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 -Friends for Love

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2. vikysik_love - 65 089 (13:13 23.08.2008)
3. ! - 57 240 (15:57 10.08.2008)
4. nuns - 55 800 (22:35 07.09.2008)
5. vierassi - 46 420 (20:38 24.10.2008)





 - e-mail



: 16.03.2009
: 18102



, 22 2013 . 17:21 +
Milendia_Solomarina :


All that glitters is not gold. - , .

Actions speak louder than words. – , .

Advisers run no risks. – .


All days are short to Industry and long to Idleness. – .

All's well that ends well. – , .

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. – , . ( – )

 An Englishman's home is his castle. – –


Half a loaf is better than none. – , ( )

Haste makes waste. – ( – ).

Hatred is a blind as love. – , .

He can who believes he can. – , .

He who hesitates is lost. – , . .

A bad workman blames his tools. - . ( )

A bird in hand is worth two in a bush. – , .

A change is as good as a rest. – () , .

A flower blooms more than once. – .

A fool at forty is a fool forever. – 40 – .

A friend in need is a friend indeed. - .


A man is known by the company he keeps. – , .

A rotten apple spoils the barrel. – .

A stumble may prevent a fall. – .

A swallow does not make the summer. – .

A tree is known by its fruit. – .

A young idler, an old beggar. – , .

As you sow, so shall you reap. – , .

April showers bring May flowers. – , – . ( .)

A bad tree does not yield good apples. –

A friend to all is a friend to none. – – .

A good beginning makes a good end. – – .

A good conscience is a soft pillow. – .

A man is as old as he feels himself to be. - , .

 Bad news travels fast. –

Better be alone than in bad company. - , .

Better late than never. – .

Better lose the saddle than the horse. – , .

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. – () !

Blood is thicker than water. - , .


Children and fools tell the truth. – .

Clothes don't make the man. – .


Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body. – , .

Don't judge a book by its cover. – .


Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. – – .

Easier said than done. – , .

Every man is the architect of his own fortune. – .

Every path has its puddle. – ( ).

Every rose has its thorn. – …

Experience is the father of wisdom. – - .


Facts speak louder than words. – .

Failure teaches success. – .

False friends are worse than open enemies. – .

First come, first served. – – .


Gardens are not made by sitting in the shade. – .

God helps those who help themselves. – , !

Good and quickly seldom meet. – «» «» .

Great oaks grow from little acorns. – ( ).

He who is everywhere is nowhere. – , , .

He who knows nothing, doubts nothing. – , .

He who pays the piper calls the tune. – , .

He laughs best who laughs last. – , .

Health is better than wealth. – , .

Home is where the heart is. – , .

However long the night, the dawn will break. – , .

Hunger is a good sauce. – ( – ).


In times of prosperity friends are plentiful. – .

If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one. – - .

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. – , .

It is always darkest before the dawn. – .

It's no use crying over spilt milk. – .


Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age. – – .

Knowledge is power. – .

Kill the goose that lays the golden egg. – , .


Laughter is the best medicine. – – .

Learn to walk before you run. – , .

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. – – , .

Liars need good memories. – .

Lightning never strikes in the same place twice. – .

Like father, like son. – , .

Look before you leap. – , .

Love is blind. –


 Man is the head of the family; woman is the neck that turns the head. – – , – Man proposes, God disposes. – , .

Many hands make light work. – – ( ).

Men make houses, women make homes. – , – .

Money begets money. – .

Money doesn't grow on trees. – .

Money is the root of all evil. – – .


Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today. – , .

Nobody is perfect. – .

No man can serve two masters. – .

No news is good news. – – .

No smoke without fire. – .

No wind, no waves. – – .


One good turn deserves another. – , .

One today is worth two tomorrow. – , .

Only real friends will tell you when your face is dirty. – .

Opportunity seldom knocks twice. – .


Patience is a virtue. – – .

Penny wise, pound foolish. – , .

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. – , , .

Practice makes perfect. – .

Prevention is better than cure. – , .

Punctuality is the soul of business. – – .

Put all your eggs in one basket. – .

Revenge is sweet. – .

Rome was not built in a day. – ( ).


Saying is one thing, doing is another. – – , – .

Sickness in the body brings sadness to the mind. – .

Silence gives consent. – – .

 Still waters run deep. – …. .

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. – .

The best advice is found on the pillow. – – ( )

The best things in life are free. – – ( : , , , ).

The early bird catches the worm. – ( – ).

The first step is the hardest. – – !

The more you have, the more you want. – , .

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. – .

The truth is in the wine. – .

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. – .

There is a black sheep in every flock. – .

Time is money. – – .

Too many cooks spoil the broth. – ( ).

True friends are tested in adversity. – .

Walls have ears. – .

What a man says drunk, he thinks sober. – , .

When the cat's away, the mice play. – , .

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. – , , .

When poverty come in the door, love goes out the window. – , .

Where there's life there's hope. – – .

Wisdom is better than strength. – , .


You are never too old to learn. – .

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. – , ( ).

You can't teach an old dog new tricks. – .

You never know what you can do until you try. – , , .

You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. – , ( , ).

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