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Metargem 83.New Rezume.0rg.2021-01-09.Why is the United States called the only superpower? Top 33 facts

Суббота, 09 Января 2021 г. 11:26 + в цитатник

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Personal comments on my writings.
     Personal University of Self-Development

1.Satusday,Воскресенье , у нас 272 День Жизни( из 83 лет). 

2. Мы считаем , что в современном мира идет война против России

и ее возможных друзей ..Против России , а не против В.В.Путина !

3.Когда -то мы начинали уроки :

Вставай страна огромная , вставай на смертный бой  !

 Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)
     USA .

Why is the United States called the only superpower? Top 33 facts

Category:   Social and political life in America

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In 2016, Vladimir Putin named the United States of America as the world's only superpower. A couple of months later his words were repeated verbatim by the Minister of Defense of Finland. In February 2020, Alexander Lukashenko, following the results of the first visit of the Secretary of State to Minsk in a quarter of a century and the resumption of ambassadorial relations, called America "The Leading Power" and "The Greatest Empire", literally.

What is the United States and what is its significance? A few numbers and facts to help you understand this.

Why is the United States called the only superpower?  Top 33 facts



1. USA is the top-1 country in terms of R&D contributions. America spends about $ 500 billion a year on research and development. Everything is here, both government allocations and the commercial sector. China, for comparison - 440. Japan - 180. Russia - $ 36 billion, less than Brazil.

2. The USA is the top 1 country on Earth in terms of the size of the satellite constellation. The United States has more satellites (government and commercial) than the four subsequent countries - China, Russia, Japan, and the United Kingdom - combinedAmerica has more than 1200 devices, and this gap is not narrowing, but increasing.

3. The United States is the top-1 country on Earth in terms of the number of nuclear reactors and the volume of nuclear generation. For 2019, the United States has 99 nuclear reactors. Russia is in fifth place in the world, it has 37 nuclear reactors. If you add up all the nuclear reactors in Russia, all the nuclear reactors of the post-Soviet countries and all the nuclear reactors that are being built by the Rosatom abroad, it will still be less than in the United States alone. The total capacity (MW) and generation (GWh) of nuclear electricity in the United States is four times higher than that of Russia. The share of nuclear generation in the total energy sector in Russia is 17%, in the USA 20%.

4. USA is the top-1 country in the world in terms of reserves of physical monetary gold. More than 8 thousand tons. Russia has just over 2 thousand tons.

5. USA is the top-1 country in the world in terms of contributions to the UN budget. 22.5% of the organization's budget. Russia has -2.4%. Least of all in the Security Council from five countries. And three times less, say, Japan, which is not included in the Security Council.

6. USA is the top-1 country on the planet for gas production. And it is among the top three in oil production, periodically floating between the first and third places.

7. At the beginning of 2020, the top-1 largest supercomputer of the planet - Sierra - was located in the United States. And 9 supercomputers in the top 20. China has 4 cars in the top 20, Russia has none. However, we are trying to give operative, up-to-date information and will not remain silent - in June, the Japanese Fugaku - overthrew the Americans from the first line. However, temporarily. Several supercomputers are being built in the United States at once, which will significantly surpass Fugaku in the coming years. Leaders in the top change very often (every two to three years). Recently, the Chinese were in the lead, after which the United States pushed them to second place, then to third. Today the Japanese took gold. This is probably the most important race in the world. In total, 115 of the top 500 strongest supercomputers on the planet are located in the United States. For comparison, Russia has 3 pieces, three, a couple of years ago there were eight,

8. The largest stock exchange in the world is located in the United States. New York. London is in second place. The third is Tokyo. On the fourth is Shanghai. Size refers to the volume of traded assets. The whole world is traded on New York, including dozens of Russian companies.

9. The largest plant in the world is located in the USA. Boeing's Seattle plant.

10. The United Nations headquarters and residence are located in the United States. It is on the territory of the United States that the "General Assembly" of all countries and the "Security Council" of five permanent members with the right of "veto" gather.

11. USA is the top-1 country in the world in terms of absolute length of railwaysYes, today, in 2020, overtaking Russia and China combined.

12. The USA is the top-1 country in the world in terms of the number of Nobel laureates in the entire history of the prize, with a giant lead from the closest pursuer, two and a half times ahead of the UK. Most of what you use today, from electricity to the Internet, is either discovered or invented in the United States.

13. USA is the top-1 country in the world by the number of gold medalists in the entire history of the latest Olympic Games, since the 19th century, since 1896. The USA has 1,122. The Soviet Union, for comparison, has 473 gold medals, while the modern Russian Federation has several times less.

14. The American Constitution is the oldest existing Constitution in the world. She is 232 years old. There are 27 amendments to it, which are taught at school.

15. The USA has a fully contract, professional Army. The draft was canceled half a century ago, in 1972, at the height of the Cold War.

Why is the United States called the only superpower?  Top 33 facts


16. America is the top-1 country on Earth in terms of the size of the nuclear submarine fleet, the number of nuclear submarines. Three times the size of Russia. The USA has 65 APLs, Russia has 21.

17. America is the only country on Earth that is massively armed with aircraft of the fifth generation, in the amount of 500 pieces (F-35 + F-22), not counting those that have already been exported, this is about 150 more F-35 aircraft. The export of the F-22 is prohibited by a special regulation of the Congress. In service with 180 aircraft of this type. Again, the layman thinks that the F-22 is out of production and it is a "shot bird", but in fact it is a more advanced machine and it is she who forms the basis for the development of the sixth generation aircraft, both for the Americans and the British. The F-22 regularly, actually monthly, intercepts Russian aircraft in the Chukchi Sea and the Beaufort Sea. For comparison, in August, Russia assembled its own - the second serial aircraft of the fifth generation Su-57, the first serial Su-57 crashed in Primorye.

18. The US has landed on the lunar surface - more than once. And six. Six different expeditions. During which 11 thousand photographs were taken and 400 kilograms of soil removed. There is a bike on the Internet that the soil has disappeared somewhere, evaporated - this is a lie. The United States issues soil samples each year on request to a dozen different laboratories and research universities. The Soviet Union recognized the US landing on the moon, and Neil Armstrong was received in the USSR at the highest level during an official visit.

Why is the United States called the only superpower?  Top 33 facts


19. World War II officially ended with the surrender of Japan on September 2, 1945, on board the American battleship Missouri.

20. The United States is the second real industrial sector of the Earth. And the second commodity exporter of the planet after China. The United States ranks second in the "golden three" countries that make annual merchandise exports worth over $ trillion. China has $ 2.6 trillion in exports, the United States has $ 1.7 trillion, and Germany has $ 1.5 trillion. Japan is followed by a large gap of $ 720 billion in annual exports. Let me stress that we are talking only about merchandise exports, no services.

The USA is the first country on Earth to export agricultural products, food in all forms and types. The first for the export of the civil aviation industry. The first in terms of export is the military-industrial complex, twice ahead of Russia.

The United States is China's number one trading partner. Every fourth Chinese product goes to America. For comparison, Russia periodically drops out of the top ten trading partners of China, it will come back, then it will drop out, such drops have already occurred several times over the past ten years.

21. USA is the second country in the world in terms of industrial automation. Only 4 countries account for 70% of the planet's annual industrial automation. China, USA, Japan and Germany. South Korea fifth. Sometimes countries change places. China sets 81 thousand industrial robots every year, the US 28-36 thousand, on the rise, under Trump, breaking its own absolute historical record. Russia, for comparison, is 600-800 units, less than ThailandAnd it is not even included in the top 15.

Why is the United States called the only superpower?  Top 33 facts


22. USA is the top-1 country in the world in terms of income from the service sector. What are services? Insurance, investment, consulting, transportation (sea, air), tourism, entertainment, patent law income. The whole world - watches American cinema (including 65% of the box office of Russian film networks), listens to American music (and most subcultures, from jazz and rock to rap - from there), plays American computer games, sits on American sites, uses American software. The USA is the top 1 country in the world for tourism revenues. Pay attention, not by the number of tourists (otherwise they will be accused of lying, this is Spain, and the United States is among the top three), but by income from tourism. 62% of the US national GDP is small and medium-sized businesses.

23. The US population has grown by 53 million over the past 20 years, since the turn of the century. One third of Russia. From 281 million to 334 million. According to the UN Population Department, the annual natural increase is significantly higher than the migrant one. For comparison, the population of Russia is several hundred thousand people less than in the year 2000, including the annexed Crimea. There is no natural increase at all, there is a natural net loss, which is often not interrupted even by migrant inflows. We would like to emphasize that we are talking only about official figures. The US population is the third in the world, after China and India.

24.61% of all the world's financial reserves are held in dollars. 20% in euros. In the yuan, 1.9%, this is less than in the British pound, Japanese yen and the same as in the Canadian dollar. Data for 2019. Fluctuations in the share of the US currency over the past 20 years are 1-3%. The biggest competitor and beneficiary is the euro. As of 2019, 75% of trade between Russia and China was in dollars, which is even higher than the world average.

25. The car market of the United States, the number of cars sold annually, is 9 times more than the Russian one. In 2019, 17.3 million cars were sold in the United States, 1.8 million in Russia. The Russian car market is the fifth in Europe and the 12th in the world.

26.68% of all microchips and semiconductors in the world belong to American companies. This is a property right. At the same time, the real assembly is Taiwan, the first place is a quarter of the entire planetary assembly, followed by South Korea and Japan. More microchips are physically assembled in North America (USA + Canada) than in China. China even uses American microchips for its own supercomputers. Contrary to the opinion of the Russian inhabitants of the Russian Internet, China is extremely far from the technological leadership, and the index of China's economic complexity is below Mexico. These are the facts of today, although for some reason in the Russian Internet the average person thinks that China is "about" to overthrow America. In February in the United States, in Arizona, construction began on the world's most advanced microchip manufacturing facility, which will produce microchips 5 nm (project budget $ 12 billion, completion date 2023). On average in the world today, this figure is 45-65 nanometers. In October 2019, the largest and most advanced Russian enterprise Angstrem-T, which produced 90-130 nm microchips, went bankrupt in Russia.

27. For 334 million of the population, American citizens have more than 400 million private firearms. You read everything correctly, we have not sealed ourselves anywhere. About 40% of all firearms on Earth are in the possession of American citizens, and every year another 6-7 million barrels are bought. In many states, the number of barrels per capita, including babies and decrepit old people, is more than in countries in Africa, where civil wars have been going on for decades. The right to freely own weapons is guaranteed by the 2nd amendment of the US Constitution and is an attribute of a free person, although it brings certain problems. The number of homicides per capita (for every 100 thousand) in the United States is higher than in Europe, the countries of the European Union, but below Russia.

On November 22, 2019, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Alexander Morozov said that Russian cartridge factories survive exclusively at the expense of the American market, RIA Novosti reports. Moreover, it is so cyclopean that all Russian exporting enterprises cover only 7% of the market. Proof:

Why is the United States called the only superpower?  Top 33 facts


28. American troops are - 150 km from St. Petersburg, in the Estonian Narva. The city periodically hosts parades of NATO troops and American equipment. And so for 16 years.

29. Already by the beginning of the First World War, the United States was the second economy on the planet, in terms of GDP in the back of the head of the British Empire and twice surpassing the Russian Empire. The First World War only led to the displacement of the pound from the position of the main world reserve currency and made the dollar a leader. By the beginning of the First World War, the 3 powers of the Earth accounted for 65% of world industrial production, Great Britain, the USA and Germany. France accounted for about 5.8-6%, Russia even less. At the same time, 50% of the world steel industry was already America. The states bypassed the Russian Empire in smelting iron and steel, the length of railways, the production of textiles, the proportion of the literate population and other indicators. This is before all world wars.

30. The ISS, the international space station, was created by the docking of two American blocks - the American Unity and the American Zarya. The second was assembled in Russia, but by order, for money and with the official ownership of NASA. For some reason, in Runet, the inhabitants call it "the Russian module". In total, the ISS includes 8 American segments, 1 European, 1 Japanese and 5 Russian. 60% of the station's budget comes from the USA. Russia spends $ 1-1.5 billion on the ISS every year, Americans $ 3-4 billion.

Рубрики:  Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/USA .
Polyglot 83/Personal comments on my writings.
Polyglot 83/Personal University of Self-Development
Polyglot 83/Polyglot Correspondence
Polyglot 83/English
Polyglot 83/New Rezume.0rg.
Metargem 83 - работа переводчика..


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