
. !




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: 05.07.2006
: 386
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GH - --.

: -(39), (43), (27), pro-music(60), GH (16), GH (86), GH (30), GH (147), GH --(25), GH (48), GH (12), clips & flashes(15)


, 31 2011 . 23:33 +
aliena-aliena [ + !]

*... -...* ()


GalaXY Hunter / [link] / 26.11.2010

Hunter DraXY
This blog is a participant of the SYNDICATE
  ~ ~GalaXY Hunter LJGalaXY Hunter Li.ruGalaXY HunterGalaXY HunterMEGEDOMEGEDO mail.ruNibiru Li.ruNibiru mail.ruzudmanzudman LJboyandin.ru
GH - --


... *wordlessly*

, 28 2011 . 22:09 +
- Muse
- breathlessly)

- .

* .*

Muse - "Endlessly"

GalaXY Hunter / [link] / 28.04.2011

Hunter DraXY
This blog is a participant of the SYNDICATE
  ~ ~GalaXY Hunter LJGalaXY Hunter Li.ruGalaXY HunterGalaXY HunterMEGEDOMEGEDO mail.ruNibiru Li.ruNibiru mail.ruzudmanzudman LJboyandin.ru
GH - --


... *a cappella*

, 31 2011 . 20:19 +
- MozArt))
- it must be posted.)

a cappella -

*", , !.."*

Giovanni Marradi - "Symphony No.40 In G Minor K 550"

GalaXY Hunter / [link] / 31.03.2011

Hunter DraXY
This blog is a participant of the SYNDICATE
  ~ ~GalaXY Hunter LJGalaXY Hunter Li.ruGalaXY HunterGalaXY HunterMEGEDOMEGEDO mail.ruNibiru Li.ruNibiru mail.ruzudmanzudman LJboyandin.ru
GH - --


... *lamento*

, 02 2011 . 01:57 +
- evVivaldi!))
- mi armonizzo)

, ,

, ...


    ... /  GalaXY Hunter
: GH [link]

Rondo Veneziano - "Cimento Dell'Armonia"

GalaXY Hunter / [link] / 17.12.2010

Hunter DraXY
This blog is a participant of the SYNDICATE
  ~ ~GalaXY Hunter LJGalaXY Hunter Li.ruGalaXY HunterGalaXY HunterMEGEDOMEGEDO mail.ruNibiru Li.ruNibiru mail.ruzudmanzudman LJboyandin.ru
GH - --


... *lulla_bye*

, 27 2011 . 23:52 +
- ... )
- for thy parting neither say nor sing by by, lully lullay...
Sleep, sweetie, let your dreams flood in...

, ,

- .





?.. -


. " "...

. .
- .
! -
, , .

-, - -

. .
... .

Lulla_bye /  GalaXY Hunter
: GH [link]

Annie Lennox - "Lullay Lullay"

GalaXY Hunter / [link] / 25.02.2011

Hunter DraXY
This blog is a participant of the SYNDICATE
  ~ ~GalaXY Hunter LJGalaXY Hunter Li.ruGalaXY HunterGalaXY HunterMEGEDOMEGEDO mail.ruNibiru Li.ruNibiru mail.ruzudmanzudman LJboyandin.ru
GH - --


a, epa... *allegloria*

, 05 2011 . 23:15 +
- Kosheen & Saint-Preux. , )
- I'm gonna catch you! if I can...)
Once in a lifetime Love

... - .


, ,
- .

, !





. , .


Once in a lifetime Love /  GalaXY Hunter
: GH [link]

Kosheen - "Catch"

GalaXY Hunter / [link] / 04.02.2011

Hunter DraXY
This blog is a participant of the SYNDICATE
  ~ ~GalaXY Hunter LJGalaXY Hunter Li.ruGalaXY HunterGalaXY HunterMEGEDOMEGEDO mail.ruNibiru Li.ruNibiru mail.ruzudmanzudman LJboyandin.ru
GH - --


... *_chat)*

, 31 2011 . 01:18 +
- "". 4 ))
- ))
La GHyperesthesie esthetique

, .

-- -,

, , ...
- , -
-... . ;
", - ..."

  /  GalaXY Hunter
: GH [link]

Jonn Serrie - "Pachelbel's Canon"

GalaXY Hunter / [link] / 31.01.2011

Hunter DraXY
This blog is a participant of the SYNDICATE
  ~ ~GalaXY Hunter LJGalaXY Hunter Li.ruGalaXY HunterGalaXY HunterMEGEDOMEGEDO mail.ruNibiru Li.ruNibiru mail.ruzudmanzudman LJboyandin.ru
GH - --


Tep... *calli seGHrete*

, 21 2011 . 04:27 +
- Rondo)
- thorn_ado)

Per A_spera Semper Ad Astra))



, ?...

* .*

GH /  GalaXY Hunter
Calli Segrete.../  GalaXY Hunter
: GH [link]

Rondo Veneziano - "Calli Segrete"

GalaXY Hunter / [link] / 19.01.2011

Hunter DraXY
This blog is a participant of the SYNDICATE
  ~ ~GalaXY Hunter LJGalaXY Hunter Li.ruGalaXY HunterGalaXY HunterMEGEDOMEGEDO mail.ruNibiru Li.ruNibiru mail.ruzudmanzudman LJboyandin.ru
GH - --


way frm my sun...

, 16 2011 . 22:37 +
- 3 Rimes Down
- d'humoeur plus noire que de chien.

This winter sol_stice

" -
, - !..."


GH /  GalaXY Hunter
Away from my sun.../  GalaXY Hunter
: GH [link] / .: GreEn wizard [link]

3 Doors Down - "Away From The Sun"

GalaXY Hunter / [link] / 19.12.2010

Hunter DraXY
This blog is a participant of the SYNDICATE
  ~ ~GalaXY Hunter LJGalaXY Hunter Li.ruGalaXY HunterGalaXY HunterMEGEDOMEGEDO mail.ruNibiru Li.ruNibiru mail.ruzudmanzudman LJboyandin.ru
GH - --




, 13 2011 . 23:51 +
- Moments Gone...
- orphelinique...
Deux orphelins...

, ...

, ,

- - !
, -
- , - ,
( - .)

     ... /  GalaXY Hunter
: GH [link]

Stamatis Spanoudakis - "Broxero Deilino Ston Bosporo"

GalaXY Hunter / [link] / 30.12.2010

Hunter DraXY
This blog is a participant of the SYNDICATE
  ~ ~GalaXY Hunter LJGalaXY Hunter Li.ruGalaXY HunterGalaXY HunterMEGEDOMEGEDO mail.ruNibiru Li.ruNibiru mail.ruzudmanzudman LJboyandin.ru
GH - --

 : [7] 6 5 4 3 2 1