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22:14 03.04.2011
: 27
17:12 21.03.2011
: 1
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19:46 22.02.2011
: 41



 - e-mail



: 25.05.2007
: 2153




, 10 2012 . 18:01 +

1693246_amer (700x576, 64Kb)

- , -.

, Sandy...


, , ... , .

, 20 2011 . 20:53 +


A hexagram is two equilateral triangles superimposed over each other.  If you placed a hexagram over the Reverse side of the Great Seal, five of the points in the hexagram would point to letters in the latin words "Annuit Coeptis" and "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which translates to "Announcing the Beginning of," and "the New World of the Ages" or "New World Order."

asmon.jpg (36241 bytes)




, 06 2011 . 23:22 +

- http://mixednews.ru/?p=6038

121 50 130

mixednews – Zoy Tretinyak


, , 50 130 121 .

, The News, 1890 .

8 (1895, 1901-14, 1908, 1912, 1918-20, 1958, 1964 1989), , (1894, 1896, 1898, 1899, 1907, 1910, 1912-33), (1903, 1907, 1911, 1912, 1919, 1924-25, 1983-89) (1894-95, 1898-1900, 1911-14, 1922-27, 1927-34, 1948-49, 1958), , , .

6 (1898-1902, 1906-1909, 1912, 1917-33, 1961, 1962), 5 (1946, 1953, 1980, 1984, 1987-88), 4 (1891,1914-34, 1987-94, 2004-05). (1903-04,1914,1916-24,1963-66), (1919,1946,1992-94, 1991-93), (1958, 1963, 1990-91, 1991-93) (1898-1910, 1948-54, 1989, 2002).

(1894-96, 1904-05, 1945-53), (1981, 1986-89, 2011), (1920, 1954, 1966-67), (2000, 2002, 2004) (1990, 1997, 2003).

  (1891, 1964-73), (1913, 1914-18), - (1898, 1950), - (1932, 1981-82), (1948 , 1961), (1962, 1971-73), (1992-94, 2006) (1998, 2001).

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, 03 2011 . 13:30 +
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, 02 2011 . 11:45 +



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, 01 2011 . 12:06 +
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