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computer spiel linux scheibenschiessen stress


: 31.05.2008
: 1171




, 19 2009 . 20:40 +


Unreal Tournamet from Sb0y

, 28 2009 . 20:36 +
Sb0y [ + !]



, 29 2008 . 02:35 +
Well, I installed StarCraft to Linux. It work on Wine. But... it is so slow! Well, when will I start reading manuals for Wine? Lazy and stupid one...

Also I set up wi-fi... but just with WEP - I have now idea how to do it even for WPA, not WPA2

Well, also my system crashed today. This was the first time. Just ok, I new this will happen sooner or later. There is no need to re-install anything this time but there were few problems. Now I have two ways which are to be more careful, or go on crashing the OS. Second is better. I have to learn.


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