
: 2641 : 0
: 795 : 0
: 5482 : 0
: 658 : 0
: 467 : 0


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 - e-mail



: 18.02.2012
: 24041



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, 31 2020 . 09:56 +
5819 [ + !]


- 10 .
. .
9f688e022896ed8caa3ceed40a27 (700x476, 132Kb)



, 12 2020 . 06:51 +
MerlettKA [ + !]



, 08 2020 . 09:12 +
justvitek [ + !]


4208855_Q0DoF7tuER0 (430x500, 62Kb)

Farmer ['fɑ:mə] -
Film director [fɪlmdı'rektə] -
Financier [faı'nænsıə] -
Fisherman ['fıʃəmən] -
Fixer ['fıksə] -
Flight attendant [flaɪtə'tendənt] - , ,
Foreman ['fɔ:mən] - ,
Gardener ['gɑ:dnə] -
Geologist [ʤı'ɔləʤıst] -
Glass cutter [glɑ:s'kʌtə] -
Glazier ['gleızjə] -
Goods manager [gudz'mænıʤə] -
Guard [gɑ:d] - ,
Guide [gaıd] - ,
Gynaecologist [,gaını'kɔləʤıst] -
Hairdresser ['hɜə,dresə] -
Hangman ['hæŋmən] -
Head [hed] -
Head teacher [hed'ti:ʧə] - (-)
Historian [hıs'tɔ:rıən] -
Housewife ['hauswaıf] -
Hunter ['hʌntə] -
Inspector [ın'spektə] -
Inspector [ın'spektə] - ,
Insurance agent [ın'ʃuərəns'eıʤənt] -
Interpreter [ın'tə:prıtə] -
Investigator [ın'vestıgeıtə] - , ,
Janitor ['ʤænıtə] -
Jeweller ['ʤu:ələ] -
Joiner ['ʤɔınə] -
Journalist ['ʤə:nəlıst] -
Judge ['ʤʌʤ] -
Jurist ['ʤuərıst] -
Laboratory assistant [lə'bɔrətərıə'sıstənt] -
Lawyer ['lɔ:jə] - ,
Lecturer ['lekʧərə] - ,
Letter ['letə] -
Librarian [laı'brɜərıən] -
Livestock breeder ['laıvstɔk'bri:də] -
Loader ['ləudə] -
Loading workman ['ləudıŋ'wə:kmən] -
Locksmith ['lɔksmıθ] -
Mail carrier [meıl'kærıə] -
Maker-up ['meıkəʌp] -
Manager ['mænıʤə] - , ,
Manufacturer [,mænju'fækʧərə] -
Marketeer [,mɑ:kı'tıə] -
Mason, bricklayer ['meısn'brık,leıə] -
Masseur [mæ'sə ] -
Mathematician [,mæθımə'tıʃən] -
Mechanic [mı'kænık] -
Mechanician [,mekə'nıʃən] - , ,
Medical assistant ['medıkələ'sıstənt] -
Merchant, businessman ['mə:ʧənt] ['bɪznəsmən] -
Messenger ['mesınʤə] -
Metallurgist [me'tæləʤıst] -
Metalworker ['metl,wə:kə] -
Milker ['mılkə] -
Milling machine operator ['mılıŋmə'ʃi:n'ɔpəreıtə] -
Miner ['maınə] - ,
Mineworker ['maɪn̗wɜ:kə] -
Model ['mɔdl] - ,
Moderator ['mɔdəreıtə] - ,
Motor mechanic ['məutəmı'kænık] - ,
Musician [mju:'zıʃən] -



, 20 2019 . 07:50 +
justvitek [ + !]


4208855_meal (225x237, 5Kb)


reamy [] - ,  
crisp [] -  
savoury [] -  
crunchy [] -  
fresh [] -  
hot [] -  
bitter [] -  
stale [] -  
stodgy [] -  
sweet [] -  
tasteless [] -  
bland [] -  
mild [] - , ,  
mushy [] -  
salty [] -  
sickly [] -  
sour [] -  
spicy [] -  
juicy [] -  


- :

, 14 2019 . 07:09 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]

- :

5640974_travel (700x321, 165Kb)


, ? Excuse me, can you help me, please? 
. I am lost. / I have lost my way. 
? What is the name of this street? 
? Where is the exit? 
? Where is the entrance to the museum? 
? Where is the nearest subway station? 
? Where is the shopping center situated? 
? How can I get to the railway station? 
? How can I get to the police station? 
. We’re looking for the Hilton Hotel. 
? Is there a pub near here? 
? Is it far from here? 
? Is it near? 
? Can I walk there? 
? Are we going in the right direction? 
. Go that way. 
. Go straight ahead. 
. Go one block ahead. 
. In that direction. 
. Turn right. / Turn to the right. 
. Turn left. / Turn to the left. 
. Turn left at the second crossing and then ask again. 
, . Go along this street as far as the traffic-lights then turn right. 
. It’s on this side of the street. 
. It’s on the other side of the street. 
. It’s on the middle of the block. 
. It’s near the square. 
. It’s across the bridge. 
. It’s inside the station. 
. It’s beyond the traffic-lights 
. It’s in front of the monument. 
. It’s over there round the corner. 
( ). You can’t miss it. 



, 03 2019 . 09:14 +
justvitek [ + !]


4208855_139721595_5640974_4LlVpcpoT3w (699x437, 54Kb)


#1 - second [ˈ] 
#2 - minute [ˈ] 
#3 - hour [ˈa] 
#4 - day [] 
#5 - week [] 
#6 - month [] 
#7 - year [] 

#1 - Monday [ˈ] 
#2 - Tuesday [ˈ] 
#3 - Wednesday [ˈ] 
#4 - Thursday [ˈ] 
#5 - Friday [ˈ] 
#6 - Saturday [ˈ] 
#7 - Sunday [ˈ] 





, 29 2019 . 06:14 +
___ [ + !]


1. Hello/ good bye — /

2. Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! — ! / /

3. Please thank you — /




, 06 2019 . 04:44 +
Leskey [ + !]


Very little () Tiny ()
Very tasty () Delicious ()
Very angry () Furious ()
Very afraid () Terrified ( )
Very tired () Exhausted ()
Very hot (, ) Boiling ()
Very hungry () Starving ( )
Very big () Enormous ()
Very cold () Freezing ()
Very dirty () Filthy ()
Very good () Great ()
Very bad () Awful ()
Very nasty () Dreadful ()
Very important () Essential ()
Very unusual () Extraordinary ()
Very cheerful () Hilarious ()
Very expensive () Priceless ()
Very funny () Ridiculous ()

, It was a very good film! It was a great film.

very . , rather hot, a bit tired, extremely important. :
Very ()
Rather ()
Reasonably ()
Extremely ()
Dreadfully ()
Hugely ()
Immensely ()
Intensely ()
Slightly ()
A bit ()

Absolutely ()
Completely ()
Entirely ()
Perfectly ()
Practically ()
Simply ()
Totally ()
Utterly ()
Virtually ()
Almost ()
Exclusively ()
Fully ()
Largely ( )
Mainly ( )
Nearly ()
Primarily ()

Wasting money is simply ridiculous! !
The boss gave us a practically impossible task. .
I was totally exhausted just after I cleaned a two stored building. .
You shouldnt have bought that dress. It was almost priceless. . .
The previous winter was virtually freezing. .
The Sun in every solitude desert is utterly boiling. .
screenshot_782 (509x466, 175Kb)



, 24 2019 . 08:10 +
__ [ + !]


1. Hello/ good bye — /

2. Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! — ! / /

3. Please thank you — /




, 21 2019 . 07:58 +
justvitek [ + !]


, , (young), (middle-aged), (old). (freckles) (wrinkles). (voice): (tuneful), (crisp) (cracked).  (smile). (sincere), (charming) (engaging) . , (artificial), (forced) (cunning). 

, . , agreeable (), engaging (), winsome (), stylish (), lovely-looking (), unique (), dapper (, – ), awkward (), ugly / ugly-looking (), scruffy / untidy-looking (, ). 

, : 

be / look the very picture of one’s (mother…) –  
(as) pretty as a picture –  
appearances are deceptive –  
in the flower of life (one’s age) / in the prime of life –  
bear / carry off one’s age well –  
, , – Inner beauty is more important than a physical one.



, 13 2019 . 08:16 +
justvitek [ + !]


4208855_5ZQwM42ekAE (511x340, 25Kb)

, , - Hunny [ˈ] 
, - Babe [] 
, , - Darling [ˈ] 
() - Sweetheart [ˈˌ] 
, , Sweety [ˈ] 
- Sweetums [] 
- Sunshine [ˈˌ] 
- My Love [] [] 
, - Dear [] 
- Dearheart [] 
, , - Cutie [] 
, - Bubbles [ˈc] 
, () - pumpkin [ˈ] 
, , - Sweetie Pie [ˈ] [] 
() - Snookums [] 
- pookie [] 
, - boo [] 
, "" - Muffin [ˈ] 
() - lovebug [] 
, - Wifey [] 
, - Shorty [ˈ] 
, , - upcake []


, 22 2019 . 06:39 +
heregirl [ + !]

Let us hope for the best. - .
Don't get upset about it. - He - .
Everything will be all right. - .
Things happen. - .
Next time lucky. - .
What a pity! - !
I'll l never get over it. - .
I appreciate your difficulties. - .
It was a success. - .
It is as good as done. - , .
It was a failure / flop. - .
It didn't work out. - .
It was a near thing. - / ...
It was a narrow escape. - .
He kept his promise. - .
failed us. - .
backed out. - ( ).
That is the way things are. - .
As things stand now... - ...
It is urgent. - .
Time is getting short. - .
It can wait. - . ( )
There is no hurry. - .
And what if... - ...
It is worth trying. - .
I'll see about it. - .
I'll arrange it with him. - . / .
I would rather do smth. - -.
I have changed my mind. - .
I am in two minds. - ...
I can't make up my mind. - / .
Do it right a way. - .
Don't put it off till the last moment. - He .
2 (700x700, 325Kb)


50 :

, 09 2019 . 06:07 +
Nik2003 [ + !]

50 :

5648536_3 (526x275, 48Kb)

1. Can you help me? - ?
2. I'm looking for... - ...
3. How much is this? - ?
4. Sorry -
5. Please speak more slowly - , ,
6.I don't understand -
7. Could you repeat that? - ?
8. What is your name? - ?



, 23 2019 . 05:17 +
_ [ + !]

it's high time — ( " ") 

• take your time — ( " ") 

• help yourself — ( " ") 




, 26 2018 . 04:32 +
___ [ + !]


1 . Frankly speaking —

2 . To cut it short –

3 . So to speak –




, 18 2018 . 06:19 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]


1. I’m so pleased to meet you — ! 
, ? ! 

2. I’ve heard so much about you — ! 
— , . 

3. It’s good to have you here! — !



, 24 2018 . 08:37 +
Schamada [ + !]


K03cxYFvFvqj (700x105, 16Kb)

, . , , , , . . , , , . , , , , . . . .


. . 250 . . , . . - , . , .


- , )))


, 24 2018 . 07:27 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]

5640974_C6uY85B19FA (604x600, 62Kb)

at any price -
be in for it -
be that as it may -
be too much for smb -
be well off -
can't do anything with - -
carry / gain one's point -
do well -
down and out -
get a grip on smth -
get into trouble -
get nowhere / not get anywhere - -
get the worst of it / have the worst of it -
give way to - ,
go / get far - ,
go to waste -
go up in smoke -
golden opportunity -
good for nothing -
good fortune -
Good job! - , !
I shall never get over it -
in trouble with - , .
in vain -
It could have been worse -
It didn't work out -
It is in the bag -
It leaves much to be desired -
It serves you right -
It was a failure -
It was a great fun -
It was a success -
It was no fun -
It was quite a job -
it's no go -
It's no good -
It's not up to the mark -
let smb down -
make a fortune -
make good - -
make headaway -
make one's way -
make the grade -
make use of -
Next time lucky -
on the nose -
on the right track -
Shit happens - .
Sink or swim -
stand a chance -
take a chance that - ,
take advantage of - ,
take one's chance -
take one's chances - ,
That'll do -
That's the way to do it -
Things happen -
What a pity! - !
What's done is done -
within a hair's breadth -
without a hitch -


- !

, 02 2018 . 05:11 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]

- !


1 (533x700, 317Kb)

2 (533x700, 325Kb)




, 27 2018 . 05:14 +
SvetlanaT [ + !]


1 (600x600, 268Kb)


 : [6] 5 4 3 2 1