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Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.7 anti-aging foods - for vegans and more

, 18 2021 . 10:49 +

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7 anti-aging foods - for vegans and more

11 February 2021

To preserve beauty and youth despite the years is the cherished dream, if not of each of us, then of the beautiful half of humanity - for sure. We admire those who look much younger than their years with admiration, and secretly sigh: how do they do it?

Everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance. These people lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, regularly consuming products that prolong youth. 7 vegan anti-aging foods can help you heal your body and look at least 10 years younger than your biological age.



"Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.":
1 - Metargem 83.Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.10 healthy lifestyle rules that are actually dangerous for people
2 - Metargem 83.Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.5 controversial personality traits according to psychologists
4 - Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.15 most common causes of household allergies
5 - Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.10 foods to help fight fatigue and restore vigor
6 - Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.7 anti-aging foods - for vegans and more

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Metargem 83.Necessary information.TOP 3 HORMONES TO KEEP YOU YOUNG AND HEALTHY

, 13 2021 . 12:57 +

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Tuesday, December 22, 2020 10:04 PM + in the quote pad

Many people underestimate the importance of sleep for the body, or simply have the wrong idea about it. It turns out that it is not how long we sleep that matters, but when exactly we go to sleep. In other words, going to bed at 1:00 and waking up at 9:00 is not good, even though you supposedly slept for the recommended 8 hours. Another important wellness practice is nutrition. This and some other factors affect the state of the three most important hormones for youth and human health. What role they play in our body and how to monitor them, you can find out below.

Top 3 hormones to keep you young and healthy

No matter how trite it may sound, it is sleep that is the key element for maintaining youth and beauty for many years.

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Metargem 83.Chiste: La Agonía De Un Hombre . https://www.todo-mail.com/

, 05 2021 . 01:45 +
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Chiste: Un Hombre Con Mala Suerte





Video Nuestra
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En llamas Tecnología
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Favoritos Inicio >
Entretenimiento >
Divertidos Chiste:
La Agonía De Un Hombre Añadir a Favoritos 
A+ A- 
Enviar a amigos Por: 
1.Jessica Q. R.
Un hombre delgado y pequeño está sentado en la barra de un bar con una cerveza frente a él.
2.En eso llega un hombre musculoso y con cara de rufián al bar, le da un golpe en la espalda al hombre y se bebe su cerveza. 
Playvolume00:00/01:29TruvidfullScreen X
  3.El hombre comienza a llorar.
   4.El musculoso le dice: ¡No llores pequeñín, tan solo es una cerveza!
   5.A lo que el hombre le  responde: 
   6.Me gusta.
Para ti tal vez sea solo una cerveza, pero para mí era lo último que me quedaba.
    7.Hoy mi esposa me dejó, mi cuenta del banco está en ceros,
después llegué al trabajo y me despidieron.
     8.No quería vivir más e intenté suicidarme:
me acosté sobre los rieles del tren,
     9.y el tren cambió la ruta, traté de colgarme y se rompió la cuerda. 
    10.Y para continuar con mi agonía, 
¡tú te has bebido la cerveza a la que le había puesto veneno!
On Fire
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Video Nashi










Chiste: Un Hombre Con Mala Suerte


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Naturaleza y Viajes Arte En llamas TecnologíaEditar Perfil Vistos recientemente Favoritos Inicio > Entretenimiento > Divertidos Chiste: La Agonía De Un Hombre Añadir a Favoritos

A+ A-

Unirse Compartir Enviar a amigos Por:

Jessica Q. R. Un hombre delgado y pequeño está sentado en la barra de un bar con una cerveza frente a él.

En eso llega un hombre musculoso y con cara de rufián al bar, le da un golpe en la espalda al hombre y se bebe su cerveza.

Playvolume00:00/01:29TruvidfullScreen X El hombre comienza a llorar.

El musculoso le dice: ¡No llores pequeñín, tan solo es una cerveza!

A lo que el hombre le  responde: 

Me gusta Para ti tal vez sea solo una cerveza, pero para mí era lo último que me quedaba.

Hoy mi esposa me dejó, mi cuenta del banco está en ceros,

después llegué al trabajo y me despidieron.

No quería vivir más e intenté suicidarme:

me acosté sobre los rieles del tren,

y el tren cambió la ruta, traté de colgarme y se rompió la cuerda.

Y para continuar con mi agonía,

¡tú te has bebido la cerveza a la que le había puesto veneno!


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Metargem 83.Necessary information.FIVE EASY WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR MEMORY

, 03 2021 . 21:32 +

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Tuesday, December 29, 2020 09:17 + in the quote pad

Imagine a situation: someone touches your shoulder and calls you by name. You turn around and see a smile. You have known this man for a long time, but his name has slipped from your memory. If this happens sometimes, it's okay, but if it happens often, it's a reason to think about how to train your memory. After 30 years, the brain starts to work worse, but it can be made to cope better with its duties!

Five easy ways to improve your memory

Remember, do not search on the Internet

The internet can help with the name of an actor that you just can't remember. But these days there is a so-called digital amnesia: you forget information because you rely on gadgets. It's time to stop! When we learn new things and then remember this information, the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex work - and memory improves. But if you rely on a computer, these parts of the brain will begin to work worse over time.

Sleep more

Quality sleep is a guarantee of health, including mental health. But if a night's sleep is not enough for you, there is nothing wrong with lying down for half an hour during the day. This will also help the memory work.

Go in for sports

When you move, blood circulates more actively throughout the body, which means that the brain works better. The blood contains a lot of oxygen and elements useful for the brain. Even a little workout can improve your memory.

Don't get carried away with multitasking

The ability to do multiple things at once is convenient, but not very good for the brain. In fact, he is under stress, which can lead to more mistakes. Just a four-second distraction for a notification on your phone - and the probability of an error triples. That is why scientists recommend putting the phone away while working and not being distracted by it.

Less loneliness

Research has shown that loneliness negatively affects the brain due to stress that may not be realized. This does not mean that you need to move into an apartment with ten neighbors: it is enough to attend group classes and communicate more with people.

Categories:  Facts
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, 26 2020 . 15:08 +




What moments become alarming "bells" for relatives

18 DECEMBER 2020 13:12

One of the most unpleasant  conditions that can be encountered at absolutely any age is dementia. Some people confuse it with complete or partial memory loss, although in fact, ordinary forgetfulness, albeit in a neglected form, has nothing to do with dementia.

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, 18 2020 . 14:53 +

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.How a bacterial infection differs from a viral infection and how to treat it

, 16 2020 . 05:53 +

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.The benefits and harms of potato juice

, 14 2020 . 00:18 +

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Metargem 83.Weike beholder.Folk recipes.How to restore vision by the method of academician Yuri Utekhin

, 31 2020 . 20:28 +

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Folk recipes
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  Metargem 83.

How to restore vision by the method of academician Yuri Utekhin

22 october 2020

Gymnastics "Vigilance", developed by the outstanding

academician Yuri Utekhin,

is an effective way to combat developing myopia and farsightedness.

The technique is based on alternate reading with one eye.

Continuous exercise can help improve vision,

reduce stress on the lens, and even eliminate the need to wear glasses.

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Metargem 83. Alexander from 4Brain.

, 30 2020 . 19:37 +

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More often than not, we perceive conflict as an unambiguous evil. This is really so in the case when we do not know how to manage it and are not aware of the reasons why it arose.

Meanwhile, any conflict is communication. To master the art of competent communication, sign up for the Best Communication Techniques online program .

In this letter, we will share 5 strategies of behavior in conflict situations. This will help you not only get what you want, but will also help the other side achieve the goal.

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Metargem 83.Weike beholder.Awesome.Can a chimpanzee be turned into a human, and if so, how?

, 30 2020 . 18:15 +

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16 2020  
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1.Can a chimpanzee be turned into a human, and if so, how
16 October 2020
 The chimpanzee's genome differs from that of humans by only 1.23%.
Sheer nonsense in terms of numbers, but a huge difference
if you put two species side by side.
But what if we neutralize this difference and teach primacy
to all the intricacies of human life,
like using toilet paper or driving a car?
After all, we have a common relative!
Scientists say that things are not so simple, and here's why. 
It is one thing to make a chimpanzee learn a hundred or two simple words,
it is quite another to explain to her how the human world works.
"Give me an orange let me eat an orange I eat an orange let me eat an orange give me you." 
This is the longest line written in English by the chimpanzee Nim Chimpsky,
who was raised as a human in the 1970s by scientists and managed to teach sign language. 
The primate was part of Project Nime,
an experiment conducted by scientists at Columbia University to find out
if chimpanzees can learn human language.

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, 28 2020 . 11:17 +


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 10:01 am  edit  + in the quote pad

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1.Useful products for blood vessels and heart

25 October 2020

A healthy lifestyle that includes proper balanced nutrition, reasonable physical activity, maximum exposure to the fresh air is the key to health so simple and so complex at the same time. Simple, because everything is already in our hands, we just need to reach it with our heads, and right now, from this very second, start a new life. 

It's insanely difficult, because the old life, full of bad habits and useless food, is so attractive and alluring. As F.G. Ranevskaya: "I noticed that if you do not eat bread, sugar, fatty meat, do not drink beer with fish, the face becomes smaller, but sadder."


However, most of us are arranged in such a way that we do not seriously think about such simple things until the danger touches them personally or those closest to them. But it would be much easier to prevent trouble than to save yourself from its sometimes irreversible consequences.

So, products that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels - what are they?

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Metargem 83. Alexander from 4Brain.6 effective communication techniques

, 27 2020 . 14:58 +
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6 effective communication techniques

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Metargem 83. Alexander from 4Brain." Voice and Speech Development ". TRIZ in Practice .🤓 " Self-knowledge "

, 25 2020 . 13:48 +

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Many people perceive a beautiful voice as a gift or gift.

In fact, you yourself can influence how your speech and voice sound.

Perhaps you already have the prerequisites to sound beautiful and convincing, but have not yet been able to uncover this skill.

You need to be able to handle the voice.

That's why we created a new  free  online course " Voice and Speech Development "

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!

, 23 2020 . 12:53 +

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, 20 2020 . 14:29 +

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I. Atemübungen für das Herz


Und jetzt beschreiben wir detailliert eine Reihe von Atemübungen,
die das Herz stärken und Ihren Körper verjüngen und so das frühe Altern verhindern.

  , .

1. Stehen Sie mit leicht gespreizten Beinen
und geradem Rücken gerade auf.
1. , ,
können Sie zur Durchführung der Übung auf einem Stuhl
mit Rückenlehne sitzen.
Nehmen Sie Ihre rechte Hand zur Seite
Drücken Sie mit der linken Hand auf das linke Nasenloch
und blockieren Sie den Luftstrom.
Ziehen Sie mit dem rechten Nasenloch langsam Luft in die Lunge
und bewegen Sie parallel Ihre rechte Hand zur Nase,
sodass Sie das Nasenloch sofort mit der rechten Hand festklemmen,
sobald Sie einen vollen Atemzug nehmen.
, , 
Bewegen Sie als nächstes Ihre linke Hand zur Seite
und beginnen Sie langsam durch das linke Nasenloch auszuatmen.
In diesem Fall entspricht die Dauer eines Atemzyklus der Herzfrequenz,
wodurch die Ein- und Ausatmungsperioden schrittweise
von vier auf sechzehn Herzschläge erhöht werden,
jedoch erst nach einer geraden Zahl (idealerweise nach
( 2). 
2). Beginnen Sie den nächsten Zyklus in die entgegengesetzte Richtung,
atmen Sie durch das linke Nasenloch ein und durch das rechte aus.
, .
Für diesen Prozess benötigen Sie maximale Konzentration
und das Hören auf Ihren eigenen Körper.
Daher sollte das Turnen in absoluter Stille
und mit geschlossenen Augen durchgeführt werden.
In diesem Fall müssen Sie langsam atmen
und die Arme sollten sich reibungslos bewegen
, ohne die Muskeln zu spannen.
Dieses abwechselnde Ein- und Ausatmen von Luft
sollte wiederholt werden,
bis eine Zufriedenheit auftritt, die auf die Energiesättigung des Körpers hinweist.
2. Bleiben Sie in der Ausgangsposition.
2. .
Machen Sie die Übung schwieriger.
Atme langsam durch das linke Nasenloch ein
, während du das rechte hältst.
Atmen Sie dann nach einem Besitzerwechsel schnell
und kräftig durch das rechte Nasenloch aus.
Nehmen Sie einen Atemzyklus und wiederholen Sie ihn in umgekehrter Reihenfolge (langsam durch das rechte einatmen und schnell durch das linke Nasenloch ausatmen).
, , .
, ( , ).
Hierbei ist es sehr wichtig sicherzustellen, dass der Atemrhythmus nicht in die Irre geht und kein Schwindel und keine Beschwerden auftreten. , , . 
In diesem Fall sollte die Ausführung des Elements gestoppt, beruhigt und neu gestartet werden.
, .
3. Wir führen diese Übung auf die gleiche Weise wie oben beschrieben durch, nur das Ein- und Ausatmen wird schnell, wie bei Sportlern während des Trainings. Atmen Sie schnell durch das offene Nasenloch ein, wechseln Sie dann den Besitzer und atmen Sie auch schnell durch das andere aus. Wir wiederholen die durchgeführten Aktionen in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
3. , , . , . .
4. Als nächstes führen wir dieselbe Übung durch, atmen jedoch schnell mit einem Nasenloch ein und aus (lassen Sie es das linke sein). Nachdem wir eine gleichmäßige Atmung erreicht haben, gehen wir zum anderen Nasenloch und wiederholen die durchgeführten Aktionen.
4. , ( ). , .
5. Atmen Sie langsam und tief ein und aus, genauso durch das rechte Nasenloch, und wiederholen Sie dann den Atemzyklus mit dem linken Nasenloch. In diesem Fall muss der Zyklus zuerst vier, dann sechs, acht und schließlich zehn Herzschlägen entsprechen.
5. , , , . , , , .
6. Jetzt atmen wir gleichzeitig mit zwei Nasenlöchern. Ziehen Sie langsam Luft ein, frieren Sie dann ein und zählen Sie die Hälfte der Zeit, die Sie einatmen. Atme dann auch langsam aus.
6. . , . .
7. Wenn Sie die Luft mit beiden Nasenlöchern langsam einatmen, atmen Sie auch langsam aus. Danach halten Sie den Atem für die Hälfte des Atemzyklus an.
7. , , .
8. Komplizieren Sie nun das Element. Atmen Sie tief ein, halten Sie den Atem an und atmen Sie dann auch langsam aus und halten Sie den Atem wieder an. Versuchen Sie bei Ihrem täglichen Training, die Länge der Zyklen zu verlängern.
8. . , , . .
9. Drücken Sie Ihre Lippen mit einem "Schlauch" zusammen, ziehen Sie die Luft mit Gewalt ein und atmen Sie dann auf die gleiche Weise aus, wobei Sie daran denken, Ihren Herzschlag zu überwachen.
9. «» , , .
10. Nehmen Sie eine liegende Position ein und wechseln Sie abwechselnd tief auf- und absteigend. In diesem Fall sollte das Einatmen, Anhalten des Atems und Ausatmen auf 8, 14 und 12 Herzschläge verteilt werden, wobei die Atmung zehn Minuten lang aufrechterhalten werden sollte.

10. , . , 8, 14, 12 ,

III. Atemübungen für das vegetativ-vaskuläre System


Hierbei ist zunächst zu verstehen, dass Atemübungen allein die vegetativ-vaskuläre Dystonie nicht beseitigen können. In Kombination mit anderen Methoden zur Behandlung dieser Krankheit können Atemübungen jedoch Ihr Wohlbefinden erheblich verbessern.
II. Atemübungen für Gehirngefäße
Aber ein Komplex von Atemübungen für Menschen, die die Gefäße des Gehirns stärken müssen. Richtig, hier empfehlen Ärzte, vorsichtig zu sein und bei Schwindel oder Kopfschmerzen sofort mit dem Training aufzuhören.
1. Setzen Sie sich auf einen Stuhl mit Rückenlehne, strecken Sie die Schultern und heben Sie das Kinn leicht an. Legen Sie Ihre Hände auf die Knie und entspannen Sie sich.
2. Öffnen Sie den Mund leicht und greifen Sie mit der Zungenspitze zum oberen Gaumen.
3. Beginnen Sie gleichmäßig zu atmen und versuchen Sie, den Ton beim Einatmen ohne Zunge und beim Ausatmen "so" auszusprechen - den Ton "Brummen".
4. Stellen Sie bei Atemübungen sicher, dass die Luft gleichmäßig durch Mund und Nase in die Lunge gelangt.
Um die Blutgefäße des Gehirns zu trainieren, müssen Sie diese Übung jeden Tag durchführen, vorzugsweise morgens und abends, und 10-15 Minuten darauf verwenden.


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, , 10–15 .

III. Atemübungen für das vegetativ-vaskuläre System
Hierbei ist zunächst zu verstehen, dass Atemübungen allein die vegetativ-vaskuläre Dystonie nicht beseitigen können. In Kombination mit anderen Methoden zur Behandlung dieser Krankheit können Atemübungen jedoch den Gesundheitszustand erheblich verbessern.
1. Um mit dem Turnen fortzufahren, das das vegetativ-vaskuläre System trainiert, führen Sie zunächst das erste Element der Atemübungen durch, um das Herz zu stärken. Drücken Sie ein Nasenloch zusammen und atmen Sie langsam ein. Wechseln Sie dann Ihre Hand und atmen Sie durch das andere Nasenloch aus. Wenn das Grundelement mehrmals in die eine oder andere Richtung wiederholt wird, können Sie mit der von uns benötigten Gymnastik fortfahren.
2. Legen Sie Ihre rechte Hand auf Ihren Bauch und Ihre linke auf Ihre Brust.
3. Beginnen Sie, Luft gleichmäßig durch die Nase einzuatmen und auszuatmen, wobei Sie bei jedem Einatmen versuchen, so viel wie möglich in Ihren Magen zu ziehen, und ausatmen - um sie herauszudrücken, als ob Sie Luft drücken würden.
4. Atmen Sie weiter durch die Nase, aber halten Sie jetzt Ihren Magen ruhig. Nur die Brust sollte funktionieren: beim Einatmen, Aufblasen und beim Ausatmen kontrahieren.
Nehmen Sie sich für jede Atemmethode 5 bis 10 Minuten Zeit, um sicherzustellen, dass die Übung keine Beschwerden oder unangenehmen Symptome verursacht. Das Hauptkriterium für die Richtigkeit der Übung ist das Gefühl der Zufriedenheit mit dem Zustand, in dem Sie sich befinden.

III. -

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IV. Atemübungen nach Bypass-Operation
Menschen, die sich einer Herzbypass-Operation unterzogen haben, müssen sich ordnungsgemäß erholen, einschließlich spezieller Übungen. Betrachten Sie sie.
1. Legen Sie sich mit einer Hand auf die Brust und der anderen auf den Bauch auf eine feste Oberfläche.
2. Ziehen Sie drei Sekunden lang Luft durch die Nase ein, während Sie Ihren Bauch aufblasen. Sie sollten fühlen, wie sich eine Hand mit Ihrem Magen erhebt. Atme dann langsam durch deinen Mund für 4-5 Sekunden aus.
3. Halten Sie drei Sekunden lang den Atem an und wiederholen Sie dann die Übung.
Fahren Sie nach den Atemübungen mit den körperlichen Übungen fort. Stehen Sie gerade, nehmen Sie beim Einatmen die Arme zurück und beugen Sie dann Ihren Oberkörper mit einem Ausatmen. 7-10 mal wiederholen.
Übrigens wird empfohlen, diese Gymnastik 1-2 mal am Tag eine halbe Stunde vor einer Mahlzeit oder eineinhalb Stunden nach einer Mahlzeit durchzuführen. Und weiter. Für einige Patienten empfehlen Ärzte, jeden Tag Luftballons aufzublasen. Es wird auch eine Art Gymnastik für Herz und Blutgefäße.
Pass auf deine Gesundheit auf!
Helen die Betrachterin


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1. , , .

2. , . , . , 4-5 .

3. , .

. , , . 7–10 .

, 1-2 . . . .




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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.Breathing exercises for the heart.

, 20 2020 . 11:51 +

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Atemübungen für das Herz

Breathing exercises for the heart

23 September 2020
23. September 2020
Sie sprechen ständig über die Vorteile von Morgenübungen.
They constantly talk about the benefits of morning exercises,
Aber wir haben noch nie davon gehört, dass unser Herz regelmäßige Atemübungen braucht.

but we have never heard of the fact that our heart needs regular breathing exercises

Wir verbinden diese Praxis ausschließlich mit Yoga,
obwohl das Leben zeigt, dass unser Herz einfach ein solches Atemtraining braucht.

We associate this practice exclusively with yoga,

although life shows that our heart simply needs such breathing training.

Wenn in früheren Zeiten aktive körperliche Arbeit ein solches Training für den Körper war,
If in the old days active physical labor was such a training for the body,
jetzt, wenn die meisten Leute in Büros arbeiten,
now, when most people work in offices,
sie erhalten nicht die notwendigen Lasten,
they do not receive the necessary loads,
und außerdem sind sie lange Zeit nicht in der bequemsten Position,

and besides, they are not in the most comfortable position for a long time,

Atemübungen werden noch relevanter.

breathing exercises become even more relevant.

The dependence of health on breathing

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.How does the human biological clock work?

, 15 2020 . 01:54 +

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How does the human biological clock work?

01 October 2020

1.The daily rotation of our planet around its axis and its movement in a near-solar orbit makes all life on Earth obey certain laws, which are called biorhythms. We have long been accustomed to the fact that day gives way to night, that flowers bloom at dawn, and dew appears on the grass, that in winter some animals hibernate, and birds fly south.

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Metargem 83. . -

, 14 2020 . 15:30 +

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, . : , ?

5-10 ,    , , , Smiley. , . , — , - .

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  -. , , ,       . , - , .

( ) -, , , , , . - ( ), , .

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Metargem 83. 4Brain." The best techniques for self-education ": you still have time

, 12 2020 . 07:41 +


4 Gehirn

Neuer Stream
Vor einiger Zeit haben wir bereits eine Auswahl von Artikeln über kognitive Vorurteile und deren Auswirkungen auf unser Leben verfasst.
Aber das Thema ist so umfangreich, dass dies nicht ausreichte. Währenddessen beeinflussen die Besonderheiten der Wahrnehmung uns, unser Leben und unsere Entscheidungen bei jedem Schritt.
Und wenn kognitive Verzerrungen dazu dienen, uns zu schützen, wenn wir eine wehende Flagge in einer dunklen Gasse mit einem Stalker verwechseln, können sie in Situationen, in denen wir Entscheidungen in einer ruhigen Umgebung treffen, einen grausamen Witz spielen.
Deshalb ist es wichtig, mentale Fehler zu kennen und nachverfolgen zu können.
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Metargem 83.FOLK RECIPES. Weike beholder. Why You Should Add Walnuts To Your Diet

, 10 2020 . 15:29 +

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Warum Sie Ihrer Ernährung Walnüsse hinzufügen sollten

27. September 2020
September 27, 2020
Sie verbessern die Darmgesundheit,
schützen das Gehirn vor Demenz
und verringern das Risiko von Herzerkrankungen.

They improve gut health,

protect the brain from dementia,

and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Antioxidant source
Walnüsse haben im Vergleich zu anderen Nüssen die meisten Antioxidantien.
Walnuts have the most antioxidants compared to other nuts.
Diese Substanzen verhindern eine oxidative Schädigung der Zellen.
These substances prevent oxidative damage to cells
Infolgedessen wird das Risiko, an Krebs, Herz-Kreislauf- und neurologischen Erkrankungen zu erkranken, verringert.
As a result, the risk of developing cancer, cardiovascular and neurological diseases is reduced.

Why You Should Add Walnuts To Your Diet


Quelle von Omega-3-Fettsäuren

Walnüsse haben mehr Omega-3-Fettsäuren als andere Nüsse. Insbesondere sind sie reich an Alpha-Linolensäure (ALA). Ärzte raten dazu, 1,6 Gramm (für Männer) oder 1,1 Gramm (für Frauen) ALA pro Tag zu konsumieren. Diese Menge ist in 15 Gramm Nüssen enthalten. Studien haben gezeigt, dass es das Risiko für Herzerkrankungen um 10% reduziert.
Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Walnuts have more omega-3 fatty acids than other nuts. In particular, they are high in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Doctors advise consuming 1.6 grams (for men) or 1.1 grams (for women) of ALA per day. This amount is contained in 15 grams of nuts. Studies have shown that it reduces the risk of heart disease by 10%.
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Metargem 83.From Leonid Zakharin.Eduard Asadov - Poesie .(R-G)

, 09 2020 . 03:51 +

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-Eduard Asadov - Poesie .

4. Google Translate










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Eduard Asadov - Poesie

Mit wie vielen Leuten kannst du ins Bett gehen?

Es gibt so wenige, mit denen Sie aufwachen wollen ...

Und am Morgen zum Abschied umdrehen

Und winke mit der Hand und lächle

Und den ganzen Tag besorgt, auf Neuigkeiten zu warten.


Mit wie vielen Menschen kannst du nur leben?

Morgens Kaffee trinken, reden und streiten ...

Mit wem kannst du dich auf dem Meer ausruhen,

Und wie es sein sollte - sowohl in Freude als auch in Trauer

In der Nähe sein ... aber gleichzeitig nicht lieben ...



Es gibt so wenige, mit denen Sie träumen wollen!

Beobachten Sie die Wolken am Himmel

Schreibe Liebesworte auf den ersten Schnee

Und denken Sie nur an diese Person ...

Und Glück ist nicht mehr zu wissen und nicht zu wollen.


Wie wenige gibt es, mit denen man schweigen kann?

Wer versteht auf einen Blick, aus einem halben Blick,

Wer hat nichts dagegen, Jahr für Jahr zu geben,

Und für wen kannst du als Belohnung

Nimm jeden Schmerz, jede Hinrichtung ...


So windet sich diese Spielerei -

Sie treffen sich leicht, trennen sich ohne Schmerzen ...

Dies liegt daran, dass es viele Menschen gibt, mit denen Sie ins Bett gehen können.

Und nur wenige von denen, mit denen Sie aufwachen wollen.


Es gibt so viele Leute, mit denen man ins Bett gehen kann ...

Es gibt so wenige, mit denen Sie aufwachen wollen ...

Und das Leben webt uns wie eine Gimpe ...

Schalten, als würde man auf eine Untertasse raten.


Wir beeilen uns über: - Arbeit ... Alltag ... Geschäft ...

Wer hören will, sollte noch zuhören ...

Und auf der Flucht werden Sie nur die Leichen bemerken ...

Hör auf ... um die Seele zu sehen.


Wir wählen mit unserem Herzen - nach unserem Verstand ...

Manchmal haben wir Angst zu lächeln - lächeln

Aber wir öffnen unsere Seelen nur für diese

Womit du aufwachen willst ...


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Metargem 83.From Elena IMMER IN FORM ! 7 Tage lang Diät trinken - Abnehmen mit einer Diät ist einfach

, 07 2020 . 16:50 +

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Beitrag hinzufügen
7 Tage lang Diät trinken - Abnehmen mit einer Diät ist einfach

7 —

1.05 Oktober 2020
1.05 2020
2. Abnehmen mit einer flüssigen Diät ist einfach!

2. !

3. Es kann als schnell wirkende Diät eingestuft werden.

3. .

4. Aber unter den Techniken,
die ein schnelles Ergebnis liefern,


es wird als das effektivste und nützlichste angesehen.

4. ,



5. Einhaltung aller diätetischen Anforderungen des Tages
Sie können sich von 1,5 kg Gewicht verabschieden.


1,5 .

6. Und wenn Sie direkt nach der Diät essen,


dann ist die Rückkehr zum vorherigen Gewicht nicht bedroht.

6. ,


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METARGEM 83.GERMAN. .. . 11.Wie spät ist es

, 06 2020 . 20:18 +




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q w e r t z u i o p ü  +


a s d f g h j k l ö ä 


y x c v b n m , . -


" ":
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2 - METARGEM 83. . !
4 - Metargem 83.German. .. .
5 - Metargem 83.GERMAN. .. . 12.Einladung
6 - METARGEM 83.GERMAN. .. . 11.Wie spät ist es
8 - Metargem 83.NewRezume.org.The incredible story of the escape of American pilot Bruce Carr from the German rear in a German fighter

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, 06 2020 . 15:09 +

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New stream

What do you associate with NLP? Probably with suggestion and hypnosis. However, there are many more techniques in neurolinguistic programming. The goal of this psychological direction is to teach people to observe, understand and influence themselves and others as effectively as experienced psychotherapists and masters of communication do.

In this newsletter, we will cover the basics of NLP and introduce techniques that will help you work with your emotions, self-esteem, and communication skills.

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METARGEM 83. . !

, 05 2020 . 10:33 +
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Metargem 83. . !

, 05 2020 . 09:43 +
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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.13 things you need to become a habit to improve your vision in no time

, 04 2020 . 12:56 +


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1. The basis of our forum is the Russian language. 2. Almost every of our Lectures has, in fact, personally written comments. 3.We study the Lectures by clicking on the right side of the mouse, we get Translate English. 4. We have many friends who are sent to us by scientists Lectures in Russian. 5. The English text of the Lectures we are small parts, periods, commas ... 6. In our opinion, short sentences contained fewer words and more thoughts. 7.Today 4 October 2020, Sunday, 175 Day of Life (83), Yom Rishon, Sunday. 8. Real friends, we only consider those with whom we have friendly correspondence, or communication, by email, skype.9.We are the translators of smart Lectures from smart people. 10. Here we call ourselves - Metargem 83 (in Hebrew this old translator 83). 11. We are also Polyglots who are interested in learning different languages. 12.At 83, we are very active, we start learning languages ​​by learning verbs. 13. We have many plans, but we are unlikely to fulfill them. 


   « »
13 ,    ,



13 things you need to become a habit

to improve your vision in no time

September 27, 2020

Remember how in childhood we were all terribly afraid of ophthalmologists

and tried to memorize this strange table with letters by heart?

Years go by , fear of doctors is not, but vision deteriorates significantly.

And if you are unable to give up hours of sitting at the computer

and falling asleep in an embrace with a smartphone (no one even counts),

then at least take these tips into service.

They will help improve your eyesight in a matter of weeks.


1) eat blueberries for breakfast


An antioxidant berry for good vision.

An antioxidant berry for good vision.

In frozen form, in the form of jam, preserves, with yogurt -

whatever you like.

This berry is loaded with antioxidants and,

according to ophthalmological studies,

when consumed regularly,

reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration,

which often provokes blindness in adulthood.

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Metargem 83.Alexander from 4Brain.Live Human Communication .Music for self-education

, 03 2020 . 10:34 +

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1. I wrote an entire Lecture in my commentary. .

2. .

3. .

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4. , , .

5. , ,

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6. 3 2020 .. .Saturday.

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7. 174 (83). 13 1938 .

8. . 

9.   - 5781 , -2020,..


🎶 Music for self-education

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, 28 2020 . 10:54 +



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1. , , .

2.   ..

3. ...  . ..


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4.       FURMAN_ED.  ... ,

   169 . 

The benefits of breathing exercise





Practice shows that the technique of correct inhalation and exhalation leads to the following positive changes in the body:

  • the volume of the lungs increases;
  • gas exchange is enhanced;
  • blood and heart cells are better supplied with oxygen;
  • the coronary vessels and cerebral vessels expand;
  • the heart rate is regulated;
  • the movement of the diaphragm is adjusted and the lungs are massaged;
  • the heart is relieved of excessive pressure from the diaphragm and lungs;
  • improves blood circulation in the heart;
  • the nervous system calms down;
  • relieves stress;
  • trains the cardiovascular system and, in particular, the myocardium.

I. Breathing exercises for the heart

And now we will describe in detail a set of breathing exercises that will strengthen the heart and rejuvenate your body, preventing early aging.

1. Stand up straight with your legs slightly apart and your back straight. Alternatively, to perform the exercise, you can sit on a chair with a back. Take your right hand to the side. With your left hand, pinch the left nostril, blocking the air flow through it. With the right nostril, slowly draw air into the lungs, and in parallel move your right hand to your nose, so that as soon as you take a full breath, immediately clamp the nostril with your right hand. Next, take your left hand aside, starting to exhale slowly through the left nostril.In this case, the duration of one breathing cycle is commensurate with the heart rate, gradually increasing the periods of inhalation and exhalation from four to sixteen heart beats, but only after an even number (ideally after 2). Begin the next cycle in the opposite direction, inhaling through the left nostril and exhaling through the right.


For this process, you need maximum concentration and listening to your own body, and therefore gymnastics should be performed in absolute silence and with your eyes closed. In this case, you need to breathe slowly, and the arms should move smoothly, without tension in the muscles. This alternating inhalation and exhalation of air should be repeated until satisfaction appears, which will indicate the energy saturation of the body.

2. Remain in the starting position. Make the exercise harder. Inhale slowly through the left nostril, while holding the right nostril. Then, after changing hands, exhale quickly and vigorously through the right nostril. Take one breathing cycle, then repeat it in reverse order (slowly inhaling through the right, and quickly exhaling through the left nostril). It is very important here to ensure that the respiratory rhythm does not go astray, dizziness and discomfort do not appear. In this case, the execution of the element should be stopped, calm down and start over.

3. We carry out this exercise in the same way as described above, only inhales and exhales become fast, like in athletes during training. Take a quick breath through the open nostril, and then change hands and also quickly exhale through the other. We repeat the performed actions in reverse.

4. Then we perform the same exercise, but swiftly inhale and exhale with one nostril (let it be the left one). Having achieved uniform breathing, we pass to the other nostril and repeat the actions performed.

5. Perform a slow deep breath and exhale exactly the same, first through the right nostril, and then repeat the breathing cycle using the left nostril. In this case, the cycle must correspond first to four, then six, eight and, finally, ten heartbeats.

6. Now we move on to breathing simultaneously with two nostrils. Slowly draw in air, then freeze and count half the time you inhale. Then exhale slowly as well.

7. Slowly inhaling air with both nostrils, exhale slowly, and then hold your breath for half the respiratory cycle.


8. Now complicate the element. Take a deep breath, hold your breath, and then also slowly exhale and hold your breath again. In your daily workout, try to increase the length of the cycles.

9. Compressing your lips with a "tube", inhale the air forcibly, and then exhale in the same way, remembering to monitor your heartbeat.

10. Take a lying position and alternate deep ascending and descending breathing. In this case, inhalation, holding the breath and exhaling must be distributed over 8, 14, as well as 12 heart beats, maintaining such breathing for ten minutes.



II. Breathing exercises for brain vessels

But a complex of breathing exercises for people who need to strengthen the vessels of the brain. However, here doctors recommend to be careful and immediately stop exercising in case of dizziness or headache.

1. Sit in a chair with a back, straighten your shoulders and slightly lift your chin. Place your hands on your knees and relax.

2. Opening your mouth slightly, reach with the tip of your tongue to the upper palate.

3. Begin to breathe evenly, trying to pronounce the sound "so" on the inhale without using the tongue, and on the exhale - the sound "hum".

4. Performing breathing exercises, make sure that air enters the lungs evenly through the mouth and nose.

To train the vessels of the brain, you will need to do this exercise daily, preferably in the morning and in the evening, giving it 10-15 minutes.



III. Breathing exercises for the vegetative-vascular system

Here it should be understood initially that breathing exercises alone will not be able to get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia. However, in combination with other methods of treating this disease, breathing exercises can significantly improve the state of health.

1. To move on to gymnastics that trains the vegetative-vascular system, initially perform the first element of breathing exercises to strengthen the heart. Pinch one nostril and inhale slowly, then change your hand and exhale through the other nostril. When the basic element is repeated several times in one and the other direction, you can proceed to the gymnastics we need.

2. Place your right hand on your stomach and your left on your chest.

3. Begin evenly inhaling and exhaling air through your nose, with each inhalation trying to draw in your stomach as much as possible, and exhaling - to protrude it, as if pushing air.

4. Continue breathing through your nose, but now keep your stomach stationary. Only the chest should work: on inhalation, inflate, and on exhalation, contract.

Take 5 to 10 minutes for each breathing method, making sure that the exercise does not cause you discomfort or unpleasant symptoms. The main criterion for the correctness of the exercise will be the feeling of satisfaction from the state in which you are.



IV. Breathing exercises after bypass surgery

People who have undergone heart bypass surgery need proper recovery, which includes special exercises. Consider it.

1. Lie on a hard surface with one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.

2. Draw in air through your nose for three seconds while inflating your abdomen. You should feel a hand rise with your stomach. Then exhale slowly through your mouth for 4-5 seconds.

3. Hold your breath for three seconds and then repeat the exercise.

After breathing exercises, proceed to physical exercise. Standing straight, begin to take your arms back while inhaling, and then bend your torso with an exhalation. Repeat 7-10 times.

By the way, it is recommended to perform this gymnastics 1-2 times a day half an hour before a meal or an hour and a half after a meal. And further. For some patients, doctors recommend inflating balloons every day. It will also become a kind of gymnastics for the heart and blood vessels.

Take care of your health


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Metargem 83.Rita Merzlyakova. 100 ENGLISH PHRASES FOR SURVIVAL ABROAD

, 27 2020 . 16:09 +



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1. Hello/ good bye — /

2. Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! — ! / /

3. Please thank you — /

4. Sorry —

5. I don't understand. —

6. Please speak more slowly. — , , .

7. Could you repeat that? — ?

8. What is your name? — ?

9. My name is . . . . — …

10. Nice to meet you! —

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Metargem 83.Alexander from 4Brain.Live Human Communication .

, 27 2020 . 15:28 +


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 Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklun

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We are so arranged that we better perceive the information that is presented to us in the form of stories: we better imagine the images, feel the similarity with the hero - more vividly we recreate the “picture” in our imagination. This is why storytelling is so popular now.

This is a great tool that helps to be the soul of the company, a persuasive employee, a wise leader - it can be used in every area of ​​life. However, this topic is quite multifaceted, and in today's newsletter we tried to consider storytelling for different purposes, which you will learn about next.

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM! Stubborn belly control strategy.

, 26 2020 . 10:45 +


Metargem 83.From  Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!

Stubborn belly control strategy.


, 26 2020 . 00:51  +

, 26 2020 . 00:11


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Stubborn belly control strategy

19 September 2020

The benefits of fat loss are not only aesthetic.

Abdominal fat or visceral fat deposits around internal organ

s often provoke inflammation,

which in turn can damage arteries and cause liver disease,

which also interferes with the breakdown of sugar and fat in the body.



Chronic inflammation caused by the accumulation of visceral fat

is responsible for many diseases associated with metabolic syndrome.

This is why excess fat around the waist is directly linked to type 2 diabetes,

heart disease, strokes, and other life-threatening illnesses.


Stubborn belly control strategy




Fighting a saggy belly involves getting rid of excess fat in general.

The key to this is your diet.

But be careful - too strict a diet promotes fat accumulation

and forces the body to keep it in the form of reserves "for a rainy day."

Instead of fasting, follow these tips.

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.How to beat fatigue - 6 ways that will work for sure

, 25 2020 . 19:30 +

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How to beat fatigue() -

6 ways that will work for sure

15 September 2020

Who doesn't know the sudden fatigue()

that comes in in the middle of a working day?

Instead of performing routine duties,

I really want to lie down and take a nap,

at least for half an hour.

This distracts from the working rhythm,

takes away all thoughts from the head into an unknown distance

, and it is very, very difficult to concentrate on work.

What to do?

Can you help yourself stay focused and cheerful throughout the day?

Trivial advice to sleep more, that is, get enough sleep, leave aside.

The problem cannot be solved by increasing the duration of sleep,

it will not raise energy.

But how else to maintain your efficiency and not "fall" into the sleepy kingdom?

Here are 6 experimentally proven solutions to the problem.



1. Hands off gadgets (smartphone, tablet, laptop) - at least at night

Using a computer, tablet, phone late in the evening (after 21.00) leads

to the fact that the next day people feel less rested,

more tired and even "wrung out" like a lemon.

Studies have shown this.

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.Psychosomatics of high pressure: reasons for what to do

, 25 2020 . 15:19 +

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9. ! 


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Psychosomatics of high pressure:reasons for what to do

High blood pressure is found not only among the elderly,

but also among young people.

The cause of this condition may be physiological,

and in addition, psychosomatic causes that cause hypertension.

The therapeutic measures of the presented pathology include a whole complex approach.

It is required to take them already at the first surges in pressure,

until the hypertensive pathology has developed into a chronic form.

high blood pressure psychosomatics

In this article, we will consider in detail the psychosomatics of high pressure.

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, 23 2020 . 12:44 +

Treatment of hypertension without medical drugs

Today, there are many different drugs that help to normalize and maintain blood pressure. But, in addition to drugs, there are other ways to combat hypertension that are recommended by psychologists:

  • The day should begin with sincere gratitude towards all the people around you, as well as the world for the opportunity to live in it. In the event that it seems that it is very difficult, it is worth remembering all the disabled who, if they had the opportunity, would give a lot just to walk, like all people, on two legs, move independently, live, love and work ...
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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!HEALTH AND BEAUTY.Psychosomatics as one of the causes of hypertension and other diseases

, 23 2020 . 12:05 +

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,     Live Human Communication .

7.    Elena ALWAYS IN


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Elena the contemplator

Psychosomatics as one of the causes

of hypertension and other diseases

19 August 2020

Any stress, conflict, negative emotions and unpleasant situations

that have become the norm in modern life can affect physical health.

Our organs receive a particularly heavy blow from those emotions

that we mercilessly drive into ourselves,

trying to "digest" them.

As a result, swallowed grievances and unshed tears

begin to undermine us from the inside.

What diseases can arise as a result of this

and how to restore health.

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Metargem 83.KOPF HOCH! . , .

, 21 2020 . 04:05 +


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1. . .

2. 21 2020.

3.   .  162 .Monday..

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. , .

e-mail: kopfhoch.ru@gmail.com


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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY.5 natural remedies to help preserve eyesight.

, 16 2020 . 04:25 +


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5 תרופות טבעיות שיעזרו לשמר את הראייה.

1.5 natural remedies to help preserve eyesight.

11 בספטמבר 2020
2.11 September 2020
ההזדקנות היא בלתי נמנעת, ואיתה החזון שלנו מתדרדר.
3.Aging is inevitable, and with it our vision deteriorates. 
יתר על כן, כיום קשה מאוד לצעירים לשמור על ראייתם ברמה הנכונה,
4.Moreover, today it is very difficult for young people to maintain their eyesight at the proper level,
מכיוון שאורח חייו של אדם מודרני משפיע לרעה על יכולתנו לראות. 
5.because the lifestyle of a modern person negatively affects our ability to see
העיניים נתונות במתח אדיר כל יום,
6.The eyes are under tremendous stress every day,
והכל בגלל טלוויזיות, טלפונים, טאבלטים ומכשירים אלקטרוניים אחרים
7.and all because of televisions, phones, tablets and other electronic devices
שאיתנו חיינו קשורים בנתק.
8.with which our life is inextricably linked.
אבל, אפילו שהגנו על עצמנו מטלוויזיה וטכנולוגיית מחשב,
9.But, even having protected ourselves from television and computer technology,
לא נחזיר חזון מושלם,
10. we will not regain perfect vision, 
אך זאת מכיוון שלתזונה נכונה יש השפעה מרכזית על בריאות העיניים.
11. but this is because proper nutrition has a key effect on eye health.
בעזרתו, באמת ניתן לעצור את תהליך הידרדרות הראייה,
12. With its help, it is really possible to stop the process of deteriorating vision,
ובמקרים מסוימים אף משפרים את תפקוד הראייה.
13.and in some cases even improve visual function.
במאמר זה נראה לכם 5 תרופות טבעיות שיעזרו לכם לשמור על בריאות העיניים.

14.In this article, we'll show you 5 natural remedies to help keep your eyes healthy.

5 علاجات طبيعية للمساعدة في الحفاظ على البصر.
11 سبتمبر 2020
الشيخوخة أمر لا مفر منه ، ومعها تتدهور رؤيتنا.
علاوة على ذلك ، من الصعب جدًا اليوم على الشباب الحفاظ على بصرهم عند المستوى المناسب ،
لأن نمط حياة الشخص العصري يؤثر سلبًا على قدرتنا على الرؤية. 
العيون تتعرض لضغط هائل كل يوم ،
وكل ذلك بسبب أجهزة التلفزيون والهواتف والأجهزة اللوحية والأجهزة الإلكترونية الأخرى
التي ترتبط بها حياتنا ارتباطًا وثيقًا.
ولكن ، حتى بعد حماية أنفسنا من التلفاز وتكنولوجيا الكمبيوتر ،
لن نستعيد الرؤية الكاملة ،
ولكن هذا لأن التغذية السليمة لها تأثير رئيسي على صحة العين.
بمساعدتها ، من الممكن حقًا إيقاف عملية تدهور الرؤية ،
وفي بعض الحالات يحسن الوظيفة البصرية.

في هذه المقالة ، سنعرض لك 5 علاجات طبيعية للمساعدة في الحفاظ على صحة عينيك. 

1.5 , .
2.11 2020
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5. . 
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14. 5 ,
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Metargem 83.Medical News Today.How to improve and protect eyesight without glasses

, 15 2020 . 01:42 +


How to improve and protect eyesight without glasses

If you buy something through a link on this page, we may earn a small commission. How this works.

Eyesight can deteriorate as people get older or due to certain health conditions. However, there are a number of natural ways a person can protect and improve their vision without the need for corrective glasses.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that in the United States around 12 million people of 40 years of age and older have some form of vision impairment. This includes:

  • 3 million people with vision impairment following correction
  • 8 million people with vision impairment from an uncorrected refractive error
  • 1 million people or more who have a type of blindness

However, poor eyesight does not have to be an inevitable consequence of getting older. There are some natural ways and lifestyle interventions that can help a person improve and protect their eyesight.

In this article, we present 11 ways to improve eyesight and eye health without corrective glasses.

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Metargem 83. Alexander from 4Brain. Get to know a person in 10 seconds?

, 15 2020 . 13:23 +

🔎 Get to know a person in 10 seconds?

New stream

For 10 seconds, you can read the emotional state of a person, some of his personal characteristics, as well as values ​​and attitudes towards you. Of course, this indicator depends on the skill of " cold reading ". The good news is that you can develop this ability and shorten the time it takes to assess the key characteristics of your interlocutor.

Today we are opening a pre-recording for a new stream of the online program " Profiling ", and as part of this announcement, we will give some tips on what to look for in order to "read" a person like a book.

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Metargem 83.From Elena ALWAYS IN FORM!How to keep your heart healthy

, 12 2020 . 18:42 +
875 -7 0%

How to keep your heart healthy

07 September 2020

The heart is one of the most hardworking and vital muscles in the body. Weakening of the heart muscle can lead to the development of congestive heart failure, fatigue, edema, fluid retention in the lungs, and irregular heart rhythms.

Fortunately, you can improve your heart condition by following the fairly simple tips below.





The need to keep your heart healthy

You may think that heart disease happens to other people, but not to you. I feel great, you think, so I have nothing to worry about. Women believe that gender will protect them from diseases of the cardiovascular system; men think they are not old enough to have serious heart disease.

These opinions are completely wrong. According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for more than 30% of all cases.

The risk of heart disease begins to rise significantly in men after the age of 45, and in women after the age of 55. 50% of men and 64% of women who suddenly died of heart disease had no previous symptoms of the disease.

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Metargem 83. Elena beholder.HEALTH AND BEAUTY. (R-G)

, 12 2020 . 12:22 +

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Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklun


1. Der erste Teil von Dr. Elenas Vortrag
wir haben ins spanische übersetzt.
2. Die Vorlesung über längeren Schlaf sollte ergänzt werden
  Zusammenstellung eines russisch-spanischen Wörterbuchs.
    - . 
3.Wir sind vor der Übersetzung des Textes der Vorlesung aus dem Russischen,
wir brechen den russischen Text in Sätze,
durch Punkte und Kommas.
3. ,
4. Es gibt nur wenige Worte, aber viele Gedanken.
4. ,  .
5. Um zu lesen, müssen Sie zuerst den russischen Text lesen.
und dann auf Deutsch wechseln (oder andere).
5.     ,
  .( ). 
6. An Tag 153 gehen Fremdwörter nicht so leicht in den Kopf.
6. 153     .
7. Vom 13. bis 19. September werden wir die Vorträge übersetzen
  vom Russischen ins Hebräische und Arabische.
7. 13 19  
8. Hier ist der russische Text der Vorlesung,
der für die Übersetzung durch Google Translate vorbereitet wurde

ins Deutsche.

8. Google Translate  .

Beitrag hinzufügen

5. die negativen Auswirkungen
eines längeren Schlafes


1. Herzprobleme
Wenn Sie lange schlafen,
beginnt das Herz zu leiden.
Tatsache ist,
dass sich die Blutgefäße im Schlaf erweitern
und der Blutfluss verlangsamt.
was bedeutet,
dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Blutverdickung
und der Bildung von Gerinnseln zunimmt,
was zu Blutgerinnseln werden kann.


Daher ist
längerer Schlaf einer der Faktoren, die
was eine Person zu einem Schlaganfall oder Herzinfarkt führen kann.
Darüber hinaus
führten Wissenschaftler der University of Massachusetts
eine Studie durch



was bestätigte, dass längerer Schlaf zu einer frühen Sterblichkeit führt.
, .


Je mehr ein Mensch schläft, desto früher riskiert er zu sterben.

, , , .

In dieser Hinsicht beträgt die ideale Schlafzeit 7 Stunden pro Tag. [Mehr]

7 .

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Metargem 83.From Tanya42 . ...

, 11 2020 . 12:48 +

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תמיד בתכני!


And from the windows
dozens of sad old eyes looked after them with envy ...angel


Svitlina from Sergei Neverov.
Sergey Neverov

She accidentally dropped the spoon.
The sound was stronger than a shot in the silence,
And, frightened, shuddered a little.
The son said nervously: - Mom, do not rush ...

, , .
: - , ...

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Metargem 83.From New Rezume .org.Elderly brain. .

, 02 2020 . 13:09 +

Home » Education » The brain of an elderly person


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Personal University of Self-Development.

 Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklun

תמיד בתכנית!

Elderly brain.




Category:   Education


Professor Monchy Uri from the University of Montreal believes

that the brain of an elderly person chooses the least energy-intensive path,

reducing unnecessary and leaving only the right options

for solving the problem




 A study was conducted in which different age groups took part. 



Young people were confused a lot when passing the tests,

while those over 60 made the right decisions.

, , , 60, .

And the peak of active production of this substance falls on 60-80 years of age.

60–80 .

 They are really rosy.


Of course, the brain is no longer as fast as it was in youth.

, , .

 However, it wins in flexibility. 


That is why, with age, we are more likely to make the right decisions


and are less exposed to negative emotions. 


The peak of human intellectual activity occurs at about 70 years old,

70 ,

when the brain begins to work at full strength.

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Metargem 83. Elena.DIETS AROUND THE WORLD .Diet for the brain: eat to get smarter (and not only)

, 26 2020 . 12:45 +



Diet for the brain: eat to get smarter (and not only)

14 August 2020

We know for sure which diets will help you to say goodbye to extra pounds at an accelerated pace, to gain the correct shape, to restore freshness to your face and lightness to your body. Juice, chocolate, protein, alkaline, fat-free - by our 30s or even 25s we are turning into expert nutritionists without a diploma, but with impressive experience. And every time our goal is external transformation. But what kind of diet is necessary for the "center of command" - the brain, we rarely think.



After completing all the nutritional feats, we will definitely enter our favorite sheath dress, and in a new swimsuit we will look like Adriana Lima (if not better). But you don't want to get depression along with the new figure, right? But the sad truth is that diet planners usually don't consider how a new diet will affect a person's mental state. And it often affects negatively: here you have mood swings, irritability, and apathy.

To be fair, blame not only on "fast" diets, but also on the so-called "Western style" of food in general - fast carbohydrates, coffee, sugar, snacks, processed foods and fatty meat do not add health to anyone. All this not only contributes to weight gain, but also literally shrinks the brain. In 2005, a group of Australian scientists conducted a study on older people who had been eating Western-style for at least 4 years. All of them complained of frequent mood swings, and, as shown by the MRI scans, their hypothalamus, the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for memory and emotional states, was significantly reduced.

Whether a new figure will please you and whether you can feel pleasure from life in general depends on the state of the brain. And for him to feel good, you need to "feed" him properly. It is more correct not to introduce another expensive superfood into the diet - the same goji berries, kale or quinoa - for 1-2 months, but switch to a nutrition system honed in the process of human evolution (yes, this is the scale) ... What kind of system? Scientists suggest choosing one of the three most effective:

Mediterranean diet

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Polyglot 83.KOPF HOCH!

, 26 2020 . 12:36 +

: , ? 1 ( )


 – , . . , , , .    (Nominativ).


(, , , ) , , , . ( ), ,    . , .

  ,   . , , , , . , .


–>   “er”

 “r”   “er”   [ r ],     [ ɐ ] / [ ɐ̯ ].  “er”  , . 

,  “r”   [ ɐ ] / [ ɐ̯ ],  .

,  “er”  .  “” – er.  “”  “”.  “d”  : d + er = “der.  “d”  “w”,  “?”: w + er = “wer?”.

? .  “er”“der”“wer”  . , , . . 

.  “-er”  , : “dieser – “”“jener – “”“jeder – “”“welcher – “”“solcher – “”“keiner – “”. , .  “-er”   

. , . , “der Mann”“dieser Mann”“jener Mann”“jeder Mann”“welcher Mann”“solcher Mann”-er  ,  “Mann”  . , , ? 

, ,  “-er”   “-er”, “-er”.    “-”. , . : “der gute liebe Mann”“dieser gute liebMann”“jener gute liebMann”“jeder gute liebMann”“welcher gute liebMann”“solcher gute liebMann”

 “-e”, . ,  “-e”  , , . , , ,  “-er”  . 

,  “der”   “ein”.  “-er”? ,  “Mann”  ? -,  “ein”   “ein” (“”) . -, , , : , ( , ), . ,  “-er”. : “ein guter lieber Mann”.

 “ein”   “mein” – “”“dein” – “”“sein” – “”“ihr” – “ee”“unser” – “”“euer” – “”“ihr” – “”“Ihr” – “”. , ,  “-er”. : “mein Mann”“mein guter Mann”

 “kein” (“”). : “kein Mann”“kein guter Mann”

 “was für ein?” (“ ?”)  “solch ein” (“”), . . . : “was für ein guter lieber Mann”“solch ein guter lieber Mann”.

, .  “ein”  : m + ein = “mein”, d + ein = “dein”, s+ ein = “sein”, k+ ein = “kein”

, , , , ? , , , “”, “”, “” .. .  “-er”  . , . : “guter Wein”

, :

 “-er”    .   “der” “-er“,  “-e”*.  ** *** “ein”, “kein”, “mein” ( . . ),  “-er” 

*dER diesER jenER / jedER welchER solchER gutE liebschönMann

**ein / kein / mein / dein / sein / ihr / unser / euer / ihr / Ihr / solch ein / was für ein gutER liebER schönER Mann

*** gutER liebER schönER Wein

. , , . .

–>  “-es”

 “” – “es”    “”  “”.  “d”   “e”  “a”: d + a + s = “das.  “d”  “w”,  “?”: w + a + s = “was?”.

 “-es”, ,   “dieses – “”“jenes – “”“jedes – “”“welches – “”“solches – “”

, , : ,   “-es” ? !   “-”. .  “-es”  , . “das gute liebe Kind”“dieses gute liebKind”“jenes gute liebKind“jedes gute liebKind“welches gute liebKind”“solches gute liebKind

, ? -, – “ein”. -, , , ,  “-es”.  “ein” , , , . . “ein gutes liebes Kind”.

 “ein”   “mein” – “”“dein” – “”“sein” – “”“ihr” – “ee”“unser” – “”“euer” – “”“ihr” – “”“Ihr” – “”. ,  “-es”. : “mein Kind”“mein gutes Kind”

 “kein”“was für ein?” (“ ?”)  “solch ein” (“”) . : “kein Kind”“kein gutes Kind”“was für ein gutes liebes Kind”“solch ein gutes liebes Kind”.

. : “gutes Geld”

, :

 “-es”    .   “das” “-es“,  “-e”*.  ** *** “ein”, “kein”, “mein” ( . . ),  “-es” 

*daSdiesES jenES jedES welchES solchES gutE liebschönKind

**ein kein mein dein sein / ihr unser euer / ihr Ihr solch ein / was für ein gutES liebES schönES Kind

*** gutES Geld

–>  “-e”

 “” – sie,  “”  “”   – “die“.  , ?  “sie”  “die”  , . . [ i: ], “e”, , . , , ….

, , ,  “-e”.

diEdiesjenE jedwelchsolchgutE liebschönFrau

einkeinE meinE deinE seinE / ihrE unserE euerE / ihrE IhrE solch einE / was für einE gutE liebschönFrau

gutE Zeit



, , . , . -, ,   . -,  .

,  “” – “sie, , ,  “”  “” – “die“.  “e”, , , , ,    “viele” (“”), “einige” (“”), “wenige” (“”). , “die Männer/Kinder/Frauen/”“diese Männer/Kinder/Frauen/”,  “jene Männer/Kinder/Frauen/”“jede Männer/Kinder/Frauen/”,“unsere Männer/Kinder/Frauen/”“schöne Männer/Kinder/Frauen/”, “einige schöne Männer/Kinder/Frauen/”.

, ? .  “-en”. ? , ,  .  “sie” (“”)  “sie” (“”), “die” (“”)  “die” (“”) .. ,  “-en”, . “: “die schöne Frau” (“ ”)  “die schönen Frauen” (“ ”). 

, :

“die“, “die” (“”), “diese” (“”), “jene” (“”), “welche” (“”), “solche” (“”) ,”keine” (“”), “alle” (“”), “beide” (“”), “viele” (“”), “einige” (“”), “wenige” (“”) “meine” (“”), “deine” (“”), “seine” (“”), “ihre” (“”), “unsere” (“”), “euere” (“”), “ihre” (“”), “Ihre” (“”) &nbs

Health & Lifestyle > Health/Memory, sight, hearing (409)
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Live Human Communication


Polyglot 83.From Elena. The habits that inhibit our brain

, 22 2020 . 20:37 +


To all the coronavirus helpers, thank you

146865797_22 (300x304, 291Kb)
8c88561ab8eb (158x96, 21Kb)Personal comments on my writings.

Personal University of Self-Development.

 1. first_move friends2. 1. Metargem 83.



Specialist in translations from one language to another

Translations of translator. 

2. The Russian text of the Lecture was written by Elena.

3. From it we will take the English text.

4. The Russian part of the public avoids showing interest in learning foreign languages.








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The habits that inhibit our brain

04 August 2020

Do weird things happen to you? Do you feel constant fatigue, suffer from headaches, cannot concentrate on work, and absent-mindedness and forgetfulness have become your inseparable companions?

Why is this happening? Chances are, you are doing things that negatively affect your brain. Many habits that seem completely harmless to us are actually harmful and impair brain activity. These include a lack of breakfast, sugar consumption, "freezing" on the Internet, lack of excessive sleep, and many other harmful things. In this article, we will detail our habits, which have a negative effect on the brain.

10 habits that inhibit our brain

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, 16 2020 . 04:58 +

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1. Mila111111 . . .. , ..



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5. 126   (83)       .

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8.     126   (83)  ..

9.     111111   Anna Kiryanova   ..


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  (  83)   . 

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Metargem 83.Baba-mail.12 Oddly Specific and Often Funny Terms You Didnt Know

, 12 2020 . 04:27 +

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To all the coronavirus helpers, thank you

Personal comments on my writings.

 Persönliche Kommentare zu meinen Schriften.
     Personal University of Self-Development 

Persönliche Universität für Selbstentwicklung

1. 12  2020.4 . .

2.Wednesday.122 ( 83).

3. . .

4. 12 ...

5. ...








12 Oddly Specific and Often Funny Terms You Didn’t Know

Did you know that the English language contains more than a million words?
Considering this daunting fact, it's natural that there will be words you haven't heard of, even if you've spoken the language your whole life.
This vast vocabulary also suggests that it's probably possible to describe nearly anything with a single word.
Well, it turns out that the two often coincide.
It is true that almost anything has its own term in the English language, but it's also probable that you don't know many of them.
In this article, we rounded up 12 such oddly specific and rare terms, some more funny than useful, but all worth knowing.

1. The clean aroma of rain

Did you ever stop to enjoy the clean, fresh aroma which spreads after it rains? This unique and beloved smell is called petrichor. It’s a combination of the Greek words petra, meaning stone and -ichor, meaning the blood of gods and goddesses. The term was coined by the two Australian researchers Isabel Bear and Dick Thomas when they included it in a paper they published in 1964.
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