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musie cat princess

moody blue



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: 20.03.2010
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, 07 2012 . 16:24 +


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, 29 2012 . 19:13 +

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, 22 2012 . 03:23 +

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, 25 2012 . 20:09 +

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, 11 2012 . 17:06 +

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, 11 2012 . 13:27 +

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, 21 2012 . 22:00 +

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If you have found out in yourselves signs of a syndrome of loneliness, do not undertake anything. Address immediately to the psychiatrist. But it is the extremely careful: the loneliness is together even more dangerous.

Igor Goldberg.



, 21 2012 . 12:58 +

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Each fool writes to itself and another corrected lives, and then speaks: "Well what I was the fool!"

Igor Goldberg.



, 21 2012 . 12:00 +

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The word can destroy everything, but can and cure. Be not scattered by words, Be sensitive to each letter.

Igor Goldberg.




, 20 2012 . 12:01 +

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One dog disagrees with another because considers that it barks more loudly.

One person disagrees with another because considers that he speaks more cleverly.

Igor Goldberg.



, 19 2012 . 22:28 +


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, 12 2012 . 00:14 +

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Who asks, looks the fool only when has opened a mouth. The one who does not ask, remains the fool on all life.

Igor Goldberg.



, 12 2012 . 23:14 +


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Time, water and words

These are three things which easily flow but which it is already impossible to return back.

Igor Goldberg.


, 10 2012 . 21:44 +



The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences.

Igor Goldberg.



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, 25 2012 . 14:14 +

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To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.

Igor Goldberg.


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, 20 2012 . 12:58 +

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When the gold dust dims to you eyes, you see the sky in diamonds.

Igor Goldberg.



, 16 2012 . 07:43 +

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, 12 2012 . 09:23 +

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When kindness and compassion are forced out by concepts of the law and justice,  belief and trust are substituted for ritual and ceremony.

Igor Goldberg (abstracts from a cart of Tao).




, 11 2012 . 18:37 +

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When you dance with the devil, not break the rhythm.

Igor Goldberg.




, 27 2011 . 06:43 +

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