology and genetics of people. Manipulating the minds of citizens turns a zombie man into a means of committing crimes and terrorist acts and violates international peace and security. A preventive measure to combat international organized crime and terrorism is a ban on the use of radiation weapons. Terrorism around the world won't stop until these weapons are banned.  Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. The UN says that the main measure to combat crime and terrorism is "ensuring and protecting human rights and freedoms and the rule of law."

   The use of radiation weapons for citizens poses a threat to “national security”. The strategy of protecting “national security” includes ensuring the security of the individual in the form of respect for and protection of individual rights and freedoms and respect for the rule of law. The weapon of the radiating type is multifunctional and universal, it surpasses all other types of weapons in combination. - According to international law, radiation (psychotronic, non-lethal) weapons fall under the definition of “weapons of mass destruction” (WMD).                                                         

   European Parliament in resolution A4-0005 / 1999. “... calls on the European Union to strive to ensure that new technologies of“ non-lethal (radiating) weapons ”... are covered and regulated by international conventions”; (paragraph 23) and calls upon the international convention to impose a global ban on all events and the deployment of weapons that could allow any form of manipulation of people ”(paragraph 27). Given the above, the resolution of the international conference from 01. 12. 2018, document A59 / 565 (paragraph 423), the Action Plan of the UN A / RES / 60/2888 strategy (paragraphs 1. 8; 4. 1), international and state laws on the protection of human rights and freedoms for international peace and security, the Moscow Committee on the Ecology of Housing encourages the UN to: develop and adopt the Convention on the Prohibition of the Radiation of Weapons as Weapons of Mass Destruction.


1. Resolution of the International Conference “Against the use of radiating type weapons to people”

1.1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation FZ No. 150 “On Arms” (Article 6, prohibits the circulation of radiating w

.Federal Law of the Russian Federation FZ No. 150 “On Weapons” (Article 6, prohibits the circulation of weapons that are damaged by radiation). Article 6. Restrictions on the circulation of civil and service weapons.

On the territory of the Russian Federation are prohibited:

1) “turnover as a civilian and service weapons and other items, the damaging effect of which is based on the use of radioactive radiation and biological factors; weapons and other items, the damaging effect of which is based on the use of electromagnetic, light, heat, infrasonic or ultrasonic radiation and which have output parameters greater than the values ​​established ... "  state standards in the field of health, "... as well as the specified weapons and items produced outside the territory of the Russian Federation".

  2. The draft Convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of weapons of the radiating type and their destruction.

     Sincerely, Moscow House Ecology Committee;

            http://moscomeco.org/; moscomeco@mail.ru

  http://chng.it/nwBSBFwKwt    avaaz.org




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