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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.How to speed up metabolism and lose weight: 25 secrets of a slim body

, 14 2020 . 19:15 +
903 +14 +2%

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8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)Personal comments on my writings.

Persönliche Kommentare zu meinen Schriften.
Personal University of Self-Development. Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklung. 1.Metargem 83.



Specialist in translations from one language to another


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21. Don't drink sugary soda


Yes Yes!

Have you seen the latest ads? They do not contain calories.

But drinking carbonated drinks is akin to death.

A study published in the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism showed that artificially sweetened drinks can interfere with the body's normal metabolic response to sugar. And in turn, it helps to increase appetite.

Get rid of this bad habit!

Health & Lifestyle > Health/ Food & Drinks (295)
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Polyglot 83/Personal University of Self-Development
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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.9 harmful food additives, which are better not to consume

, 14 2020 . 07:13 +

To all the coronavirus helpers, thank you

146865797_22 (300x304, 291Kb)
8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)Personal comments on my writings.

Persönliche Kommentare zu meinen Schriften.
Personal University of Self-Development. Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklung.

 1.Metargem 83.



Specialist in translations from one language to another

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Beware, E-shki:
9 harmful food additives, which are better not to consume

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9 ,

07 August 2020
07 2020
Unfortunately, almost every product nowadays is stuffed with various food additives
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that improve the taste of products,
help them to keep longer and look more attractive due to various dyes.
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Finding something natural on store shelves has now become an almost impossible task.
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But among the variety of E-shek there are those that should be completely excluded from use,
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and, having seen the unfortunate words on the package, it is better to put this product aside altogether.

 , , .


Health & Lifestyle > Health/ Food & Drinks (295)
Polyglot 83/Personal comments on my writings.
Polyglot 83/Personal University of Self-Development
Polyglot 83/Own translations, language learning
Polyglot 83/Arabic
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Live Human Communication
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Metargem 83.From Elena. !10 perfect breakfast foods that will energize your day

, 13 2020 . 22:53 +

To all the coronavirus helpers, thank you

146865797_22 (300x304, 291Kb)
8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)Personal comments on my writings.

Persönliche Kommentare zu meinen Schriften.
Personal University of Self-Development. Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklung.

 1.Metargem 83.



Specialist in translations from one language to another

10 perfekte Frühstücksnahrungsmittel, die Ihren Tag mit Energie versorgen

10 perfect breakfast foods that will energize your day

07. August 2020
07 August 2020
Das Frühstück ist eine der angenehmsten und wichtigsten Mahlzeiten,
wenn Sie es sich leisten können, etwas zu essen,
das abends nicht mehr möglich ist,
wenn Sie natürlich Ihre Figur im Auge behalten.
Breakfast is one of the most enjoyable and important meals,
when you can afford to eat something
that is no longer possible in the evening, if, of course,
you keep an eye on your figure
Die meisten von uns haben wirklich keine Ahnung, wie sie ihren hungrigen Körper befeuern sollen,
und wachen oft auf und werfen alles, was uns ins Auge fällt, in den Mund.
 Most of us really have no idea how to fuel our hungry body
and often wake up and throw everything that catches our eye into our mouths.
Wie Sie vielleicht vermutet haben,
ist dies der falsche Ansatz. Wenn Sie in einer halben Stunde keine Schwere im Magen
haben oder sich hungrig fühlen möchten,
müssen Sie herausfinden,
welche Lebensmittel die beste Wahl für einen fröhlichen
und produktiven Start sind auf den Tag.

As you may have guessed,

this is the wrong approach and if you do not want to have a heaviness in your stomach

or feel hungry in half an hour,

then you need to find out which foods are the best choice for a cheerful

and productive start to the day.

Health & Lifestyle > Health/ Food & Drinks (295)
Polyglot 83/Personal comments on my writings.
Polyglot 83/Personal University of Self-Development
Polyglot 83/Arabic
Polyglot 83/German
Polyglot 83/Yiddish
Polyglot 83/ Spanish
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Live Human Communication
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, 01 2020 . 21:18 +




, 27 2017 . 11:39 +



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Live Human Communication

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