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Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).LiveJournal. ?

, 22 2021 . 17:40 +

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Personal University of Self-Development
     Polyglot Correspondence



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Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 4:32 PM
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Polyglot 83/Personal University of Self-Development
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Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)
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Metargem 83.. , :

, 18 2021 . 16:32 +

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Personal University of Self-Development
     Polyglot Correspondence


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07 2021


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قارن شويغو تنظيم زيارة بوتين لسوريا بفيلم مليء بالإثارة تحدث فلاديمير بوتين عن زيارته إلى دمشق السورية منتصف الشتاء الماضي.
وفقا للرئيس الروسي ، حتى ذلك الحين أصبح واضحا ذلك أن عاصمة الجمهورية العربية السورية تعود إلى الحياة السلمية.
وأضاف رئيس الاتحاد الروسي أن الناس في المدينة كانوا ودودين للغاية ، الأمر الذي جذب الانتباه.
في الوقت نفسه ، فإن تنظيم زيارة بوتين مشابه للتوتر مع إثارة جيدة ، قال وزير الدفاع سيرجي شويغو بدوره.




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Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)
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Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09.Why is the United States called the only superpower? Top 33 facts

, 09 2021 . 11:26 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development

1.Satusday, , 272 ( 83 ). 

2. ,

.. , .. !

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 Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)
     USA .

Why is the United States called the only superpower? Top 33 facts

Category:   Social and political life in America

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In 2016, Vladimir Putin named the United States of America as the world's only superpower. A couple of months later his words were repeated verbatim by the Minister of Defense of Finland. In February 2020, Alexander Lukashenko, following the results of the first visit of the Secretary of State to Minsk in a quarter of a century and the resumption of ambassadorial relations, called America "The Leading Power" and "The Greatest Empire", literally.

What is the United States and what is its significance? A few numbers and facts to help you understand this.

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Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09. ? -33

, 09 2021 . 11:12 +

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Metargem 83. . , !

, 03 2021 . 14:24 +





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Metargem 83.Weike beholder.Awesome.Can a chimpanzee be turned into a human, and if so, how?

, 30 2020 . 18:15 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development



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   1. , ,
16 2020  
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1970- .
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1.Can a chimpanzee be turned into a human, and if so, how
16 October 2020
 The chimpanzee's genome differs from that of humans by only 1.23%.
Sheer nonsense in terms of numbers, but a huge difference
if you put two species side by side.
But what if we neutralize this difference and teach primacy
to all the intricacies of human life,
like using toilet paper or driving a car?
After all, we have a common relative!
Scientists say that things are not so simple, and here's why. 
It is one thing to make a chimpanzee learn a hundred or two simple words,
it is quite another to explain to her how the human world works.
"Give me an orange let me eat an orange I eat an orange let me eat an orange give me you." 
This is the longest line written in English by the chimpanzee Nim Chimpsky,
who was raised as a human in the 1970s by scientists and managed to teach sign language. 
The primate was part of Project Nime,
an experiment conducted by scientists at Columbia University to find out
if chimpanzees can learn human language.

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Metargem 83.Wie endete die Geschichte der "Adoption" eines syrischen Flüchtlings für eine deutsche Familie?

, 21 2020 . 18:43 +

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 Personal comments on my writings.  

 Personal University of Self-Development :1.


1.Wie endete die Geschichte

der "Adoption" eines syrischen Flüchtlings für eine deutsche Familie?


«» .

1. كيف انتهت قصة

"تبني" لاجئ سوري لعائلة ألمانية؟

2. Lass uns lachen? 4 Tage .
  Auf dem Kanal hatte ich bereits ein paar wählerische Notizen
wie schwierig es für die Europäer ist, nebeneinander zu existieren
mit Hunderttausenden von Flüchtlingen aus allen "Hot Spots" unserer
immenser Planet.

2.? 4 .


« »


2. دعونا نضحك؟ 4 أيام .
  لقد تلقيت بالفعل على القناة بضع ملاحظات من الصعب إرضاءها
ما مدى صعوبة التعايش جنبًا إلى جنب مع الأوروبيين
مع مئات الآلاف من اللاجئين من جميع "النقاط الساخنة" لدينا
كوكب ضخم.

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Metargem 83. Alexander from 4Brain. Self-knowledge..

, 15 2020 . 13:53 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development
New stream

Almost everyone is concerned about the topic of finding their own destination. There are many ways and tips to help you understand this issue better.

You can get a comprehensive approach to the topic of self-determination on the online program " Self-knowledge ". And today we propose to perform two exercises: they will allow you to plunge into the depths of your life experience:


Identify what you like / dislike to do?

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.13 things you need to become a habit to improve your vision in no time

, 04 2020 . 12:56 +


To all the coronavirus helpers, thank you

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Persönliche Kommentare zu meinen Schriften.
Personal University of Self-Development.

Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklung .

1. The basis of our forum is the Russian language. 2. Almost every of our Lectures has, in fact, personally written comments. 3.We study the Lectures by clicking on the right side of the mouse, we get Translate English. 4. We have many friends who are sent to us by scientists Lectures in Russian. 5. The English text of the Lectures we are small parts, periods, commas ... 6. In our opinion, short sentences contained fewer words and more thoughts. 7.Today 4 October 2020, Sunday, 175 Day of Life (83), Yom Rishon, Sunday. 8. Real friends, we only consider those with whom we have friendly correspondence, or communication, by email, skype.9.We are the translators of smart Lectures from smart people. 10. Here we call ourselves - Metargem 83 (in Hebrew this old translator 83). 11. We are also Polyglots who are interested in learning different languages. 12.At 83, we are very active, we start learning languages ​​by learning verbs. 13. We have many plans, but we are unlikely to fulfill them. 


   « »
13 ,    ,



13 things you need to become a habit

to improve your vision in no time

September 27, 2020

Remember how in childhood we were all terribly afraid of ophthalmologists

and tried to memorize this strange table with letters by heart?

Years go by , fear of doctors is not, but vision deteriorates significantly.

And if you are unable to give up hours of sitting at the computer

and falling asleep in an embrace with a smartphone (no one even counts),

then at least take these tips into service.

They will help improve your eyesight in a matter of weeks.


1) eat blueberries for breakfast


An antioxidant berry for good vision.

An antioxidant berry for good vision.

In frozen form, in the form of jam, preserves, with yogurt -

whatever you like.

This berry is loaded with antioxidants and,

according to ophthalmological studies,

when consumed regularly,

reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration,

which often provokes blindness in adulthood.

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, 30 2020 . 04:21 +

Iron content in vegetables and fruits


  Fe level mg / 100 g Product Fe level mg / 100 g Product Fe level mg / 100 g Product Fe level mg / 100 g
Dried apples fifteen Peaches 4.1 Beet 1.4 Banana 0.6
Dried pear thirteen Spinach 3.3 Cucumber 0.9 Cranberry 0.6
Prunes thirteen Raisins 3 Pumpkin 0.8 Lemon 0.6
Dried apricots 12 Apricots 2.6 Carrot 0.8 Orange 0,4
Dried apricots 11.7 Apples 2.5 Garnet 0.78 Mandarin 0,4
Rosehip eleven Pear 2,3 Strawberry 0.7 Zucchini 0,4
Blueberry 8 Plum 2.1 Rhubarb 0.6 Lingonberry 0,4
Dogwood 4.1 Black currant 2.1 Salad 0.6 A pineapple 0.3
Gooseberry 1.6 Grapes 0.6

Iron content in legumes

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Metargem 83.2014 thinker. The myth of the "disenfranchised" collective farmer under Stalin

, 26 2020 . 11:11 +



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 Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklun

תמיד בתכנית!

The myth of the "disenfranchised" collective farmer under Stalin

01 August 2020

It took me a long time to choose in what vein to publish another, in my opinion, an interesting document  -  in the light of the comments of readers who believe that collective farmers in Stalin's time were so powerless that they could not even get out of their village, where they were "driven by Stalin" and as evidence citing the lack of passports or in the light of the news that our media and Zen itself have been discussing for several weeks.

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM! Stubborn belly control strategy.

, 26 2020 . 10:45 +


Metargem 83.From  Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!

Stubborn belly control strategy.


, 26 2020 . 00:51  +

, 26 2020 . 00:11


To all the coronavirus helpers, thank you

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Stubborn belly control strategy

19 September 2020

The benefits of fat loss are not only aesthetic.

Abdominal fat or visceral fat deposits around internal organ

s often provoke inflammation,

which in turn can damage arteries and cause liver disease,

which also interferes with the breakdown of sugar and fat in the body.



Chronic inflammation caused by the accumulation of visceral fat

is responsible for many diseases associated with metabolic syndrome.

This is why excess fat around the waist is directly linked to type 2 diabetes,

heart disease, strokes, and other life-threatening illnesses.


Stubborn belly control strategy




Fighting a saggy belly involves getting rid of excess fat in general.

The key to this is your diet.

But be careful - too strict a diet promotes fat accumulation

and forces the body to keep it in the form of reserves "for a rainy day."

Instead of fasting, follow these tips.

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, 25 2020 . 21:02 +

METARGEM 83. _54 (!) . . ! 120 !


, 31 2020 . 15:57  +

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Profile Aelita_54Aelita 54

Happy birthday greetings in your own words - I will return.rfuV7_jIsZ6YrA2IxiJ9WkIqRAvc9NJpU_PkAOR5RybJd-XovpP8Y4sgSI9p1HhBf7nURUBmRdQGGjPNstFhA-7P_ApDEERSffoR-wUO9mFog (120xDERSffoR-wUO9mFogTo all the coronavirus helpers, thank you


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Personal University of Self-Development. Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklung.


There are real legends and anecdotes about some architectural implementations in the construction of apartment buildings of the Soviet era.

After all, many of us still cannot understand why they still made a window from the bathroom to the kitchen, why the doors must open inside the apartment, for which they came up with a niche under the window in the kitchen, and for the proletariat they laid a real parquet floor? Why exactly this way, and not otherwise, and is there any logic in such unusual construction norms?

1. Why did they make a window between the bathroom and the kitchen in the Khrushchevs?



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Metargem 83. !

, 24 2020 . 02:18 +


, 24 2020 . 07:40
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Metargem 83.Necessary information.SIMPLE AND TASTY BUCKWHEAT DISHES(E-R,1-4)

, 24 2020 . 10:36 +

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   Personal comments on my writings. 
     Personal University of Self-Development 

1.Necessary information.

2.  17 2020, , 159 ,
,   (ה )

  3. - .    . 

4.      א   ב   ג  ד  ה  ו   ש    . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  .

5.    , ! 

6.  2 .

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8. .



Tuesday, September 22, 2020 2:41 pm

, 22 2020 . 13:41 

Buckwheat is a boring,

– ,

but healthy cereal,


to which most are skeptical,


referring to the fact


that milk porridge and soup are already in the liver,


and children do not particularly like it,

sighing with displeasure over a plate.

, .

And if you belong to the category

of those people


who are tired of banal buckwheat

just because they do not know

, ,

how and with what to cook and serve it,


then these recipes are especially for you.


Simple and tasty buckwheat dishes

1. Buckwheat in a thermos



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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!

, 17 2020 . 08:39 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development 

1. 17 2020. 159 (83).. . Thursday.

2. 15 2020 , 15 , 3 , 9   . 

3. 15 2020   ..

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.5 natural remedies to help preserve eyesight.

, 16 2020 . 04:25 +


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5 תרופות טבעיות שיעזרו לשמר את הראייה.

1.5 natural remedies to help preserve eyesight.

11 בספטמבר 2020
2.11 September 2020
ההזדקנות היא בלתי נמנעת, ואיתה החזון שלנו מתדרדר.
3.Aging is inevitable, and with it our vision deteriorates. 
יתר על כן, כיום קשה מאוד לצעירים לשמור על ראייתם ברמה הנכונה,
4.Moreover, today it is very difficult for young people to maintain their eyesight at the proper level,
מכיוון שאורח חייו של אדם מודרני משפיע לרעה על יכולתנו לראות. 
5.because the lifestyle of a modern person negatively affects our ability to see
העיניים נתונות במתח אדיר כל יום,
6.The eyes are under tremendous stress every day,
והכל בגלל טלוויזיות, טלפונים, טאבלטים ומכשירים אלקטרוניים אחרים
7.and all because of televisions, phones, tablets and other electronic devices
שאיתנו חיינו קשורים בנתק.
8.with which our life is inextricably linked.
אבל, אפילו שהגנו על עצמנו מטלוויזיה וטכנולוגיית מחשב,
9.But, even having protected ourselves from television and computer technology,
לא נחזיר חזון מושלם,
10. we will not regain perfect vision, 
אך זאת מכיוון שלתזונה נכונה יש השפעה מרכזית על בריאות העיניים.
11. but this is because proper nutrition has a key effect on eye health.
בעזרתו, באמת ניתן לעצור את תהליך הידרדרות הראייה,
12. With its help, it is really possible to stop the process of deteriorating vision,
ובמקרים מסוימים אף משפרים את תפקוד הראייה.
13.and in some cases even improve visual function.
במאמר זה נראה לכם 5 תרופות טבעיות שיעזרו לכם לשמור על בריאות העיניים.

14.In this article, we'll show you 5 natural remedies to help keep your eyes healthy.

5 علاجات طبيعية للمساعدة في الحفاظ على البصر.
11 سبتمبر 2020
الشيخوخة أمر لا مفر منه ، ومعها تتدهور رؤيتنا.
علاوة على ذلك ، من الصعب جدًا اليوم على الشباب الحفاظ على بصرهم عند المستوى المناسب ،
لأن نمط حياة الشخص العصري يؤثر سلبًا على قدرتنا على الرؤية. 
العيون تتعرض لضغط هائل كل يوم ،
وكل ذلك بسبب أجهزة التلفزيون والهواتف والأجهزة اللوحية والأجهزة الإلكترونية الأخرى
التي ترتبط بها حياتنا ارتباطًا وثيقًا.
ولكن ، حتى بعد حماية أنفسنا من التلفاز وتكنولوجيا الكمبيوتر ،
لن نستعيد الرؤية الكاملة ،
ولكن هذا لأن التغذية السليمة لها تأثير رئيسي على صحة العين.
بمساعدتها ، من الممكن حقًا إيقاف عملية تدهور الرؤية ،
وفي بعض الحالات يحسن الوظيفة البصرية.

في هذه المقالة ، سنعرض لك 5 علاجات طبيعية للمساعدة في الحفاظ على صحة عينيك. 

1.5 , .
2.11 2020
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5. . 
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13. .
14. 5 ,
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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!Common nutritional myths.(R-E-G)

, 15 2020 . 14:17 +

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM! (R-H)

, 15 2020 . 13:41 +

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 Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklun

תמיד בתכנית!

החימום בבית הוא דרך מהירה לשיפור בריאותכם

26 באוגוסט 2020
26 2020
1. איך לטמפר כמו שצריך בבית? זו שאלה קשה למי שרגיל לדירות חמות נעימות, סוודרים וז'קטים. מצד אחד, מדוע בכלל יש צורך להתקשות? כדי לקרר את עצמכם במיוחד, בדקו חסינות לחוזק, מייסרים את הגוף, מורידים שוב ושוב את הטמפרטורה? מצד שני, התבוננו בחיות הרחוב. רמת החיים שלהם אינה הטובה ביותר, אך הם אינם יודעים מהי הצטננות או ברונכיט. עכשיו הסתכל על עצמך שוב - אדם גדול ועוצמתי, כובש טבע, לא מותאם אפילו לתנאי החדר שלו. טיוטה קטנה - נזלת, קצת קרה - טמפרטורה. איכשהו זה יוצא רע.

1. ? , , . , ? , , , ? — . , , . — , , . — , — . -

אם נמאס לכם לתת את כספכם לרופאים, והקופאית בבית המרקחת כבר יודעת את שמכם, אתם מודאגים באופן סביר מהעתיד של ילד או אדם אהוב מבוגר, הגיע הזמן לשנות את המצב ולקחת בריאות לידיים. אנו נראה לך איך!
, , , . !
2. ההשפעה של חשיפה מבוקרת לקור על גוף האדם

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, 15 2020 . 10:37 +




7 نصائح ذهبية من الطبيب العبقري نيكولاي أموسوف


11 سبتمبر 2020
11 2020
إيلينا الناظر
1. إن الطبيب العبقري
نيكولاي أموسوف
معروف على نطاق واسع في بلادنا وخارج حدودها ،
كجراح من الله ،
أجرى خلال حياته المهنية الطويلة
آلاف عمليات القلب وأنقذ آلاف الأرواح.
هو الذي أصبح مؤلف التقنيات المبتكرة
في جراحة القلب ومؤسس المعهد الوطني لجراحة القلب
والأوعية الدموية ،
والذي يجري اليوم أكثر من 5 آلاف عملية جراحية سنويًا.

- ,

5 .

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM! 156 (83) 83 ...19. ...

, 15 2020 . 07:50 +



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1. , !2. .3. .4. .5. . 6. .7. (), , , , , .8. .9.     .10. , ...11. , ..12. 83 .. .. .. ..13. :7 .14. 35 .15. 7 .16. , . 17. 2003 (), , . 18. 156 (83) 83 ...19. ...20. Google Translate , Google , , , ..

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM! 35 : (H-R)

, 14 2020 . 14:53 +

  • אישה אחרי גיל 35: אילו הרגלים הגיע הזמן "לגדול"

    35 : «»

    11 בספטמבר 2020
    11 2020
  • כמעט כל הנשים לא רוצות להזדקן
  • ולכן הן מנסות בכל הכוח להאריך את הנעורים.
  • ,
  • .
  • הם לובשים חולצות טי
  • עם מיקי מאוס ומנסים לשמור על ספונטניות ילדותית, אבל זה לא תמיד מייצר הרמוניה.
  • ,
    אישה אחרי גיל 35 צריכה לעשות מאמצים נוספים
  • כדי להרגיש צעירה, נמרצת ויפה.
  • 35 ,

    , .

  • אילו הרגלים של נשים מפרים את ההרמוניה הרוחנית שלהם?
  • מאיזו התנהגות הגיע הזמן "לגדול" עד גיל 35?

«» 35 ?

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!Separate meals for weight loss: food compatibility and recipes

, 13 2020 . 03:46 +

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Separate meals for weight loss: food compatibility and recipes


11 September 2020

One of the weight loss systems is separate meals. 

How many centuries mankind has existed, so many opinions about such a principle in food.

However, more and more people are using it.

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!The most effective dumbbell exercises for men

, 13 2020 . 03:07 +

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[url] https://www.kleo.ru/items/zdorovie/uprazhneniya-s-gantelyami-dlya-muzhchin.shtml [/ url]


The most effective dumbbell exercises for men

  • Important digression
  • Workout 1: Back and Chest (1 week)
    • 1A Back Press
    • 1B Bent over row with hammer grip
    • 2A Dumbbell Dips
    • 2B Breeding the projectile to the sides in an inclination
    • 3A - Push-ups with wide arms
    • 3B - Row of the projectile in the lying position
  • Workout 2: Hands 

Men today dream of pumped up muscles, broad shoulders, massive breasts, large biceps and triceps, and a relief press. However, due to the constant busyness, there is not enough time to go to the gym.

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, 13 2020 . 02:13 +


2020 Election

President Trump Questions Integrity of Upcoming Election at Nevada Campaign Rally

President Donald Trump speaks at a rally at Minden-Tahoe Airport in Minden, Nev. Sept. 12, 2020.
President Donald Trump speaks at a rally at Minden-Tahoe Airport in Minden, Nev. Sept. 12, 2020.
Andrew Harnik—AP
SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 10:19 AM EDT

(MINDEN, Nev.) — Kicking off a Western swing, President Donald Trump barreled into Nevada for the weekend, looking to expand his path to victory while unleashing a torrent of unsubstantiated claims that Democrats were trying to steal the election.

Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/USA .
Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/TRUMP. USA
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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!10 , (H-A-R)

, 13 2020 . 14:02 +

uV7_jIsZ6YrA2IxiJ9WkIqRAvc9NJpU_PkAOR5RybJd-XovpP8Y4sgSI9p1HhBf7nURUBmRdQGGjPNstFhA-7P_ApDEERSffoR-wUO9mFog (120xDERSffoR-wUO9mFogTo all the coronavirus helpers, thank you


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Personal University of Self-Development.

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1.154 . 60 .

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(  83) .

תמיד בתכנית!

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  • Ed!
       « !»
    10  ,
10 מאכלים בריאים לעלות במשקל מהר
10 أطعمة صحية لزيادة الوزن بسرعة
11 בספטמבר 2020
11 سبتمبر 2020
11 2020
אם אתה רוצה להשמין, אתה יכול רק לקנא!
إذا كنت ترغب في زيادة الوزن ،
فلا يمكن إلا أن تحسد! 


לפחות, זו דעתם של מי שמשמין אפילו בגלל ממתק אחד שאכל.
حتى بسبب تناول قطعة حلوى واحدة.  على الأقل ،
هذا هو رأي أولئك الذين يصابون بالسمنة

, , - . 

עם זאת, אין כל כך מעט אנשים שחולמים לתקן את דמותם ולהפוך אותה למעוגלת יותר.
ومع ذلك ، لا يوجد عدد قليل جدًا من الأشخاص الذين يحلمون بتصحيح شخصياتهم وجعلها أكثر تقريبًا. 
, , ,
הרבה יותר קשה להם "לגדל" את הקילוגרמים החסרים מאשר לאדם שמאכיל היטב לרדת במשקל.
يصعب عليهم "زيادة" الكيلوجرامات المفقودة أكثر من فقدان الوزن الذي يتغذى عليه الشخص الذي يتغذى جيدًا.

«» ,


התאמות תזונתיות מוכשרות יהפכו את תהליך העלייה במשקל למהיר ויעיל,
ותוצאותיו הרמוניות ויפות.
التعديلات الغذائية المختصة ستجعل عملية زيادة الوزن سريعة وفعالة ،
ونتائجها متناغمة وجميلة. 


— .

מה יש לעשות?
ما الذي يجب عمله


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Metargem 83.Alina Semukha(USA). .(R-G)

, 12 2020 . 19:38 +


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Personal University of Self-Development.

Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklun

1. 13 2020. .Sunday.


2.  154  .

3. 83 .

4.13-30 2020 .

5.      , .

6.   , .

7. .

8. , .

תמיד בתכנית!

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1. Heiliger am Klavier



2. Charlie Chaplin sagte, dass er nur drei Genies kenne:


2. ,

Einstein, Churchill und sie - die Pianistin Clara Haskil. 

, – .

Sie litt unter Tumoren und Skoliose

und überlebte auf wundersame Weise den Holocaust.

, ,

Sie spielte Bach und Mozart, so dass alle in Tränen ausbrachen. 

  , .

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM! 2 !

, 12 2020 . 18:57 +







Part 2 Lectures about our hearts!



It is important to note that excessive physical exertion, which is observed during professional sports, leads to an increase in the muscle mass of the heart - myocardial hypertrophy. In this case, the heart needs an increased blood supply, which cannot keep up with the increased needs, which leads to the development of a relative lack of oxygen supply. Therefore, it is very important not to overdo it with exercise. 

Maintaining a healthy weight

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is very important to your health. Being overweight increases your risk of heart disease, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, gallstones, arthritis, certain cancers, and even lung problems.

To lose weight successfully, you need to adopt a new lifestyle. This means eating a healthy diet, being physically active and giving up bad habits.

There are people for whom simple lifestyle modifications do not help them lose weight. For such patients, medication (sibutramine, orlistat) or surgical treatment is possible.

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!How to keep your heart healthy

, 12 2020 . 18:42 +
875 -7 0%

How to keep your heart healthy

07 September 2020

The heart is one of the most hardworking and vital muscles in the body. Weakening of the heart muscle can lead to the development of congestive heart failure, fatigue, edema, fluid retention in the lungs, and irregular heart rhythms.

Fortunately, you can improve your heart condition by following the fairly simple tips below.





The need to keep your heart healthy

You may think that heart disease happens to other people, but not to you. I feel great, you think, so I have nothing to worry about. Women believe that gender will protect them from diseases of the cardiovascular system; men think they are not old enough to have serious heart disease.

These opinions are completely wrong. According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for more than 30% of all cases.

The risk of heart disease begins to rise significantly in men after the age of 45, and in women after the age of 55. 50% of men and 64% of women who suddenly died of heart disease had no previous symptoms of the disease.

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY. (R-G)

, 12 2020 . 12:22 +

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Personal University of Self-Development.

Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklun


1. Der erste Teil von Dr. Elenas Vortrag
wir haben ins spanische übersetzt.
2. Die Vorlesung über längeren Schlaf sollte ergänzt werden
  Zusammenstellung eines russisch-spanischen Wörterbuchs.
    - . 
3.Wir sind vor der Übersetzung des Textes der Vorlesung aus dem Russischen,
wir brechen den russischen Text in Sätze,
durch Punkte und Kommas.
3. ,
4. Es gibt nur wenige Worte, aber viele Gedanken.
4. ,  .
5. Um zu lesen, müssen Sie zuerst den russischen Text lesen.
und dann auf Deutsch wechseln (oder andere).
5.     ,
  .( ). 
6. An Tag 153 gehen Fremdwörter nicht so leicht in den Kopf.
6. 153     .
7. Vom 13. bis 19. September werden wir die Vorträge übersetzen
  vom Russischen ins Hebräische und Arabische.
7. 13 19  
8. Hier ist der russische Text der Vorlesung,
der für die Übersetzung durch Google Translate vorbereitet wurde

ins Deutsche.

8. Google Translate  .

Beitrag hinzufügen

5. die negativen Auswirkungen
eines längeren Schlafes


1. Herzprobleme
Wenn Sie lange schlafen,
beginnt das Herz zu leiden.
Tatsache ist,
dass sich die Blutgefäße im Schlaf erweitern
und der Blutfluss verlangsamt.
was bedeutet,
dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Blutverdickung
und der Bildung von Gerinnseln zunimmt,
was zu Blutgerinnseln werden kann.


Daher ist
längerer Schlaf einer der Faktoren, die
was eine Person zu einem Schlaganfall oder Herzinfarkt führen kann.
Darüber hinaus
führten Wissenschaftler der University of Massachusetts
eine Studie durch



was bestätigte, dass längerer Schlaf zu einer frühen Sterblichkeit führt.
, .


Je mehr ein Mensch schläft, desto früher riskiert er zu sterben.

, , , .

In dieser Hinsicht beträgt die ideale Schlafzeit 7 Stunden pro Tag. [Mehr]

7 .

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, 12 2020 . 08:20 +
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Metargem 83. :

, 11 2020 . 10:44 +

To all the coronavirus helpers, thank you

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Personal University of Self-Development.

Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklun

1. .2.     ...Putin President New Russia(7/5/18) 

     TRUMP. USA 
תמיד בתכנית!
Wo er war und was er trank:
Die Polizei stellte die Chronologie der Ereignisse mit Navalny wieder her
Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/USA .
Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/TRUMP. USA
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Metargem83.DIE WELT.Deutscher Politiker: Nicht Putin steht hinter der Vergiftung von Navalny, sondern die Gegner von Nord Stream 2

, 11 2020 . 09:04 +

uV7_jIsZ6YrA2IxiJ9WkIqRAvc9NJpU_PkAOR5RybJd-XovpP8Y4sgSI9p1HhBf7nURUBmRdQGGjPNstFhA-7P_ApDEERSffoR-wUO9mFog (120xDERSffoR-wUO9mFogTo all the coronavirus helpers, thank you


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Persönliche Kommentare zu meinen Schriften.
Personal University of Self-Development.

Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklun

1. ...

2. Putin President New Russia(7/5/18) 

     TRUMP. USA 
תמיד בתכנית
6. September 2020 DIE WELT Original
Deutscher Politiker: Nicht Putin steht hinter der Vergiftung von Navalny, sondern die Gegner von Nord Stream 2

: , « — 2»

Das Material wird in der Nacherzählung von InoTV vorgestellt
Das Mitglied der Linkspartei, Gregor Gizi, warnte vor voreiligen Anschuldigungen gegen den Kreml und seinen Chef Wladimir Putin im Falle einer Vergiftung durch Navalny, berichtet Die Welt.
, Die Welt.
Ihm zufolge ist die Version, die der russische Präsident dahinter steckt, "absurd".
, , , «». 
Es könnte ein "verstörter Einzelgänger von den Sonderdiensten" oder plausibler ein Gegner von Nord Stream 2 sein, glaubt der deutsche Politiker.
  « » — — « — 2», .
Deutscher Politiker: Nicht Putin steht hinter der Vergiftung von Navalny, sondern die Gegner von Nord Stream 2

: , « — 2»

 :      ,      2
Nach der Nachricht, dass der russische Blogger Alexei Navalny vergiftet worden sei, haben viele deutsche Politiker Moskau scharf kritisiert, schreibt Die Welt.
, , , Die Welt.
Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/TRUMP. USA
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Metargem 83.From Miroslava beholder. , (R-E-H)

, 09 2020 . 10:56 +

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Personal University of Self-Development.

Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklun


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5. 150 ,
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885 -11







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Healthcare and antibiotics


Since organic products and, in particular, meat, must be at least 95% organic, no synthetic additives and antibiotics are introduced into animal feed. This means that such a food product can hardly be contaminated with antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

, , , 95% , . , , .

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Metargem 83.From Miroslava beholder. , (R-E-H)

, 08 2020 . 07:26 +

, 08 2020 . 04:25

uV7_jIsZ6YrA2IxiJ9WkIqRAvc9NJpU_PkAOR5RybJd-XovpP8Y4sgSI9p1HhBf7nURUBmRdQGGjPNstFhA-7P_ApDEERSffoR-wUO9mFog (120xDERSffoR-wUO9mFogTo all the coronavirus helpers, thank you


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Persönliche Kommentare zu meinen Schriften.
Personal University of Self-Development.

Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklun

תמיד בתכנית!
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Google Translate, . 
4. , .
5. 150 ,
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885 -11







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Metargem 83. lira lara . !

, 07 2020 . 07:51 +

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1. 148        lira lara  ,   .2.   . 3.         , 120  . 4. . 5. . . .



The man who felt
the wind of change, builds not a shield from the wind, but a windmill.
  Let the wind full of warmth accompany your road in the middle of these lines.
Let's get acquainted - Lara, 

If the people of the Wind

אם אנשי הרוח



learn to restrain

ללמוד לרסן

your "inner

שלך "פנימי

hurricane ", they will be able,

הוריקן ", הם יוכלו,

like a light breeze

כמו רוח קלה

on a warm summer day

ביום קיץ חם

make our

להפוך את שלנו

wonderful life.

חיים נפלאים.

 (431x489, 31Kb)

The art of small steps

אומנות הצעדים הקטנים

The art of small steps from Saint-Exupery
Each of us has it ... from birth - in the blood,
One step, another - another step to the dream that lies ahead,
How many paths and roads have to go!
אמנות הצעדים הקטנים מסן אקזופרי
לכל אחד מאיתנו יש את זה ... מלידה - בדם,
צעד אחד אחר - צעד נוסף לחלום שעומד לפנינו,
כמה שבילים ודרכים צריכים ללכת!

It’s hard and the shoes rub against the harmfulness of times,
But I prayed that I read, as in armor, it
will help, wherever I am - in any corner of the earth, The
art of small steps from Saint-Exupery!

זה קשה והנעליים מתחככות נגד המזיקות של זמנים,
אבל התפללתי שאקרא את זה, כמו בשריון
יעזור, איפה שאני אהיה - בכל פינה של כדור הארץ,
אמנות מדרגות קטנות מסן אקזופרי!

It will captivate my enemies and turn them into friends,
And all the same to him who you are: an Arab ... or a Jew,
The footsteps cannot be heard, magic traces are not visible, The
arts of small steps from Saint-Exupery!

זה ירתק את אויבי ויהפוך אותם לחברים,
וכל אותו דבר למי שאתה: ערבי ... או יהודי,
לא ניתן לשמוע את צעדיך, עקבות קסם אינם נראים,
אומנויות צעדים קטנים מסנט-אקזופרי!

Resentment is gnawing, melancholy burns and the deception was bitter,
But I'm not alone here now - Antoine with me,
His words and thoughts take off like wings for the soul, The
art of small steps from Saint-Exupery!


הטינה מכרסמת, כוויות נוגות וההונאה הייתה מרה,
אבל אני לא לבד כאן עכשיו - אנטואן איתי,
דבריו ומחשבותיו ממריאים כנפיים לנפש,
אמנות מדרגות קטנות מסן אקזופרי!

Every day, from the top of the day, he bows eternity down,
Funny and kind, like a child, but still it's a Prince!
He waved his hand, rushed off into the distance, not to lead him astray,
Skillfully took the first step with me Exupery ...

כל יום, מראש היום, הוא משתחווה לנצח,
מצחיק ואדיב, כמו ילד, אבל בכל זאת זה נסיך!
הוא נופף בידו, מיהר למרחוק, לא להוליך אותו שולל,
עשתה איתי במיומנות את הצעד הראשון Exupery ...

The day changed and there is no light, the darkness in the night scares,
And I have a treasure that I found, keys from the moon and stars,
Will open the door dawn, crimson from dawn, The
art of small steps from Saint-Exupery!

היום התחלף ואין אור, החושך בלילה מפחיד,
ויש לי אוצר שמצאתי, מפתחות מהירח והכוכבים,
יפתח את שחר הדלת, ארגמן משחר, The
אמנות מדרגות קטנות מסן אקזופרי!

I started! And the soul flies! And my delight is a bet!
Thanks to your lines, our Saint - Ecupery!

אני התחלתי! והנשמה עפה! והשמחתי היא הימור!
בזכות השורות שלך, הקדוש שלנו!
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Metargem 83. From Necessary information.HOW US RESIDENTS DIFFER FROM US.

, 06 2020 . 06:29 +



Saturday, 05 September 2020 12:41 + to the quote pad

What is good for an American, that for a Russian cannot understand ... They don’t give birthday gifts, watch each other and share their problems with psychologists, not friends. What else do we fail to understand in American life? Let's try to figure out why the people of the United States are so unlike us.

How US residents differ from us How US residents differ from us

They move out early from their parents

Most Americans start living independent lives at age 18, after going to university. Some, after graduation, return to their parental home, but in society they still look askance: tradition suggests that living with their parents after 25 years is not normal. However, this trend has recently been shaken. The American research company Pew, after conducting a survey, concluded that the main reason is not even financial problems, but in the rapprochement between parents and older children.

Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/TRUMP. USA
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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM! This workout will help you tone and crush those extra pounds.

, 06 2020 . 06:13 +

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Personal University of Self-Development.

 Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklun

תמיד בתכנית!
   « !»

This workout will help you tone and crush those extra pounds.

03 September 2020

This 30-minute full-body workout routine is designed to help you reach your personal goals,

שגרת אימון גוף של 30 דקות זו נועדה לעזור לך להגיע ליעדים האישיים שלך,

whether it's tone or energy, and build your butt even outside the gym.

בין אם זה טון או אנרגיה, ובנה את התחת שלך גם מחוץ לחדר הכושר.

How it works: Follow all three regimens, with a 30 second break between each to rest and drink water.

איך זה עובד: עקוב אחר שלושת המשטרים, עם הפסקה של 30 שניות בין כל אחד לנוח ולשתות מים.

Repeat this warm-up three times to the end.

חזור על חימום זה שלוש פעמים עד הסוף.

The goal is to clean up a few seconds each time you do a workout.

המטרה היא לנקות כמה שניות בכל פעם שאתה עושה אימון.

You will need: A set of dumbbells and a yoga mat.

תזדקק ל: סט משקולות ומזרן יוגה.




30 Minute Workout

Scheme 1: Legs + Biceps

Stand - legs together, dumbbell in right hand.

Start by lunging forward with your right foot and passing the dumbbell under your right foot to your left hand.

Keep your back straight and make sure your front knee does not pass your front toe during the lunge.

Repeat 8 times on each leg


אימון של 30 דקות
תוכנית 1: רגליים + שרירים
עומדים - רגליים יחד, משקולת ביד ימין.
התחל על ידי קפיצה קדימה ברגל ימין והעברת המשקולת מתחת לרגל ימין לידך השמאלית.
שמור על הגב ישר וודא שהברך הקדמית שלך לא עוברת את הבוהן הקדמית במהלך הזינוק.
חזור על הפעולה 8 פעמים בכל רגל


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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.

, 05 2020 . 15:59 +
, 31 2020 . 19:08

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   « »
  • How to drink honey with water to heal the body

30 August 2020
30 2020
Water with honey on an empty stomach, its benefits and harms have long been the subject of heated discussions among fighters for a healthy lifestyle,
, ,
it is often compared in action with the regular intake of bioactive supplements or vitamin complexes.


Two simple components and so many positive influences.
In this article, we will understand what exactly a simple honey drink is good for healing and how to use it correctly.

, .

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, 05 2020 . 14:26 +


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תמיד בתכנית!

Necessary information



Thursday, 03 September 2020 16:35 + in the quote pad

Behavioral biologist Frans de Waal argues that people tend to judge animals through the prism of their own ideas about intelligence and therefore are often mistaken. For a long time, many scientists agreed with him, because there is no easy way to assess the intellectual level of a dog breed. The problem was solved in 1990 by psychologist Stanley Koren, who conducted a large-scale study of almost all breeds. In the first category, the researcher singled out dogs with excellent learning abilities: they understand commands in less than 5 repetitions, and the command can be executed the first time in 95% of cases.

The smartest dog breeds according to scientists

Australian cattle dog

10th place The Australians specially bred a dog that would be able to handle a large flock of sheep in different conditions. Such a load requires high intelligence: shepherd dogs lend themselves well to training and instantly understand the orders of the owner.

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.Heart-healthy foods.

, 05 2020 . 09:58 +
, 31 2020 . 19:08

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM! .

, 03 2020 . 10:32 +
Wednesday, September 02, 2020 13:16  edit  + in the quote pad

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 Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklun

תמיד בתכנית

How to replace harmful products

30 August 2020

Every year the list of harmful products is regularly updated, which automatically affects human health. Fast food, semi-finished products, sweets and deep-fried dishes ... These products do not count, and the interest in them is incredibly high. And not only on the part of the adult population, but also among children, to whom the parents themselves offer this junk-food.

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Metargem 83.From New Rezume .org.Elderly brain. .

, 02 2020 . 13:09 +

Home » Education » The brain of an elderly person


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 Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklun

תמיד בתכנית!

Elderly brain.




Category:   Education


Professor Monchy Uri from the University of Montreal believes

that the brain of an elderly person chooses the least energy-intensive path,

reducing unnecessary and leaving only the right options

for solving the problem




 A study was conducted in which different age groups took part. 



Young people were confused a lot when passing the tests,

while those over 60 made the right decisions.

, , , 60, .

And the peak of active production of this substance falls on 60-80 years of age.

60–80 .

 They are really rosy.


Of course, the brain is no longer as fast as it was in youth.

, , .

 However, it wins in flexibility. 


That is why, with age, we are more likely to make the right decisions


and are less exposed to negative emotions. 


The peak of human intellectual activity occurs at about 70 years old,

70 ,

when the brain begins to work at full strength.

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.Fat myths that you urgently need to stop believing in

, 30 2020 . 06:33 +

uV7_jIsZ6YrA2IxiJ9WkIqRAvc9NJpU_PkAOR5RybJd-XovpP8Y4sgSI9p1HhBf7nURUBmRdQGGjPNstFhA-7P_ApDEERSffoR-wUO9mFog (120x100To all the coronavirus helpers, thank you


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Fat myths

that you urgently need to stop believing in


2 .EdFur
  , , .  3. , . 4. , , . 5. , . 6. , , , . 

Fat myths

that you urgently need to stop believing in


26 August 2020
26 2020

Every second person who has decided that it is time for him to lose weight

first of all tries to exclude all fats from the diet,

guided only by the fact that fats in food are directly proportional to fat in the body. 

, ,


, . 

This fundamentally wrong misconception leads to the fact

that a person not only deprives himself of refined fats,

but also excludes from the diet all useful sources of fat,

without which our body cannot fully function.





In order not to make these ridiculous mistakes when losing weight,

we suggest that you find out 5 common misconceptions about fats

that you should not believe in.

5 ,


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Metargem 83.From Leonid Zakharin .: ,

, 29 2020 . 09:10 +

10387481_1438295039763076_757574186349463607_n (320x320, 23Kb)

, 28 2020 . 07:10

uV7_jIsZ6YrA2IxiJ9WkIqRAvc9NJpU_PkAOR5RybJd-XovpP8Y4sgSI9p1HhBf7nURUBmRdQGGjPNstFhA-7P_ApDEERSffoR-wUO9mFog (120x100To all the coronavirus helpers, thank you

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Leonid Zakharin

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Personal University of Self-Development. Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklung

: ,


1. .

2. — . , .

3. , .

4. — .

5. — , .

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39- ,

96- , ,




— , —

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Metargem 83.Elena.ALWAYS IN FORM!9 useful habits that prevent you from losing weight(Part 2)

, 28 2020 . 14:31 +

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Want to look young, attractive and slim?

, ? 

 Lose weight with pleasure!

 Perceive a healthy lifestyle as a pleasant process

that "does not take away too much" and "does not advise bad things."


« », « ». 

 Stop driving yourself into a non-existent framework

and sign your own judgment!


 Feel happy!


- What habits contribute to gaining extra pounds?

— ?king2

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Metargem 83.BabaMail.Everything that interests you.Joke: The Professor and the Old Man

, 27 2020 . 14:25 +

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Who's That, Professor?
Who's That, Professor?
1.A middle-aged male professor receives a knock on the door of his office on campus.
2.After fumbling about for a few moments,
he opens the door to find an old man,
3.who greets him with a big smile and says:
4."May I come in? I worked in this very room thirty years ago
when I was a professor at this college.”
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Metargem 83.100 , .( ...)

, 26 2020 . 02:38 +

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61. « .

— .»


62. .


63. , .

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Polyglot 83.From Elena.1.Dysbakteriose des Darms - Symptome, Behandlung, Tests und Ernährung

, 26 2020 . 14:56 +

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1. !





3. , .

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, ,

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2 - Polyglot 83.From Cilia_Fur.SYMBOL OF DEMOCRATES.Symbol der Demokraten.S&#237;mbolo de los dem&#243;cratas
9 - Metargem 83.Google.Fighting insomnia .. (86) . 10
10 - Metargem 83.From Elena always in form .5 working ways that really help speed up your metabolism
11 - Polyglot 83.From Elena.1.Dysbakteriose des Darms - Symptome, Behandlung, Tests und Ern&#228;hrung
12 - Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM! : 10 (R-S)
13 - Metargem 83.Diana.Love horoscope for the week of December 21-27. 21-27
14 - Metargem 83.Diana.HOROSCOPE OF THE DAY. Vivid character traits of people born in December

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Polyglot 83. . .

, 26 2020 . 13:45 +

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146865797_22 (300x304, 291Kb)
8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)Personal comments on my writings.

Persönliche Kommentare zu meinen Schriften.
Personal University of Self-Development.Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklung.


1. 26    2020. 136  . 4  . Wednesday.
2. . , .
3. 1941   ,
( , , , .)


Um Ihre Gesundheit zu stärken,
energisch und kräftig zu sein,
ist es nützlich,
die Methoden chinesischer Hundertjähriger anzuwenden.
Sie benötigen keine speziellen Werkzeuge oder Produkte.
  - .
Es reicht aus, Ihren Lebensstil (insbesondere die Qualität des Nachtschlafes)
zu betrachten und das richtige Erwachen am Morgen sicherzustellen.
( , )
Hierfür gibt es spezielle Regeln.

Polyglot 83/Personal comments on my writings.
Polyglot 83/Personal University of Self-Development
Polyglot 83/Polyglot Correspondence
Polyglot 83/Own translations, language learning
Polyglot 83/German
Health & Lifestyle > Health
Live Human Communication

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