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 - e-mail



( : 3) _ __ Decor_Rospis


: 02.12.2011
: 7601
: 2382
: 14327


- (.1)

, 04 2013 . 01:36 +
klassika - (.1)


0_7ae02_cd0c3c2d_L (500x59, 24Kb)


-- (1611-1678) * *
, , . , , .

- Ecce Homo

Ecce Homo , . , . . , , . * . : , ! , : , ! : , ; *. , .

, (1781-1859) * *
( - 18 37 . : * , . : ? . , , . , , , : , , , , . , , , , , , . .*

(1632-1705) * *
( , , , , , . . (.22:47-48) * , , , . : , . : ! ?*

(1643 1706)() * *

, (1599 1641) * *

(1632-1705) * *
( , , . . : , , , , : . , , , - .


(1613-1699) -

, (1465/1466 1530) * *

, (15811642) * *


(1523- 1579) - Ecce Homo

(1617-1682) *Ecce Homo*

Correggio - Christ presented to the People (Ecce Homo)

(1584 - 1669) * *

(1703-1765) * *

(1571-1610) * *

(1477-1549) - ( )

, (1727-1804) * *

, (1727-1804) * *

(1703-1765) * *

-- -

, , . , , . .

(1480/1485 1532) *, * ( , . .

Bartolome Esteban Murillo, 1618-1682 *Christ Bearing the Cross*

(1632-1705) * *

, -

(1485-1547) * *

, (1499 1592) * *

(1488/14901576) * *

(15911652) * *

Altobello Melone (1490 1543) - Christ carrying the Cross

Giampietrino (14951549) Christ carrying his Cross

Guido Reni (1575 1642)- Head of Christ Crowned with Thorns

(1622 - 1690) * *

(1483 1520) * *

* *

, (1727-1804) * *

(1599-1641) **

, (1526/1535 1612) **

(1599 1660) * *

(15361591) **

(1399/1400 1464) **

Eustache Le Sueur (1617 1655) Christ on the Cross with the Virgin and Saints

, (1598 1664) * *
(́ , , , . , . - . , . 70- () . , . , , . () . , , , , . , , , ( ), , ( , ) ( , . ), .)

, -

, (1445 - 1520) * *

Massys, Quentin La Virgen María 1529

Tiziano, Vecellio di Gregorio Dolorosa con las manos cerradas 1554

, (1727-1804) * *

Charles Le Brun (1619 1690) *The Descent from the Cross*


, (1727-1804) * *

, * *


Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (1727 1804) The Lamentation at the Foot of the Cross

, -

(1560-1608) * *

(1584 - 1669) * *

Francesco Francia (1450 1517) Mourning over the Dead Christ

(1581-1641) -

, (1599 1641) **
(a ( . pietá ) , . , , .)


, (1593-1678) **

, (1599 1641) **

, (died 1671) * *

(1601-1667) * , *

(1617-1682) * *

(1565 1628) * , *

(1609 - 1685) * *

Francesco Francia (1450 1517) Pieta

(1429/1431 1479) * , *

Giovanni Bellini (1430 1516) The Dead Christ supported by Angels

(1480 1548) Mary Magdalene

, (1601 1667) * *

Guercino (15941665) The Dead Christ mourned by Two Angels

, (1575 1642) Saint Mary Magdalene

Jusepe de Ribera (1591 1652) The Lamentation over the Dead Christ

, (1577-1640) -

Annibale Carracci (1560 1609) - The Dead Christ Mourned (The Three Maries)

, * *

, -

, * *

, (17801867) * *

Sassoferrato (1609-1685) *The Virgin in Prayer*

(1485-1547) * *

(1603-1647) * *

Guercino (1591 1666) The Incredulity of Saint Thomas

, (1465/1466 1530) **

, (1445 - 1520) **

Pietro Perugino (1446/14501523) *Christ Crowned with Thorns*

Cima da Conegliano (1459 1517) Christ Crowned with Thorns

( )

(1675 1752) * *

Master of Saint Veronica - Saint Veronica with the Sudarium

Mattia Preti (1613 1699) *Saint Veronica with the Veil*

, (1598 1664) * *



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