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: 13.02.2006
: 2367


+++ ? ?!!

, 04 2007 . 18:31 +
Oo  , Deftones&Tool... , Passenger, , "".( hover, kill yourself...) , - . , 5 White Pony, , Tool , , . , , The Grudge, - , , )
, " ". White Pony , Knife party. :
! ! -

, - "more evolved and trained ear" ...
Imagine a repeated pattern with very little variation. Perhaps the ticking of a clock. It is so simple and trite that your mind begins to filter it out. The ticking continues and your attention begins to wander. You think about something else, and pretty soon you can't even hear the clock and its incessant, redundant ticking. You crave stimulation. You want life to surprise you. You want life to amuse you. You want to be delighted. You want an alternative.

So maybe you turn to drugs, violence, strange sexual practices, prostitution, body modification, extreme sports, pornography, crime. These alternatives are provided for you, within the system. Someone already thought of them many years ago. But you'll do anything to avoid having to listen to that ticking of the clock. You are bored. You cannot sit still. You want to escape. You want a life that is more dangerous and edgy. You don't want life to have a simple answer. You want to feel alive and engaged. You want to rebel and defy the predictable ending to the movie that is your life.

So maybe you listen to Tool.

James Maynard Keenan makes you feel much better, because his songs that are in 4/4 employ basic syncopation and elementary polyrhythms. He sings through a distortion pedal. The drummer occasionally de-activates his snares so that he will sound more tribal, like a bunch of hippies banging around at a drum circle. There is very little chord movement or harmony. But you don't recognize THESE patterns because you have not studied arranging, production, and music theory. You lack training and a working vocabulary.

Music is a language.

You do not read books without understanding the words, so why do you attempt to listen to music without understanding the notes? You are unqualified.

Tool are not weird and dark. To a more evolved and trained ear, they are nothing but the mechanical ticking of a clock. Their music lacks any substance beyond the superficial, cosmetic level. No one would find the raw music of Tool the least bit fascinating without the visual and emotional caveman imagery projected on top of it. It does not stimulate the intellect. It's all just a costume and make-up and all of their songs sound the same. If you played their songs on a piano there would be nothing left of them. People who listen to Tool are cogs. The shallow rock clichés appeal to a devout fan-base of vacuous, stoned factory workers and line cooks.

! . )) , Tool ??!! , )) :

The Patient



+ Tool&Piano [!]

: [1] []


: ( )
