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Четверг, 23 Апреля 2020 г. 16:58 + в цитатник

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Thursday, April 23, 2020 06:58 + in quote sheet

On March 16, in connection with the epidemic, New York authorities quarantined the American Hecate.

Sowing death around the world began to sow death in America

The Statue of Liberty is a colossal neoclassical sculpture located in the USA on Liberty Island, in Upper New York Bay 3 kilometers southwest of the southern tip of Manhattan Island. It is a US national monument. The full name of the statue is “  Liberty Enlightening the World” . Already in this name the messianic role of the New World is laid - to spread the ideas of freedom throughout the planet.

The statue was a gift from the European Freemasons (French Grand Lodge of Mother and Lodge in London) to their brothers for the 100th anniversary of the American Revolution. And the revolution dates back to July 4, 1776, when the Declaration of US Independence was adopted by the British colonies in North America at the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia, PA.

Historians argue that the idea to erect the Statue of Liberty in America on the centennial of the American Revolution came to the mind of Eduard Rene Lefebvre de Laboulay in 1865. The color of French Freemasonry regularly gathered in his house: Oscar and Edmond Lafayette, grandchildren of the Marquis of Lafayette, Masonic brother of George Washington; historian Henri Martin, artist and sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdy.

Photo: Wikimedia

The image of the statue is not accidental, it is directly related to the Great French Revolution of 1789, when the first prototypes of the future Statue of Liberty appeared. In 1876, the World Exhibition was held in Philadelphia; there, as well as in New York, sketches of the statue were on display. In the same year, 1876, the French began to manufacture the monument. The statue was completed in July 1884, then disassembled into 350 pieces, which were packed in 214 boxes and loaded on board the French frigate Isere for shipment to the United States. June 17, 1885 the cargo was delivered to New York harbor. Only 156 tons of metal, including 31 tons of copper blocks for cladding.

The establishment of the statue took place only ten years after the 100th anniversary of the American Revolution. The Masonic Lodge of New York participated in financing the construction of the pedestal and the assembly of the statue. Media magnate Joseph Pulitzer (he is considered the founder of the yellow press) donated about 100 thousand dollars for this, but there was still not enough money. It was the time of the good old ("one-story") America, which was cool about the idea of ​​erecting a statue; the state refused to finance the project. The Statue of Liberty had already begun to rust in Paris, waiting for loading onto a ship and delivery to America, and then Pulitzer began to smash everyone in his newspapers: politicians - for refusing to budget the project; the rich - for reluctance to show charity; philistines - for indifference.

The grand opening of the Statue of Liberty, which was made by US President Grover Cleveland, took place on October 28, 1886. The French Masons with their gift, as it were, passed the baton to the brothers from the New World. By chance or not, but it was from the end of the 19th century that the number of Masonic lodges and their members in the New World began to grow sharply; America was preparing to take the place of France as the center of world Freemasonry.

The ancient Greek goddess Hecate.  Photo: Wikimedia

The ancient Greek goddess Hecate. Photo:  Wikimedia

The prototype of the Statue of Liberty, researchers note, is the ancient Greek goddess Hekate or the ancient Egyptian Isis. Hecate - the goddess of moonlight, the underworld, all mysterious, magic and witchcraft. On the Internet you can find images of the underworld goddess Hekate, surprisingly similar to the woman of the Statue of Liberty: the same tunic; the same seven rays adorning the head.

Isis (Isis) - the ancient Egyptian goddess, personifying ritual prostitution. According  to  some authors, Isis, adapted to the conditions of ancient Egypt, is the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, the patroness of prostitutes, heterosexuals and homosexuals, the Babylonian harlot. “The goddess Ishtar is also considered the wife of Baal (Satan). The symbol of the goddess Ishtar was Owls and Snakes . "

Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis.  Photo: histrf.ru

Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis. Photo:  histrf.ru

It is possible that the image of the French Marianne is embodied in the American statue of Liberty. This is a revolutionary woman, a warrior and also a goddess. During the French Revolution, it became a Masonic symbol of freedom, truth, reason. Notre Dame Cathedral on November 10, 1793 was declared the Temple of the Mind; it hosted a black mass, where a naked actress sat on the altar, playing the role of the goddess of reason and freedom, and she was brought gifts, arranging dances and orgies. Gradually, from the harlot began to sculpt the image of the “goddess” Marianne, who is dedicated to the work of the French artist Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863) “Freedom, leading the people” (1830).

A. Mironov  writes :  “We note that here the symbol of the French Revolution, the woman Marianne is depicted as a real harlot, but militant. Again, in the Phrygian cap ... this symbol was used by the very radical Jacobins in their club who, with their revolutionary policies, poured blood throughout France. Those who worshiped a naked woman: the Goddess of Reason in Notre-Dame de Paris . 

A. Mironov continues:  “This is widely known in the world to Marianne America as a present by the Freemasons in the Grand Box of France on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of independence ... not of the United States from England, but of independence of world freemasonry from other countries represented by their own states! This statue holds the torch of Prometheus in one hand ... In the other hand is the tablet, but not with the 10 commandments of the Lord our God, but the commandment of human pride: the declaration of US independence, which for the USA has become a sacred relic of their new anti-Christian religion under the code name Liberty . "

If you look closely at the statue, you will see in it the very Babylonian harlot, which is described in the Apocalypse:  “And the wife was clothed in purple and scarlet, adorned with gold, precious stones and pearls, and held a golden cup in her hand, filled with filth and uncleanness of fornication her ”  (Rev.17: 4).

Looking at the Statue of Liberty, we see a woman (we will call her American Hecate) in clothes resembling a tunic and scarlet. In her hand she holds a chalice from which fire or stench emanates, and watered all nations from the chalice with the wine of fornication - “secret” (diabolical) knowledge.

The diadem (crown) on the head of the American Hecate is an attribute of power and domination. “But the wife whom you saw is a great city reigning over earthly kings”  (Rev.17: 18). The crown symbolizes wealth and luxury  ("decorated with gold, precious stones and pearls") .

Verse 5 of chapter 17 of Revelation states that her name is written on her forehead. Nothing is written on the forehead of Freedom. But she holds in her left hand a plate with an inscription consisting of English letters and Roman numerals ("JULY IV MDCCLXXVI") and indicating "July 4, 1776" - the date of adoption of the US Declaration of Independence.

The diadem of the Statue of Liberty has seven rays. According to the official version (it appeared not so long ago), the seven prongs of the crown symbolize the enlightenment of the freedom of seven seas and seven continents. The geographic absurdity of such a version is obvious, but the number seven echoes with the texts of Revelation. The Babylonian harlot is literally shrouded in the symbolism of the number seven. She sits  “on a crimson beast, full of blasphemous names, with seven heads and ten horns”  (Rev. 17: 3). The seven heads of the beast, we read in Revelation, are the seven mountains on which the harlot sits, and at the same time the seven kings:  “Here is a mind that has wisdom. The seven heads are the seven mountains on which the wife sits, and the seven kings, of whom five fell, one is, and the other has not come yet, and when he comes, he will not be long ”  (Rev. 17: 9-10). We will talk about these seven kings; the seven rays (or heads) on the Liberty diadem are not random.

Photo: REUTERS / Andrew Kelly

Let us pay attention to another verse of Revelation:  “And one of the seven Angels having seven bowls came and, speaking with me, said to me: Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters”  (Rev.17: 1 ) The expression “sitting on many waters” is explained in the same chapter:  “And he says to me: the waters that you saw where the harlot sits are people and nations, and tribes and languages”  (Rev.17: 15). When looking at the Statue of Liberty, the expression "sitting on the waters of many" can be interpreted literally: the statue is in the bay on a small island; American Hecate "sits" on the waters.

And another detail that rarely falls into the frames depicting the American Hekate. With one foot, this goddess stands on broken shackles in which she was shackled like a biblical devil:  “He took the dragon, the ancient serpent, which is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years”  (Rev. 20: 2). After being freed from the shackles, the American Hekate  brings death to all living things on the planet ; under the slogans of "freedom", "democracy", "human rights", it lures humanity into the kingdom of the dead ...

PS . The American Hecate, embodied in the Statue of Liberty and sowing death around the world,  began to sow death in America . As of today (April 22), the death toll from the coronavirus in New York has already exceeded the number of victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. Is this a harbinger of the events of the death of the Babylonian harlot described in the Revelation of John the Theologian? Now for the first time in the history of the statue, access to it is closed. On March 16, in connection with the epidemic, New York authorities quarantined the American Hecate.


Рубрики:  Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/USA .
Polyglot 83/ Furman Ed

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