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 - e-mail



( : 10) _ __2 _ __ __ __ __ _ -


: 14.06.2015
: 14871
: 664
: 15763


strong> Danhui Nai. . 2.

, 06 2015 . 04:46 +
Matrioshka . 1.

, - , . , .

Detail from a painting of The Marquise d'Aigurandes by F. Drouais, 1759

. "" " , " (. XXVIXXVII) " , , ". , XVI .
, , , , , . .

Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia. By an unknown artist, 1613. In the National Portrait Gallery of London.
She is wearing Reticella, or Point Coupe, lace.

. . , , (), , , , , , .

POURBUS, Frans the Younger. Archdukes Albert and Isabella

. , , , , . , , .

Jean-Marc Nattier (1685(1685)1766(1766))
Victoire Louise Marie Therese de France, dite Madame Victoire (1733-1799)
Year 1748(1748) Musee national du Chateau et des Trianons

XVI . : Niccolo Zoppino (1527), Bugato (1527), Paganino (1527), Tagliente (1534) . , , , . XV " ", . . , , , .

Jean-Marc Nattier (1685(1685)1766(1766))
Louise-Marie de France, dite Madame Louise (1737-1787)
Year 1748

, , . , , , .
" " - . 1735 . 1662 . , .


"" XIX

, , , .

, III 1623 , .

Nicholas Hilliard, Portrait of a Young Man, Probably Robert Devereux (1566-1601), Second Earl of Essex, dated 1588. Metropolitan Museum of Art , NY

XIII 1613 , , . , , , .

Nicholas Hilliard, Portrait of a Woman, 1597. Metropolitan Museum of Art

. , , , , , . . , .

Painting by the Dutch portraitist Thomas de Keyser, 1596-1667

1534 .

Irish crochet lace.



Mary Throckmorton, Lady Scudamore, 1632, wearing exotic needlelace. National Portrait Gallery, London

. ( ). , , . : , , , .

Queen Elizabeth I, Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger (c 1561-1635)

, . , , , : 10 15 !

Dress, tape lace with needle-made fillings and machine made insertions and edgings, Belgium, 1900-1910. Source: 75x Lace, Patricia Wardle, Rijksmuseun, Amsterdam

,, , , 3-4 . , 10 . .

Fuente: Tesoros del Rijksmuseum de Amsterdam, Emile Meijer, Aguilar, 1985


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