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Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.7 anti-aging foods - for vegans and more

, 18 2021 . 10:49 +

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7 anti-aging foods - for vegans and more

11 February 2021

To preserve beauty and youth despite the years is the cherished dream, if not of each of us, then of the beautiful half of humanity - for sure. We admire those who look much younger than their years with admiration, and secretly sigh: how do they do it?

Everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance. These people lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, regularly consuming products that prolong youth. 7 vegan anti-aging foods can help you heal your body and look at least 10 years younger than your biological age.



These vegetables contain lycopene and carotenoids. The first is especially useful. It gives the fruit a deep red color and protects it from the sun. It can give the same effect to human skin, preventing the negative influence of the environment on it and inhibiting aging.

Unfortunately, this substance is not absorbed by the body without heat treatment. Therefore, it is most beneficial to use tomatoes in the form of a natural sauce or pasteurized juice without adding salt and spices. Both products are equally beneficial for us due to their properties to maintain the general condition of the body and prevent premature cell death.

By consuming two tablespoons of sauce or at least one glass of juice daily, you will look much younger than your age! But do not forget to eat fresh tomatoes - although they will not rejuvenate you, they will deliver a supply of vitamins and microelements to the body.



It contains such useful natural components as water-soluble fiber, potassium, choline, hyaluronic acid, carotenoids.

Although beets are similar in their effect to tomatoes (partly due to the nutrients contained in both products), its properties are often manifested much more clearly - and all this is due to the presence of a large amount of fiber in the composition, which removes toxins and free radicals from the body.

The rest of the substances are no less useful - they cleanse and enrich the blood. Plus, because of the high nutritional value of this root vegetable, one beet meal at breakfast is enough to keep you energized until lunchtime. And beetroot salad for dinner is a pleasant end to the day and a guarantee of good digestion.

You can eat beets as much as you like, in any form. It can be a vegetable salad made from boiled or baked beets, borscht with vegetable broth, vinaigrette and much more.



These bright yellow, like the sun in a child's drawing, fruits are a real storehouse of useful substances. In addition to vitamin C, they contain antioxidants, lemon oil, flavonoids, acids.

Many people are sure that lemon should not be consumed if the level of acid-base balance in the body is disturbed. In fact, this is not at all the case. Lemon in moderate doses can help remove excess third-party acids from the body, at the same time "picking up" a lot of toxic substances!

The restoration of the pH level that occurs with the use of this citrus contributes to the rejuvenation of the body, since active external aging is manifested precisely as a result of its violation. But that's not all! Lemon contains pectin, so this fruit:

  • cleanses the pores of the skin;
  • reduces its flabbiness;
  • gives it a matte shade and velvety.

You can drink refreshing lemon juice (of course, not in pure form, but diluted with water) at any time of the day. Its aromatic rind will also come in handy. The white part can be used instead of a scrub, and the yellow part can be grated on a fine grater and added to a variety of dishes.




This is perhaps the most popular folk remedy for many diseases. No wonder it is often called natural penicillin.

The benefit of garlic is that it improves the condition of blood vessels, making them more elastic. Thus, almost all negative changes in the circulatory system that develop with age in each person are prevented or dramatically slowed down.

However, despite the indisputable benefits of garlic, it is advisable to use it in moderation: one or two cloves are enough per day.



Ginger root is rich in nutrients such as cineole, citral and gengerol.

Ginger has antibacterial properties. Taken orally, it helps to eliminate inflammation, accelerates wound healing, and enhances tissue regeneration. Another beneficial property of ginger root is its ability to relieve discomfort caused by motion sickness or nausea during pregnancy. This useful product helps to improve digestion, enhances blood circulation, improves the supply of oxygen to the brain and skin, thus delaying the aging process of our body.

Ginger can be added to tea, salads, sauces, and smoothies. Rub the skin with a slice to get rid of wrinkles.



This product contains flavonoids useful for us, vitamin E, L-arginine, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The antioxidants and vegetable fats found in almond kernels are essential for skin rejuvenation. They moisturize her, restore her elasticity. Antioxidants, however, are most in its peel, so when choosing almonds, it is better to stay with unpeeled. Arginine promotes vasodilation and improves blood circulation, which also helps preserve the youth of the body.

Unfortunately, due to the vasodilating properties of almonds, it must be consumed with caution, especially with hypertension. However, there will be no harm from one or two nucleoli, you just need to carefully monitor your health.




Parsley greens contain myristicin, vitamin C, chlorophyll and carotenoids - everything that our body needs to slow down aging.

This plant relieves inflammation and swelling, maintains the structural integrity of cells, purifies the blood and produces glutathione, which results in a general rejuvenation of the body.

Eat one bunch of parsley two or three times a week, or add this plant to salads, and you will look amazing! Parsley juice is used to wipe the inflamed, rash-prone skin. It is also used for dental diseases. It is enough to chew on a twig of this plant and you can get rid of the smell of onions or garlic.

There are many more herbal products that help slow down aging. This is a delicate avocado, and red pepper, and spinach, and broccoli, and fresh blueberries, and lettuce. Eat these products regularly, and then you will keep your beauty and youth for many years!

"Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.":
1 - Metargem 83.Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.10 healthy lifestyle rules that are actually dangerous for people
2 - Metargem 83.Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.5 controversial personality traits according to psychologists
4 - Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.15 most common causes of household allergies
5 - Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.10 foods to help fight fatigue and restore vigor
6 - Amateur-translator 83.(Metargem83).Miroslava.USEFUL TIPS.7 anti-aging foods - for vegans and more

Health & Lifestyle > Health/Memory, sight, hearing (409)
Polyglot 83/Personal comments on my writings.
Polyglot 83/Personal University of Self-Development
Health & Lifestyle > Health/Weight loss as part of health.
Polyglot 83/English
Live Human Communication/Russian
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