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Polyglot 82.From Margarita Knyazeva.What is hybrid warfare?

, 03 2020 . 09:55 +


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     Personal University of Self-Development.

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May 28, 2018 -  « » , , , ... , ,   —  ...

What is hybrid warfare?

May 28, 2018 13 min reading time

In May 2018, the famous philosopher, sociologist, economist, political journalist, poet Karl Marx would have turned 200 years old. In more than a third of the states of the world this date was celebrated at the official level. Marxists see him as the founder of historical materialism, who made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of the struggle of the proletariat with capitalism. Others consider him a prominent scientist who worked in the interests of developing and perfecting capitalist relations. In Moscow, an international scientific-practical conference was held on the topic "Capital of Karl Marx and its influence on the development of the world."

Karl Marx
Karl Marx

The legacy of Marx is relevant today.

And, strangely enough, in the absence of a creative approach and the rethinking of his theory by the Communists, primarily Russian, today it serves global financial capital, which, in an effort to ensure its dominant position, is the sponsor and organizer of modern hybrid wars,

says a full member of the International Slavic Academy  Sergey Nebrenchin.

Capitalism.  Caricature
Capitalism. Caricature

The expert said in an interview with REGNUM about who the bayonets of hybrid wars are directed against, who and for what purpose they are leading, and also what forms of “weapons” they are used in  .

An analysis of recent events in the world convincingly indicates that the international mafia - it is also the World Deep Government - plunging mankind into a state of permanent global crisis, has actually brought the world to a threatened period of its development. Almost insurmountable is the main contradiction of modernity between the unprecedented growth of population and consumption, destructive for humans, in fact, the progress and enrichment of a small group of rulers of fate, on the one hand, and on the other, an increase in the processes of habitat degradation and aggravation of the shortage of natural resources, degeneration and self-destruction humanity, the impoverishment of the masses. The situation is aggravated by the growth of natural-climatic and man-made disasters.: The term "hybrid war" has existed for a long time, respectively, what it means has been happening for a certain time. What have these wars already led to and who is behind it?

In exacerbating the global contradiction, a significant role belongs to the international mafia, which relies on the geopolitical, financial, economic and military potential of modern America as an instrument to ensure their military and political dominion.

It includes supranational global governance structures (Bilderberg Club, Tripartite Commission, Atlantic Council, etc.), global financial capital and leading multinational corporations, a network of non-governmental institutions of influence, including global information and analytical corporations, media and Internet resources and etc.

The power pillars of international institutions of global influence are the special services of individual states of the world, and in particular, Mossad, the CIA and the FBI, MI-5 and MI-6, as well as NATO troops, private military companies, terrorist and other subversive armed groups.

Currently, world financial capital contains a system of "deep states" and a developed network of agents of influence, which provide control and management of key areas of vital activity of most countries of the world, practically all over the world. Global financial capital carries out its global dominance through a system of national central banks and international financial structures (FRS, IMB, ECB, EBRD, BIS, IRS, etc.).

The ruler of the world is capital, a golden idol.  Soviet poster
The ruler of the world is capital, a golden idol. Soviet poster

According to media reports, the countries that are not owned or controlled by the Rothschild clan include Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Cuba. China has relative financial sovereignty. Until very recently, associated with a significant restriction of the position of the liberal bloc in the Russian government, state control over financial and economic levers and mechanisms for managing the state and society did not exceed 10%.

In an effort to materialize their current financial and economic assets (about $ 500 trillion), which can be lost in the unfavorable development of the international situation, world governance structures pursue the main goal - to maintain and ensure their dominance and dominance in the world.: What are the goals of the global governance structure, by what means and methods do they try to achieve it?

According to the general plan, this can be achieved, first of all, by establishing control over resources and markets, communications and new technologies; by undermining and destroying national states, erasing national borders; elimination of geopolitical competitors and objectionable rulers; radical population reduction and robotization; reformatting the geopolitical picture of the world and establishing the foundations of a new world order.

Based on the fact that the current ideals of progress, the capitalist system itself, and financial and economic relations have long exhausted their potential to ensure global dominance, the international mafia is looking for the contours and parameters of a new socio-economic model and formation of world development in the context of putting into practice the possibilities of NBIC - convergence - a combination of inanimate nature at the atomic level (nano-) with wildlife at the molecular level (bio-) on the matrix of information technology (info), arranged according to the model of work you brain (kogno-).

According to experts and, in particular, Russian economist V. Yu. Katasonov, central banks are transforming from “lenders of last resort”, “financial regulators” and “mega-regulators” to financial holdings designed to transfer the world economy into the hands of “invisible“ beneficiaries ”. Thus, "central banks, without knowing it, dig a grave of capitalism ...".

In achieving the goals of global dominance, the international mafia relies on hybrid wars, which are coordinated from a single center according to goals and objectives, place and time, content, forms and methods.

Caricature - The goal of capitalism is always one exploitation.  Oppression.  War.  So that the masses of poverty and death brought him maximum profit!
Caricature - The goal of capitalism is always one exploitation. Oppression. War. So that the masses of poverty and death brought him maximum profit!

: What is a hybrid war today?


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   . 1999
. 1999
 Darko Dozet

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- , , , National Intelligence Council ( ), (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP), (Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) - STRATFOR , The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) , Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, USA Today, International Herald Tribune, New York Times, Washington Post, BBC, CNN, Deutsche Welle ( ), AP (Associated Press), AFP ( ), Blumberg, Google, Rambler, Yahoo .

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Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/USA .
Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/TRUMP. USA
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Polyglot 83/Personal comments on my writings.
Polyglot 83/Personal University of Self-Development
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