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( : 1) Photoshopia
( : 2) Deti_Solntsa mp3


: 04.02.2005
: 1546


, 04 2005 . 15:54 +
- ...

. 셅 ..
, .
? :
: .
: 19 . . .

. , .
- - - - -
: - .

?... , , . ߅
. -. -. .. 7 9 . Jogging , , , , , , , , ?! , . - beware of homeless people around/// .. . . :)

-. 3 , , . , , . , . , . , , . , , , , ? , -. , , , , - , . . , , , , , , , . -, 60-70 BURNING MANa - :) , Golden Gate , . I left my heart in San-Francisco ,

- ?!?
. - - . 5 . :) :) .
backpacker, , L.A. . :) :) fun ... , .... .... LA - Beverly Hills, Los Diabolicos -. 2/3 1/3 native americans :)
, you can get in troubleso better take a cab
, . - - . L.A. . - , , , , , ,
, , - - - - - ,
. . : !
, , , , - , - - . , , . . . , , 4 L.A. , Put your hands in the Sky

. . .

Viva Las-Vegas . , , 24 ... , , -, , , Bellagio Viva!!!


, ..  ..?


: [1] []
Youth   , 04 2005 . 16:51 ()
   , 23 2005 . 20:34 ()
Ti odin pyteshestvoval ili s dryziami? U kstati ti otkyda v Americy priexal(sorry, for the text,net rysskix bykv na keyboarde v college)
Insane_Freak   , 23 2005 . 21:48 ()
4 ... ... ... :) ? -? ?
   , 24 2005 . 02:30 ()
Ia voobshe is Rossii, s Moskvi, a seichas givy V Clevlende Ohio (v etoi derevne), poka-shto xogy v tri-c... a kem ti rabotaesh? mne kstatu nravitsa kak ti pishesh(dnevnik), i mean how you express your thoughts:)
Insane_Freak   , 24 2005 . 11:42 ()
- :) ... ... ... ... ..
, - :)
   , 28 2005 . 06:02 ()
, - . ... :(
d Americe?
Insane_Freak   , 29 2005 . 01:13 ()
-.... ... - ... ... ... - - ... . - ... ...
   , 30 2005 . 22:23 ()
Coast of Atlantic ocean.... sounds like lots of fun.
Ny xorosho rasskagy, but in english, hope you don't mind, because in russian it would take a whole day.
I live here with my aunt(i call her grandma, as i used to in russia) and her husbund. She adopted me when i was i about 15, because i mother was sick with cancer, my real grandmother died a year before my mom, so Gala(my aunt)was the closest one and she already lived here. Well, i had(still have) stepfather in Russia, but Gala invited me to visit america, just to visit and may be to study. So i got an invitation and surprisingly i got a guest visa from american embassy.. and came here for 3 months. After they passed i decided to see how my studing will go here, so applied for student visa, and again received it without any problems. so now, i'm waiting for green card, as soon as i get it, going straight back home for the whole summer, to visit the friends and the rest of the relatieves. Well, turned out to be a very short story.. heh
Btw, kak tebe ydaetsa tak prosto pyteshestvovat po americe u b americy? because i know that even for tourist visa you have to a have a visitor one.
   , 30 2005 . 22:31 ()
A s kaniona y tebia fotku klassnie!
Insane_Freak   , 01 2005 . 00:41 ()
Work and Travel ... ... ... :) ... - ... :)
- !
   , 01 2005 . 01:50 ()
Ny ia dymau, shto tam klassno.. y menia eshe vse vperedi:) A ti bil na Nuagare? tam kogda stoish nad ulu pod etoi moshiu obryshuvausheisa vodi, prosto klass
: [1] []


: ( )
