All people are very different. Two absolutely identical characters are not found on our planet. 

However, psychologists at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries began to highlight some personality traits that may only seem like something cute and special, but in fact signal serious psychological problems.

This material will tell about five such possible calls.

1. Excessive politeness, extreme courtesy and endless apologies when dealing with strangers

A symptom of impostor syndrome.  / Photo:

A symptom of impostor syndrome. 

An example from life. A very well-mannered mother and an adult daughter are looking at things in a clothing store. "Daughter, move away!" - Mom suddenly says quietly. The daughter is at a loss: "What happened ?" Mom: "Let the man pass!" And what was it before, years / decades ago? And this is what: “Don't bother people! Don't go! Do not scream! Let the baby play with your bear! Move over, let the woman sit down! .. ”These phrases are probably familiar from infancy to children of such EXTREMELY POLITE people.Of course, it's always nice when in our not-too-polite world someone cares not only about themselves, but also those around them. But - mind you! - due to the comfort of loved ones ... Excessive delicacy is the result of an inferiority complex, or, as modern psychologists often express, the SELF-CALLER SYNDROME ( full of confidence that if you feel good and comfortable in every sense,

2. Excessive pedantry


It is worth considering ... / Photo:


It is worth considering ... 

There is nothing wrong with washing your cup after you finish your morning coffee, or always knowing where your socks are. Rather, we are talking about such a degree of accuracy that goes beyond reasonable and turns into a painful, obsessive desire. For example, spread out office supplies on the desktop at an angle of exactly 45 ° or 90 °, disinfect the slippers of your just-gone best friend, stay up late at night until the sweaters in the closet are folded according to colors in rectangular piles of 30 by 40 centimeters ... "Well, I love order, what's wrong?" - the person is perplexed.And there is a lot of bad here, because in painful pedantry, perhaps, only in 10% of cases you should see a character trait (and it makes no sense to change such people). 

As a rule, from childhood, such people are inclined to carefully lay out small items in boxes, smooth and collect candy wrappers from sweets, braid perfect pigtails for a doll, or ask grandmother to “stroke Masha's skirt”. But for the majority, a manic desire to organize even grains of buckwheat in a jar, which suddenly appeared at a conscious age, is a wake-up call: a person is extremely dissatisfied with any important area of ​​life, is in a state of frustration. Sometimes progressive OCD can be the next step. It is worth thinking about and, perhaps, contacting a specialist.

3. Constant change of interests (Darling syndrome)


The constant change of interests should alert.  / Photo:


The constant change of interests should alert. 

Chekhov has an amazing story called "Darling". The main character changes husbands due to their loss, and with the advent of each new husband, her interests radically change to please the interests of a new person in her life. Soviet critics called it dedication, women's duty, and much more. But in fact, changing interests under the influence of the environment is a disturbing feature. You can be something like Leonardo Da Vinci - a genius whose interests are multifaceted and equally productive. But the constant change of interests and life orientations can be a manifestation of borderline personality disorder. Such people commit impulsive actions under the influence of their environment, and their emotions are very poorly controlled. Frequent change of interests, occupations, hobbies does not exactly mean psychological health.

4. Taking beautiful poses 24/7


A symptom of a narcissist is when the phrase - Dear, should we see a movie?  - pronounced in this position.  / Photo:


A symptom of a narcissist is when the phrase - Darling, should we see a movie? - pronounced in this position. 

People with narcissistic disorder constantly adopt unnatural, but very elegant (often elegant in their own opinion, and for others - comically exaggerated) postures. Many narcissists tend to deliberately maintain a haughty expression on their faces. Any little thing that spoils the appearance causes an exaggeratedly strong reaction in daffodils. Narcissists can make a cool first impression on others, but for any intelligent and observant interlocutor, this impression will be destroyed very quickly: the narcissist is mostly cruel and ungrateful. In modern detective series or even talk shows on First, as a rule, narcissists are spoken of as those who are primarily prone to domestic violence and abuse.

5. Dramatizing absolutely any emotion


How my son has grown!  / Photo:


How my son has grown!

A person who is not therapeutically diagnosed with histrionic disorder (the old name is hysteria) is ruled by feelings, not mind. These are people characterized by self-dramatization, theatricality, egocentrism, emotional lability, exaggerated expression of emotions, the desire to constantly be in the center of attention of all people around them. such a person expresses any of his emotions extremely vividly: joy, sadness, anger, annoyance, happiness, bewilderment, etc. 

For example, if during the rain such a person suddenly felt sad, he considers this a sufficient reason to cry , and at the same time write about it in Telegram to all friends and post heels of posts on social networks about this crying reason. If the histrionist is happy or sad, he will wake you up with a call at three in the morning to share his condition. The main goal of such people is to inform the whole world about what is happening in their souls in a theatrical manner. You shouldn't consider such personal manifestations as something cute, it is really a psychological problem.

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