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Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Israel Hayom Newsletter in English.What will survive of US-Middle East policy under Biden?

, 21 2021 . 15:28 +

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Newsletter Thursday, January 21, 2021

Today's Cartoon

Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/USA .
Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/TRUMP. USA
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Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-18.At what age are women better. Aphorism and anecdote.

, 18 2021 . 14:45 +

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1.     ?

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3. 18.01.21, , 281 (83)  ,Monday.


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At what age are women better.

 Aphorism and anecdote.

Category:   Humor

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Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790) - one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, expressed many undoubtedly clever thoughts during his 84 years. One of his aphorisms reminded me of a good anecdote. I think they overlap, but it's up to you to judge./avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-zen_doc/927575/pub_5c57053762f8ac00acb9417f_5c57054162f8ac00acb94182/scale_1200" target="_blank">https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-zen_doc/927575/...54162f8ac00acb94182/scale_1200 2x" style="border: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 540px !important;" />

So. Benjamin Franklin, whose portrait is depicted on a hundred dollar bill, expressed the following, as it seems to me, not devoid of meaning, thought.


"New Rezume.0rg.":
1 - Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09. : 䳺
2 - Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09.Pan Pu i jego żona pochodzą z plemienia Ajnów.
10 - Metargem 83.NewRezume .Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 4:00 AM.Breakthrough in neuroscience made by young Israeli genius
11 - Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-13., ,
12 - Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-18.At what age are women better. Aphorism and anecdote.
13 - Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-18."I fell in love with the Sultan" How the ruler of Malaysia married a Russian model and left her and her son aft
14 - Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).New Rezume.0rg.21/01/21/

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Metargem 83.Chiste: La Agonía De Un Hombre . https://www.todo-mail.com/

, 05 2021 . 01:45 +
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Personal comments on my writings.
     Personal University of Self-Development

Chiste: Un Hombre Con Mala Suerte





Video Nuestra
Anúnciate con Nosotros
Otros Temas:   
Naturaleza y Viajes
En llamas Tecnología
Vistos recientemente
Favoritos Inicio >
Entretenimiento >
Divertidos Chiste:
La Agonía De Un Hombre Añadir a Favoritos 
A+ A- 
Enviar a amigos Por: 
1.Jessica Q. R.
Un hombre delgado y pequeño está sentado en la barra de un bar con una cerveza frente a él.
2.En eso llega un hombre musculoso y con cara de rufián al bar, le da un golpe en la espalda al hombre y se bebe su cerveza. 
Playvolume00:00/01:29TruvidfullScreen X
  3.El hombre comienza a llorar.
   4.El musculoso le dice: ¡No llores pequeñín, tan solo es una cerveza!
   5.A lo que el hombre le  responde: 
   6.Me gusta.
Para ti tal vez sea solo una cerveza, pero para mí era lo último que me quedaba.
    7.Hoy mi esposa me dejó, mi cuenta del banco está en ceros,
después llegué al trabajo y me despidieron.
     8.No quería vivir más e intenté suicidarme:
me acosté sobre los rieles del tren,
     9.y el tren cambió la ruta, traté de colgarme y se rompió la cuerda. 
    10.Y para continuar con mi agonía, 
¡tú te has bebido la cerveza a la que le había puesto veneno!
On Fire
+ -
1. . .
, .
2. , .
Playvolume00: 00/01: 29TruvidfullScreen X
  3. .
  4. : , , !
   5. :
    6. .
, , .
   7. , ,
, .
    8. :
    9. , , .
10. ,
Video Nashi










Chiste: Un Hombre Con Mala Suerte


Video Nuestra

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Naturaleza y Viajes Arte En llamas TecnologíaEditar Perfil Vistos recientemente Favoritos Inicio > Entretenimiento > Divertidos Chiste: La Agonía De Un Hombre Añadir a Favoritos

A+ A-

Unirse Compartir Enviar a amigos Por:

Jessica Q. R. Un hombre delgado y pequeño está sentado en la barra de un bar con una cerveza frente a él.

En eso llega un hombre musculoso y con cara de rufián al bar, le da un golpe en la espalda al hombre y se bebe su cerveza.

Playvolume00:00/01:29TruvidfullScreen X El hombre comienza a llorar.

El musculoso le dice: ¡No llores pequeñín, tan solo es una cerveza!

A lo que el hombre le  responde: 

Me gusta Para ti tal vez sea solo una cerveza, pero para mí era lo último que me quedaba.

Hoy mi esposa me dejó, mi cuenta del banco está en ceros,

después llegué al trabajo y me despidieron.

No quería vivir más e intenté suicidarme:

me acosté sobre los rieles del tren,

y el tren cambió la ruta, traté de colgarme y se rompió la cuerda.

Y para continuar con mi agonía,

¡tú te has bebido la cerveza a la que le había puesto veneno!


Health & Lifestyle > Health/Memory, sight, hearing (409)
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Metargem 83.Baba Mail. Humor 83.Rabbi, We Have a Problem!

, 05 2021 . 16:02 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development


Rabbi, We Have a Problem!

Rabbi, We Have a Problem!

Two Jewish men knock on Rabbi Levi's door.

"What can I do for you gentlemen?"

Said the Rabbi once he opened his door. [move]

They explain to him they have an argument and cannot resolve it.

The Rabbi agrees to help them.

"What is the argument about?" he asks.

First Man: "Black is a color!"

Second Man: "NO! it is not!"

First Man: "It is a color!" Second Man:

"Rabbi, is black a color?"

"Well, sure..." Said the confused Rabbi.

First Man: "See, I told you. And so is white!"

Second Man: "White is not a color!"

First Man: "Rabbi?"

Rabbi: "Well, yes, white is a color."

First Man: "See?

I told you Moishe, I sold you a Color TV!"

rabbi argument stupidity joke tv door white black color jewish joke

Dislike Like The Wise Old Sculptor Many years ago,

a smart old sculptor was finally allowed to leave the Soviet Union

and emigrate to the United States where his son lived.

When he was searched at the Moscow airport, the customs official found a bust of Lenin.

Customs: "What is that?"

Old man: "What is that?

What is that?!

Do not say ‟What is that?” say

‟Who is that?”

That is Lenin! The genius who thought up this worker’s paradise!"

The official smiled and let the old man through.

The old man arrived at JFK airport,

where an American customs official found the bust of Lenin.

Customs: "What is that?"

Old man

:" What is that? What is that?

! Do not say ‟What is that?” say

‟Who is that?” That is Lenin!

The bastard! I’ll put him on display in my toilet for all the years

he prevented an old man from having a good life."

The official smiled and let him through.

When he arrived at his family’s house in Brooklyn, his grandson saw him unpack the bust.

Grandson: "Who is that, grandpa?"

Old man: "Who is that? Who is that?! Don’t say

‟Who is that?” say

‟What is that?” That, my child, is eight pounds of gold!"


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, 04 2021 . 17:24 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development






Saturday, July 13, 2019 7:22 pm + in the quote pad

Quote post Ipola

alt = "An old Jewish wise parable. Many people should take note!" / 2835299_Staraya_evreiskaya_mydraya_pritcha__Na_zametky_stoit_vzyat_mnogim (700x525, 110Kb)

Once upon a time there was a poor Jewish family.

 There were many children, but little money. 

The poor mother worked hard - cooked, washed,

and screamed, handed out slaps and loudly complained about life ..

Finally, exhausted, I went to the rabbi for advice:
how to become a good mother?
She came out thoughtful. Since then it has been changed.
 No, the money in the family has not increased.
 And the children did not become more obedient.
 But now mom did not scold them,
and a friendly smile did not leave her face.
Once a week she went to the market, and when she returned,
she locked herself in a room for the whole evening.
The children were tormented by curiosity. 
Once they violated the ban and dropped in to see their mother.
 She was sitting at the table and ..
drinking tea with sweet tsimes!
“Mom, what are you doing
And what about us? ”- the children shouted indignantly.
“Sha, children! She answered importantly.
 "I make you a happy mom!"
Source: you-journal.ru


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Metargem 83.Baba Mail.com.Little Johnny and the Guessing Game

, 04 2021 . 16:50 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development



Little Johnny and the Guessing Game


Little Johnny and the Guessing Game

A teacher said to her class,

"Right, i'm going to hold something under the desk

and i want you to guess what it is.

This one is round and red.

" Little Johnny's hand shot up, but he was ignored.

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Metargem 83. Baba Mail.com.Humor 83.Every Elderly Woman's Wish..

, 01 2021 . 22:58 +

Every Elderly Woman's Wish...


Every Elderly Woman's Wish...

 Cinderella was now 75 years old.

After a fulfilling life with the now passed-away Prince, she happily sat upon her rocking chair,

watching the world go by from her front porch,

with a cat called Alan for companionship.

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Metargem 83.Baba Mail. Humor 83.True Answers About Retirement!

, 01 2021 . 22:48 +

True Answers About Retirement!


True Answers About Retirement!

Question: How many days are there in a week?

Answer: 6 Saturdays, 1 Sunday

Question: When is a retiree's bedtime?

Answer: Two hours after he falls asleep on the couch.

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Metargem 83.BabaMail.Humor 83.Grandma and Her Boyfriend .

, 01 2021 . 22:33 +

Grandma and Her Boyfriend


Grandma and Her Boyfriend.

A 5-year old girl went to visit her grandmother one day.

She played with her dolls as grandma dusted the furniture.

At one point, she looked up and asked:

  "Grandma, how come you don't have a boyfriend?"

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Metargem 83. BabaMail.Everything that interests you.Humor 83...

, 01 2021 . 21:37 +
The Trucker and His Emu
a large flightless fast-running Australian bird resembling the ostrich,
with shaggy gray or brown plumage,
bare blue skin on the head and neck,
and three-toed feet.
a long-distance truck driver.
    The Trucker and His Emu  

The Trucker and His Emu

An Aussie trucker walks into an outback cafe

with a full-grown emu behind him.

The waitress asks them for their orders.

The trucker says, 'A hamburger, chips and a coke,'

and turns to the emu, 'What's yours?'

'Sounds great, I'll have the same,' says the emu.

Polyglot 83/BabaMail.Everything that interests you.
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Metargem 83.www.ba-bamail.com/jokes/.Humor 83.The Fussy Judge.

, 01 2021 . 21:21 +


The Fussy Judge

The Fussy Judge

A couple arrived at town hall seconds before closing time,

and caught a judge just as he was about to leave,

and asked him to marry them.

He asked if they had a license and, when they said they didn't,

He sent them off to get one.

 They caught the town clerk just as he was locking up,

and got the license from him.

When they got back to the judge,

he pointed out they had filled the names in wrong --

with his where hers belonged and vice versa.

They rushed back to the clerk's office,

caught him again, and got another license. 

This time, the judge noticed that the clerk

had filled in the date in the wrong format.

Again they caught the clerk...

and after five reissued licenses,

the judge was finally satisfied. 

Judge: "I hope you appreciate why I made you keep going back.

If there are irregularities in the license,

your marriage would not be legal,

and any children you might have would be,

putting it delicately, technical bastards."

  Groom: "That's funny - that's just what the clerk called you."


Polyglot 83/BabaMail.Everything that interests you.
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Metargem 83. BabaMail.Everything that interests you.Humor 83...In My Defense...

, 01 2021 . 21:06 +


In My Defense...

In My Defense...

Defense Attorney: "Will you please state your age?"

Little Old Lady: "I am 86 years old."

Defense Attorney: Will you tell us, in your own words,

what happened the night of April 1st?

Little Old Lady: "There I was, sitting in my swing on my front porch

on a warm spring evening,

when a young man comes creeping up on the porch

and sat down beside me."

Defense Attorney: "Did you know him?"

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Metargem 83.A Night With a Russian

, 31 2020 . 21:17 +

A Night With a Russian


A Night With a Russian

A lovely Russian lady came up to me at the mall

and said "Please, I am looking for a one night stand.

" I had the shop shut up and the door locked before you could say Billybob

, and we went to a bar for a couple of aperitifs,

a nice restaurant,

a club I know where they have a good floorshow,

and then I took that lovely lady home and,

being a gentleman,

I will draw the veil of discretion over what followed.

As the sun peeped over the windowsill,

I smiled sweetly at her sleepy face and said "So how was that?"

"Was wonderful," she said,

"but I still have no place to put bedside lamp."



lovemaking joke

Russian one night

stand shop

gentleman lady

club discretion




Polyglot 83/Humor 83...
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Metargem 83. Welcome to Baba-Mail (1449).The Old Lady and the Gentleman-For-Hire

, 31 2020 . 20:39 +

The Old Lady and the Gentleman-For-Hire

The Old Lady and the Gentleman-For-Hire

A little old lady checked into a motel on her 70th birthday, but she was a bit lonely.

She thought, "I'll call one of those men you see advertised in the phone books

for escorts and sensual massages."

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Metargem 83.Leonid Zakharin. Jeff Foxworthy. () .

, 28 2020 . 10:38 +


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1. ?

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Live Human Communication/Russian


Metargem 83. Google. . O .

, 27 2020 . 15:59 +


, ...


2 days ago —  ,        (

, .

, , . . , , . , . , .

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Polyglot 83/Personal University of Self-Development
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Metargem 83. . , ,

, 27 2020 . 15:43 +

Personal comments on my writings.
     Personal University of Self-Development.

, "" , ?

  - , ......


, , , , - .  .


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Polyglot 83/Ukrainian
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Metargem 83.Wie endete die Geschichte der "Adoption" eines syrischen Flüchtlings für eine deutsche Familie?

, 21 2020 . 18:43 +

8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)

 Personal comments on my writings.  

 Personal University of Self-Development :1.


1.Wie endete die Geschichte

der "Adoption" eines syrischen Flüchtlings für eine deutsche Familie?


«» .

1. كيف انتهت قصة

"تبني" لاجئ سوري لعائلة ألمانية؟

2. Lass uns lachen? 4 Tage .
  Auf dem Kanal hatte ich bereits ein paar wählerische Notizen
wie schwierig es für die Europäer ist, nebeneinander zu existieren
mit Hunderttausenden von Flüchtlingen aus allen "Hot Spots" unserer
immenser Planet.

2.? 4 .


« »


2. دعونا نضحك؟ 4 أيام .
  لقد تلقيت بالفعل على القناة بضع ملاحظات من الصعب إرضاءها
ما مدى صعوبة التعايش جنبًا إلى جنب مع الأوروبيين
مع مئات الآلاف من اللاجئين من جميع "النقاط الساخنة" لدينا
كوكب ضخم.

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, 17 2020 . 06:53 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development




     ?  ,  ,



, , , . ? , , ?

, , , , .

     ?  ,  ,

: , , , . , , , .

, .

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Metargem 83.BabaMail.Jokes > Doctor & Hospital Jokes(E-G)

, 17 2020 . 06:30 +

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 Personal comments on my writings.
     Personal University of Self-Development
Jokes > Doctor &
Witze> Doktor &
Hospital Jokes
Haggling With the Dentist One day,
Feilschen mit dem Zahnarzt Eines Tages,
a woman walks into a dentist's office
Eine Frau betritt eine Zahnarztpraxis
and asks how much it will cost to extract wisdom teeth.
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Metargem 83. DANNOSA :, , !

, 07 2020 . 04:15 +

DANNOSA :, , !


, 01 2007 . 11:16 

Dannosa :, , !

 (700x523, 65Kb)

- , .
, , .
, , , , ,
, ,
, , !
Polyglot 83/Personal comments on my writings.
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Metargem 83 - ..


Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.Heart-healthy foods.

, 05 2020 . 09:58 +
, 31 2020 . 19:08

uV7_jIsZ6YrA2IxiJ9WkIqRAvc9NJpU_PkAOR5RybJd-XovpP8Y4sgSI9p1HhBf7nURUBmRdQGGjPNstFhA-7P_ApDEERSffoR-wUO9mFog (120xDERSffoR-wUO9mFogTo all the coronavirus helpers, thank you


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Personal comments on my writings.

Persönliche Kommentare zu meinen Schriften.
Personal University of Self-Development.

 Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklun

1. , , ,   .2.     .3. .4. 147 .5. . 6. , , Google Translate . 7. . 8. .     

Health & Lifestyle > Health/ Food & Drinks (295)
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Live Human Communication
Metargem 83 - ..


Metargem 83.BabaMail.Everything that interests you.Joke: The Professor and the Old Man

, 27 2020 . 14:25 +

To all the coronavirus helpers, thank you

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Personal comments on my writings.

Persönliche Kommentare zu meinen Schriften.
Personal University of Self-Development.

Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklung.


Who's That, Professor?
Who's That, Professor?
1.A middle-aged male professor receives a knock on the door of his office on campus.
2.After fumbling about for a few moments,
he opens the door to find an old man,
3.who greets him with a big smile and says:
4."May I come in? I worked in this very room thirty years ago
when I was a professor at this college.”
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Polyglot 83/Humor 83...
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Live Human Communication
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Polyglot 83. (German)

, 26 2020 . 13:38 +


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Polyglot 83/Humor 83...
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Metargem 83 - ..


Metargem 83.Ein betrunkener Minister .A Drunk Minister.

, 20 2020 . 21:14 +

To all the coronavirus helpers, thank you

146865797_22 (300x304, 291Kb)

8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)Personal comments on my writings.

Personal University of Self-Development.

 1.  first_move friends2.  1.  Metargem 83.



Specialist in translations from one language to another


 Translations of translator
 Fighting insomnia .. (86)

   « »
8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)Personal comments on my writings.

Personal University of Self-Development.

 1. first_move friends2. 1. Metargem 83.



Specialist in translations from one language to another

Translations of translator. 


1. Witze> Religion Witze

1 .Jokes > Religion Jokes

2. Ein betrunkener Minister
2.A Drunk Minister
A Drunk Minister
3. Ein Minister saß neben einem Cowboy auf einem Flug nach Texas.
3.A minister was seated next to a cowboy on a flight to Texas.
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, 20 2020 . 09:39  +

How is pineapple good for women? The benefits of an exotic fruit

04 August 2020

The benefits of fruits for the body have been known for a long time. But we all know that what is good for one can be bad for another. What men need is not always necessary for women. Exotic fruits always attract with their original taste and appearance. 

So, one of the most popular fruits is pineapple. You can buy it both fresh and canned. How is pineapple good for women? Consider its benefits and harms to the female body.

Choosing a pineapple

In order to choose a pineapple, you need to follow a few tips:

  • The pineapple should have a yellow-brown skin.
  • The crust should be soft.
  • You can knock on pineapple. The sound should be dull, the sonorous one indicates the ripeness of the fruit.
  • When pressed, the cavity should smooth out quickly.
  • The stalk should easily separate from the leaves.
  • There should be no stains or defects on the fruit. The scales should be perfect.
  • Ripe and fresh pineapple has weight. Light fruit may be dry.


Pineapple selection


  • The ripe fruit has a soft, aromatic and sweet and sour pulp.
  • A quality pineapple cannot be cheap.
  • The fruit should give off a pleasant aroma.

Before considering the beneficial properties of pineapple for women, let's find out what the composition of this exotic fruit is.

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, 20 2020 . 09:28  +
User Elena offers to discuss the publication on the website "ALWAYS IN FORM!"
11 Best Natural Energy Drink Substitutes

11 Best Natural Energy Drink Substitutes

07 August 2020

Don't go to Red Bull if you are low on energy, instead try some natural stimulants that are much safer and free from additives, preservatives, artificial sweeteners or food colors.

They will not overexcite your nervous system and will provide many health benefits. Try them today and see how they work for you!




1. Cocoa powder or crushed cocoa beans



1 - Furman_Ed, .
2 - Furman_Ed.
35 - ✨ : , —
37 - Metargem 83.From Elena IMMER IN FORM!11 Best Natural Energy Drink Substitutes


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0 / 6


, 20 2020 . 09:00  +


Coffee and tea

The caffeine / theine contained in both types of drinks accelerates metabolic processes by at least 5%, but you should not overdo it with invigorating potions - a couple of cups a day will be enough.


how to speed up metabolism in the body and lose weight after 50

Drink tea and coffee in moderation

Soy milk

Until the debate about its usefulness subsides, scientists have proven that soy products help slow down body fat, and turn the stored fat into energy. Soy milk is useful for accelerating OS for women after 50 years of age who are in the climacteric period - soy contains a large amount of phytoestrogens, analogs of the female sex hormone estrogen.

Tip: if you have problems with the thyroid gland, it is better to refuse soy products.



1 - Furman_Ed, .
2 - Furman_Ed.
34 - Metargem 83.BabaMail ."Well... there's nothing wrong with your eyesight."
35 - ✨ : , —
37 - Metargem 83.From Elena IMMER IN FORM!11 Best Natural Energy Drink Substitutes


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Metargem 83.BabaMail.Everything that interests you. Ein betrunkener Minister .A Drunk Minister

, 20 2020 . 19:52 +


146865797_22 (300x304, 291Kb)
8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)Personal comments on my writings.

Personal University of Self-Development.

 1. first_move friends2. 1. Metargem 83.



Specialist in translations from one language to another

Translations of translator. 


1. Witze> Religion Witze

1 .Jokes > Religion Jokes

2. Ein betrunkener Minister
2.A Drunk Minister
A Drunk Minister
3. Ein Minister saß neben einem Cowboy auf einem Flug nach Texas.
3.A minister was seated next to a cowboy on a flight to Texas.
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Metargem 83.BabaMail ."Well... there's nothing wrong with your eyesight."

, 18 2020 . 06:22 +

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To all the coronavirus helpers, thank you

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Personal comments on my writings.

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Do I Have...?
Do I Have...?
 .  .
  « , - , - .
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Metargem 83.BabaMail.Everything that interests you. Jokes About Men.Her Italian Vacation.La sua vacanza italiana

, 17 2020 . 22:18 +


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1. Barzellette> Scherzi sugli uomini
La sua vacanza italiana
Her Italian Vacation


La sua vacanza italiana


Her Italian Vacation
2.Una donna deve andare in Italia per una conferenza,
così suo marito la accompagna in macchina all'aeroporto.
2.A woman has to go to Italy for a conference,
so her husband drives her to the airport.
3. "Grazie tesoro", dice,
"C'è qualcosa che posso riportarti?"
3.“Thank you honey,” she says,
“Is there anything I can bring back for you?”
4) ride e dice:
"Una ragazza italiana!"
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, 16 2020 . 04:58 +

8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)


1. Mila111111 . . .. , ..



- 2009   .


 (577x699, 163Kb)

2.     ,   .

3.     ,


4.      , ..

5. 126   (83)       .

6.   .

7.   111111  ?

8.     126   (83)  ..

9.     111111   Anna Kiryanova   ..


- ..

..   - ...

      126   (83)  .. 

  (  83)   . 

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Metargem 83. From Baba-Mail.His Excellent Memory

, 10 2020 . 08:09 +
8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)



879 -9
of or for older or more experienced people.

His Excellent Memory

Senior jokes, old jokes, getting old jokes, aging jokes, golden age jokes and mature jokes.

, , , , .

Getting old isn't a lot of fun, but it sure can be funny!


And if there's one thing seniors have in abundance is a good sense of humor.


, ! 
- ,

His Excellent Memory

His Excellent Memory
1.Three old men are discussing their failing memories.
1. .
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Live Human Communication
Metargem 83 - ..


Metargem 83.Baba-Mail.Jokes > Car Jokes.The Angry Passenger

, 07 2020 . 10:13 +

8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb) 

1. 117  . Friday .



The Angry Passenger

Der wütende Passagier

Jokes about vehicles such as car jokes, train jokes, submarine jokes,

helicopter jokes, motorcycle jokes, bike jokes and buggy jokes.

Jokes that take place in cars or involve driving a car

The Angry Passenger
1.Ein Mann stieg in den Nachtzug und bat um ein Gespräch mit dem Schaffner.
A man stepped onto the overnight train and asked to speak to the conductor.
2.Als der Passagier ihn traf, sagte er dem Schaffner:
Upon meeting him, the passenger told the conductor,
3."Du musst mich in Philadelphia wecken.
"I need you to wake me up in Philadelphia.
Polyglot 83/Humor 83...
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Live Human Communication
Metargem 83 - ..



, 27 2020 . 09:24 +

1. .2. . 

870 -1 0%
870 -2 0%

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Personal University of Self-Development.Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklung. . 106 .Monday. 2. , . 3. , - ..4. .5. , , , . 6. , , , . 7. ..8.  Falconetta    .9. . 10. , .11. , .12. Google Translate , . 13.     Falconetta  20 .14. ..15. - 11-20  

, ...
..  . 
11. Warum drückte der Dorf-Oldtimer von Eugene Onegin die Fliegen?
11. « »?
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Polyglot 83.Life is a severe test, and the first hundred years is the hardest. , .

, 13 2020 . 17:29 +

8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)

13.07.20. , ,

, – – , .

, 13 2020 . 08:56

Wilson Mizner
(1876—1933 .)
Be more friendly with the people you meet when climbing up,
“You will meet them when you come down.”scenic
, , ,
– , .scenic
Hollywood is a gutter ride in a glass bottom boat.
– .scenic
The only thing that can be said about luck with confidence is that it will change.
, – .scenic
If you steal from one author, it is plagiarism;
if many have this study.
, ;

2 - Polyglot 83.From Cilia_Fur.SYMBOL OF DEMOCRATES.Symbol der Demokraten.Símbolo de los demócratas
5 - Polyglot 83. 6 trucos que hicieron de los japoneses la nación más saludable del mundo
6 - Polyglot 83..Elena contemplator.Lista de los 9 trucos más populares de la industria del fitness.
7 - Polyglot 83.Life is a severe test, and the first hundred years is the hardest. , .
8 - Metargem 83. : . .
9 - Metargem 83.Google.Fighting insomnia .. (86) . 10
12 - Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM! : 10 (R-S)
13 - Metargem 83.Diana.Love horoscope for the week of December 21-27. 21-27
14 - Metargem 83.Diana.HOROSCOPE OF THE DAY. Vivid character traits of people born in December

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Polyglot 83.Google. .....

, 21 2020 . 16:26 +

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1. ?!  ?!   

Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/USA .
Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/TRUMP. USA
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Polyglot 83.Seeing the future son-in-law, the mother-in-law suspected something was amiss.

, 20 2020 . 13:59 +


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To all the coronavirus helpers, thank you

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     Personal University of Self-Development.

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1. , .



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Polyglot 83. . völlige Einsamkeit . complete loneliness

, 13 2020 . 12:09 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development 

Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklung



1. völlige Einsamkeit   

1. complete loneliness  

1. الوحدة الكاملة     


1. solitude complète   

1. בדידות מלאה    

1. completa solitudine       

1. całkowita samotność   

1. singurătate completă       

1. completa soledad                 



1. גאַנץ לאָונלינאַס                        

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Polyglot 83.From varlamov.ru.Why dont I feel sorry for Efremov

, 10 2020 . 11:54 +

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varlamov.ru 5 minutes to read

 Now recording in 5th place in the rating  




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Polyglot 83.From LiveJournal. ,

, 10 2020 . 11:41 +

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: ..




: lena-miro.ru — LiveJournal -


« »: ...




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Polyglot 83.From Leonid Zakharin .Which day the most powerful power on the planet says goodbye to one of its best sons.

, 10 2020 . 11:00 +


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To all the coronavirus helpers, thank youuV7_jIsZ6YrA2IxiJ9WkIqRAvc9NJpU_PkAOR5RybJd-XovpP8Y4sgSI9p1HhBf7nURUBmRdQGGjPNstFhA-7P_ApDEERSffoR-wUO9mFog (120x1008c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)



 Leonid Zakharin .


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 Personal University of Self-Development. Universidad personal de autodesarrollo.

Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/USA .
Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/TRUMP. USA
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Polyglot 83.BabaMail.Everything that interests you. Farmers' Markets Under Covid-19: Are They Safe?

, 09 2020 . 07:25 +

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 Personal University of Self-Development. Universidad personal de autodesarrollo.

1.    9 2020. Thurday.3  .   שלישי.

2.58 (83) .

3.    , -  , 3   .

4.   . 

5.   7  ..


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Polyglot 83.From EZHICHKA."Wise anécdota acerca de cómo cansados de lo que en realidad"

, 29 2020 . 11:49 +

To all the coronavirus helpers, thank youuV7_jIsZ6YrA2IxiJ9WkIqRAvc9NJpU_PkAOR5RybJd-XovpP8Y4sgSI9p1HhBf7nURUBmRdQGGjPNstFhA-7P_ApDEERSffoR-wUO9mFog (120x100)8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)

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 Personal University of Self-Development. Universidad personal de autodesarrollo.



Nuevo mensaje de  EZHICHKA Blog  EZHICHKA - "Diario EZHICHKA (Lily)" 07:09 28/05/2020
"Wise anécdota acerca de cómo cansados de lo que en realidad"

Un mil doscientos cincuenta (700x405, 313KB)

Esto causa una noche Sultan un visir medio oriente poder y pidió que llevara un hermoso

harén Guzel.

La bulliciosa visir, se encuentra con el harén, el camino da instrucciones a sus criados

para que en el dormitorio de la fruta y bebidas.

Las cepas del harem de los eunucos, los escogidos esposa al Sultan.

Sultan durante mucho tiempo disfrutando de una hermosa Guzel, después de lo cual el contenido

es visir.

Los centros turísticos. Sultan dijo que es necesario repetir, pero con Amir.

Visir atrapa el harén, en el camino de nuevo, la entrega de un montón de instrucciones.

La situación se repite cada hora y así sucesivamente hasta la mañana.

Como resultado, en la madrugada del sultán plantea de nuevo el visir.

VIZIER caen hasta hecho polvo, pistas. Un sultán en buena situación.

Y visir pide Sultan:

- los sabios, dime. Toda la noche ocupado en el trabajo físico duro y no cualquier poco cansado.

Sólo encontré una vez por hora en el palacio, pero agotado.

En las respuestas Sultan:

- Carta no de trabajo, cansado del ajetreo.
venzel_big (100x29, 1 Kb)venzel_big (100x29, 1 Kb)venzel_big (100x29, 1 Kb)

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Polyglot 83.From YOSEF LEITUS(BEER-SHEVA).Trauriger Humor von Mikhail Svetlov.

, 28 2020 . 12:25 +

To all the coronavirus helpers, thank youuV7_jIsZ6YrA2IxiJ9WkIqRAvc9NJpU_PkAOR5RybJd-XovpP8Y4sgSI9p1HhBf7nURUBmRdQGGjPNstFhA-7P_ApDEERSffoR-wUO9mFog (120x100)8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)

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 Personal University of Self-Development. Universidad personal de autodesarrollo.


Trauriger Humor von Mikhail Svetlov
Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Trauriger Humor von Mikhail Svetlov


Der Dichter Mikhail Svetlov, der Autor der berühmten Grenada, war seinen Freunden als unglaublich witzige Person bekannt, die bereit war, bei jeder Gelegenheit einen Witz zu machen. Svetlovas Humor verbarg jedoch immer die Traurigkeit.


, «», ,   .   .

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, 28 2020 . 08:52 +


To all the coronavirus helpers, thank youuV7_jIsZ6YrA2IxiJ9WkIqRAvc9NJpU_PkAOR5RybJd-XovpP8Y4sgSI9p1HhBf7nURUBmRdQGGjPNstFhA-7P_ApDEERSffoR-wUO9mFog (120x100)8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)

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 Personal University of Self-Development. Universidad personal de autodesarrollo.




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Polyglot 83.From Seniorin.Zinovy ​​Gerdt über den Unterschied zwischen Psychos und Narren

, 25 2020 . 21:01 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development 

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1.Zinovy ​​Gerdt über den Unterschied zwischen Psychos und Narren




3906024_f38d57b7de240fe76bdc38959e11397b (700x388, 82Kb)

2. Zinovy ​​Gerdt sagte:
2. :
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Polyglot 83.From Irina Yuryevna .1. Ein Gleichnis, das erklärt, wie man glücklich und erfolgreich lebt

, 21 2020 . 00:10 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development  Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklung




– .


Das Leben ist eine grausame Sache.


Ständig die Bedingungen des Spiels ändern.

, .

Es schafft ein bestimmtes Erscheinungsbild der Regeln und verstößt selbst gegen diese.


Unter solchen Bedingungen ist es unmöglich zu gewinnen.


– .

Die einzige Chance besteht darin, alles selbst in die Hand zu nehmen.

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Polyglot 83.Israel Hayom Newsletter in English May 10, 2020

, 10 2020 . 15:12 +



Israel Hayom Newsletter in English • May 10, 2020

If you cannot see this email properly, please click here
Newsletter Sunday, May 10, 2020
Will EU sanction Israel over annexation plan?
EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell is reportedly pushing to penalize Jerusalem if it moves ahead with plans to apply Israeli law to parts of Judea and Samaria.
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Polyglot 83.Todomail.Chiste: El Amor De Una Madre.בדיחה: אהבת אם

, 10 2020 . 05:03 +

To all the coronavirus helpers, thank youuV7_jIsZ6YrA2IxiJ9WkIqRAvc9NJpU_PkAOR5RybJd-XovpP8Y4sgSI9p1HhBf7nURUBmRdQGGjPNstFhA-7P_ApDEERSffoR-wUO9mFog (120x1008c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)

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 Personal University of Self-Development. Universidad personal de autodesarrollo. .


1.   ...


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, 07 2020 . 04:29 +

To all the coronavirus helpers, thank youuV7_jIsZ6YrA2IxiJ9WkIqRAvc9NJpU_PkAOR5RybJd-XovpP8Y4sgSI9p1HhBf7nURUBmRdQGGjPNstFhA-7P_ApDEERSffoR-wUO9mFog (120x100)8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)

Personal comments on my writings. Comentarios personales sobre mis escritos.




02-10 (700x377, 76Kb)

 Personal University of Self-Development. Universidad personal de autodesarrollo. .


62.— , , — , — .

62. "Oh, Vera, tenías razón", pensó Vasily con tristeza, no me hice feliz con tu desgracia.

63. . – . , , .

63. Y estaba bien contigo. Relajarse en la naturaleza siempre es fácil. Y durmieron en una tienda de campaña y en un automóvil, y fueron a pescar.

Polyglot 83/Personal comments on my writings.
Polyglot 83/Personal University of Self-Development
Polyglot 83/Polyglot Correspondence
Polyglot 83/Humor 83...
Polyglot 83/ Spanish
Live Human Communication


Polyglot 83.Israel Hayom Newsletter in English May 5, 2020.Israel isolates coronavirus antibody in 'significant breakthrough'

, 05 2020 . 18:10 +




Israel Hayom Newsletter in English • May 5, 2020

If you cannot see this email properly, please click here
Newsletter Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Israel isolates coronavirus antibody in 'significant breakthrough'
“Monoclonal neutralizing antibody” developed at Israel Institute for Biological Research “can neutralize [the disease-causing coronavirus] inside carriers’ bodies,” Defense Minister Naftali Bennett says, calling the step a “significant breakthrough.”
Polyglot 83/Humor 83...
Polyglot 83/Israel Hayom Newsletter in English
Health & Lifestyle > Health


Polyglot 83.What's the Difference? . 3. Despacio y con calma aprende español.

, 05 2020 . 07:52 +

To all the coronavirus helpers, thank youuV7_jIsZ6YrA2IxiJ9WkIqRAvc9NJpU_PkAOR5RybJd-XovpP8Y4sgSI9p1HhBf7nURUBmRdQGGjPNstFhA-7P_ApDEERSffoR-wUO9mFog (120x100)8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)

Personal comments on my writings. Comentarios personales sobre mis escritos.

 Personal University of Self-Development. Universidad personal de autodesarrollo. .What's the Difference?

1.    23  ..1. Hoy es el 23º día de la vida.

2.5 , ,   .Tuesday. 2.5 de mayo, martes, tercer día de los judíos. Martes.

3.     . 3. Despacio y con calma aprende español.

4.  "Time".4. Todos los días leemos "Tiempo".

Polyglot 83/Humor 83...
Polyglot 83/ Spanish
Polyglot 83/English
Polyglot 83.http://www.megapolis.org/forum/search
Live Human Communication

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