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Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.10 foods to help fight fatigue and restore vigor

, 12 2021 . 21:25 +

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10 Lebensmittel gegen Müdigkeit und Wiederherstellung der Vitalität


10 foods to help fight fatigue and restore vigor


07. Februar 2021

But we are not robots and we cannot constantly release "fuel" in the form of an endless flow of energy: stress, fatigue and lack of sleep affect our body in a bad way and overload the brain, contributing to a decrease in the level of concentration we need so much. 

Um deine Energie wieder aufzuladen und Müdigkeit zu beseitigen, bieten wir dir 10 Produkte an, die helfen, die Kraft wiederherzustellen. [Mehr]

To recharge your energy and drive away fatigue, we offer you 10 products that will help to restore vigor.


"Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.":
1 - Metargem 83.Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.10 healthy lifestyle rules that are actually dangerous for people
2 - Metargem 83.Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.5 controversial personality traits according to psychologists
3 - Metargem 83.Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.7 things you shouldn't do if your blood pressure goes up
4 - Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.15 most common causes of household allergies
5 - Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.10 foods to help fight fatigue and restore vigor
6 - Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.7 anti-aging foods - for vegans and more

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Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.15 most common causes of household allergies

, 21 2021 . 14:47 +

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15 most common causes of household allergies

January 18, 2021

Allergies are what causes the human body to develop an immune response

that actually harms it. 

When the body comes into contact with a substance to which a person is allergic,

it perceives this substance as an immediate threat and begins to react. 

Here are some examples of the most common allergies.

1. Peanuts

Allergen: peanuts.

Allergen: peanuts.

Peanut allergies are different from allergies to other nuts because peanuts are not actually a nut,

but a member of the legume family.

Now this type of allergy is spreading rapidly in the US and UK,

but researchers have no idea why this is happening.


"Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.":
1 - Metargem 83.Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.10 healthy lifestyle rules that are actually dangerous for people
2 - Metargem 83.Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.5 controversial personality traits according to psychologists
3 - Metargem 83.Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.7 things you shouldn't do if your blood pressure goes up
4 - Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.15 most common causes of household allergies
5 - Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.10 foods to help fight fatigue and restore vigor
6 - Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.7 anti-aging foods - for vegans and more

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Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09-12. .E .

, 12 2021 . 12:59 +
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Metargem 83.What happens to the body when you eat buckwheat?

, 10 2021 . 17:00 +

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Metargem 83.FOREIGN BLOGS.WeChat (China): drinking a glass of water incorrectly in the morning is like a ticking time bomb and can seriously affect yo

, 10 2021 . 15:38 +

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Glass of water
Drinking a glass of water in the morning after waking up is a good habit,
but if you do not follow a number of rules, you can cause great harm to the body,
warns a WeChat user. Many do not even think about how to drink water correctly,
but in vain, he complains, calling it a "time bomb".

WeChat (China): drinking a glass of water incorrectly in the morning

is like a ticking time bomb and can seriously affect your health   

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Metargem 83.Mandarins: which ones are tastier, how to choose the right ones, are they healthy or not

, 02 2021 . 21:14 +

Mandarins: which ones are tastier, how to choose the right ones, are they healthy or not

And we share the recipe for winter salad with tangerine.

New Year and winter holidays are approaching: during this period it is impossible to imagine a home atmosphere without the aroma of tangerines.

We will tell you about the benefits of tangerines and share a life hack on how to choose a sweet pitted citrus.

Mandarins: useful or not

Tangerines have many health benefits when consumed in limited quantities. The product is recommended to be included in the diet in the absence of chronic pathologies. Otherwise, side effects may appear.

These citrus fruits support the overall vitality of the body and reduce the risk of developing many diseases. Tangerine is more than 80% water, the rest is carbohydrates. The calorie content of the fruit is 40-60 kcal per 100 grams. One tangerine weighs 80 to 150 grams. Considering KBZHU, the fruit is included in the diet even during weight loss. In such cases, it is important to consider the amount and eat up to two a day.


Mandarin contains a large amount of vitamin C: two fruits satisfy the body's daily requirement. It also contains vitamin A, folic acid, vitamins of group B, D, E, PP. From macro- and microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron.

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Metargem 83.Elena.DIETS FROM ALL THE WORLD.How to eat and exercise for women after 50

, 26 2020 . 13:18 +

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How to eat and exercise for women after 50

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Metargem 83.Elena.DIETS FROM ALL THE WORLD. Formula for 100% success in weight loss

, 25 2020 . 04:40 +

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, 25 2020 . 04:16 +

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Protein-rich foods, in principle, have the ability to reduce appetite. In tofu, a substance called isoflavone is responsible for this function - thanks to it, you want to eat less, and the feeling of fullness comes faster. In addition, tofu has relatively few calories, so it will definitely help you lose weight.


mphillips007 / iStockphoto / Getty Images

And any other food that's high in omega-3 fatty acids. These acids increase the level of leptin in the body, a hormone that suppresses hunger. Therefore, salmon and tuna fish are recommended in all fitness recipes. Let's reveal a secret: omega-3 fatty acids are also abundant in ordinary herring and some other products - look for the list HERE.


Getty Images

Are you surprised? Yes, we are once again talking about the benefits of real whole oatmeal. It is digested so slowly that the next time you feel hungry comes a few hours later. This cereal has the ability to suppress the action of ghrelin, the hunger hormone. Unless, of course, you sprinkle the porridge with a fair amount of sugar. And again, we are talking about oatmeal, and not about instant cereals.

Leafy vegetables

Getty Images

Whether white cabbage or trendy Swiss chard and rucola, they all have the same magical effect, suppressing appetite. In addition, they contain a lot of calcium, vitamin C, but very few calories. So green salad is a versatile dish that is extremely beneficial.

Skimmed milk

pong-photo9 / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images

A glass of skim milk a day can help reduce unhealthy food cravings during PMS. So it is useful to introduce such a snack into the diet about a week and a half before menstruation: it has been proven that skim milk helps to give up sweet and simple carbohydrates. However, drinking it at any other time is also not forbidden. But it's better to go for whole dairy products.

And also

  • Get More Protein  - Protein -rich foods can help you stay fuller longer and eat less in your next meal.
  • More fiber  - it fills the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness for a long time. Look for fiber-rich foods HERE.
  • Plenty of water  - Drink a glass of water half an hour before meals, this will help you to get better on less food than usual.
  • Avoid liquid diets  - however, liquid meals and smoothies do not saturate as well as regular foods.
  • Take  small plates  and  large forks  - reducing the size of the dishes will help you to reduce the portions of food without any problems. In terms of forks: Studies have shown that those who eat with the large forks eat 10 percent less than those who prefer the small forks.
  • Get enough sleep  - the less you sleep, the more you eat during the day. Not getting enough sleep can increase your appetite by 25 percent.
  • Don't be nervous  - stress raises cortisol levels, which can increase your cravings for food, especially unhealthy and sugary foods. 
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Metargem 83.Elena.DIETS FROM ALL THE WORLD.Mouth Lock: 17 Foods That Suppress Appetite

, 24 2020 . 03:47 +

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Add post Mouth Lock: 17 Foods That Suppress Appetite
12 December 2020

Sometimes it happens that you constantly want to chew something. This state is especially familiar to girls during PMS. Is it possible to somehow curb the raging appetite? It turns out you can. And with the help of food.

“I just had lunch, and I want to eat again, it sucks in my stomach,” a colleague complains. And who of us is not familiar with this feeling? It seems that you eat the right food, and the portions are sufficient, but all the time you want to chew something else ...

Getty Images

Women in this regard are particularly unlucky: the feeling of hunger is strongly influenced by hormones that jump depending on the cycle time. In PMS, it is especially difficult to cope with excessive appetite. But there are ways to cope with hunger, if you slightly change your diet - add foods that suppress appetite to it.

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Metargem 83.Elena.DIETS FROM ALL THE WORLD.I want to lose weight! And for what?

, 24 2020 . 18:56 +

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Marketing Standard: Thin is beautiful

09 December 2020

I want to lose weight! And for what?

Why do women give up lunch and dinner - for health, fashion, under the influence of marketing or fleeing their insecurities?

Questions were answered by Svetlana Bronnikova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Clinical Psychologist at the Breburg Eating Disorders Clinic (Netherlands) and Head of the IntuEat Center for Intuitive Eating and Eating Disorders (Moscow)

Marketing Standard: Thin is beautiful

How does "I want to lose weight" translate?

When a girl or woman says, “I want to lose weight,” it can mean anything.

For example, “I want to improve my health,” “I want to finally be loved”, “I want to be more popular with my peers” (if it's a teenage girl), or “I want to be accepted in society” (if this is a woman).

Or maybe it means “I hope that with the help of losing weight I find it easier to find a new job” or “I want to lose weight in order to become more confident in myself, because now I am not sure of myself, I am ashamed to go out to people, I I feel constrained at any party. " And when a person comes to a specialist with the request "I want to lose weight", the specialist's further task is always to pull out this true request, to find out what the problem is.

Perhaps this problem needs to be solved not by a weight loss specialist, but by a psychologist or psychoanalyst.

In our culture, under "I want to lose weight" hides a certain number of absolutely unquestionable and at the same time not having a serious scientific justification of clichés. Let's take a look at them!

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Metargem 83.Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.7 "harmful" foods that are actually healthy

, 23 2020 . 21:17 +
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7 "harmful" foods that are actually healthy
04 December 2020

Today, only the lazy is not talking about healthy eating. Largely due to the fact that a healthy lifestyle is a wonderful topic for all kinds of speculation. At times, the fighters for it even reach the point of absurdity. That is harmful, it is harmful, then do not eat, do not take it in your mouth. 

Listening to all this, there is already a desire to ask: what to eat in general? Salad, I suppose, and even without mayonnaise ?! The irony is that most things are good in moderation. Therefore, many "harmful" foods may actually be useful.

1. Lard


Lard is even very useful.  | Photo: don24.ru.


Lard is even very useful.

Salo is strength, sport is a grave. Lard is by no means as harmful as many are trying to portray. And the point here is not at all that for many Slavic peoples, lard is a national product. The fact is that in terms of saturation with fatty acids, it is on a par with red caviar. If you eat lard every day, then the allowable rate is 30 grams (and 10 grams for losing weight). But in reality you can eat more, because you are not eating actual lard every day, just like you are not eating caviar with spoons.

2. Potatoes


You just need to cook.  | Photo: goodfon.ru.


You just need to cook. 

Potatoes can indeed be the source of serious problems and troubles. But not boiled potatoes. You can safely eat it at least every day, if you do not exceed the daily intake of this product in 100 grams. The main advantage of this root vegetable is that it is a source of fast carbohydrates. They, in turn, improve heart function and reduce vascular edema. It is recommended to eat potatoes without salt.

3. Chocolate


If a little bit, it's not scary.  | Photo: zastavki.com.


If a little bit, it's not scary.

Real chocolate can be very healthy. This product contains a large number of antioxidants that help to strengthen the human immune system. Of course, do not forget that chocolate is a high-calorie product. For this reason, the daily intake of this product should not exceed 20 grams.

4. Butter


Very helpful, actually.  | Photo: all-dieta.ru.


Very helpful, actually. 

Butter is a real storehouse of useful elements, vitamins, acids and minerals necessary for the body to function properly. Unfortunately, along with all this, butter has a frightening calorie content. It contains 700 kcal per 100 grams! Therefore, a useful daily rate of this product is considered to be an indicator of 30 grams.

5. Pasta


They are not so scary.  | Photo: hozyain.by.


They are not so scary.

A wheat product retains most of its fiber, as well as a huge amount of vitamin B. All of the above has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, pasta is also a very high-calorie product, which can cause a person to gain excess weight. To prevent this, you should consume no more than 50 grams of this product per day.

6. Coffee


No more than two cups a day.  | Photo: wallbox.ru.


No more than two cups a day.

Coffee is one of the best suppliers of amino acids to the body, which improve blood circulation and skin elasticity. Coffee can also increase your resistance to stress. At the same time, in large portions, this drink seriously increases blood pressure and can block the absorption of calcium by the body. You should limit yourself to 2 cups of a resinous drink per day - no more.

7. Mayonnaise


You need to eat in moderation.   Photo: noteru.com.


You need to eat in moderation.

Mayonnaise is really very harmful. However, if the proportion of fatty foods per day has not yet been fully consumed, then the niche can be filled with 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise. The main advantage of this product is that it is the best source of lecithin useful for blood vessels and the human nervous system.

A source

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Metargem 83.Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.Golden rules to help you shine with health.(2)

, 23 2020 . 21:00 +

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Choose natural products


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Eat bio-grown foods whenever possible. Yes, natural products are more expensive and have a much shorter shelf life, however, these products are not loaded with pesticides and preservatives, and you can be sure that for your money you will get much more valuable nutrients. Organically grown meat and other foods not only contain significantly more essential nutrients than intensively produced foods, but also ten thousand times more minor nutrients that are equally important to health.

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Metargem 83.Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.Golden rules to help you shine with health

, 23 2020 . 20:47 +
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Golden rules to help you shine with health

16 December 2020

From TV screens and on the Internet, we very often hear advice about maintaining health, which supposedly will help us stay active and cheerful until old age. True, in fact, many of these advice contradict each other, leaving people in confusion and not understanding who to believe after all.

Some sources shout about the benefits of coffee and dry red wine, while others warn us against their use. In order to understand once and for all what is useful and what is not, we suggest that you study 18 rules that have been tested by time and therefore are the most effective.

Determine your metabolic type

health rules, what to do to be healthy, how to become healthy

Many of you have probably wondered about the possibility of becoming vegetarians and whether it should be done for ethical reasons. But, it turns out, the point is different - perhaps your body is completely not designed for a vegetarian diet. One way to find out is to find out your type of metabolism. For one part of people, a diet rich in proteins is suitable, the main component of which is meat, while for others, carbohydrates are more desirable.

If the type of metabolism of a person corresponds to a diet based on proteins, then these nutrients will affect him in a completely different way than on a person whose desirable basis of the diet should be carbohydrates. In other words, meat, which one person condemns, is not at all bad for another. Find out your metabolic type and find out which foods are right for you.

Don't buy semi-finished products

health rules, what to do to be healthy, how to become healthy

The law is simple - don't eat what is far from Mother Nature. Ignore foods that for some unknown reason turned from brown to white, became frozen, although they should be fresh, as well as foods filled with preservatives, flavors, artificial colors and other synthetic substances. Simply put, if a product has been recycled, don't buy it!

Have rich breakfasts

health rules, what to do to be healthy, how to become healthy

Breakfast is without a doubt the most important meal of the day. If you eat a heavy meal in the morning, and your dinner is not too rich, then you will generally eat less throughout the day, which means it will be easier to get rid of excess weight, and also make sure that it does not appear in the future. What is the best breakfast? One of the healthiest ways to start the day is by making oatmeal! Oats contain unique substances that can lower high cholesterol levels and prevent other risk factors that cause heart disease.

Get enough vitamin D

health rules, what to do to be healthy, how to become healthy

Only recently have scientists begun to understand how important vitamin D plays in maintaining health. Its richest source, naturally, is the sun. Unfortunately, we are so terrified by the news of skin cancer that most people are severely deficient in this vitamin.

In the summer, you need to stay in the sun every day for at least 15 minutes. This is a small enough period of time not to get burned. In addition, include foods rich in vitamin D in your diet, such as fresh milk, eggs, yoghurts, and fatty fish. These foods are especially valuable in the winter for people in the northern hemisphere, where the sun is too weak to provide the person with the necessary amount of vitamin D.

Drink filtered water


health rules, what to do to be healthy, how to become healthy


Everyone knows that you need to drink a lot of water every day. In fact, people still speculate about what the desired amount of fluid should be. While scientists are arguing, it is worth listening to your body - it will tell you in advance when and how much water you need to drink.

Use a good water filter to separate all unwanted chemicals, heavy metals and parasites from your drinking water. It is not for nothing that fears have recently been expressed that the reservoirs contain a whole cocktail of chemical medicines ...
Another possibility is to drink mineral water. Preferably from a glass bottle, as toxins are released from plastic packaging.

Maintain a balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids

health rules, what to do to be healthy, how to become healthy

The correct ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids in the body is just as important as the acid-base balance. Polyunsaturated fats are very important as they are involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins. These substances delay inflammation and affect the immune system.

In the Western diet, both of these acids are in the wrong ratio. The average is 1 in 20 in favor of Omega-6. The ideal number would be 1 in 4. This number shows how many processed foods we eat each day. Most Omega-6s are found in vegetable oils, salad dressings, and margarine, while Omega-3s are found in flaxseeds, cod liver and fresh fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and herring. The golden rule is simple: Increase the amount of omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic, eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic acids) and reduce your intake of omega-6 fatty acids (linoleic and arachidonic acids).

Use medicines with caution


health rules, what to do to be healthy, how to become healthy


Prescription medications can help early in the disease by relieving pain and discomfort. However, let's not kid ourselves - they only work for a short time. The approach should be different - you need to try to find out the cause of a certain disease.

For 25 years, scientists have been looking for a miracle cure that could cure everything, but it has not been found to this day. Medicines do not cure, they only make life more bearable, however, when they are used in our body, a chemical chain reaction is formed, which creates many side effects.

The pharmaceutical industry claims that drugs can hit certain receptors in the body with laser precision, but in fact, identical receptors are found in other body systems, and because of this, the effects of drugs become unpredictable.
There are situations in which orthodox medicine is truly irreplaceable. If you've been injured, suffered from heart attacks, or a stroke, then Western medicine has no alternative.

Set aside 7 hours of sleep


health rules, what to do to be healthy, how to become healthy


Sleep at night is vital to your wellness. How many hours should you sleep? Scientists answer - 7 hours. One study found that people who sleep less than 5 hours and more than 8 hours have a much higher risk of becoming overweight. Men who sleep more or less than 7 hours have an increased risk of lung cancer. Among women, the lowest risk of death is characteristic of those who sleep 6-7 hours - no more and no less.

In truth, not everyone can fall asleep easily. If this can be said about you, then the tips below can help make a difference!
• Eat light meals for dinner and do not eat before bed. Drink coffee no later than two in the afternoon.
• Before going to bed, do not watch TV - turn it off at least an hour before bed. Better read a book, preferably a philosophical or spiritual one.
• Listen to soothing music, such as muted classical music or nature music, which has a hypnotic effect.
• Try to calm your mind through meditation. Scientists have found that meditation works best when repeated throughout the day.
• Make sure that your bedroom is completely dark at night.

Choose natural products


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Metargem 83.Elena.DIETS FROM ALL THE WORLD.Switching to proper nutrition in 19 days

, 23 2020 . 20:26 +

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Switching to proper nutrition in 19 days
20 December 2020
  • Day one  is the easiest! 

Buy new dishes or, if you have one, eat exclusively from them!

Second day.
We eat 3 times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Do not skip any of the meals. You can have snacks, just not with sandwiches, but with fruits, vegetables, kefir or low-fat cottage cheese. Breakfast must be no later than 10 am, lunch no later than 2 pm, and dinner no later than 7 pm.
3 additional rules of the day:

We drink at least 1.5 liters of water. Moreover, drink a glass of boiled water on an empty stomach. Preferably with lemon juice, unless, of course, you have stomach problems. Skip soda.
• Do not eat chips and crackers. As well as other other fast food. Avoid McDonald's and other eateries with pies and pasties.
• Substitute two apples or other fruits for your dessert.


Bumpy flap


Day three.

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, 23 2020 . 19:20 +
Manchmal können Sie es sich leisten, den Tisch zu diversifizieren, indem Sie einfache gekochte Eier durch ein leichtes Omelett ersetzen, das im Ofen oder in einer trockenen Pfanne ohne Pflanzenöl gekocht wird.
Die folgenden Fischarten eignen sich für eine gesunde Ernährung: Seezunge, Pollock, Flussbarsch, Hechtbarsch, Meeräsche, Blauer Wittling. Manchmal kann ein Fischgericht durch Meeresfrüchte ersetzt werden.
Es ist besser, Fleisch, Fisch und Geflügel zu dämpfen und dabei natürliche Salze und Mineralien zu erhalten, wodurch der Geschmack der Gerichte erheblich verbessert wird.
Diätkäse umfassen die folgenden Sorten: Quark Ricotta, Tofu, Feta, Oltermani. Käse ist kategorisch nicht geeignet - dies ist eine fettarme Käsesorte, aber sie hat einen hohen Salzgehalt, was dem Grundprinzip der Ernährung von Hollywoodstars widerspricht.
Heißer und kalter Spinat ist das reichhaltigste Grün an Vitaminen und Spurenelementen. Versuchen Sie daher, ihn nicht durch Analoga zu ersetzen.
Für 18 und 21 Tage
Um sich selbst zu gefallen, versuchen einige begeisterte Menschen, dieses magere Menü für 18 oder sogar 21 Tage auszudehnen. Ein solcher Eifer führt jedoch nicht zu einem erstaunlichen Ergebnis, sondern zu traurigen Konsequenzen:
Das ständige Fehlen von Kohlenhydraten verringert die Fähigkeit des Körpers, normal zu funktionieren, dramatisch. Er kann einfach keine Kraft mehr aufnehmen, was zu Unwohlsein und ständiger Schwäche führt.
Eine Fülle von Proteinen zwingt die inneren Organe dazu, hart zu arbeiten, was zu schweren chronischen Krankheiten führt, meistens zu Nierenversagen.
Überschüssiges Koffein, insbesondere bei leerem Magen, wirkt sich sicherlich auf den Blutdruck aus. Außerdem reizt dieses Getränk die Magenschleimhaut und führt zu Störungen und Stuhlproblemen.
Bei einer Hollywood-Diät überschreitet die tägliche Kalorienaufnahme 600 kcal nicht, was für die normale Funktion des Körpers extrem gering ist. Wenn Sie sich lange Zeit an eine so dürftige Diät halten, besteht eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Sie den Stoffwechsel stören und sich zu Erschöpfung und sogar Magersucht bringen.
Diät beenden
Unabhängig davon, ob Sie ein oder zwei Wochen auf der Hollywood-Diät waren, müssen Sie reibungslos aus der Diät herauskommen, ohne das Verdauungssystem zu überlasten. Beginnen Sie in den ersten sieben Tagen danach, die Diät reibungslos zu ergänzen:
Fügen Sie für den Anfang Frühstück und Nachmittagstee zu Ihren Mahlzeiten hinzu, aus Früchten, bevor Sie ins Bett gehen, können Sie ein Glas Kefir oder Gelee trinken;
nach und nach harte Nudeln, Haferflocken und magere Fleischsuppen einführen;
fügen Sie Gemüsesalat Dressing in Form von Pflanzenöl und Zitronensaft hinzu;
Salz und Gewürze vorsichtig zurückgeben;
Steigern Sie allmählich die körperliche Aktivität.
Der größte Teil des Gewichts geht in den frühen Tagen des Hollywood-Ernährungssystems aufgrund des Salzmangels in der Nahrung, dh aufgrund der Entfernung von Flüssigkeit aus dem Körper, verloren. Denken Sie daran, dass sobald salzige Lebensmittel zu Ihrem Tisch zurückkehren, ein oder zwei Kilogramm mit ihnen zurückkehren. Wenn Sie sich nicht an eine gesunde Ernährung und Bewegung halten, werden Sie die Masse sehr schnell zurückgeben.


Product Recommendations

  1. Sometimes you can afford to diversify the table by replacing simple boiled eggs with a light omelet, cooked in the oven or in a dry frying pan without vegetable oil.
  2. The following types of fish are suitable for a healthy diet: sole, pollock, river perch, pike perch, mullet, blue whiting. Sometimes a fish dish can be replaced with seafood.
  3. It is better to steam meat, fish and poultry, preserving natural salts and minerals in them, which will significantly improve the taste of dishes.
  4. Diet cheeses include the following varieties: curd cheese Ricotta, Tofu, Feta, Oltermani. Cheese is categorically not suitable - this is a low-fat type of cheese, but it has a high salt content, which contradicts the basic principle of the diet of Hollywood stars.
  5. Spinach, both hot and cold, is the richest greens in vitamins and trace elements, so try not to replace it with analogues.

For 18 and 21 days

In an effort to please themselves, some enthusiastic people try to stretch this meager menu for 18 or even 21 days. But such zeal does not lead to an amazing result, but to sad consequences:

  • the constant absence of carbohydrates dramatically reduces the body's ability to function normally, it simply has nowhere to take strength, which leads to malaise and constant weakness;
  • an abundance of proteins forces the internal organs to work hard, which leads to serious chronic diseases, most often to kidney failure;
  • Excess caffeine, especially on an empty stomach, will certainly affect blood pressure, in addition, this drink irritates the stomach lining, leading to upset and problems with stool.

With a Hollywood diet, the daily calorie intake does not exceed 600 kcal, which is extremely small for the normal functioning of the body. If you stick to such a meager diet for a long time, there is a high probability of disrupting the metabolism and bringing yourself to exhaustion and even anorexia.

Exiting the diet

Regardless of whether you lasted a week or two on the Hollywood diet, you need to get out of it smoothly, without overloading the digestive system. During the first seven days after it, begin to smoothly supplement the diet:

  • for starters, add breakfast and afternoon tea to your meals, from fruits, before going to bed you can drink a glass of kefir or jelly;
  • gradually introduce hard pasta, oatmeal, lean meat soups;
  • add dressing in the form of vegetable oil and lemon juice to vegetable salads;
  • return salt and spices carefully;
  • start gradually increasing physical activity.

Most of the weight goes away in the early days of the Hollywood nutritional system due to the lack of salt in food, that is, due to the removal of fluid from the body. Remember that as soon as salty foods return to your table, one or two kilograms will return with them. If you do not stick to a healthy diet and exercise, you will very quickly return the mass back.



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Metargem 83.Elena.DIETS FROM ALL THE WORLD.Hollywood diet: real weight loss

, 23 2020 . 18:22 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development



Hollywood diet: real weight loss

20 December 2020
20. Dezember 2020
     1. Es gibt Zeiten, in denen Übergewicht sehr schnell verloren gehen muss. Glücklicherweise gibt es Techniken, mit denen Sie das gewünschte Ergebnis erzielen können. Lernen Sie die Geheimnisse der Harmonie der Hollywoodstars kennen und verlieren Sie in 2 Wochen bis zu 14 kg!
 1.There are times when excess weight needs to be lost very quickly. Fortunately, there are techniques that help you achieve the desired result. Learn the secrets of the harmony of Hollywood stars and lose up to 14 kg in 2 weeks!
     2. Die Hollywood-Diät konzentriert sich auf schnellen Gewichtsverlust, der nicht immer gesund, aber sehr effektiv ist. Durch eine schlechte Ernährung können Sie in 2 Wochen durchschnittlich 10 bis 14 Kilogramm abnehmen. Dieses Energiesystem wird von den hellsten Hollywoodstars in Fällen verwendet, in denen sie ihren Körper in kurzer Zeit wieder normalisieren müssen, daher der Name "Diet of Hollywood Stars".

    2.The Hollywood Diet focuses on rapid weight loss, which is not always healthy, but very effective. A poor diet allows you to lose an average of 10 to 14 kilograms in 2 weeks. This power system is used by the brightest Hollywood stars in cases when they need to bring their bodies back to normal in a short time, hence the name "Diet of Hollywood Stars".


  3. Die Essenz dieser harten Methode zum Abnehmen beruht auf einer starken Einschränkung der Kohlenhydrataufnahme und einer Verringerung der täglichen Kalorienaufnahme auf 600-800 kcal. Eine solch scharfe Einschränkung kann zu negativen Konsequenzen führen, aber das Gewicht wird schnell verschwinden.     

3. The essence of this tough method of losing weight comes down to a sharp restriction of carbohydrate intake and a decrease in the daily calorie intake to 600-800 kcal. Such a sharp restriction can lead to negative consequences, but the weight will go away quickly.

4. Der einzige Vorteil der Diät ist die Geschwindigkeit des Gewichtsverlusts. Dies ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, um in kurzer Zeit das gewünschte Volumen zu erreichen. Aber man sollte darüber nachdenken, ob sich die vorübergehende Umwandlung solcher Opfer lohnt.

    4. The only advantage of the diet is the speed of weight loss. This is a great way to achieve the desired volume in a short time. But one should think about whether the temporary transformation of such sacrifices is worth it.

after the Hollywood diet
Nachteile und Vorbehalte
Eine stark unterschätzte tägliche Kalorienaufnahme führt schnell zu Leistungseinbußen, Schwindel und schlechter Gesundheit. Versuchen Sie, nicht nervös zu sein, halten Sie Ihren Lebensstil auf ein Minimum und vergessen Sie für eine Weile die körperliche Aktivität.
Eine eintönige und schlechte Speisekarte kann zu Problemen mit den Nieren, den Nebennieren und dem Magen-Darm-Trakt führen. Überwachen Sie Ihren Zustand sorgfältig. Bei Problemen sollten Sie einen Arzt konsultieren.
Die Diät ist für hypertensive Patienten kontraindiziert, da sie eine große Menge an Koffein und Hühnereiern in der Diät enthält, was zu einem erhöhten Blutdruck führen kann.
Alle gesundheitlichen Probleme, das Vorhandensein chronischer Krankheiten wie Diabetes, Nierenversagen, Gastritis, Geschwüre usw. können zu Kontraindikationen für die Ernährung werden. Es wird dringend empfohlen, Ihre Ernährung mit Ihrem Arzt oder Ernährungsberater zu besprechen.
Es ist strengstens verboten, länger als 14 Tage auf dieser Diät zu sitzen. Sie können es nicht mehr als viermal im Jahr verwenden.
Da die Essenz der vorgeschlagenen Diät auf der Zurückweisung von Salz beruht, basiert der Gewichtsverlust darauf, den Körper von überschüssiger Flüssigkeit zu befreien und nicht auf dem Abbau von Fetten. Alle Kilogramm, die mit solchen Schwierigkeiten und Schäden verloren gehen, werden bei der ersten Gelegenheit wieder zurückkehren. In einigen Fällen übersteigt das Gewicht das Original.

Disadvantages and caveats

  1. A severely underestimated daily calorie intake quickly leads to decreased performance, dizziness, and poor health. Try not to be nervous, keep your lifestyle activity to a minimum, and forget about physical activity for a while.
  2. A monotonous and poor menu can lead to problems with the kidneys, adrenal glands, and gastrointestinal tract. Carefully monitor your condition, in case of problems, be sure to consult a doctor.
  3. The diet is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, as it provides a large amount of caffeine and chicken eggs in the diet, which can lead to increased blood pressure.
  4. Any health problems, the presence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, kidney failure, gastritis, ulcers, and so on can become contraindications to the diet. Discussing your diet with your healthcare professional or dietitian is highly recommended.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to sit on this diet for more than 14 days. You can use it no more than four times a year.
  6. Since the essence of the proposed diet is based on the rejection of salt, weight loss is based on ridding the body of excess fluid, and not on the breakdown of fats. All the kilograms lost with such difficulty and harm will return again at the first opportunity. In some cases, the weight will exceed the original.
Da die Diät eine vollständige Ablehnung des Frühstücks vorsieht, wird es den arbeitenden Menschen schwer fallen. Versuchen Sie, während Ihres Urlaubs Gewicht zu verlieren, wenn Sie die Möglichkeit haben, Ihren Zeitplan an Ihre Mahlzeiten anzupassen.
Trinken Sie während Ihrer gesamten Diät regelmäßig sauberes Wasser. Es wird empfohlen, mindestens 2,5 Liter Flüssigkeit pro Tag zu trinken, einschließlich grünem Tee und ungesüßtem natürlichem Kaffee. So helfen Sie dem Körper, Giftstoffe und Giftstoffe zu entfernen.
Dieses Ernährungssystem kann den Körper nicht mit allen notwendigen Spurenelementen und Vitaminen versorgen. Die obligatorische Einnahme allgemeiner Vitaminkomplexe wird empfohlen.
Schützen Sie sich vor Stress und Überlastung beim Abnehmen. Diese Zustände verbrauchen viel Energie, die die Ernährung nicht wieder auffüllen kann. Versuchen Sie, genug Schlaf zu bekommen, sich mehr auszuruhen und an der frischen Luft zu gehen.


Fleisch und Fisch werden am besten frisch und gedämpft gekauft. Solche Lebensmittel werden vom Körper schneller aufgenommen und behalten mehr Vorteile.


  1. Since the diet provides for a complete rejection of breakfast, working people will have a hard time. Try to lose weight during your vacation when you have the opportunity to adjust your schedule to fit your meals.
  2. Drink clean water regularly throughout your diet. It is recommended to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid per day, including green tea and unsweetened natural coffee. So you will help the body to remove toxins and toxins.
  3. This nutritional system cannot provide the body with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. Mandatory intake of general vitamin complexes is recommended.
  4. Protect yourself from stress and overload during weight loss, these states consume a lot of energy, which the diet is not able to replenish. Try to get enough sleep, get more rest, and walk in the fresh air.
  5. Meat and fish are best bought fresh and steamed. Such food is absorbed faster by the body and retains more benefits.
Verbotene Lebensmittel
Die Hollywood-Diät ist streng und unterliegt sehr strengen diätetischen Einschränkungen. Es ist strengstens verboten:
Salz - es neigt dazu, Wasser im Körper zu halten, was bedeutet, dass es den ausdrücklichen Gewichtsverlust stört;
Alkohol - macht Appetit, was zu einem Zusammenbruch eines engen Zeitplans führen kann;
alle frittierten und fetthaltigen Lebensmittel;
die meisten Getreide, Nudeln;
Brot, Back- und Süßwaren, Zucker und andere Arten von Süßungsmitteln;


zuckerhaltige kalorienreiche Früchte wie Bananen

Prohibited foods

The Hollywood diet is strict and has very strict dietary restrictions. It is strictly forbidden to use:

  • salt - it tends to retain water in the body, which means that it will interfere with express weight loss;
  • alcohol - it whets appetite, which can lead to a breakdown from a tight schedule;
  • any fried and fatty foods;
  • most cereals, pasta;
  • bread, bakery and confectionery products, sugar and other types of sweeteners;
  • any canned vegetables;
  • sugary high-calorie fruits like bananas
An jedem Tag
Ein echtes Hollywood-Star-Diätmenü sollte frische Meeresfrüchte und reife saftige Ananas enthalten. In unserer Realität ist es nicht einfach, solche Köstlichkeiten zu bekommen, da Geschäfte selten kürzlich gefangene Austern oder reife exotische Früchte anbieten können, und wenn dies der Fall ist, wird der Preis für solche Lebensmittel Ihre Tasche treffen. Daher haben Ernährungswissenschaftler die Ernährungstabelle für den inländischen Verbraucher angepasst und das Exotische durch verfügbare Produkte ersetzt, die jedoch einen ähnlichen Protein- und Kohlenhydratgehalt aufweisen.


Die Ernährung basiert auf Lebensmitteln mit einem hohen Proteingehalt, der Verbrauch von Kohlenhydraten wird minimiert. Anstelle des Frühstücks wird eine Tasse ungesüßter natürlicher Kaffee angeboten. Wenn Sie einen Blutdruckanstieg bemerken, ist es zulässig, das Getränk durch grünen Tee ohne Zusatzstoffe oder Süßungsmittel zu ersetzen.



On every day

A real Hollywood star diet menu should include fresh seafood and ripe juicy pineapples. In our reality, it is not easy to get such delicacies, since shops can rarely offer recently caught oysters or ripe exotic fruits, and if they do, the price of such food will hit your pocket. So nutritionists have adapted the dietary table for the domestic consumer, replacing the exotic with products available, but similar in protein and carbohydrate content.

The diet is based on foods with a high protein content, the consumption of carbohydrates is minimized. Instead of breakfast, a cup of unsweetened natural coffee is offered. If you begin to notice surges in blood pressure, it is permissible to replace the drink with green tea without additives or sweetener.

Für 7 Tage


Die wöchentliche Version des Menüs ist aufgrund der kurzen Vorlaufzeit nur schonender. Während dieser Zeit können Sie sich mit minimalen Verlusten für den Körper von 5-7 Kilogramm des ursprünglichen Gewichts trennen. Bei Bedarf können Sie Mahlzeiten aus der Diät durch einen ähnlichen Protein- und Kohlenhydratgehalt ersetzen. Denken Sie daran, regelmäßig und viel zu trinken. Und denken Sie daran - kein Frühstück, nur Kaffee oder Tee!

For 7 days

The weekly version of the menu is only gentler due to its short lead-time. During this time, you will be able to part with 5-7 kilograms of the original weight with minimal losses to the body. If necessary, you can replace meals from the diet with similar protein and carbohydrate content. Remember to drink regularly and a lot. And remember - no breakfast, just coffee or tea!

egg and tomato
Mittagessen: ein paar hart gekochte Hühnereier, frische Tomaten, natürlicher ungesüßter Kaffee.
Abendessen: ein hart gekochtes Hühnerei, frischer Salat, Orange oder Grapefruit.
Mittagessen: ein Huhn oder 5 hart gekochte Wachteleier, Grapefruit, natürlicher ungesüßter Kaffee oder grüner Tee.
Abendessen: Mageres Rindfleisch, gedämpft oder gekocht ohne Salz und Gewürze, eine mittelgroße Gurke, schwarzer Kaffee.
Mittagessen: Grünkohl- und Selleriesalat, Grapefruit, natürlicher ungesüßter Kaffee oder grüner Tee.
Abendessen: ein Huhn oder 5 Wachteleier, fettarmer Hüttenkäse, gedünsteter Spinat, eine Tasse Kaffee oder Tee.
Mittagessen: ein Huhn oder 5 hart gekochte Wachteleier, geschmorter Chinakohl, natürlicher ungesüßter Kaffee oder grüner Tee.
Abendessen: gedämpftes Kalbfleisch, gedämpft oder gekocht ohne Salz und Gewürze, eine mittelgroße Tomate, schwarzer Kaffee.
Mittagessen: ein Huhn oder 5 Wachteleier, gedünsteter Sellerie oder Chinakohl, eine Tasse Kaffee oder Tee.
Abendessen: fettarmer gedämpfter Fisch, gedämpft ohne Gewürze und Salz, grüner Salat ohne Dressing, Kaffee oder Tee.
Mittagessen: magere Gemüsesuppe, ein kleines Stück gedämpftes Hühnchen, eine Tasse Kaffee oder Tee.
Abendessen: ein Huhn oder 5 Wachteleier, fettarmer Hüttenkäse, Grapefruit, eine Tasse Kaffee oder Tee.
Mittagessen: fettarmer gedämpfter Fisch, gedämpft ohne Gewürze und Salz, gedünsteter Spinat, Kaffee oder Tee.
Abendessen: ein hart gekochtes Hühnerei, Krautsalat, Orange oder Grapefruit, schwarzer ungesüßter Kaffee oder Tee.
Für 14 Tage
Wenn Sie bereit sind, die obige Menüoption nicht nur eine, sondern zwei Wochen lang am achten Tag durchzuhalten, beginnen Sie die Diät einfach von vorne. Während dieser Zeit können bis zu 14 Kilogramm des ursprünglichen Gewichts verloren gehen. Aber das Frühstück muss noch aufgegeben werden.


  • Lunch: a couple of hard-boiled chicken eggs, fresh tomato, natural unsweetened coffee.
  • Dinner: one hard-boiled chicken egg, fresh lettuce, orange or grapefruit.


  • Lunch: one chicken or 5 hard-boiled quail eggs, grapefruit, natural unsweetened coffee or green tea.
  • Dinner: Lean beef, steamed or boiled without salt and spices, one medium-sized cucumber, black coffee.


  • Lunch: green Chinese cabbage and celery salad, grapefruit, natural unsweetened coffee or green tea.
  • Dinner: one chicken or 5 quail eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, stewed spinach, a cup of coffee or tea.


  • Lunch: one chicken or 5 hard-boiled quail eggs, braised Chinese cabbage, natural unsweetened coffee or green tea.
  • Dinner: steamed veal, steamed or boiled without salt and spices, one medium-sized tomato, black coffee.


  • Lunch: one chicken or 5 quail eggs, stewed celery or Chinese cabbage, a cup of coffee or tea.
  • Dinner: low-fat steamed fish, steamed without spices and salt, green salad without dressing, coffee or tea.


  • Lunch: lean vegetable soup, a small piece of steamed chicken, a cup of coffee or tea.
  • Dinner: one chicken or 5 quail eggs, low fat cottage cheese, grapefruit, a cup of coffee or tea.


  • Lunch: low-fat steamed fish, steamed without spices and salt, stewed spinach, coffee or tea.
  • Dinner: one hard-boiled chicken egg, coleslaw, orange or grapefruit, black unsweetened coffee or tea.

For 14 days

If you are ready to hold out on the above menu option for not one, but two weeks, on the eighth day, just start the diet from the beginning. During this time, up to 14 kilograms of the original weight can go away. But breakfast will still have to be abandoned.

egg and grapefruit
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Metargem 83.17 . .

, 23 2020 . 12:06 +

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     Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklung

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17 Regeln für gesunde Ernährung.
Die Prinzipien der richtigen Ernährung.
Die richtige Ernährung hilft einer Person,
die Effizienz aufrechtzuerhalten,
verschiedene Krankheiten zu vermeiden,
ein normales Gewicht zu halten
und die Lebenserwartung zu erhöhen.
Sie müssen schrittweise auf eine gesunde Ernährung umsteigen,
damit der Körper nicht belastet wird.
In jedem Alter ist es nicht zu spät,
auf eine richtige gesunde Ernährung umzusteigen.
Damit der Körper alle notwendigen Nährstoffe aufnehmen und vollständig aufnehmen kann,
müssen die Grundregeln einer gesunden Ernährung
und die Grundsätze einer richtigen Ernährung beachtet werden.
Wir bieten 17 Regeln und Prinzipien für gesunde Ernährung für jeden Tag:
17 :
1 Regel für gesunde Ernährung
- vielfältige Ernährung:
Die Mahlzeiten sollten nicht nur moderat und regelmäßig sein,
sondern auch abwechslungsreich,
d.h. Produkte pflanzlichen und tierischen Ursprungs enthalten. [Mehr]

— :



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Metargem 83. The perfect breakfast: 9 tips for what to eat or not eat in the morning

, 22 2020 . 19:04 +

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Metargem 83.Elena.DIETS FROM ALL THE WORLD.Top 7 fasting recipes for a perfect figure

, 22 2020 . 19:02 +

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  • Top 7 fasting recipes for a perfect figure
16 December 2020

Why does going to the gym sometimes not help? Why does the weight stand still? Because the body is initially recommended to help from the inside. It's about proper nutrition and cleansing. In the article you will find 7 effective fasting drinks for weight loss. They cleanse, improve metabolism, remove harmful substances and promote the breakdown of fatty deposits. The improvements will be noticeable not only on the scales, but in the overall appearance.

The result is obvious, as they say. Cleansing the inside has an amazing effect on the outside. The condition of the skin, hair and even mood improves.

Drinks work in conjunction with proper nutrition and physical activity (even the lightest - exercise, for example).

Start your day not with coffee, but with a good mood and drinks offered. Then your figure will thank you. 

Top 7 fasting recipes for a perfect figure


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Metargem 83.Elena DIETS FROM ALL THE WORLD. Harmful foods that pretend to be healthy

, 20 2020 . 15:28 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development


Harmful foods that pretend to be healthy

18 November 2020

              We will tell you how to recognize "cheaters" and not allow yourself to be hurt.

Doctors believe that unhealthy diet is paramount to weight gain and chronic disease. It would seem that it is enough to buy "useful", and the problem is solved!

But, unfortunately, marketers sculpt this label on everything, which is why we consider truly unhealthy foods to be healthy. Here are 15 of the most famous "cheaters".



1. Processed "low fat" foods

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!9 dietary mistakes that cause metabolic slowdown

, 17 2020 . 09:19 +
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     Personal University of Self-Development




9 dietary mistakes that cause metabolic slowdown

13 November 2020

The metabolism of each person proceeds in its own way. However, everyone still has a relationship between the speed of this process and getting rid of excess weight. Unfortunately, people who are inclined to try numerous "miraculous" diets on themselves do not always take this circumstance into account and, with the most determined intentions, begin to eat in such a way that artificially inhibit their metabolism instead of speeding it up. 

In addition to quite understandable disappointment, an incorrectly selected nutrition system can cause significant harm to health. In this article, we will look at the most common mistakes associated with such a poor choice.

Fasting is one of the mistakes that slows down the metabolism




Refusal of tea and coffee

These drinks for those wishing to lose weight are associated with "snacks", which are traditionally part of any tea or coffee drinking. In addition, many people prefer tea or coffee with sugar. In fact, baked goods, candies and other sweets (including sugar) contribute to weight gain, while drinks themselves, on the contrary, tend to spur metabolism. It was found that one cup of coffee speeds up metabolism by 5-8%, and a cup of strong tea - by 12%.






Supporters of diets usually explain the complete refusal of food by the need to cleanse the body of toxins. But prolonged fasting leads to two equally harmful consequences. On the one hand, the organs and tissues of the body seem to lose the skill of assimilating nutrients. This is fraught with the development of a deficiency in muscle mass, dehydration, hormonal imbalance and metabolic inhibition. On the other hand, the body perceives the cessation of food intake as force majeure and when leaving the "hungry" diet begins to urgently accumulate energy sources (namely fats) in case of a repeat of the stress just experienced. Both options are fraught not with weight loss, but with weight gain.





Drinking warm water

Our body in any situation should receive a sufficient amount of fluid, and with a diet - even more so. For weight loss, it is best to drink plain water. Everyone knows this, but few people know that the liquid consumed during the day should be predominantly cold. It is in this form that it helps to accelerate metabolism, and warm water is useless in this sense.





Protein limitation

This is one of the most dangerous mistakes a person who dreams of losing weight can make. With a protein deficiency, the work of almost all organs and systems is disrupted, hormonal disruptions occur, the absorption of nutrients stops, and the metabolic rate decreases. In addition, the recovery of muscle tissue, which is almost entirely composed of protein, is inhibited. In practice, this means not only a decrease in working capacity, but also problems with the transfer of physical exertion. And since to speed up the metabolism you need to engage in physical education, swimming, walking in the fresh air, then a diet with a low protein content is contraindicated for losing weight.

When forming a diet, it should be remembered that its protein component should be as diverse as possible. The transition exclusively to proteins contained in plants (nuts, legumes, etc.) can have a bad effect on health: these products do not contain amino acids necessary for a person.





Avoiding carbohydrates

Most diets are based on severely reducing the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet. But you cannot refuse all products containing these substances. Only simple carbohydrates, which are rich in flour and confectionery products, sugar, sweets, preserves, and grapes, slow down the metabolism. Whole grain cereals, special types of bread, pasta made from durum wheat, vegetables and fruits deliver complex carbohydrates to the body, including fiber, without which normal intestinal function is impossible, which means metabolic problems are provided.

Complete rejection of carbohydrates is allowed only for a few days and under the supervision of a doctor. If carbohydrate fasting continues for more than a week, a serious metabolic failure can occur, which subsequently requires long-term treatment.





Avoiding iron-rich foods

Iron is found in foods that are often excluded from the menu due to their high calorie content (for example, legumes, meat, liver). This is not worth doing, because it is this trace element that accelerates metabolic processes in the body. In addition, with iron deficiency, the hematopoietic function is inhibited, which can greatly weaken the body and interfere with active sports, necessary for weight loss.





Limiting the use of dairy foods

A normal metabolism requires enough calcium, and a person gets it to a large extent from dairy products. Limiting their consumption is harmful, but you can give preference to low-fat varieties that have a minimum calorie content without any consequences for the figure.

Avoiding dairy products is another dietary mistake that slows down metabolism




Artificially creating vitamin D deficiency

This vitamin is rich in fatty fish (tuna, salmon), chicken eggs and seafood. Vitamin D deficiency leads to a weakening of the immune system and a decrease in the concentration of calcium in the blood, which, in turn, reduces the metabolic rate. Chronic lack of this substance can lead to the development of Crohn's disease, which manifests itself as an inflammatory process that invades most of the intestine.





Alcohol consumption

Alcoholic drinks are very high in calories. When consumed, the body uses the fast carbohydrates it receives as fuel instead of burning fat stores. And libations are accompanied by uncontrolled consumption of various snacks, which, as a rule, have nothing to do with healthy and low-calorie foods.

So, when drawing up a diet that promotes weight loss, it is necessary to take into account not only the amount and calorie content of foods, but also the effect of the substances they contain on the metabolic rate. In this case, the diet will be more effective and not harmful to health.

YouTube video related to the article:

The metabolism of each person proceeds in its own way. However, everyone still has a relationship between the speed of this process and getting rid of excess weight. Unfortunately, people who are inclined to try numerous "miraculous" diets on themselves do not always take this circumstance into account and, with the most determined intentions, begin to eat in such a way that artificially inhibit their metabolism instead of speeding it up. In addition to quite understandable disappointment, an incorrectly selected nutrition system can cause significant harm to health. In this article, we will look at the most common mistakes associated with such a poor choice.

Fasting is one of the mistakes that slows down the metabolism




Refusal of tea and coffee

These drinks for those wishing to lose weight are associated with "snacks", which are traditionally part of any tea or coffee drinking. In addition, many people prefer tea or coffee with sugar. In fact, baked goods, candies and other sweets (including sugar) contribute to weight gain, while drinks themselves, on the contrary, tend to spur metabolism. It was found that one cup of coffee speeds up metabolism by 5-8%, and a cup of strong tea - by 12%.






Supporters of diets usually explain the complete refusal of food by the need to cleanse the body of toxins. But prolonged fasting leads to two equally harmful consequences. On the one hand, the organs and tissues of the body seem to lose the skill of assimilating nutrients. This is fraught with the development of a deficiency in muscle mass, dehydration, hormonal imbalance and metabolic inhibition. On the other hand, the body perceives the cessation of food intake as force majeure and when leaving the "hungry" diet begins to urgently accumulate energy sources (namely fats) in case of a repeat of the stress just experienced. Both options are fraught not with weight loss, but with weight gain.





Drinking warm water

Our body in any situation should receive a sufficient amount of fluid, and with a diet - even more so. For weight loss, it is best to drink plain water. Everyone knows this, but few people know that the liquid consumed during the day should be predominantly cold. It is in this form that it helps to accelerate metabolism, and warm water is useless in this sense.





Protein limitation

This is one of the most dangerous mistakes a person who dreams of losing weight can make. With a protein deficiency, the work of almost all organs and systems is disrupted, hormonal disruptions occur, the absorption of nutrients stops, and the metabolic rate decreases. In addition, the recovery of muscle tissue, which is almost entirely composed of protein, is inhibited. In practice, this means not only a decrease in working capacity, but also problems with the transfer of physical exertion. And since to speed up the metabolism you need to engage in physical education, swimming, walking in the fresh air, then a diet with a low protein content is contraindicated for losing weight.

When forming a diet, it should be remembered that its protein component should be as diverse as possible. The transition exclusively to proteins contained in plants (nuts, legumes, etc.) can have a bad effect on health: these products do not contain amino acids necessary for a person.





Avoiding carbohydrates

Most diets are based on severely reducing the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet. But you cannot refuse all products containing these substances. Only simple carbohydrates, which are rich in flour and confectionery products, sugar, sweets, preserves, and grapes, slow down the metabolism. Whole grain cereals, special types of bread, pasta made from durum wheat, vegetables and fruits deliver complex carbohydrates to the body, including fiber, without which normal intestinal function is impossible, which means metabolic problems are provided.

Complete rejection of carbohydrates is allowed only for a few days and under the supervision of a doctor. If carbohydrate fasting continues for more than a week, a serious metabolic failure can occur, which subsequently requires long-term treatment.





Avoiding iron-rich foods

Iron is found in foods that are often excluded from the menu due to their high calorie content (for example, legumes, meat, liver). This is not worth doing, because it is this trace element that accelerates metabolic processes in the body. In addition, with iron deficiency, the hematopoietic function is inhibited, which can greatly weaken the body and interfere with active sports, necessary for weight loss.





Limiting the use of dairy foods

A normal metabolism requires enough calcium, and a person gets it to a large extent from dairy products. Limiting their consumption is harmful, but you can give preference to low-fat varieties that have a minimum calorie content without any consequences for the figure.

Avoiding dairy products is another dietary mistake that slows down metabolism




Artificially creating vitamin D deficiency

This vitamin is rich in fatty fish (tuna, salmon), chicken eggs and seafood. Vitamin D deficiency leads to a weakening of the immune system and a decrease in the concentration of calcium in the blood, which, in turn, reduces the metabolic rate. Chronic lack of this substance can lead to the development of Crohn's disease, which manifests itself as an inflammatory process that invades most of the intestine.





Alcohol consumption

Alcoholic drinks are very high in calories. When consumed, the body uses the fast carbohydrates it receives as fuel instead of burning fat stores. And libations are accompanied by uncontrolled consumption of various snacks, which, as a rule, have nothing to do with healthy and low-calorie foods.

So, when drawing up a diet that promotes weight loss, it is necessary to take into account not only the amount and calorie content of foods, but also the effect of the substances they contain on the metabolic rate. In this case, the diet will be more effective and not harmful to health.


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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.The benefits and harms of potato juice

, 14 2020 . 00:18 +

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.The benefits and harms of potato juice

, 14 2020 . 23:25 +




The benefits and harms of potato juice

November 10, 2020

Cooking rules, treatment tactics for various diseases,

possible contraindications and other useful information about potato juice.

Potato juice - benefits, composition and effect on the body

The medicinal properties of juice from this root vegetable

have been revered for a long time,

but the era of scientific research has forced many to look at this simple product

in a completely different way.

If you do not delve into scientific works, but just look at the composition of raw potatoes,

it becomes clear why it is so useful.

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.The benefits and uses of walnut tincture

, 12 2020 . 12:30 +

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   « »

The benefits and uses of walnut tincture

02 November 2020

Walnut is a natural remedy for many diseases. In folk medicine, both ripe and green kernels are used, as well as their peel, leaves and tree bark. An effective folk remedy is a tincture made from walnut partitions (less often from kernels or leaves). This universal remedy relieves problems related to digestion, cardiovascular system and others. And above all, tinctures and other remedies based on walnuts are used to normalize and improve the functioning of the brain.

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM! 40 : (R-H)

, 08 2020 . 08:38 +

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1. 8 2020 ,, ,Sunday, 210 (83) .2. , 40 . 3. , , . 4. .  5. , , ,   .6.   :לשון הרע  לא  מדבר  אלי.7.

8. ( ) ...  

1. היום הוא 8 בנובמבר 2020, יום ראשון, ליהודים יש את היום הראשון בשבוע, יום ראשון ובאופן אישי 210 יום החיים (83). 2. היום קיבלנו מאלנה, איך לרדת במשקל אחרי 40 שנה לנשים. 3. אנו בטוחים שנשים חושבות יותר על יופי ומשקל מאשר על גברים. 4. לכן החלטנו לתרגם מאמר זה לעברית בעזרת עזרה. 5. אולי הצעיר היהודי הזה מירושלים, עם ערימה על הראש, יחד עם קללות ברוסית, שיספרו על העבודה שלנו בתרגום לעברית. 6. הנה המשפט שלי בעברית: לשון הרע לא מדבר אלי. 7.
8. שפה גרועה (לא מדברת) כל כך רע לגבי ההערות שלי ...






40 :

06 2020

40-45 – , . 

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איך לרדת במשקל אחרי 40 שנה לאישה: אוכל ותפריט
06 בנובמבר 2020
לרדת במשקל לאחר 40-45 שנים זו משימה מפרכת, אך ניתנת לביצוע.
בגיל זה, ערכת הקילוגרמים העודפים מתרחשת במהירות, וקשה יותר ויותר לאבד אותם.
אך אל תתייאש מכיוון שליקטנו עבורכם מדריך מפורט שיעזור לכל אישה לרזות בבטחה לאחר 40 שנה ולשמור על התוצאה לאורך זמן.



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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!What products can replace meat: tasty and healthy

, 06 2020 . 23:30 +

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.8 healthiest vegetables in the world that every table should have

, 05 2020 . 09:08 +

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BEAUTY AND HEALTH Add publication


8 healthiest vegetables in the world that every table should have

19 September 2020

Since childhood, all of us have been told that vegetables are healthy

and forced to eat them without explaining why our body needs them.

As they get older, many already voluntarily eat vegetables themselves

(at least, we hope so)

but also still do not know

what their secret is, except that vegetables contain fiber that is useful for the intestines.

We decided to shed light on the benefits of vegetables

and tell you why they should be included in the daily diet.


healthy vegetables, the healthiest vegetables

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY. 7: ,

, 03 2020 . 00:37 +
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7: ,

13 2020

7 - , , .

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Metargem 83.From Miroslava beholder.USEFUL TIPS.10 mistakes in the kitchen that betray an inexperienced cook(R-E)

, 02 2020 . 11:10 +


10 mistakes in the kitchen that betray an inexperienced cook

October 29, 2020

If previously the priority was dishes from cafes and fast foods, now more and more people are trying to eat homemade food. Firstly, it is tasty, secondly - economically, and thirdly - you can be sure that the food is prepared from fresh, high-quality products. 

But even extensive experience in culinary cannot insure against oversights. We offer a selection of the most common and gross mistakes that are made in the kitchen.

Mistake 1: Not sifting flour

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, 29 2020 . 07:41 +

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, 29 2020 . 02:59 +


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11. 200 .

12. 29 2020 . .Thursday. . .

13. 2 ( ) .



 EdFur     Metargem 83                        

METARGEM 83. מאת ELENA תמיד בצורת! מוצרים שאתה צריך לאכול בזמן הנכון


יום חמישי, 29 באוקטובר, 2020 02:59 עריכה + בלוח הצעות המחיר


הערות אישיות על כתבי.

      האוניברסיטה האישית לפיתוח עצמי

1. התיעוד הראשון של ההרצאות יהיה ברוסית

.2. ואז יהיו תרגומים לשפות שונות.

3. אוסף מילונים ..

4. התכתב רק עם מי שאוהב התכתבויות כאלה.

5. בסיס ההתכתבויות הוא רוסית.

6. הטקסט של כל ההרצאות יפורק לחלקים קטנים.

7. אז הכרחי לתרגום לשפות שונות.

8. והבנה טובה יותר של חומר ההרצאה הנקרא.

9. זכרו שההרצאות שחברים שולחים לי

זמין גם בתרגום לאנגלית.

10. עליך ללחוץ על העכבר בצד ימין,

וזה אומר תרגם לאנגלית.

11. אני לא באמת רוצה לתקשר עם קוואקים ביום 200 החיים.

12. היום זה 29 באוקטובר 2020. יום חמישי. יום חמישי. יום חמישי היהודי. יום חמישי.

13. בעוד 2 דקות פונצ'י ואני (הכלב שלי) נשן שוב.

תמיד בפורמט! הוסף פרסום


 אדפור מטארגם 83

ميتارجيم 83- من إيلينا دائمًا على شكل منتجات تحتاج إلى تناولها في الوقت المناسب


الخميس 29 أكتوبر 2020 02:59 ص تحرير + في لوحة الاقتباس


تعليقات شخصية على كتاباتي.

      الجامعة الشخصية لتطوير الذات

1- سيكون أول سجل للمحاضرات باللغة الروسية

.2. وبعد ذلك ستكون هناك ترجمات إلى لغات مختلفة.

3. تجميع القواميس ..

4. تتوافق فقط مع أولئك الذين يحبون مثل هذه المراسلات.

5. أساس المراسلات هو الروسي.

6. سيتم تقسيم نص جميع المحاضرات إلى أجزاء صغيرة.

7. ضروري جدا للترجمة إلى لغات مختلفة.

8. وفهم أفضل لمادة المحاضرة قيد القراءة.

9. تذكر أن المحاضرات التي يرسلها لي الأصدقاء

متوفر أيضًا في الترجمة الإنجليزية.

10- يجب النقر بالماوس على الجانب الأيمن ،

وتقول "ترجمة إلى اللغة الإنجليزية".

11. لا أريد حقًا التواصل مع الدجالين في 200 يوم من الحياة.

12. اليوم هو 29 أكتوبر 2020. الخميس والخميس اليهودي يوم حميشي اليوم الخامس.

13. في غضون دقيقتين ، سنعود أنا وبونتشي (كلبي) إلى النوم مرة أخرى.

دائما في الشكل! أضف منشور


 إدفور ميتارجيم 83

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!,

, 28 2020 . 03:59 +

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11. 200 . 

12. 29 2020 . .Thursday . . .

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25 2020





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Metargem 83.1.Useful products for blood vessels and heart(8-11).1. Nützliche Produkte für Blutgefäße und Herz(8-11)

, 28 2020 . 11:55 +

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, 28 2020 . 11:17 +


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1.Useful products for blood vessels and heart

25 October 2020

A healthy lifestyle that includes proper balanced nutrition, reasonable physical activity, maximum exposure to the fresh air is the key to health so simple and so complex at the same time. Simple, because everything is already in our hands, we just need to reach it with our heads, and right now, from this very second, start a new life. 

It's insanely difficult, because the old life, full of bad habits and useless food, is so attractive and alluring. As F.G. Ranevskaya: "I noticed that if you do not eat bread, sugar, fatty meat, do not drink beer with fish, the face becomes smaller, but sadder."


However, most of us are arranged in such a way that we do not seriously think about such simple things until the danger touches them personally or those closest to them. But it would be much easier to prevent trouble than to save yourself from its sometimes irreversible consequences.

So, products that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels - what are they?

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM! .

, 28 2020 . 11:01 +

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25 2020

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.12 healthiest sweets

, 28 2020 . 04:58 +



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12 healthiest sweets

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12 healthiest s
October 25, 2020

In the fight against excess weight, a person lies in wait for many obstacles and temptations,

the main of which are sweets.

Sweets and chocolates, buns and pastries, cakes and caramel -

these delicacies look so tempting that it is simply impossible to deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying their unchanging taste.

And it seems that this is bad, because sweets are rich in "fast" carbohydrates,

which fill the body with energy and activate the production of serotonin - the "hormone of happiness".

However, according to doctors, the passion for such products threatens those

with a sweet tooth not only with a spoiled figure,

but also with many other troubles, including dental problems,

decreased brain activity, obesity, infertility and reduced life expectancy.

But what if you simply don't have the strength to give up your favorite delicacies?

We need to look for compromises! Among food products,

there are many healthy sweets that do not harm the body and,

at the same time, provide no less pleasure than ice cream or caramel.

Let's get to know them better.


12 healthiest sweets

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Metargem 83.From Elena HEALTH AND BEAUTY.What to eat if you have high blood pressure: 8 life-saving dietary rules

, 28 2020 . 04:07 +

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     Personal University of Self-Development



What to eat if you have high blood pressure:

8 life-saving dietary rules

October 21, 2020

One of the most common diseases of modern man is hypertension -

a disease that manifests itself in high blood pressure.

A person suffering from this disease suffers from headaches,

pain in the region of the heart and they are often pursued by visual impairment and tinnitus.

In such a state, a person is ready to do anything just to get rid of these terrible symptoms.

Naturally, a doctor should treat hypertension,

but you can also help yourself by adhering to these 8 dietary rules.


Limit salt and sugar intake

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!10 foods that every woman must have in their diet

, 27 2020 . 10:56 +

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10 foods that every woman must have in their diet

17 october 2020

Tell me what you eat

and I will tell you who you are.

This is how a well-known aphorism could sound without losing much of its essence.

No, we are not going to play psychics.

But we are ready to argue:

if you constantly eat foods from this list,

you are definitely healthy, active and full of vitality.

Regardless of age.

After all, this is super food!

Diet is an unpleasant word.

We do not recommend it to anyone.

Instead, it is much better and morally easier to develop

a healthy eating style and make it a habit.

For example, for women, in order to stay in good shape

and for the sake of preventing many diseases,

nutritionists recommend adding foods from this list to their diet.

Eat them at least several times a week -

and the figure will be fit and health - strong.


1 peas and legumes

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!The miracle of aloe: truth or fiction.

, 21 2020 . 20:14 +

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1.The miracle of aloe: truth or fiction

2.The word "aloe" evokes a feeling of coolness, bitterness in the mouth and hope for recovery.

3.This is probably why it is so popular

with manufacturers of skin care products.

4.In addition, aloe is extremely popular with the population.

5.It is grown at home, cared for and cherished in order to cut off

a fleshy leaf at a critical moment and drip, smear,

eat or attach its contents to a sore spot.

6.In this article you will find out what the secret of aloe is.

Das Wunder der Aloe: Wahrheit oder Fiktion

Das Wort "Aloe" ruft ein Gefühl der Kühle hervor,

Bitterkeit im Mund und Hoffnung auf Genesung.

Dies ist wahrscheinlich der Grund, warum es so beliebt ist


mit Herstellern von Hautpflegeprodukten.


Darüber hinaus ist Aloe bei der Bevölkerung sehr beliebt.

Es wird zu Hause angebaut, gepflegt und gepflegt, um abzuschneiden

ein fleischiges Blatt in einem kritischen Moment und tropfen, verschmieren,

essen oder befestigen Sie seinen Inhalt an einer wunden Stelle.


In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, was das Geheimnis der Aloe ist.



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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.What is preobesity and how to deal with it

, 20 2020 . 20:37 +

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What is preobesity and how to deal with it

17 october 2020

According to the author. Hello! I am with you again and today

I want to share information about the stage of pre-obesity

- pre-obesity. So, pre-obesity, what is it?

Preobesity  is an intermediate step from normal body

weight to obesity

... Preobesity corresponds to a BMI of 25.0 to 29.9.

I remind you, dear ones, that you can determine your BMI

on my blog every time after reading another article to the end.

If you find these unpleasant values ​​from 25 to 30 in yourself,

then it is not too late to pull yourself together and bring your

weight back to normal - the symptoms of pre-obesity

are not pronounced.


מה זה קדם-אופן ואיך להתמודד עם זה
17 באוקטובר 2020
לדברי המחבר. שלום! אני איתך שוב והיום
אני רוצה לחלוק מידע על שלב טרום ההשמנה
- טרום השמנת יתר. אז, טרום השמנת יתר, מה זה?
טרום השמנת יתר הוא שלב ביניים מגוף רגיל
משקל להשמנה
... Preobesity תואם BMI של 25.0 ל- 29.9.
אני מזכיר לך, יקירי, שתוכל לקבוע את ה- BMI שלך
בבלוג שלי בכל פעם אחרי שקראתי מאמר אחר עד הסוף.
אם אתה מוצא בעצמך את הערכים הלא נעימים האלה בין 25 ל -30,
ואז לא מאוחר להתכנס ולהביא את שלך
משקל חזרה לנורמה - הסימפטומים של טרום השמנת יתר
אינם מבוטאים.
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, 19 2020 . 14:46 +

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הדיאטה הים תיכונית היא דרך קלה לשפר את בריאותכם

حمية البحر الأبيض المتوسط ​​هي طريقة سهلة لتحسين صحتك


יש דיאטות רבות ושונות, אך הרופאים כבר מזמן היו משוכנעים שאחת הטובות ביותר היא הים התיכון. למעשה, זו אפילו לא דיאטה, אלא תזונה מאוזנת. זה מאוד שימושי לבריאות, כמעט אין התוויות נגד. אבל אם אנחנו מדברים על החסרונות, אז אל תסמוך על תוצאה מהירה. משקל עודף ייעלם, אך לאט מאוד, ואם אדם השמין קשה, אז אתה צריך להיות סבלני. אתגר נוסף הוא הימנעות מסוכר. אנחנו כל כך רגילים לזה שקשה יהיה לגמול אותו מיד, עדיף להפחית את מנות הממתקים בהדרגה.

, , – . , . , . , . , , , . – . , , .

هناك العديد من الأنظمة الغذائية المختلفة ، لكن الأطباء مقتنعون منذ فترة طويلة بأن أحد أفضل الأنظمة الغذائية هو نظام البحر الأبيض المتوسط. في الواقع ، هذا ليس حتى نظامًا غذائيًا ، ولكنه نظام غذائي متوازن. إنه مفيد جدًا للصحة ، وليس له موانع عمليًا. لكن إذا تحدثنا عن السلبيات ، فلا تعتمد على نتيجة سريعة. سوف يزول الوزن الزائد ، ولكن ببطء شديد ، وإذا كان الشخص يعاني من السمنة المفرطة ، فعليك التحلي بالصبر. التحدي الآخر هو تجنب السكر. لقد اعتدنا على ذلك لدرجة أنه سيكون من الصعب فطمها على الفور ، فمن الأفضل تقليل أجزاء الحلوة تدريجياً.

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Metargem 83.From Elena DIETS FROM ALL THE WORLD.Food not suitable for breakfast.Essen nicht zum Frühstück geeignet

, 19 2020 . 07:49 +

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Essen nicht zum Frühstück geeignet

Food not suitable for breakfast

29. Juli 2020
July 29, 2020
Die Lebensmittel, die eine Person am Morgen isst

The foods that a person eats in the morning

spielen eine Schlüsselrolle in Bezug auf ihre Gesundheit.
play a key role in terms of their health.
 Was kannst du nicht zum Frühstück essen?

What can't you eat for breakfast?

Laut Ernährungswissenschaftlern gibt es eine Liste von Lebensmitteln
that are prohibited for consumption
die morgens auf nüchternen Magen nicht verzehrt werden dürfen.
 in the morning on an empty stomach.
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Metargem 83.From Miroslava beholder.USEFUL TIPS.Top 10 Reasons for Constant Hunger

, 17 2020 . 10:20 +

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Top 10 Reasons for Constant Hunger

It happens that you have eaten not so long ago, and hunger sneaks up again and inclines you to eat some delicious treat. This can be due to various factors. Perhaps you drink little water, and in fact it is not hunger that overcomes you, but thirst, or perhaps you are a woman at a certain period of the cycle, when hunger seems to be constant. 

In any case, obviously no one wants to go to the hunger, so we suggest you find out 10 reasons for the constant feeling of hunger and effective ways to get rid of it.



An insidious feeling of hunger can easily be confused with ordinary thirst. If you recently ate, but still want a snack, then it's time to remember when you last drank water. Before heading to the kitchen, try drinking a glass of water and waiting a little. If the feeling of hunger subsides, it means that it did not exist.

To avoid such problems, try to observe a competent drinking regime and drink at least 1 liter of water during the day. The easiest way is to train yourself to drink in the morning and half an hour before meals.

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Metargem 83.Elena always in form! Allowed dried fruits for weight loss - how to eat and not get fat

, 16 2020 . 00:46 +

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During a diet, you want sweets especially strongly - the body is in a state of stress, the sources of serotonin, or the hormone of joy, are blocked, carbohydrates are limited. Where to look for material to improve brain performance and how to deal with depression? While some nutritionists insist on strict control of the diet, the second allows themselves to be pampered with marshmallows, marmalade and dried fruits. 

In the latter, although there are countless calories, there are the same amount of vitamins with useful microelements. We find out if dried fruits are acceptable for losing weight, what and in what quantities can be included in the menu without harming the figure.

dried fruits for weight loss

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!HEALTHY EATING 27 Health and Fitness Myths You Must Stop Believing

, 16 2020 . 23:58 +

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27 Health and Fitness Myths You Must Stop Believing

The truth about cardio, calories, and more...
JANUARY 31, 2017
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  • Whenever I start a new health and fitness plan, I'm always bombarded with what's usually unsolicited advice on what I need to do (or not do) in order to be successful. It's overwhelming. We're taught to believe you shouldn't eat before bed, you have to eat after a workout, you need to fuel up on protein and skip the carbs—the list goes on and on. So, it's hard to know if you're really screwed if you don't follow these "rules" or if it's open to interpretation.

While some of these common suggestions and "myths" aren't completely false or meant to be disregarded, many are definitely misunderstood. So, we went to the experts to clarify exactly how these fitness myths can be applied to reaching your health and fitness goals—and which can be ignored altogether! After you check 'em out, don't miss our report on the 24 Things No One Ever Tells You About the Gym!


MYTH: You Need a Pre-Workout or Post-Workout Snack

shirtless protein shake/i1.wp.com/www.eatthis.com/wp-content/uploads/media/images/ext/605416900/shirtless-protein-shake.jpg?resize=500%2C361&ssl=1" target="_blank">https://i1.wp.com/www.eatthis.com/wp-content/uploa...jpg?resize=500%2C361&ssl=1 500w, https://i1.wp.com/www.eatthis.com/wp-content/uploa...jpg?resize=768%2C555&ssl=1 768w, https://i1.wp.com/www.eatthis.com/wp-content/uploa...jpg?resize=256%2C186&ssl=1 256w, https://i1.wp.com/www.eatthis.com/wp-content/uploa...jpg?resize=354%2C256&ssl=1 354w, https://i1.wp.com/www.eatthis.com/wp-content/uploa...jpg?resize=183%2C133&ssl=1 183w, https://i1.wp.com/www.eatthis.com/wp-content/uploa...jpg?resize=177%2C128&ssl=1 177w, https://i1.wp.com/www.eatthis.com/wp-content/uploa...jpg?resize=264%2C192&ssl=1 264w, https://i1.wp.com/www.eatthis.com/wp-content/uploa...jpg?resize=600%2C434&ssl=1 600w" style="box-sizing: border-box; vertical-align: middle; border-style: none; max-width: 100%; height: auto;" />

Depending on how hard or long you're working out, you may not always need the extra calories. "People will do 20 minutes and reward themselves with a caloric protein shake," says Kristin McGee author of Chair Yoga: Sit, Stretch and Strengthen Your Way to a Happier, Healthier You. "But unless you're doing major training or preparing for a marathon, you may not need it. Listen to your body; if you're hungry, have a healthy snack but don't eat before or after a workout just because you think you need to." If you know you definitely need to refuel after a big workout, check out our report, 20 Trainers Reveal What They Eat After a Workout!     

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.Wirksame Produkte, die den Blutdruck bei einer Person mit Bluthochdruck ohne Medikamente senken(R-G)

, 15 2020 . 13:36 +
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EdEdFur    Metargem  83.
Wirksame Produkte,
die den Blutdruck bei einer Person
mit Bluthochdruck ohne Medikamente senken


09. Oktober 2020
09 2020
Wenn Lebensmittel die Komponenten enthalten,
die der Körper benötigt,
gibt es keine großen Sprünge.



Es ist schade,
dass Menschen mit hypertensiver Veranlagung daran gewöhnt sind,
mit dem Problem mit Drogen umzugehen
und das Problem nicht schnell und einfach zu lösen -
mit Lebensmitteln.

, ,



Also fangen wir an!

, !   

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Metargem 83.Miroslava beholder.USEFUL TIPS.USEFUL .The chef knows best: 10 culinary tips for people who are just learning to cook(R-E-G)

, 13 2020 . 18:17 +


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The chef knows best:

10 culinary tips for people

who are just learning to cook

09 October 2020
Spices make the dish tastier, tastier and healthier.  / Photo: sdelai-lestnicu.ru





The chef knows best:

10 culinary tips for people

who are just learning to cook

09 October 2020

1.Spices make the dish tastier, tastier and healthier.  / Photo: sdelai-lestnicu.ru

2.Spices make the dish tastier, tastier and healthier.

3.For a start, you should go to the storeand purchase several options for universal spices.

4.It can be cumin, chili, paprika, oregano, black pepper.

5.The selected seasonings will make the dishmore aromatic, appetizing and healthie

 6.In addition, you can experiment endlessly with spices,creating new interesting flavors.

7.However, do not forget about such a conceptas the compatibility of products.

8.So, turmeric or paprika must be added to a chicken dish,and dried garlic, basil, fennel must be added to fish.

9.Another obvious plus of having spices in the kitchen is their health benefits.

10.They strengthen the immune system,

calm the nervous system,have anti-inflammatory effectsand even help you lose weight.




Der Koch weiß es am besten:

10 kulinarische Tipps für Menschen

die gerade kochen lernen

09. Oktober 2020

1.Gewürze machen das Gericht schmackhafter, schmackhafter und gesünder. / Foto: sdelai-lestnicu.ru

2.Gewürze machen das Gericht schmackhafter, schmackhafter und gesünder.

3.Zunächst sollten Sie in den Laden gehenund kaufen Sie mehrere Optionen für universelle Gewürze.

4.Es kann Kreuzkümmel, Chili, Paprika, Oregano, schwarzer Pfeffer sein.

5.Die ausgewählten Gewürze machen das Gerichtaromatischer, appetitlicher und gesünder.

6.Darüber hinaus können Sie endlos mit Gewürzen experimentieren,neue interessante Aromen schaffen.

7.Vergessen Sie jedoch nicht ein solches Konzeptals die Kompatibilität von Produkten.

8.So muss Kurkuma oder Paprika zu einem Hühnchengericht hinzugefügt werden,und getrockneter Knoblauch, Basilikum, Fenchel müssen zu Fisch hinzugefügt werden.

9.Ein weiteres offensichtliches Plus von Gewürzen in der Küche sind ihre gesundheitlichen Vorteile.

10.Sie stärken das Immunsystem,

das Nervensystem beruhigen,

entzündungshemmende Wirkungen haben

und sogar helfen, Gewicht zu verlieren.


The chef knows best: 10 culinary tips for people who are just learning to cook

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Metargem 83.From Miroslava beholder.USEFUL TIPS.10 anti-aging products.

, 13 2020 . 15:36 +

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Altern ist ein natürlicher Prozess, dem sich alle Menschen unweigerlich gegenübersehen.
Aging is a natural process that all people inevitably face.
Und obwohl Technologien und Erfindungen zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts
And although technologies and inventions at the beginning of the 21st century
sind äußerst innovativ,
Wissenschaftler haben noch keinen Weg gefunden
are extremely innovative,
scientists have not yet found a way through which they can preserve youth and not age.

Many people try to deal with the signs of coming old age

durch die sie die Jugend und nicht das Alter bewahren können.

with sports nutrition, herbs, cosmetics, plastic surgery.

Wenn Sie jünger aussehen und ein schönes Aussehen genießen möchten,
If you want to look younger and enjoy a beautiful appearance,
Finden Sie heraus, welche Produkte Ihnen in dieser Angelegenheit helfen:

find out which products will help you in this matter

NewPix.ru - 10 anti-aging products

1. Indische Stachelbeere (Amla).

1. Indian gooseberry (amla)

Dies ist ein echtes Geschenk der Natur, da seine regelmäßige Anwendung den Alterungsprozess verlangsamt.
This is a real gift of nature, as its regular use slows down the aging process.
Die indische Stachelbeere, bekannt als Amla, enthält viel Vitamin C und viele Antioxidantien.
The Indian gooseberry, known as amla, contains high amounts of vitamin C and many antioxidants.
Sie bekämpfen die freien Radikale, die für das Altern verantwortlich sind.
It is they who fight the free radicals responsible for aging.
Amla unterstützt auch die Immunität, entgiftet und hält den normalen Säuregehalt aufrecht.

 Amla also supports immunity, detoxifies and maintains normal acid levels.

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!Mittagessen für Rapunzel: richtige Ernährung für die Gesundheit der Haare

, 13 2020 . 09:57 +

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EdEdFur   Metargem83

Mittagessen für Rapunzel:

richtige Ernährung für die Gesundheit der Haare
09. Oktober 2020
09 2020
Haben Sie gedacht, dass Haare trocken und stumpf sein können, weil
Was isst du ... falsch?
Eine ausgewogene Ernährung schont Ihr Haar.


Mittagessen für Rapunzel:

richtige Ernährung für die Gesundheit der Haare



wenn teure und beworbene Mittel nicht helfen können.
Was müssen Sie essen, um die Schönheit und Gesundheit Ihrer Haare zu erhalten?
  ,    ?
, ,




1. Linsen


Linsen sind reich an Eiweiß
und reich an Eisen und Folsäure.



Sie verbessern den Sauerstofffluss zur Kopfhaut,
zu den Haarfollikeln,



Dies beschleunigt die Zellregeneration.
Ihr Haar wird genährt und gestärkt!


2. Lachs


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Metargem 83.From Elena IMMER IN FORM ! 7 Tage lang Diät trinken - Abnehmen mit einer Diät ist einfach

, 07 2020 . 16:50 +

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Beitrag hinzufügen
7 Tage lang Diät trinken - Abnehmen mit einer Diät ist einfach

7 —

1.05 Oktober 2020
1.05 2020
2. Abnehmen mit einer flüssigen Diät ist einfach!

2. !

3. Es kann als schnell wirkende Diät eingestuft werden.

3. .

4. Aber unter den Techniken,
die ein schnelles Ergebnis liefern,


es wird als das effektivste und nützlichste angesehen.

4. ,



5. Einhaltung aller diätetischen Anforderungen des Tages
Sie können sich von 1,5 kg Gewicht verabschieden.


1,5 .

6. Und wenn Sie direkt nach der Diät essen,


dann ist die Rückkehr zum vorherigen Gewicht nicht bedroht.

6. ,


Health & Lifestyle > Health/Memory, sight, hearing (409)
Health & Lifestyle > Health/ Food & Drinks (295)
Polyglot 83/Personal comments on my writings.
Polyglot 83/Personal University of Self-Development
Health & Lifestyle > Health/Weight loss as part of health.
Polyglot 83/German
Live Human Communication/Elena always in form !
Metargem 83 - ..

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