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"New Rezume.0rg.":
1 - Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09. : 䳺
2 - Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09.Pan Pu i jego żona pochodzą z plemienia Ajnów.
3 - Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.Mon, Jan 11, 2021.
4 - METARGEM 83.NEW REZUME.0RG.MON, JAN 11, 2021.Der alte Mann und das Meer und die Nazi-U-Boote: Hemingway und sein Beitrag zum Sieg im Zweiten Weltkrieg
5 - Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-11.Leg cramps: here's where they come from and how to deal with it
6 - Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09.11.he pirates brought pigs to the uninhabited island and sailed away ... Many centuries later, people discovered
7 - Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09-12.Age dementia never comes suddenly
8 - Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09-12.Obvious-incredible.ברור-מדהים
9 - Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09-12. .E .
10 - Metargem 83.NewRezume .Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 4:00 AM.Breakthrough in neuroscience made by young Israeli genius
11 - Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-13., ,
12 - Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-18.At what age are women better. Aphorism and anecdote.
13 - Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-18."I fell in love with the Sultan" How the ruler of Malaysia married a Russian model and left her and her son aft
14 - Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).New Rezume.0rg.21/01/21/

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Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09. : 䳺

, 09 2021 . 15:07 +


: 䳺

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Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09.Pan Pu i jego żona pochodzą z plemienia Ajnów.

, 09 2021 . 15:30 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development



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1.Pan Pu i jego żona pochodzą z plemienia Ajnów.

 Dlaczego na Sachalinie postawiono pomnik polskiemu terrorystiow


Kategoria:   Eseje. Historie. Wspomnienia

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2.125 lat temu, w 1885 roku, wyspa Sachalin stała się częścią Imperium Rosyjskiego i od razu stała się miejscem ciężkiej pracy. Na Sachalin kierowano najgroźniejszych przestępców, w tej kategorii znaleźli się polityczni wygnańcy skazani za terroryzm i próbę obalenia systemu państwowego. Jednym z tych skazańców był Bronisław Piłsudski, który przybył na wyspę w kajdanach, a 15 lat później został odznaczony srebrnym medalem Akademii Nauk za prace etnograficzne wśród miejscowej rdzennej ludności - tajemniczego plemienia Ajnów. Tutaj Piłsudski spotkał swoją miłość.

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Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.Mon, Jan 11, 2021.

, 11 2021 . 12:40 +
Leonid Khodos (111x111, 3Kb)

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 Personal comments on my writings.
     Personal University of Self-Development

, 10 2021 . 16:00  +

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1.      11.01.2021

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  Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 4:00 AM
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METARGEM 83.NEW REZUME.0RG.MON, JAN 11, 2021.Der alte Mann und das Meer und die Nazi-U-Boote: Hemingway und sein Beitrag zum Sieg im Zweiten Weltkrieg

, 11 2021 . 13:30 +

1.Der alte Mann und das Meer und die Nazi-U-Boote:

Hemingway und sein Beitrag zum Sieg im Zweiten Weltkrieg

Kategorie:   Aufsätze. Geschichten. Erinnerungen



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2.Jeder kennt Ernest Hemingway als berühmten Schriftsteller und Journalisten.

Er ist vielen auch als erfahrener Fischer, begeisterter Jäger und leidenschaftlicher Liebhaber des Stierkampfs bekannt.

 Nur wenige Menschen wissen jedoch, dass Hemingway im Zweiten Weltkrieg auch ein verzweifelter Kämpfer gegen deutsche U-Boote war.


Hemingway führte eine Operation durch, die ihn bei Erfolg das Leben kosten könnte



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3.Der Schriftsteller verbrachte eine der fruchtbarsten Perioden seines Lebens in Kuba.

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Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-11.Leg cramps: here's where they come from and how to deal with it

, 11 2021 . 15:09 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development

Leg cramps: here's where they come from and how to deal with it

Category:   Health

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Finally someone explained 

Leg cramps come on suddenly and affect the legs, calves and thigh muscles,  writes Doctor Joe. It is essentially a painful involuntary contraction of the leg muscles. Most often, seizures occur when a person is sleeping or resting.

They last from a few seconds to 9 minutes, after such involuntary contractions, the sensitive muscles remain for up to 24 hours.

Polyglot 83/Personal comments on my writings.
Polyglot 83/Personal University of Self-Development
Polyglot 83/English
Polyglot 83/New Rezume.0rg.
Metargem 83 - ..


Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09.11.he pirates brought pigs to the uninhabited island and sailed away ... Many centuries later, people discovered

, 11 2021 . 15:14 +
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     Personal University of Self-Development

The pirates brought pigs to the uninhabited island and sailed away ... Many centuries later, people discovered it ... Video

Category:   Flora. Fauna

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The pirates brought pigs to the uninhabited island and sailed away ... Many centuries later, people discovered it ...


A source
Attention! Opinions of the authors may not coincide with ideas of editorial. Author's materials are offered to readers without changes and additions and without correction of errors.


Polyglot 83/Personal comments on my writings.
Polyglot 83/Personal University of Self-Development
Polyglot 83/New Rezume.0rg.
Live Human Communication


Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09-12.Age dementia never comes suddenly

, 12 2021 . 08:12 +



, 11 2021 . 11:40  +

Leonid Khodos (111x111, 3Kb)

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 Personal comments on my writings.
     Personal University of Self-Development

, 12 2021 . 16:00  +

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     Personal University of Self-Development


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843 -8 0%

1.      12.01.2021

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NewRezume news digest

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Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 4:00 AM
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Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09-12.Obvious-incredible.ברור-מדהים

, 12 2021 . 12:43 +


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 Personal comments on my writings.
     Personal University of Self-Development


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קטגוריה: חיים   חברתיים ופוליטיים בישראל


גופן :   גדול יותר ∧   פחות ∨

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ברור-לא ייאמן:

בישראל היה מחקר אחד מאוד מעניין. טיפת דם נלקחה מהנושא והוצגה על המסך. ותמונה מעניינת ניתן היה לראות על המסך. הנה חיידקים, הם נעים לאט, אך מקרופאגים, שתאי הדם שלהם אחראים על שמירת הדם נקי. הם כמו חומרי חיטוי. זו המשימה שלהם - להסיר את כל הזר.
אבל ... הם איכשהו ישנים. חיידקים נעים ברישול, כמו בשדרה בטיול ערב, 
בזמן שמקרופאגים ישנים. הם לא רואים אותם.

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Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09-12. .E .

, 12 2021 . 12:59 +


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Health & Lifestyle > Health/ Food & Drinks (295)
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Metargem 83.NewRezume .Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 4:00 AM.Breakthrough in neuroscience made by young Israeli genius

, 13 2021 . 11:15 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development


1. . 2. 13.01.21. 3.Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 4:00 AM 4.

NewRezume news digest

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Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 4:00 AM
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Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-13., ,

, 13 2021 . 12:24 +

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2. 13.01.21.

3.Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 4:00 AM

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Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-18.At what age are women better. Aphorism and anecdote.

, 18 2021 . 14:45 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development

1.     ?

    -1 ...

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3. 18.01.21, , 281 (83)  ,Monday.


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At what age are women better.

 Aphorism and anecdote.

Category:   Humor

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Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790) - one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, expressed many undoubtedly clever thoughts during his 84 years. One of his aphorisms reminded me of a good anecdote. I think they overlap, but it's up to you to judge./avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-zen_doc/927575/pub_5c57053762f8ac00acb9417f_5c57054162f8ac00acb94182/scale_1200" target="_blank">https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-zen_doc/927575/...54162f8ac00acb94182/scale_1200 2x" style="border: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 540px !important;" />

So. Benjamin Franklin, whose portrait is depicted on a hundred dollar bill, expressed the following, as it seems to me, not devoid of meaning, thought.

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Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-18."I fell in love with the Sultan" How the ruler of Malaysia married a Russian model and left her and her son aft

, 18 2021 . 15:29 +

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Personal comments on my writings.
     Personal University of Self-Development

Map of Malaysia


Country in Asia



Malaysia is a Southeast Asian country occupying parts of the Malay Peninsula and the island of Borneo. It's known for its beaches, rainforests and mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian and European cultural influences. The capital, Kuala Lumpur, is home to colonial buildings, busy shopping districts such as Bukit Bintang and skyscrapers such as the iconic, 451m-tall Petronas Twin Towers. ― Google
CurrencyMalaysian ringgit
Population31.95 million (2019) World Bank

"I fell in love with the Sultan"

How the ruler of Malaysia married a Russian model

and left her and her son after the divorce

Category:   Social and political life in the world

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The life of the former ruler of Malaysia, Muhammad V, is shrouded in secrets.

There are still many rumors around his relationship with the Russian woman  Oksana Voevodina , their wedding and divorce. For the sake of his beloved, the heir to the royal family renounced the throne, but after a while he decided to abandon her too. Now the lover of a luxurious lifestyle does not want to see his son and is bargaining over the alimony that he has to pay to his now ex-wife. About the short love story of one of the brightest couples and their protracted divorce proceedings - in the material  "Lenta.ru"  from the  cycle  about the rulers of different countries.

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Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).New Rezume.0rg.21/01/21/

, 21 2021 . 17:20 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development. .

2. 284 ( 83 ).

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Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/USA .
Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/TRUMP. USA
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