как наиболее бессмысленно провести клёвый субботний денёк? заняться перетаскиванием записей из лиру в жж.
долго я это ленилась сделать, но тем не менее реклама чересчур раздражающа.
During the six years of his professional career, thousands of photos were taken of Kurt Cobain both in concert and offstage — but he hated the bulk of them. This photograph, taken at Seattle's legendary Crocodile Cafe in the fall of 1992, was one of the few personal snapshots Kurt liked enough to keep in his own scrapbook.
Kurt in the living room of his Los Angeles apartment on Spaulding Avenue, spring 1992. As Nirvana's commercial impact grew during that year, Def Leppard would be on far fewer magazine covers.