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Metargem 83.Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.10 healthy lifestyle rules that are actually dangerous for people

, 26 2020 . 15:46 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development 

Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklung


10 healthy lifestyle rules that are actually dangerous for people

04 December 2020

Modern man strives to be healthy. Healthy food, pedometers, bottled water and regular swimming are all very possible today.

And few people know that many of these things popular today in the field of health improvement can cause serious harm to health. 

So, what is there to fear.

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Metargem 83.Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.5 controversial personality traits according to psychologists

, 28 2020 . 15:08 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development


5 controversial personality traits according to psychologists

December 24, 2020

All people are very different. Two absolutely identical characters are not found on our planet. 

However, psychologists at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries began to highlight some personality traits that may only seem like something cute and special, but in fact signal serious psychological problems.

This material will tell about five such possible calls.

1. Excessive politeness, extreme courtesy and endless apologies when dealing with strangers

A symptom of impostor syndrome.  / Photo: versiya.info

A symptom of impostor syndrome. 

An example from life. A very well-mannered mother and an adult daughter are looking at things in a clothing store. "Daughter, move away!" - Mom suddenly says quietly. The daughter is at a loss: "What happened ?" Mom: "Let the man pass!" And what was it before, years / decades ago? And this is what: “Don't bother people! Don't go! Do not scream! Let the baby play with your bear! Move over, let the woman sit down! .. ”These phrases are probably familiar from infancy to children of such EXTREMELY POLITE people.Of course, it's always nice when in our not-too-polite world someone cares not only about themselves, but also those around them. But - mind you! - due to the comfort of loved ones ... Excessive delicacy is the result of an inferiority complex, or, as modern psychologists often express, the SELF-CALLER SYNDROME ( full of confidence that if you feel good and comfortable in every sense,

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Metargem 83.Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.7 things you shouldn't do if your blood pressure goes up

, 28 2020 . 16:06 +


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7 things you shouldn't do if your blood pressure goes up

December 24, 2020

7 things you shouldn't do if your blood pressure goes up

With all the awareness of the current generation about everything in the world, there is a frightening number of mistakes regarding the correct behavior with high blood pressure. 

This material will tell you what not to do if the pressure jumped up.

1. Bask in any way


It is impossible to warm the body at high pressure.

There is an opinion that pressure can be reduced by the folk method of vasodilation due to intense warming of the body. Here, such techniques as a hot bath or a glass of alcohol are used. It is absolutely impossible to do this. If you skip a glass, the vessels will indeed expand somewhat for a while, however, it has been scientifically established that blood cells stick together more intensively when alcohol is consumed, and due to this, the risk of thrombosis and an even greater pressure surge increases. 

As for a hot bath or a sauna-bathhouse, even with a slight rise in pressure, the heart will work too hard during such heating, giving the vessels a load due to the rapid pumping of blood, and this completely neutralizes the effect of vasodilation due to high temperatures, in addition, very dangerous to health. On the contrary, in case of a pressure surge, it is recommended to place your hands under a cold stream of water, then moisten your elbows and earlobes with cold water.

2. Lie down



Death from hypertension can be COULD.

Many hypertensive patients are sure that rest is a prerequisite for high blood pressure, which means that you need to lie down, not sit or walk. This opinion is erroneous. Among physicians, there is even such an expression as " to impose a hypertensive crisis." If the pressure has increased, then a leisurely walk would be the ideal solution, since with moderate physical activity, the blood is enriched with oxygen more intensively, becomes t hinner, and due to this, the pressure decreases naturally. If walking is not available, you need to take a half-sitting position.

3. Quickly release pressure



Do not relieve pressure quickly with large amounts of the drug.

Many hypertensive patients believe that bringing down blood pressure quickly is the only important goal. This is a fatal delusion. Doctors say aloud that the pressure should be reduced gradually in order to avoid all kinds of ailments. Therefore, if you drank half of your usual pill for pressure, and after half an hour it decreased, according to the tonometer, only slightly, do not rush to drink the second half or the second pill after the first. Let the first dose of the drug do its job. The rapid decreasein pressure, doctors say, is extremely dangerous for the vessels of the brain.

4. Drink tea



There is a lot of caffeine in tea, and it excites many times stronger than coffee, especially in bags.

Hypertensive patients, under the influence of a half-century-old stereotype, sometimes mistakenly believe t hat they should not drink coffee, but they can drink tea. It is a myth. Coffee has a diuretic effect, and, therefore, can reduce blood pressure by 5-10 divisions of the tonometer. But tea contains almost as much caffeine as coffee, and it also contains substances that are very invigorating the nervous system and increase blood pressure even more.

5. Stay in front of the TV / computer / gadget



Absolutely NO at high pressure!

With high blood pressure, you cannot read, write, watch TV, sit at a computer and stare at a smartphone or tablet. The stress on the optic nerve always prevents pressure reduction. Therefore, the best solution would be a leisurely walk in the fresh air or minimal physical activity around the house.

6. Don't go to the toilet



It is very important to empty the bladder promptly when there is a pressure surge.

If the pressure has increased quite strongly and the only thing that is now available to you is to be at rest in a reclining state, then you definitely need to go to the toilet regularly, even if there is no feeling of an acute fullness of the bladder. The fact is that pressure-reducing drugs always have a diuretic effect, so it is imperative to empty the bladder, ignoring the ancient beliefs that when the pressure rises , “even getting up to the toilet is dangerous.” Doctors who have prescribed the drug with a sharp jump in pressure will definitely warn that you will need to goto the toilet several times, after which the pressure will gently decrease under the action of the drug.

7. Eat a fried, fatty, smoked, salty, spicy



This opium for the people was invented by an old woman with a scythe.

With increased pressure, you should refuse

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Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.15 most common causes of household allergies

, 21 2021 . 14:47 +

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15 most common causes of household allergies

January 18, 2021

Allergies are what causes the human body to develop an immune response

that actually harms it. 

When the body comes into contact with a substance to which a person is allergic,

it perceives this substance as an immediate threat and begins to react. 

Here are some examples of the most common allergies.

1. Peanuts

Allergen: peanuts.

Allergen: peanuts.

Peanut allergies are different from allergies to other nuts because peanuts are not actually a nut,

but a member of the legume family.

Now this type of allergy is spreading rapidly in the US and UK,

but researchers have no idea why this is happening.

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Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.10 foods to help fight fatigue and restore vigor

, 12 2021 . 21:25 +

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10 Lebensmittel gegen Müdigkeit und Wiederherstellung der Vitalität


10 foods to help fight fatigue and restore vigor


07. Februar 2021

But we are not robots and we cannot constantly release "fuel" in the form of an endless flow of energy: stress, fatigue and lack of sleep affect our body in a bad way and overload the brain, contributing to a decrease in the level of concentration we need so much. 

Um deine Energie wieder aufzuladen und Müdigkeit zu beseitigen, bieten wir dir 10 Produkte an, die helfen, die Kraft wiederherzustellen. [Mehr]

To recharge your energy and drive away fatigue, we offer you 10 products that will help to restore vigor.

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Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.7 anti-aging foods - for vegans and more

, 18 2021 . 10:49 +

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7 anti-aging foods - for vegans and more

11 February 2021

To preserve beauty and youth despite the years is the cherished dream, if not of each of us, then of the beautiful half of humanity - for sure. We admire those who look much younger than their years with admiration, and secretly sigh: how do they do it?

Everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance. These people lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, regularly consuming products that prolong youth. 7 vegan anti-aging foods can help you heal your body and look at least 10 years younger than your biological age.


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