From TV screens and on the Internet, we very often hear advice about maintaining health, which supposedly will help us stay active and cheerful until old age. True, in fact, many of these advice contradict each other, leaving people in confusion and not understanding who to believe after all.

Some sources shout about the benefits of coffee and dry red wine, while others warn us against their use. In order to understand once and for all what is useful and what is not, we suggest that you study 18 rules that have been tested by time and therefore are the most effective.

Determine your metabolic type

health rules, what to do to be healthy, how to become healthy

Many of you have probably wondered about the possibility of becoming vegetarians and whether it should be done for ethical reasons. But, it turns out, the point is different - perhaps your body is completely not designed for a vegetarian diet. One way to find out is to find out your type of metabolism. For one part of people, a diet rich in proteins is suitable, the main component of which is meat, while for others, carbohydrates are more desirable.

If the type of metabolism of a person corresponds to a diet based on proteins, then these nutrients will affect him in a completely different way than on a person whose desirable basis of the diet should be carbohydrates. In other words, meat, which one person condemns, is not at all bad for another. Find out your metabolic type and find out which foods are right for you.

Don't buy semi-finished products

health rules, what to do to be healthy, how to become healthy

The law is simple - don't eat what is far from Mother Nature. Ignore foods that for some unknown reason turned from brown to white, became frozen, although they should be fresh, as well as foods filled with preservatives, flavors, artificial colors and other synthetic substances. Simply put, if a product has been recycled, don't buy it!

Have rich breakfasts

health rules, what to do to be healthy, how to become healthy

Breakfast is without a doubt the most important meal of the day. If you eat a heavy meal in the morning, and your dinner is not too rich, then you will generally eat less throughout the day, which means it will be easier to get rid of excess weight, and also make sure that it does not appear in the future. What is the best breakfast? One of the healthiest ways to start the day is by making oatmeal! Oats contain unique substances that can lower high cholesterol levels and prevent other risk factors that cause heart disease.

Get enough vitamin D

health rules, what to do to be healthy, how to become healthy

Only recently have scientists begun to understand how important vitamin D plays in maintaining health. Its richest source, naturally, is the sun. Unfortunately, we are so terrified by the news of skin cancer that most people are severely deficient in this vitamin.

In the summer, you need to stay in the sun every day for at least 15 minutes. This is a small enough period of time not to get burned. In addition, include foods rich in vitamin D in your diet, such as fresh milk, eggs, yoghurts, and fatty fish. These foods are especially valuable in the winter for people in the northern hemisphere, where the sun is too weak to provide the person with the necessary amount of vitamin D.

Drink filtered water


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Everyone knows that you need to drink a lot of water every day. In fact, people still speculate about what the desired amount of fluid should be. While scientists are arguing, it is worth listening to your body - it will tell you in advance when and how much water you need to drink.

Use a good water filter to separate all unwanted chemicals, heavy metals and parasites from your drinking water. It is not for nothing that fears have recently been expressed that the reservoirs contain a whole cocktail of chemical medicines ...
Another possibility is to drink mineral water. Preferably from a glass bottle, as toxins are released from plastic packaging.

Maintain a balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids

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The correct ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids in the body is just as important as the acid-base balance. Polyunsaturated fats are very important as they are involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins. These substances delay inflammation and affect the immune system.

In the Western diet, both of these acids are in the wrong ratio. The average is 1 in 20 in favor of Omega-6. The ideal number would be 1 in 4. This number shows how many processed foods we eat each day. Most Omega-6s are found in vegetable oils, salad dressings, and margarine, while Omega-3s are found in flaxseeds, cod liver and fresh fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and herring. The golden rule is simple: Increase the amount of omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic, eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic acids) and reduce your intake of omega-6 fatty acids (linoleic and arachidonic acids).

Use medicines with caution


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Prescription medications can help early in the disease by relieving pain and discomfort. However, let's not kid ourselves - they only work for a short time. The approach should be different - you need to try to find out the cause of a certain disease.

For 25 years, scientists have been looking for a miracle cure that could cure everything, but it has not been found to this day. Medicines do not cure, they only make life more bearable, however, when they are used in our body, a chemical chain reaction is formed, which creates many side effects.

The pharmaceutical industry claims that drugs can hit certain receptors in the body with laser precision, but in fact, identical receptors are found in other body systems, and because of this, the effects of drugs become unpredictable.
There are situations in which orthodox medicine is truly irreplaceable. If you've been injured, suffered from heart attacks, or a stroke, then Western medicine has no alternative.

Set aside 7 hours of sleep


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Sleep at night is vital to your wellness. How many hours should you sleep? Scientists answer - 7 hours. One study found that people who sleep less than 5 hours and more than 8 hours have a much higher risk of becoming overweight. Men who sleep more or less than 7 hours have an increased risk of lung cancer. Among women, the lowest risk of death is characteristic of those who sleep 6-7 hours - no more and no less.

In truth, not everyone can fall asleep easily. If this can be said about you, then the tips below can help make a difference!
• Eat light meals for dinner and do not eat before bed. Drink coffee no later than two in the afternoon.
• Before going to bed, do not watch TV - turn it off at least an hour before bed. Better read a book, preferably a philosophical or spiritual one.
• Listen to soothing music, such as muted classical music or nature music, which has a hypnotic effect.
• Try to calm your mind through meditation. Scientists have found that meditation works best when repeated throughout the day.
• Make sure that your bedroom is completely dark at night.

Choose natural products


health rules, what to do to be healthy, how to become healthy