

: - - (1)

:)       - ...

" ", 1. - (0)

1. , . ...

" ". . Linnea - (0)

: : Linnea /: : : NC-17 ...

: - (1)

  Juliana Diamond   ,  ...

-- , ... - (0)

- 2 ) , ...



 - e-mail



" "()


: 27.05.2010
: 10310


: 12.-18.11. !!!

, 19 2012 . 17:40 +


, , ?


: " " !!!



aka intalasa!!!   ,

,  . , .

, !


-- 12-18 .



  :, …~NC-17~/~~~  mademoiselle Linny

~   Linnea



ViLiSSa~   ViLiSSa

~NC-17~/~AU/Drama~~  ViLiSSa


, , , . , .

Suum quicke, , , .

, ~NC-17~/~,AU~~   OnnuaBelar

~NC-17~ ~AU/~~   mademoiselle Linny 

GVELA: ~R~/~~~   GVELA

  ~NC-17~/~Humor/Romance/Action~~  Siona

~NC-17~/~Romance/BDSM~~   Siona


. , !!!



4: . . .

, 01 2012 . 15:54 +



: -



« , …» , : Shina’s Smile, /, PG-13, humor, romance, fluff,  
: delen2 ,

« . …» , : Remi Lark, HP/SS, PG-13, 1 
: , .
: " "

« » , : Infiniti, /, Romance/drama, NC-17, 22 

« » , : , /; //; //; /; / -, NC-17, action/drama/romance, 81-94

« . The Canterbury Tales» , : GrayOwl, /, NC-17, Romance/Adven./Drama/Mystics, 6-8

« -II*» , : GrayOwl, /, /, NC-17, Romance/Adventure/Drama, 4-5 ( , )

« , » , : singarella, /, PG-13, , 8

« » , :Su., Angst, , , /..., PG-13 NC-17, 19

« » , : Lozhnonozhk, /, /, NC-17, & , drama/romance/angst, 4-5

« » , : GrayOwl, /, //, /, ///, /, , NC-17, romance/drama/adventure, 91

, , ...

 «snaco_9 »  SnacoSoul

, , . 

, , ?






: 24. - 30.10.

, 31 2012 . 15:46 +
-- ! !
, "", , . , : " - , , !":)
, ! " " !!!
, !

, , , , , - ...

-- 24 - 30 .

, .
...~PG-13~ ...~/~~ Fortunae

~NC-17~/~Romance/BDSM~~ Siona
~R~/~Drama/Romance~ ~ Siona
~NC-17~/~Humor/Romance/Action~~ Siona
. .3~R~/~~ Su.

~R~/, /~AU/Adventure/Drama~~ Alisse
~NC-17~/~Humor/Romance~~ sasha914
~NC-17~/~/AU/OOC~~ Hopeless
~R~/ .~AU/Angst/Humor/Romance~~ Darckell
?~NC-17~/~Romance/Drama~~ fialochka
~NC-17~/~/~~ Hopeless
~NC-17~/~/~~ BlondinkO
~R~/~Romance/Humor/POV~~ Sin'ki
~NC17~/,/~//~~ Nadya5
, ~R~/~Angst, Romance~~ Tamilla
~PG-13~//~OCC/AU~~ Siela
~NC-17~/~Action/Drama/Romance~~ sasha914
~NC-17~/~Romance~~ linavl
Once Upon a Time~NC-17~/~Romance~~ Violet Stoker
, ~PG-15~/~~~ Shtil
Beauty is the Beast~PG-13~/~//~~ -
~R~/~ngst/~~ Mellorin
- ~NC-17~/,/, /?~AU/Romance~~
~NC-17~/, /~Romance/Humour/AU~~ Lumafreak
~R~/, /~AU//.~~
. ~NC-17~rom./adv./dr.~~ GrayOwl
. 3~NC-17~/~ Drama/Mystics/Dark~~ GrayOwl
~PG~/~Romance/Humor~~ Shellar
~PG-13~/~Drama/Humor~~ Yulita_Ran

~PG-13~/~/~~ mademoiselle Linny
~R~/~Romance/Drama~~ Politolog
. ~R~/~Thriller/Deathfic~~
: ubi rex meus~G~/~~~
. ~NC-17~/, , , ~~
, ~PG-13-R~/?~AU/OOC~~
, ~PG~/~AU/Romance/Humour~~ p0sechka
The End~R~/,~/~~ MarSe
~R~/~Action/AU~~ alexz105
Vis vitalis~PG-13~/,,,~/~~ Basa-Ann
~R~, , , ~~~ L.S.D.
~R~CC//~/~~ Emma Darkdream
, , !
~R~/~~~ MarSe
~PG-13~/~Romance~~ MarSe
~PG-13~/~, , ~~ MarSe
. ~PG-13~/~~~
~PG-13~/~Romance~~ Oky
~R~/~/~~ SvetaR
~R~/~~~ Sunlaghtly

- ~PG-13~,, .~AU/Adventure~~ Darckell
. ..~R~CC~/~~ Zana20
?~PG-13~, , ~AU/General~~ Somba
Ҹ ~PG-13~/~//~~ Korell
~PG-13~, , ~AU/General/Drama~~ sasha914
~PG-13~, , ~AU/~~
~PG-13~, , ~~~ Sekta
...~PG-13~AU, ~~ Primero
De dos caras~R~Darkfic/AU/Horror/Adventure~~ Shayndel
- ~PG-13~,,,,,~/~~

..~NC-17~,,~~~ amarillo slim
Heart Of Glas~R/NC-17~/, /~, ~~ Rouma
I...~R~/; /(); /()~~~ Lilu23
- ~PG-13~ ~~ ~

Daykiry:Igni et Ferro~NC-17~, ~~~
KatherineJunior: ~R~/./~~ sta_7
Nessi: ~R~//~~ severinasnejp
Renee: ~R~/~~~ Li_a
: ~N-21~/~ ~~ -
Olie: ~NC-17~/~,~~ Darckell
Nitka: ~NC-17~/~POV///~~ Nitka
duplii: ~NC17~/~fent/rom.~~
gulsim: ~NC-17~/~.//.~~ Sin'ki
Mavka: ~R~/~~ Mavka
Kao.Ru&Galla-viuga: ~NC-17~/~.~~ Galla-viuga
Daykiry: ...~R~/, /~/~~
Daykiry: ~NC-17~/~/~~
Daykiry: ~NC-17~/~/~~
miraz: ~NC-21~/~/PWP~~ anny911
miraz: ~NC-17~, ~/~~ anny911
: ~R~/~,~~ veter_kat
: ~NC-17~, ~~~
: 2~R~/~~~
Your Highness:Live in Soul ices~PG-13~/~~~~ Mellorin
only.Loki: ...~NC-17~/~.,~~ only.Loki
Lozelb: ~R/NC-17~/~/~~ Lozel
: ...~NC-17~/, //~Romance/~~
: ~R~/, /~~~
Olie: ~NC-17~/~, ~~ Darckell
Svanilda: ~N-17~/~~~ Svanilda
cat ..: ~NC-17~/~~~ Darckell
gulsim: , ~NC-17~/~,~~ Astrea
Lady Lina Raspberry:~NC-17~/~~~ mademoiselle Linny
LiliaS: ~R~/~/~~ liliaS
Nessi: ~G~/~//~~ severinasnejp
Nessi: ~NC-17~/~//PWP~~ severinasnejp
Nessi: ~G~/~~~ severinasnejp
Nessi:~G~~~ severinasnejp
Renee: ~G~/~~~ Li_a
Nessi: ~R~/~.//.~~ severinasnejp
Renee: ~R~/~~~ Li_a
Nessi: ...~PG-13~/-fem~/~~ severinasnejp
Renee: ~R~/~~~ Li_a
Nessi: ~NC-17~/PWP~~ severinasnejp
bukva_667: ~R~/~~~ veter_kat
Nessi:The Wolf: Redemption~R~//~~ severinasnejp
bukva_667: , ..~G~/~POV~~ veter_kat
Olie: ~NC-17~/~//~~ Darckell
listokklevera: ...~NC-17~/~~~ Allesier
listokklevera:...~G~,~~~ Allesier
listokklevera: ...~NC-17~/~~~ Allesier
: ~R~~~~
bukva_667: ..~R~/~,~~ veter_kat
: ~PG-13~~~~
: Vive le Roi!~NC-17~/~~~
cat ..: , ...~G~/~/~~ Darckell
: ~NC-21~/~~~
listokklevera: ~R~/~~~ Allesier
listokklevera: ...~NC-17~/~~~ Allesier
listokklevera: ~NC-17~/~~~ Allesier
listokklevera: ~NC-17~/~~~ Allesier
bukva_667: ~NC-17~/~,POV,~~ veter_kat
bukva_667: ~PG-13~/~,~~ veter_kat
listokklevera: ~NC-17~/~~~ Allesier
bukva_667: ~PG-13~/~~ veter_kat
bukva_667: ~NC-17~/~~ veter_kat
miraz:~NC-17~ ~//~~ anny911
marlu: ? .1~NC-17~/~,.,~~ Darckell
marlu: ? .2~NC-17~/~,.,.,~~ Darckell
miraz:- ~NC-17~/~/~~ anny911
marlu: ? ~G/NC-17~/~~~ Darckell
miraz:~NC-17~/~/~~ anny911
miraz: ?~G~,,~/~~ anny911
miraz: ~NC-17~/~/~~ anny911
miraz: , ~NC-17~/~/POV~~ anny911
miraz: ~NC-17~/~~~ anny911
miraz: ?~NC-21~ ...~~~ anny911
miraz:~R~/~/~~ anny911
miraz:~R~/~/POV~~ anny911
bukva_667: ~PG-13~/~,,,~~ veter_kat
bukva_667: ~NC-17~/~,POV,~~ veter_kat
marlu: ~R~/~/~~ Li_a
marlu: : ..~G~/~~~ Li_a


Katekyo Hitman Reborn: ...~R~/~~~ SvetaR
Fairy Tail: ~G~,~~~ anny911
Fairy Tail: ~PG-13~/~~~ sta_7
One Piece: ...~NC-17~/~/~~ sta_7
Fairy tail: Fairy tail~G~//~~ sta_7
Fairy Tail: ...~PG-13~~~~ Basa-Ann
Loveless: ~NC-17~, ~/~~ severinasnejp
Fairy Tail: , ...~PG-13~/~~~ sta_7
Bleach: . ~PG-13~~~ sta_7
Fairy Tail: New story about...~PG-13~/~/~~ sta_7
Katekyo Hitman Reborn: ~G~,.~~~
Katekyo Hitman Reborn:, ...~NC-17~/~~~
Katekyo Hitman Reborn: . . .~NC-17~/~~~
Katekyo Hitman Reborn: !~PG-13~/~~~
Fairy Tail:- ~NC-17~/~~~ anny911
Fairy Tail: ~ FT~PG-13~~~ anny911
Fairy Tail: ~R~/~~~ SvetaR

, ,

(BBC)~ ~PG-13~~~~ mademoiselle Linny
/: ~R~//~~ sta_7
/: ׸ ~R~//~~ sta_7
(BBC): ~PG-13~, , ~~~

Piano Man~PG-13~/~/~~ Prostotchydo
: ~R~//AU~~ L.S.D.
Harry Potter: Madness begin~PG-13~/~Action~~
~PG-13~,,~AU/OCC~~ Katherin
~PG-13~,,~AU/OCC/Crossover~~ Katherin
~PG-13~,,~AU/OCC~~ Katherin
- , ...~R~/~/./~~ scaska

, ... .


: - 18.- 23.10.

, 24 2012 . 16:37 +

-- - 18 - 23 .



( )... !!!

, ?;)

( !!!):


, .

! -!!!)))

~NC-17~/~Romance/BDSM~~   Siona




...~PG-13~/~~~  Fortunae



. ~NC-17~rom./adv./dr.~~   GrayOwl

315~NC-21~/~AU/~~  _

~NC-17~/~Action/Drama/Romance~~  sasha914

~NC-17~/~Humor/Romance~~  sasha914

~NC-17~/~/~~   BlondinkO

~N-17~/~AU, , ~~  Yuliya_Malfoy

~NC-17~/; /; //~/AU~~   

~R~/~U/~~   ral

~PG-13~//~~~   Eliza

~PG-13~/~romance/AU/OOC~~   Siela

~PG-13/R~/~Angst/adventure~~   elsiss

, ~PG-15~/~~~   Shtil

~R~/~ngst/~~   Mellorin

~R~CC//~Detective/Humor/Romance~~   SeaWitch

, ~NC-17~/~AU/Romance~~  iolka

~R~/, /~AU//.~~  

~NC-17~CC/~angst~~   Schicksalkreuzung

. 3~NC-17~/~ Drama/Mystics/Dark~~  GrayOwl

~NC-17~/~Romance/dram/adv.~~  GrayOwl

~PG-13~/~~~  Miranda

, ...~PG-13~/~Romance~~  fialochka

~PG~/~Deathfic~~ fialochka

~NC-17~/()~romance~~  Tetaniya




...~PG-13~/ .~, ~~  

~R~, , , ~~~   L.S.D.

~PG-13~/~/~~   mademoiselle Linny

~R~/~~~   Sunlaghtly

, , ~R~/~general~~   amallie

. ~NC-17~/, , , ~~   

~PG-13~/~//~~   Ledy Siren

~NC-17~/~Action/AU~~   alexz105

The Lie I've Lived~R~/~AU/Action/Adventures~~  Tahy




~PG~ .~/~~   Zana20

. ...)))

Ҹ ~PG-13~/~//~~   Korell


~PG-13~,,,, .~AU/POV/Adventure~~  Darckell

- ~PG-13~,,,,,~/~~   

~PG-13~, , ~~~   Sekta

~R~,,~/.~~   Darckell



~R~/~/~~   Fargen

~R~ .~/~~   



Svanilda: ~NC-17~/~/~~   Svanilda

Dzihiko: ~NC-17~M/M~/~~  

, Ÿ LINNEA!!! !

Melara-sama: ~NC-17~/~/~~  Linnea

Nitka: ~NC-17~/~POV///~~  Nitka

cat ..: ~NC-17~/~~~  Darckell

Paul Vail 789: ""~NC-17~Angst/Drama~~   Siona

: ~NC-17~/~~~   

Mavka: ~R~/~~   Mavka

: ptimum~NC-17~/~.// .~~   Darckell

Olie: ~NC-17~/~,~~  Darckell

Kao.Ru&Galla-viuga: ~NC-17~/~.~~   Galla-viuga

nc-19: ~NC-17~/~//POV~~  Darckell

Green Rin: , !~NC-17~/~romance~~   

Loveless_Wolf: ~NC-17~/~~~   Allesier

: ~NC-21~/~~~   

Yukimi: ~R~/~/~~  Moriona

Jun: ~NC-17~/~/~~   sta_7

bukva_667:~NC-17~/~//~~   veter_kat

bukva_667: ~NC-17~/~/~~  veter_kat

Olie: - ?~NC-17~/~,~~  Darckell

bukva_667: «»~NC-17~/~~~   veter_kat

bukva_667:59 ...~R~//~~   veter_kat

gulsim: , ~NC-17~/~,~~  Astrea


Reyka:?, !~NC-17~ /~~~  mademoiselle Linny

Yukimi: ?~R~/~/~~  Moriona

Olie: ~NC-17~/~, ~~  Darckell

Yukimi:~NC-17~/~/~~   Moriona

Lozelb: ~R/NC-17~/~/~~   Lozel

LisaAlisa: ~NC-21~/~/~~   sta_7

, , - !!!

LisaAlisa: ~NC-21~/~/~~   sta_7

bukva_667: ~NC-17~/~//POV~~  veter_kat

LisaAlisa: - ~NC-21~/~~~   sta_7

Rinhur: ~NC-17~/~~~   

bukva_667: !~NC-17~/~,,~~  veter_kat

٨ Ѩ!!!)))

Raya: ~R~/~~~ Katjona4ek

Daykiry: ~NC-17~/~~~ mademoiselle Linny

Sensey: ...~PG-13~/~/~~  severinasnejp

: !~R~/~~~  

Sherbet: ~R~/~~  sta_7

Sherbet: ~G~/~/~~  sta_7

Sherbet: ~G~/~~ sta_7

Sherbet: ~R~//~~  sta_7

: ~PG-13~/~~~  

Krokozyabra: ~PG-13~/~Drama~~  Krokozyabra

nc-19: ~PG-13~/~/Songfic~~  Darckell

nc-19: ~R~/~//~~  Darckell

nc-19: Rewind~NC-17~/~,POV~~  Darckell

 nc-19: ~NC-17~/~,POV~~ Darckell

nc-19: Running out of time~NC-17~/~//~~  Darckell

nc-19: ~NC-17~/~//~~  Darckell


: 14.-17.10.

, 18 2012 . 17:13 +

-- 14-17 .



: « »~~~  

~NC-17~/;//~~~   mademoiselle Linny

~NC-17~/~Drama/Romance~~   Siona



Indelible~NC-17~/, /~Angst/Tragedy/Romance~~   chikatilo

~R~CC//~Detective/Humor/Romance~~   SeaWitch

~NC-17~/()~romance~~   Tetaniya

, ~R~/~Angst, Romance~~   Tamilla

~NC17~/,/~//~~   Nadya5

~NC-17~/~/~~   BlondinkO

, ~PG-15~/~~~   Shtil

~NC-17~/~Action/Drama/Romance~~  sasha914

~NC-17~/~Drama/Romance/Adventure/Detective~~   The Killers

. 3~NC-17~/~ Drama/Mystics/Dark~~  GrayOwl

~NC-17~/,/~AU/Action/Agnst/Romance~~   Darckell

~NC-17~/~Romance/dram/adv.~~  GrayOwl

~NC-17~/~Angst~~   fialochka

~R~/, /~AU//.~~  

~R~/ .~AU/Angst/Humor/Romance~~   Darckell

~NC-17~/, /~Romance/Humour/AU~~  Lumafreak

. ~NC-17~rom./adv./dr.~~   GrayOwl

– ~NC-17~CC/~R~~  

!~NC-17~/~PWP/Romance/Humour/ER~~ naftusik13

~PG~/~angst/AU/OOC~~ missincognitus





, ~PG-13~()/?~AU/Action~~  

~PG-13~/~/~~  mademoiselle Linny

~R~/~~~   Sunlaghtly

~NC-17~/~Action/AU~~   alexz105

...~NC-17~ ~AU/~~  mademoiselle Linny

~PG-13~/, /~/~~   alexia




~PG~ .~/~~   Zana20

~RG-13~ ~, ~~   The Killers

~R~/,/~/~~  Yulita_Ran

~R~ .~/~~   Godric

- ~PG-13~,, .~AU/Adventure~~  Darckell

~R~,,~/.~~   Darckell


~PG-13~,~Drama~~ sasha914



I...~R~/; /(); /()~~~   Lilu23


STblDa_NeT: ~NC-17/21~/~/~~   

cat ..: «» - ~NC-17~/~.~~   Darckell

cat ..: ~NC-17~/~,~~   Darckell

gulsim: , ~NC-17~/~,~~  Astrea

gulsim: ~NC-17~/~.//.~~  Sin'ki

: ~/,/~Rom./Angst .~~  Darckell

Kao.Ru&Galla-viuga: ~NC-17~/~.~~   Galla-viuga

: ~NC-21~/~~~   

Olie: ~NC-17~/~~~   Darckell

: ~N-21~/~ ~~  

Nitka: ~NC-17~/~POV///~~  Nitka

Olie: - ?~NC-17~/~,~~  Darckell

Vilone: ~PG-13~/~/~~   Vilone

Heartless Fly swatter: ...~NC-17~M/M~/~~  

Heartless Fly swatter: ~M/M~/~~ 

:~NC-17~/~~~  sasha914



-/ -


Bleach: , ~PG-13~, 13~AU/OCC~~   Katherin

One Piece: ~NC-17~/~~   Noch



, ,


Teen Wolf: ~NC-17~/~/~~   mademoiselle Linny

: ... ~G~/~/~~   mademoiselle Linny

: ~NC-17~/,/~AU/~~   Sin'ki






: 17-20.09.

, 21 2012 . 15:58 +

  -- 17 - 20 .



~NC-17/21~////~AU/~~   ViLiSSa





, ...~G-18~/~/~~  

~PG-13~/~~~  Fortunae




~NC-17~/,/~AU/Action/Agnst/Romance~~   Darckell

3 !)))


Beauty is the Beast~PG-13~/~//~~  -

~R~/~Humor/Romance~~  Darckell

~PG-13~/~/Romance/AU~~  Tareny


~PG-13~/ .~Humor/Romance~~  Darckell

~PG-13~, , , ~Drama~~   Krokozyabra

  ~NC-17~/~AU/Angst/Romance~~ Darckell

~NC-17~/~AU/Action/Romance~~ Darckell

~R/NC-17~/~AU/Romance~~ iolka

~R~/~First time/Flaff/Humor/Romance~~ Darckell

 No fake~R~/, /~Humor/Romance~~ Darckell

~R~/ .~AU/Humor/Romance~~ Darckell 

""?~PG~/~flaff/AU/OOC~~ missincognitus




~RG-13~/~Advent.~~  Cederus


~R~/~Drama/Romance/Adventure~~   Alleeya


Telum dat ius...~R~/~Action/AU~~   

~G~/~Adventure~~   -

~R~/~Romance/Drama~~ Alleeya




~R~, ~Family/Hurt/Comfort~~  Selestia Taurus

, 3 ~PG-13~, .~~~   

~PG-13~, ~AU/Adventure/History~~   Darckell

~PG-13~, ~Angst/Adventure~~  

~G~, ~Humor~~  

  ~G~ ~Romance~~  sta_7 




- ~PG-13~/~ ~~  NatVic




: ptimum~NC-17~/~.// .~~   Darckell

: ~R~/romance~~   

Vilone: ~PG-13~/~/~~   Vilone

.: ~~~  Siela

: ~, ~/~~  Siela

&: !..~R~?/?~~~   Darckell

: ~NC-21~/~~~   

chili111: ~R~M/M~//AU~~   chili111

: ~NC-17~/~/~~  

duplii: ~NC17~/~fent/rom.~~   

&: -2~R~/~/~~   







Bleach: , ~PG-13~, 13~AU/OCC~~   Katherin

Shuffle: Ÿ ~PG-13~/~~~  

Naruto: --~PG-13~/,~~~ Darckell

Kuroko no Basket:«The great love»~PG~/~~ Miranda



, ,


: . ~NC-17~/~~   

Teen Wolf: ~PG-13~/,/~/Hurt/comfort~~  




~PG-13~,,~AU/OCC~~   Katherin



: - 12.-16.09.

, 17 2012 . 19:16 +

  -- - 12 - 16 .



~NC-17~/, /~/~~  OnnuaBelar

GVELA: ~R~/~~~   GVELA

~NC-17~/~Romance/BDSM~~  Siona

~NC-17~/~Fantasy/Action/Romance~~   Siona

~NC-17~/~Drama/Romance~~  Siona

~NC-17~/~Humor/Romance/Action~~   Siona

!~NC-17~/~Humor/Romance~~  Siona

. .3~R~/~~   Su.





, ...~G-18~/~/~~  



׸- ... ... ?(((

~R~/, /~AU/Adventure/Drama~~  Alisse


~R~/~Adventure~~   In3tegra

! !)))


6 !)))

Once Upon a Time~NC-17~/~Romance~~   Violet Stoker

~PG-13~/~Humor/Romance~~  Darckell

Göttergeschäfte~R~/, ~Drama/Romance/History~~   Golda

~NC-17~/()~romance~~   Tetaniya

~PG-13~/~/AU/~~  Aingeal

~NC17~/,/~//~~   Nadya5

~R~/~Angst/Romance~~  Selestia Taurus

, ~NC-17~/, /, /~AU/Angst/Romance~~  Golda

--! 2 ...)))

~R~/~/~~   BlondinkO



~PG-13~//~~~   Eliza

~NC-17~/~Action/Drama/Romance~~   sasha914

... !))) , !

. 3~NC-17~/~Romance/Adv./Dram~~  GrayOwl

~NC-17~/~Romance/dram/adv.~~  GrayOwl


, ~NC-17~/~Angst/Drama/Romance~~ Violet Stoker

-~R~/~AU/~~  BlondinkO

~G~c,~//~~ Atropa_Bella_Donna





. ~R~//, /~Romance~~  Erutan

. ~NC-17~/, , , ~~   







...~G~~AU//~~  Darckell

~PG~, , , , .~~~   Tansan

- ~PG-13~,,,,,~/~~   

~PG~ .~/~~   Zana20

~PG-13~,~Angst~~  Wine_trying

4 ! !)))

The wise one. Book Two: Awakening~PG-13~,~~~  

~G~, ~Drama, POV~~  Tatyana_Sparrow





~R~ .~AU~~   KarLaeda




: Poison~NC-17~/~angst~~   

: ~NC-17~/~~~   

: ~NC-21~/~~~   

gulsim: ~NC-17~/~.//.~~  Sin'ki

LiliaS: ~R~/~/~~   liliaS

&: Bad buy~R~/~/~~  Darckell

: ~PG-13~.~/.~~  Darckell

Demi: -~NC-17~~~   Demi.ra

: ~NC-17~/~.//POV~~  Darckell

: ""~NC-17~/~/ .~~  Darckell

Moofted Guileastros: on cher~R~M/~~~ Moofted Guileastros

Paul_Vail_789: ~NC-17~/~/~~  BlondinkO




, ,


Teen Wolf: " "~G~~Romance~~   Sandra818(FicBook)

Teen Wolf: ~NC-17~/~/~~   

(BBC): ...~PG-13~/~~~   





~PG-13~,,~AU/OCC/Crossover~~   Katherin



- :

! !)))


: - 04.-11.09.

, 12 2012 . 21:29 +


, ! .

" " ...


-- - 4 - 11 .



. 1~R/NC-17~/~Drama/Romans~~  

~NC-17~//~AU//~~  OnnuaBela

~NC-17~/, /~/~~  OnnuaBela

~PG~/~/~~  Nagini



~NC-17~/~Drama/Romance~~   Siona

~NC-17~/~Humor/Romance/Action~~   Siona

~NC-17~/~Romance/BDSM~~   Siona

~NC-17~/~Fantasy/Action/Romance~~   Siona

!~NC-17~/~Humor/Romance~~   Siona













, ~R~///~,~~  Chodoku de Milagro

! 2 !)))


~R/NC-17~//~/~~  Sunlaghtly

?~NC-17~/~Romance/Drama~~  fialochka


-~R~/~AU/~~   BlondinkO

I swear I'm never going...~NC-17~///~~~   Chodoku de Milagro

~R/NC-17~/~Romance,Drama,Angst~~  Lozel

!~NC-17~/~Flaff/Humor/Romance~~  Stella1408



~NC17~/,/~//~~   Nadya5

Jure Vivere~NC-17~/~~~  

, ! 2 !)))

"" 7 ~R~/~Hurt/~~   


~NC-17~/~Fantasy/Romance~~  iolka


. .2~NC-17~()/~//~~  Shedou (Shadow) Morbius

~PG-13/NC-17~ .~~   iolka

Göttergeschäfte~R~/, ~Drama/Romance/History~~  Golda

. 3~NC-17~/~Romance/Adv./Dram~~  GrayOwl

...~NC-17~~Angst,Humor,POV,Romance~~   Rigfeinnid

~NC-17~/~Romance/dram/adv.~~  GrayOwl

~NC-17~/~Angst~~   fialochka

Let all be~R~/~Romance~~   

– ~NC-17~CC/~R~~     

~PG-13~/~Humor/Romance~~  Darckell

~NC-17~/~Action/Drama/Romance~~   sasha914


~R~//~Romance, ~~ Mithedhelwen

~NC-17~/~PWP~~  BlondinkO



…~R~/~Flaff/Humor~~ Stella1408

~NC-17~ / ~Romance~~ Mithedhelwen

~PG~ / ~Romance~~ Mithedhelwen

~NC-17~/~Roman~~  alvarya

~NC-17~/~Roman~~  alvarya

~PG-13~/~Flaff/Humor/Romance~~ Stella1408

~PG~/~Romance~~ Mithedhelwen


!~PG~/~agnst/AU/OOC~~ missincognitus

~R/NC-15~/~Romance, Humor~~ Mithedhelwen

~NC-17~/~AU/Horror/Romance~~ Lumafreak




. ~R~//, /~Romance~~  Erutan


. ~NC-17~/, , , ~~   



- ~G~/~Romance~~   Erutan

. .2~R~/~~~   liliaS


- ~PG~/~romance~~   


~G~/~Adventure~~   -


~PG~/~Romance~~ Tatyana_Sparrow

~PG~, ~~~  




~PG-13~,~angst/Hurt/Comfort~~   Anano

, 3 ~PG-13~, .~~~   

~R~,,~AU, General~~   Ayashi

~PG-13~, ~Angst/Adventure~~  

, ~R~~~~   

- ~PG-13~,,,,,~/~~   




~PG-17~/~Romanc/~~   NaNa-tyan

~R~//~//~~   Fargen

- ~PG-13~/~ ~~  NatVic

~PG-13~ .~~~  




Lady Lina Raspberry:~NC-17~/~~~   

gulsim: ~NC-17~/~.//.~~  Sin'ki

simpli: ~NC-17~/~~~   

: ~NC-21~/~~~   

Chi_Lina-chan: ~NC-17~~~  ana_kas

Teaice: ~R~/~.//./POV~~   Teaice

: Poison~NC-17~/~angst~~   

&: -2~R~/~/~~   

: Ҹ ~R~/~//~~   Darckell

: ~, ~/~~  Siela


Mithedhelwen: ~R~/~Romance~~ Mithedhelwen

: ~R~/~//~~ Darckell

: ~NC-17~//~/PWP~~ Darckell

:, ~R~/~/~~  Darckell

: ~R~/~.//~~  Darckell

: !~NC-17~/~/PWP/POV~~ Darckell

: !..~NC-17~/~.///POV~~  Darckell

: ! ...~NC-17~//~~~  Darckell

: ~NC-17~/~~~ Darckell






Bleach: , ~PG-13~, 13~AU/OCC~~   Katherin




, ,


Caraibi: ~PG~~~~







: - 08.08. - 03.09. !!!

, 04 2012 . 19:30 +

  -- 8 ( ) -- 3 !!!


! ""!

""~NC-17~///~PWP~   Linnea

? !~NC-17~/~AU/OOC~~   Linnea

~NC-17~///~~~   Lorelen 

~R~/,,~//~~   Fortunae

~NC-17~()/, /~/~~   Linnea

~NC-17~//~~  Linnea


, , ~R~~darkfic\~~ Linnea

...~G~/~/~~  Linnea

~~G~~//~~  Linnea

~NC-17~/~//, //~~  






. .2~NC-17~/~AU/Action/Adventures~~  ViLiSSa

- ~NC-17/21~/~Angst/Humor/Roman~~  


. .3~NC-17~/,//~Drama~~   ViLiSSa

. ~NC-17/21~//~Drk~~   ViLiSSa

~NC-17/21~/~AU/Drama/Darkfik~~  ViLiSSa

~NC-17~/, /~~~   OnnuaBelar


-~NC-17~/~darkfic~~   OnnuaBelar

~NC-17~/,/~~~  OnnuaBelar

-~R~ .~~~   


~NC-17~/~Romance/BDSM~~   Siona

~NC-17~/~Humor/Romance/Action~~   Siona

~NC-17~/~Fantasy/Action/Romance~~   Siona 

~NC-17~/~Drama/Romance~~   Siona

. .3~R~/~~   Su.




, ...~G-18~/~/~~  

...~PG-13~/~~~  Fortunae




, !:)))

,~NC-17~/~Romance/MPREG~~  Isida-Hator

~PG-13/NC-17~ .~~   iolka

~R~/~Humor/Romance~~   Dafna

I swear I'm never going...~NC-17~///~~~   Chodoku de Milagro

~NC-17~/, /~~~  Frau_aka_Zehel

No return, bridges burn…~R~///~~~   Chodoku de Milagro

~R~/?~,~~   Delen

~NC-17~/~Humor/Romance~~   sasha914


-2~NC-17~/~~~  ColdMaltern

, ~R~/~romance~~   Lomion

, ~R~///~,~~  Chodoku de Milagro

...~NC-17~/~OOC/AU/Romance~~  Anrier

Ҹ ~R~/~Romance/Drama~~  ihappy

2!!! !

~R~//~AU~~  Moofted Guileastros

~R/NC-17~//~/~~  Sunlaghtly

~NC-17~//, /~~~   mivako

~NC-17~/, /~Romance/Humour/AU~~  Lumafreak

, ~R~/~/AU~~   Ksally

, !))) 4 !

~PG-13/NC-17~/~Romance~~  _


~NC-17~/~Romance~~   mivako

2!!! !

Jaded Eyes of a Prodigy~NC-17~/~romance/adventure~~  ׸ Belochka

~R/NC-17~/~Romance,Drama,Angst~~  Lozel

~NC-17~/~Fantasy/Romance~~  iolka

~NC-17~/~Angst~~   fialochkaBelua Candidus~R~/~~~   Elle fantasy

Belua Candidus~R~/~~~   Elle fantasy

– ~NC-17~CC/~R~~   

, !~NC-17~/~/~~   Tamilla

, ?)))

. 3~NC-17~/~Romance/Adv./Dram~~  GrayOwl

~NC-17~/~Romance/dram/adv.~~  GrayOwl

~NC-17~/,/,/~AU/Romance~~   iolka

~PG-13-R~/~Romance/Adv~~   iolka

? ?~NC-17~/;/~romance~~   Kerroline

~R~/~ngst/~~   Mellorin


~NC-17~/~/~~   BlondinkO

~PG-13~/~/Romance/AU~~  Tareny

~R~/, /, /~drama/romance~~  Nana-chan


Abandoned~NC-17~//~Angst/Hurt/Comfort~~   I BeLieve I Can Fly

...~NC-17~CC/~Angst, Humor, Romance~~  Rigfeinnid

~NC17~/,/~//~~   Nadya5

~NC-17~/~/~~   Trishula

. ~NC-17~/, , , ~~   

~NC-17~/~Action/Drama/Romance~~   sasha914

?~NC-17~/~Romance/Drama~~  fialochka

-~R~/~AU/~~   BlondinkO

~NC-17~/,,~./ ~~   Darckell

" ..." !)))

Once Upon a Time~NC-17~/~Romance~~   Violet Stoker



~PG-13~/~/AU/~~  Aingea


~NC-17~/~Romance~~  iolka

~NC-17~/~Drama/Romance~~ Krokozyabra

~NC-17~/~PWP~~  In3tegra

~PG-13~/~Drama/romance/humor~~ Yulita_Ran

... "

" . ?


~PG-13~/~Drama/romance~~ Yulita_Ran

  , !~R~/~/~~  Taziana

, * ~PG-13~/~~~  Yulita_Ran

~G-13~/,/~/Romance/AU~~ Tareny




~PG-13~/~AU/OOC~~  Siela

! ...

~R~NC-17~/~Humor~~  BERANIKA41 ~PG-13~ .~~~  Siela

! !)))

~PG~/~dark/~~  Siela

, !)))

~PG-13~, ~agnst~~  Moofted Guileastros " ", !

– !~PG-13~/~~~  Oky

~G~, , , ~OCC/AU~~


: - 23. - 28.08.

, 29 2012 . 01:01 +
( ) -- 23 - 28 .


? !~NC-17~/~AU/OOC~~ Linnea
~NC-17~///~~~ Lorelen
~R~/,,~//~~ Fortunae
~NC-17~()/, /~/~~ Linnea

-, " ", , ,
, !)))


~NC-17~/~Romance/BDSM~~ Siona


...~PG-13~/~~~ Fortunae


Attancion! ܨ!))))

Jaded Eyes of a Prodigy~NC-17~/~romance/adventure~~ ׸ Belochka
~R/NC-17~/~Romance,Drama,Angst~~ Lozel
~NC-17~/~Fantasy/Romance~~ iolka
! ! !)))
Abandoned~NC-17~//~Angst/Hurt/Comfort~~ I BeLieve I Can Fly
~NC-17~/~Angst~~ fialochka
! ! , , - ?!?
Belua Candidus~R~/~~~ Elle fantasy
, ... , ! (((
Belua Candidus~R~/~~~ Elle fantasy
"" ... !
!( ?..
, !~NC-17~/~/~~ Tamilla
. 3~NC-17~/~Romance/Adv./Dram~~ GrayOwl
~NC-17~/~Romance/dram/adv.~~ GrayOwl
~NC-17~/,/,/~AU/Romance~~ iolka
~PG-13-R~/~Romance/Adv~~ iolka
, !
~NC17~/,/~//~~ Nadya5
Göttergeschäfte~R~/, ~Drama/Romance/History~~ Golda
? ?~NC-17~/;/~romance~~ Kerroline
~R~/~ngst/~~ Mellorin
~NC-17~/~/~~ BlondinkO
?~NC-17~/~Romance/Drama~~ fialochka
-~R~/~AU/~~ BlondinkO
~G~, , , ~OCC/AU~~ Siela
, -, :
|Eine letzte Tat~NC-17~/~PWP/~~ Golda
~R~/~Angst, Romance~~ Tamilla
!) !)))
~PG-13~/~~~ TemaRiSab
~R~/~//~~ Adelinde
~PG~, , , , , ~/~~ Siela
~NC-13~, ~/~~
NB:, !
, " "
, . ! !)))

-, , , ,
-- , :
, 4!!! , ! 2 !
~PG-13~/~//~~ Ledy Siren
!) 3 !)))
~R~,,~Angst// ~~
- , "( ), ".
The Lie I've Lived~R~/~AU/Action/Adventures~~ Tahy
. ~NC-17~/, , , ~~
. ~R~//, /~Romance~~ Erutan
~G~/~Adventure~~ -
~G~/~Adventure~~ -
Telum dat ius...~R~/~Action/AU~~
~R~/~ /AU~~ Siela


Our Farewell~G~, ~POV/Angst/Drama~~ Golda
: ~G~~ Erutan
, ?
~R~, , ~Adventure~~ Darckell
~G~, ~~~ Siela
NB: !..
~PG~~/~~ DarkArtist
! " !"
~G~~~~ Galla-viuga
, 3 ~PG-13~, .~~~
~G~ ~Humor~~ Tatyana_Sparrow
...~ PG-13~() .~.~~ Zana20
,, :
Our Farewell~G~, ~POV/Angst/Drama~~ Golda :
~G~~ Erutan
: ~G~~ Erutan
~R~, , ~Adventure~~ Darckell
~G~, ~~~ Siela
~PG~~/~~ DarkArtist
~G~~~~ Galla-viuga
, , ... !)))
~R~~Darkfic/Angst/Deathfic~~ -


~NC-17~/~Detective/Angst/Drama/Romance~~ . Dafna
... "..."-...))) !))))
, ~R~/~~~
--! ! , ,
!))) -! -!)))


Chi_Lina-chan: ~NC-17~~~ ana_kas
: ~, ~/~~
gulsim: ~NC-17~/~.//.~~ Sin'ki
: ~//~~ Linnea
Naked_Truth&: ~NC-17~/~~~ Linne
! , , !)))
Teaice: ~R~/~.//./POV~~ Teaice
Akira Honey: ~NC-17~/~/~~
: ~N-21~/~ ~~ -
Lady Lina Raspberry:~NC-17~/~~~
Melara-sama: ~NC-17~/~~ Linnea
LINNEA , , ""
. , ?... ,
" " Melara-sama ( ! , !!! )
Melara-sama: ~NC-17~/~~~ Linnea
Melara-sama: ~NC-17~/~~~ Linnea
Melara-sama: ~NC-17~/~~~ Linnea


X-over` Katherin !!!))) !!

Bleach: , ~PG-13~, 13~AU/OCC~~ Katherin


~PG-13~,,~AU/OCC/Crossover~~ Katherin
Piano Man~PG-13~/~/~~ Prostotchydo
~PG-13~,,~AU/OCC~~ Katherin
-!! ! !)))
: ~R~//AU~~ L.S.D.
, ""... , ! ...
~PG-13~/~drama~~ Yulita_Ran
Harry Potter: Madness begin~PG-13~/~Action~~

, ,
( .):


! !)))


 : [28] 27 26 ..
.. 1