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  •     (5)
  •     (5)
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  • (308)
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  • (144)
  • (136)
  •     (2)
  • (107)
  • - (102)
  • (98)
  • (97)
  •     (31)
  • (80)
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  • (69)
  • (67)
  • (62)
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  • (51)
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  • (18)
  • - (18)
  • (18)
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  • (4)
  • (4)
  • (4)
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  • (4)
  • (4)
  • (4)
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  • (3)
  • - (3)
  • (3)
  • (3)
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  • (2)
  • - (2)
  • (2)
  • c (2)
  • (2)
  • - (2)
  • (1)
  • (1)
  • (1)
  • (1)
  • LiRu (1)
  • (1)
  • (1)
  • (0)



 - e-mail



( : 2) _ __


: 25.11.2010
: 4195
: 43
: 4261



: (1), (8), (19), (136), -(6), (13), (80), (32), (11), - (2), (40), (3), (1), (7), (4), (2), (11), (4), (107), (30), (41), (39), (71), (8), (13), (2), (6), (1), (62), (8), -(3), (5), (11), (10), (7), (10), (2), - (2), (9), (22), (778), (13), (3), (16), (10), (18), (15), (175), (17), (2), (67), (4), -(5), (6), (4), ,(4), (4), (11), -(18), (3), (5), (15), (17), (10), (9), (69), (5), (1), (4), (18), (11), (236), (16), (0), (18), (16), (7), (14), (23), (35), (3), (11), (48), (97), (75), (6), (18), (4), (19), (28), - (102), -,,(50), -,(12), -(5), (144), (308), (12), - (13), (356), (52), (1), (3), (51), (7), (98), (56), (37), (23), (1), LiRu(1), c (2)


, 16 2017 . 13:50 +
Miss_Internet [ + !]


" - , . , ." - . , . , , , .

-, .
004-16 (700x440, 96Kb)



- The most popular expressions.

, 29 2017 . 10:47 +
heregirl [ + !]

- The most popular expressions.

- The most popular expressions.

A bit. .
A few. .
A little. ; -.
A little bit. .
A long time ago. .
A lot of. .
A one way ticket. .
A round trip ticket. .
And you? ?
Anything else? - ?
Are you all right? ?
Are you busy? ?
Are you crazy? ?
Are you here? ?
Are you hungry? ?
Are you happy? ?
Are you kidding? , ?
Are you married? / ?
Are you OK/ okay? ?
Are you ready? ?
Are you Russian? ?
Are you serious? ?
Are you sick? ?
Are you single? ? ( ?)
Are you sure? ?
Are you thirsty? ?
As a result. .
As a rule. ; .
As soon as possible. .
At first sight. .
At long last. -.
At what time? ?
Be careful. .
By chance. .
By mistake. .
By the way. .
Bye-Bye -
Can I help you? ?
Come here. .
Come in. .
Do you have any children? ?
Do you hear me? ?
Do you speak English? -?
Do you take credits card? ?
Do you understand? ?
Does anyone here speak English? - -?
Don't be late. .
Don't do that. .
Don't worry. .
Everyone knows it. .
Everything is ready. .
Excuse me. .
Fill it up, please. , . ( )
Follow me. .
For a long time. .
For heaven's sake .
For how long? ?
For once. .
From here to there. .
From time to time. .
Go along... ...
Go straight ahead. .
Good afternoon. .
Good evening. .
Good idea. .
Good luck. .
Good morning. .
Goodbye. !
Happy Birthday. !
Have a good trip. .
Have a nice a day. .
Have you been to Moscow? ?
Have you met? ?
Help me! !
Here you are. , .
He's right. .
How are you? ?
How are you doing? ?
How are you feeling? ?
How do I get there? ?
How do I use this? ?
How much is it? ?
How's the weather? ?
How old are you? ?
I agree. .
I don't care. .
I don't know. .
I don't like it. .
I don't mind. .
I don't understand. .
I don't want it. .
I have a cold. .
I live in California. .
I love you. .
I need help. .
I think so. .
I'd like to buy a cup of tea, please. , .
Ill be back. .
I'm *** years old. *** .
I'm Russian. .
I'm bored. .
I'm divorced. .
I'm fine, thanks. , .
I'm from Russia. .
I'm happy. .
I'm hungry. .
I'm married. ().
I'm single. ().
I'm sorry. .
I'm thirsty. .
I'm tired. .
In fact. .
In general. .
Is it possible? ?
Is it raining? ?
Is that ok? ?
Isn't it? ?
It's here. .
It's OK. .
It's raining. .
It's snowing. .
I've been there. .
Keep calm. .
Just a little. .
Just a moment. .
Let's go. .
Me neither. .
Me too. .
My name is .... ....
Never mind. .
Next time. .
Nice to meet you. .
No problem. .
No, thank you. , .
No way. .
Not very well. .
Not yet. .
Nothing else. .
On the left. .
On the right. .
Over here. .
Over there. .
Right here. .
Right there. .
Rise and shine! !
See you again. .
See you later. .
See you soon. .
See you tomorrow. .
Shut up! ! !
Sit down. .
Stand back. .
Start the car. .
Step aside. .
Take care. .
Thank you. .
Thank you very much. .
Thanks a lot. .
That way. .
That's alright. .
That's enough. .
That's OK. .
That's right. , .
That's wrong. .
There's no way .
Turn around. .
Turn left. .
Turn right. .
What are you doing? ?
What city are you from? ?
What do you do? ?
What do you want? ?
What happened? ?
What time is it? ?
What would you like to drink? ?
What would you like to eat? ?
Whats going on? ?
Whats happening? ?
What's the matter? ?
What's up? ?
What's your job? ?
What's your last name? ?
What's your name? ?
What's your nationality? ?
What's your occupation? ?
Where are you from? ?
Where are you going? ?
Where are you? ?
Where do you live? ?
Where were you born? ?
Who are you? ?
Why not? ?
You look beautiful! !
You look fine! !
You look gorgeous! !
You look great! !
You're beautiful. .
You're right. .
You're welcome. .
9jNLy59N4MY (640x640, 362Kb)



, 21 2017 . 11:48 +
___ [ + !]




  • , «»     ,   —   .



- ,

, 05 2017 . 10:48 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]

- ,

5640974_133625085_4208855_w5pVNJ6gSMk (684x684, 63Kb)


1. Talk big — ,  
2. Run for one's life — ,  
3. Throw good money after bad —  
4. Cast a glance —  
5. Put on a show —  
6. Take turns —  
7. Make a nuisance of oneself —  
8. Play the fool —  
9. Have smb on the string —  
10. Out of sight —  
11. Take for granted —  
12. Make a show of —  
13. Break loose —  
14. fall /be out of favor — /  
15. Be quits —  
16. Be at the end of one's tether —  
17. Set the pace —  
18. Keep pace with smb —  
19. Drive someone into a corner —  
20. Hurt smb's pride —  
21. Cover one's tracks —  
22. Be up to smth —  
23. Catch smb unawares —  
24. Take by surpirse —  
25. Know smb by sight —  
26. Know one's place —  
27. Lead the way —  
English Easy Learn -  
28. Run counter to smth —  
29. Go to all lengths —  
30. Have a way with —  
31. Tempt fate —  
32. In smb's stead — - 
33. Get one's hand in / have a hand in smth —  
34. Make up for lost time —  
35. Go back on one's word —  
36. Begin the world —  
37. Keep one's nose out of smth —  
38. Have a bite —  
39. Do smb a good / bad turn — /  
40. Lose sight of —


- . 2

, 15 2017 . 11:32 +
_ [ + !]

- . 2

: - . 1 * . .



400 , 75%

, 14 2017 . 15:44 +
__ [ + !]

400 , 75%

, !




, 18 2016 . 17:24 +
___ [ + !]


     , «»     ,   —   . 14  ,   . , , ,  —   .   BBC Learning English   . … 


77 ! ,

, 08 2016 . 21:05 +
TatiRoss [ + !]


- 16

, 25 2016 . 17:49 +
pmos_nmos [ + !]

- 16

2868949_orig (700x455, 314Kb)


- /

, 24 2016 . 16:31 +
kukunchik [ + !]

- /

5979143_411_2 (266x400, 40Kb)

10 17 " ". , , . , , , , .



, 15 2016 . 21:56 +
lati [ + !]



– , . – , , , .

- “, ” “, , ”, , . – .



!/ .

, 05 2015 . 10:42 +
Schamada [ + !]

!/ .

1Y99bByNRuJm (168x36, 1Kb) kK2bu5IZfFT5 (168x36, 1Kb) ywftHAbx7Agz (168x36, 2Kb) AdxFk4z4IT7U (168x36, 1Kb) CdrLvMfZTE1g (168x36, 2Kb) IqPMwwDuMNNo (168x36, 1Kb) OUmMmWY6GH4i (168x36, 1Kb) wK1lX4rel0B5 (168x36, 1Kb) WvLauti7PSZV (168x36, 1Kb) T6CAdmow2nD2 (168x36, 1Kb) sqV2M9OqQmzU (168x36, 1Kb) oWTbBr8b3vWq (168x36, 1Kb) Zj367e63dA2A (168x36, 1Kb) Unbenannt (700x164, 25Kb)
, ? ! .
, , ? 2-3 , !
, - . . , - , . , . , .
12 : , , , , , . , . . . , .
EyNNAD1dIr2I (260x50, 13Kb)


, .

, 16 2014 . 13:22 +
_ [ + !]

, . .

 (640x474, 279Kb)


, .
, , .

3290568_0_8fea2_d0d2901f_M (160x21, 4Kb)



, 21 2014 . 18:14 +
belorys_kh [ + !]



  ,   ,   .     ?

,   .



English Senteces with Audio

, 11 2014 . 20:09 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

English Senteces with Audio

2000 + :) !

Some-really-useful-stuff-post-it (240x240, 17Kb)




, 24 2014 . 09:08 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


By the way - .
And so on and so forth - .. ..
Believe it or not, but - ,
Did I get you right? - ?
Don't mention it -
Don't take it to heart -
I am afraid you are wrong - ,
I didn't catch the last word -
I mean it -
If I am not mistaken -
If I remember rightly -
In other words -
It doesn't matter -
It is a good idea -
It is new to me -
Let us hope for the best -
May I ask you a question? - ?
Most likely -
Neither here nor there - ,
On the one hand . -
On the other hand . -
Say it again, please - ,
What do you mean by saying it? - ?
What is the matter? - ?
Where were we? - ?

logo_listener (600x449, 103Kb)


, . . P.S.

, 11 2014 . 13:57 +
-- [ + !]

* , . . P.S.

1)WordSteps.com - .
2) lang-8.com/ - , ,
3) sharedtalk.com/ - !
4) langled.com/home.php - ( , )
5) www.englishbaby.com/ - , , , lessons
6) www.interpals.net/ -
7) livemocha.com/ -
8) http://www.busuu.com/ru

YouTube :
1) www.youtube.com/user/MinooAngloLink -
2) www.youtube.com/user/dailydictation - . .
3) www.youtube.com/user/duncaninchina -

1) www.manythings.org/ - , . TESL / TEFL. ( ), , .
2) engblog.ru/ - ,
3) www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/ - ,
4) www.amalgama-lab.com/ -

http://www.better-english.com/exerciselist.htm 250 : , . .

http://dictionary.cambridge.org - (Learner's, Advanced Learner's, American English, Idioms, Phrasal Verbs).

: , , , . .

http://www.linguarama.com/ps/index.html .



http://www.wordorigins.org .

. . .

http://www.dictionary.com . , , .

http://www.onelook.com .
130 -. .

. 80 .


, 15 2014 . 12:23 +
__ [ + !]


> : 9

, 18 2014 . 21:24 +
_ [ + !]

: 9

15060714-shutterstock_157245068-605x419 (484x336, 46Kb)

. , , «» – . .


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