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Frequency of type 2 diabetes in family and its changes in diabetic patients affected or not affected with cancer

Aims. To study at greater than before material the prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in relatives of suffering from T2DM patients with cancer and compare the features of antidiabetic therapy in cancer patients with a familial and non-familial form of diabetes. Materials and Methods. Information about diabetes history in family was collected during two subsequent periods (May 2009-February 2011 and March 2011-July 2014 years) in cancer patients (totally,1955 people; 1351 of them with T2DM and 604 without diabetes), as well as in patients with T2DM without cancer (n=379). All patients answered questions about diabetes in their mothers, fathers, siblings, and other relatives. In cancer patients with T2DM, data on the type of antidiabetic therapy for at least 6 months prior to enrolling into the hospital were collected. Results. A lower frequency of family diabetes in diabetic patients with cancer (28,51,2% vs 38,02,5%, p cancer ) was revealed. By 2011-2014 the prevalence of family diabetes was grown significantly and virtually in a similar degree in both groups (+17,9% in T2DM with cancer and +19,3% in T2DM without cancer ). T2DM patients with cancer and family history of diabetes used metformin prior hospitalization more often than same patients without familial T2DM. Conclusion. Reaffirming the earlier data on more infrequent occurrence of family diabetes in T2DM patients with cancer compared with T2DM patients without cancer , we were able to demonstrate roughly the same increase in the detection of familial diabetes in these groups of patients in a rather short period of time. The use of metformin one of the potential factors contributing to the probable and unexpected decrease of cancer risk in T2DM patients with familial type of diabetes. Other possible causes of this phenomenon deserve further study in view of the growing epidemic of diabetes and obesity.

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, , 90- , [14]. 654 ( 2) , , , , 1,37 [31], : 7 49 (14,3%) 2 [32]. : 55 55 [15].

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, , , - -6 , 2. , , 2 , , , 2 [36] (. [11]).

, (, , ) , + (. 2), , , , 2 [14]. , , , vice versa, [24, 37, 38].

, . , . , , , , [37].

, 2011 . (n=436) , , 2014 . (n=915), [18] . , , , 20112014 . , 2, 2 , (. 2 ). , , 2 (. 1), (, 62,00,4 62,30,3 ) .

, , -

, .. , , -, ( ) , -, , - , 2, 2 [36]. , (., , . 3) , .

, . , , [25], [13, 23]. , , , genetic risk score 2 9% , , [39]. , , 2 [23], .

, , , , , 2 . , EPIC-InterAct, 2, [23]. , , , , 2, , , , , [40]. , , , [27, 28], .

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. 2015;18(3):77-84

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