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: 11.04.2009
: 157




, 21 2009 . 12:47 +


-: Shimamiya Eiko - Naraku No Hana( 2 )

, 17 2009 . 00:26 +


Versailles , , , . . - , , . .

-, - , .

Utitled (Limited Edition) album
Utitled (Regular Edition) album
Ascendead Master (Limited Edition B) single
Ascendead Master (Limited Edition C) single
Ascendead Master (Regular Edition) single
Chateau De Versailles concert
History Of The Other Side) miscellaneous
Prince & Princess (Regular Edition) single
Prince & Princess (KAMIJO Type) single
Prince & Princess (HIZAKI Type) single
Prince & Princess (TERU Type) single
Prince & Princess (Jasmine You Type) single
Prince & Princess (Jasmine You) single
Prince & Princess (YUKI Type) single
Prince & Princess (YUKI) single
Lyrical Sympathy album
NOBLE album


, , ID Japan. , , , , .




, 10 2009 . 23:17 +

 (604x403, 59Kb)

Versailles 2007 Kamijo ( – ex-LAREINE) – , Hizaki ( – ex- Schwardix Marvally, SULFURIC ACID) – , Teru ( – ex-Aikaryu) – , Jasmine You ( – ex-Jakura, HIZAKI grace project) – , Yuki ( – ex-Sugar Trip) – .
, Versailles , Kamijo Hizaki .

, « ()», . , , .
2007 YouTube Versailles, . , , , , Versailles . , ID JAPAN .
, Versailles Sankei Newspaper. Livedoor news, Yomiuri newspaper, Yomiuri TV Fuji TV, .
24 2007 Ebisu Liquid Room. , Sugar, Screw, Kaya UnsraW. – «The Revenant Choir» . , Versailles X-Japan, .
«The Revenant Choir» : «- , , . , . . , , . , , , . 2007 , . , . …»
30 «The Red Carpet Day», Sherow Artist Society. , Juka, Kaya, Nega, UnsraW Metis Gretel. 31 «Lyrical Sympathy».
2008 Versailles J Rock Awards « », - J Rock Revolution, Tainted Reality Purple Sky.
«Tokyo Metrolois», Shibuya AX. 19 «A Noble was Born in the Chaos»,
28 Versailles MATENROU OPERA , , , , .
3 hide memorial summit, Versailles. - Daikanyama UNIT. 30 A-KON , , , -.
24 Versailles, «NOBLE», 16 , . DVD «Prelude», «Aristocrat's Symphony» «Episode». ORICON . Shibuya O-EAST, Nagoya ell . FITZALL Osaka Muse.


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