

 - e-mail



: 15.01.2015
: 12518
: 99
: 12671



: a ka(0), (1745), (81), .(162), (2), (4), .(1), (637), (39), (1), (485), (3171), (47), (699), (2), (28), ... (0), (104)

16 . 1-2

, 08 2018 . 22:58 +
Yarusya [ + !]

- , .



16 . 3-4

, 08 2018 . 22:57 +
Yarusya [ + !]

16 . 3-4



16 . 5-6

, 08 2018 . 22:57 +
Yarusya [ + !]



16 . 7-8

, 08 2018 . 22:56 +
Yarusya [ + !]

16 . 7-8



. 9 -10

, 08 2018 . 22:56 +
Yarusya [ + !]




, 08 2018 . 22:55 +
Yarusya [ + !]




- " "-

, 08 2018 . 22:55 +
Yarusya [ + !]

- " "-




, 08 2018 . 22:54 +
Yarusya [ + !]





, 08 2018 . 22:54 +
Yarusya [ + !]




, 08 2018 . 22:53 +
Yarusya [ + !]



. 2

, 08 2018 . 22:52 +
Yarusya [ + !]

. 2




, 08 2018 . 22:50 +
Yarusya [ + !]




, 08 2018 . 22:49 +
Yarusya [ + !]




, 22 2018 . 07:44 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]


5640974_3KyLZcxqEIc (460x305, 30Kb)
Excellent! !

Perfect! !

Brilliant! !

Fantastic! !

Magnificent! !

Superb! !

You’re doing great! !

Keep it up! !

That’s better than ever! , !

Well done! !

Good job! !

Way to go! ! !


I like that! !

Very good! !

Good for you! !

Great you are! !

That’s nice. .

That’s right. .

That’s it. .

Exactly. .

That’s perfectly correct. .

Yes, you’ve got it. , .

That’s just what I was looking for. , .

You really figured it out! !

, :

That’s much better now! !

You are improving. .

You’ve made a lot of progress. .

You didn’t make a single mistake. .


, 21 2017 . 20:35 +
justvitek [ + !]


4208855_tW_Y0UCsPz4 (466x700, 58Kb)


It’s raining so hard. – .
What a strong wind blows! – .
I feel terribly cold. – .
I’m wet through. – .
Terrible weather, isn’t it? – , ?
What a terrible day! – !
It looks like rain/snow. – , () .
I hate cold/hot weather. – / .
I can’t stand windy weather. – .
I hate it when it’s rainy like this! – , , !
The heat is killing me! – !
What strange weather we are having. – . (! ! , ).
It’s pouring. – .
It rains cats and dogs. – .
The sky is overcast. – .
We had a lot of heavy rain this morning. – .
It’s baking hot. – .
It’s freezing (cold). – ( ).
It’s below freezing. – .



, 03 2017 . 17:37 +
heregirl [ + !]

A bit. .
A few. .
A little. ; -.
A little bit. .
A long time ago. .
A lot of. .
A one way ticket. .
A round trip ticket. .
And you? ?
Anything else? - ?
Are you all right? ?
Are you busy? ?
Are you crazy? ?
Are you hear me? ?
Are you here? ?
Are you hungry? ?
Are you happy? ?
Are you kidding? , ?
Are you in love with me? ?
Are you married? / ?
Are you OK/ okay? ?
Are you ready? ?
Are you Russian? ?
Are you serious? ?
Are you sick? ?
Are you single? ? ( ?)
Are you sure? ?
Are you thirsty? ?
As a result. .
As a rule. ; .
As soon as possible. .
At first sight. .
At long last. -.
At what time? ?
Be careful. .
By chance. .
By mistake. .
By the way. .
Bye-Bye -
Can I help you? ?
Come here. .
Come in. .
Do you have any children? ?
Do you speak English? -?
Do you take credits card? ?
Do you understand? ?
Does anyone here speak English? - -?
Don't be late. .
Don't do that. .
Don't worry. .
Everyone knows it. .
Everything is ready. .
Excuse me. .
Fill it up, please. , . ( )
Follow me. .
For a long time. .
For heaven's sake .
For how long? ?
For once. .
From here to there. .
From time to time. .
Go along... ...
Go straight ahead. .
Good afternoon. .
Good evening. .
Good idea. .
Good luck. .
Good morning. .
Goodbye. !
Happy Birthday. !
Have a good trip. .
Have a nice a day. .
Have you been to Moscow? ?
Have you met? ?
Help me! !
Here you are. , .
He's right. .
How are you? ?
How are you doing? ?
How are you feeling? ?
How do I get there? ?
How do I use this? ?
How much is it? ?
How's the weather? ?
How old are you? ?
I agree. .
I don't care. .
I don't know. .
I don't like it. .
I don't mind. .
I don't understand. .
I don't want it. .
I have a cold. .
I live in California. .
I love you. .
I need help. .
I think so. .
I'd like to buy a cup of tea, please. , .
Ill be back. .
I'm *** years old. *** .
I'm Russian. .
I'm bored. .
I'm divorced. .
I'm fine, thanks. , .
I'm from Russia. .
I'm happy. .
I'm hungry. .
I'm married. ().
I'm single. ().
I'm sorry. .
I'm thirsty. .
I'm tired. .
In fact. .
In general. .
Is it possible? ?
Is it raining? ?
Is that ok? ?
Isn't it? ?
It's here. .
It's OK. .
It's raining. .
It's snowing. .
I've been there. .
Keep calm. .
Just a little. .
Just a moment. .
Let's go. .
Me neither. .
Me too. .
My name is .... ....
Never mind. .
Next time. .
Nice to meet you. .
No problem. .
No, thank you. , .
No way. .
Not very well. .
Not yet. .
Nothing else. .
On the left. .
On the right. .
Over here. .
Over there. .
Right here. .
Right there. .
Rise and shine! !
See you again. .
See you later. .
See you soon. .
See you tomorrow. .
Shut up! ! !
Sit down. .
Stand back. .
Start the car. .
Step aside. .
Take care. .
Thank you. .
Thank you very much. .
Thanks a lot. .
That way. .
That's alright. .
That's enough. .
That's OK. .
That's right. , .
That's wrong. .
There's no way .
Turn around. .
Turn left. .
Turn right. .
What are you doing? ?
What city are you from? ?
What do you do? ?
What do you want? ?
What happened? ?
What time is it? ?
What would you like to drink? ?
What would you like to eat? ?
Whats going on? ?
Whats happening? ?
What's the matter? ?
What's up? ?
What's your job? ?
What's your last name? ?
What's your name? ?
What's your nationality? ?
What's your occupation? ?
Where are you from? ?
Where are you going? ?
Where are you? ?
Where do you live? ?
Where were you born? ?
Who are you? ?
Why not? ?
You look beautiful! !
You look fine! !
You look gorgeous! !
You look great! !
You're beautiful. .
You're right. .
You're welcome. .
kYoD1y49QZM (700x700, 192Kb)



, 23 2017 . 20:27 +
[ + !]




Thank you very much. – .
It was very kind of you to do it. – ( ).
Excuse me for being late. – .
I must apologize to you. – .
Forgive me, please, I meant well. – , , .
I congratulate you. – .
Happy birthday to you. – .
Have a good time. – .
Let me introduce… – …
Allow me to introduce (to present). – .
May I present… – …
Goodbye. – .
See you later. – .
I must be going. – .
By the way… – …
I have been thinking. – .
You are getting away from the subject. – .
Keep to the point. – .
In short… – …
Skip the details. – .
That’s all there is to it. – , .
But enough of it.– , .
I see. – .
Say it again, please. – , .
Is that the point? – ?
That is not exactly what I mean. – , .
Let us clear it up. – .
In other words. – .
I mean it. – .
I am coming to that. – .
It stands to reason. – .
All right, I give in, you win. – , , .
What has it got to do with the problem? – ?
You are carrying it too far. – .
It does not make sense. – .
It does not prove a thing. – .
Let us stick to facts. – .
It is not true to facts. – .
That makes all the difference. – - .
That is quite a different thing. – .
On the one hand. – .
On the other hand. – .
As to… / As for… (As far as…is concerned) – …
Nevertheless. – .
Of course. Certainly. – .
Exactly. – .
That’s right. – .
I agree with you. – .
I think so. – , .
I am afraid so. – , .
I am sure of it. – .
I don’t agree with you at all. – .
Far from it. – .
I don’t think so. – , .
I am afraid you are wrong. – , .
I am not sure of it. – .
I doubt it. – .
I don’tknow. – .
I can’t say. – .
Is he? – ?
Really? – ?
Well, it is a surprise. – , .
Who would have expected that? – ?
You look wonderful today. – .
It does you credit. – .



, 19 2017 . 23:38 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]


5640974_KivOyS1xq0 (700x475, 153Kb)
Let me ... - ... 
I hope -  
It is to be noted - . ( .) 
We have no doubt of (that) - . ( .) 
As you may know - , ,  
to take the liberty of -  
to draw your attention to -  
to take into consideration, to take into account -  
the matter of great importance -  
at the present time -  
in case of necessity -  
without fail -  
as soon as possible -  
at your convenience -  
mentioned above -  
in general -  
for example -  
etc. -  
in no case -  
except for -  
despite the fact that -  
as a result of -  
in accordance with -  
in view of the above said -  
on the ground that -  
according to -  
as follows -  
not above -  
to a great extent -  
to a certain extent /degree -  
in order to -  
as far as -  
in addition to  
a pleasant surprise -  
It gives me a great pleasure to introduce -  
I am just writing a few lines to introduce - ,  
I sincerely regret that - ,  
To my great regret I must inform you that - ,  
I regret to inform you that - ,  
Please, accept my apologies for - ,  
I must apologize that -  
I am afraid that - ,  
Unfortunately -  
I will keep you informed -  
Let me inform you - ,  
Pay special attention to. -  
Please, take a note of - ,  
Add some data about -  
I will be in touch as soon as -  
This is to inform you that - ,  
I am attaching some information about -  
to confirm that - ,  
to keep informed -

 : [1]