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Вторник, 18 Февраля 2020 г. 16:02 + в цитатник

Personal comments on your writings. 
     Personal University of Self-Development. 1.






Tuesday, February 18, 2020 14:26  + in the quote sheet

Most Americans remain extremely uninformed about the upcoming MEDICAL QUARANTINES due to the ongoing and worsening outbreak of coronavirus. 
Those who keep up with the times think that they still have time to prepare, "if things go wrong." They are wrong.
Your time is almost up. You have only DAYS left. That's why.
When the government finally cannot hide the spread here in the United States, it will be forced to completely block the country.
There simply will be no other choice, because this virus, which is actually a military biological weapon
that has escaped from China's only 4th level bio-laboratory (the story here), is so contagious. It spreads
through the air, through coughing, sneezing, urination, bowel movements. 
The virus can live on the surface for up to 28 days, which means infection of door handles, public toilets, cash registers in stores and supermarkets, computer keyboards and much more. It flows from public sewer toilets from toilets, and then can evaporate from manhole covers.
The virus has an infection rate of eighty-three percent (83%). This means that if 100 people get on it,
83 of them will get sick.
Approximately half of the cases develop serious pneumonia requiring hospitalization. Of these, about half
require intensive care, intubation and a respirator for breathing.
Of those people who go to the hospital, fifteen percent die. And that ... if they get first-class treatment
at the hospital.
For those who do not receive treatment in the hospital, about sixty-five percent die.
Now a little math:
In the United States, for every 1,000 people, there are about 2.4 hospital beds.
 Yes, you read that right: 2.4 beds per 1000 people.
Here is the math:
If 1000 people are affected, 830 will become ill (83%). About half will require hospitalization.
 Thus, about 400 people will need a hospital bed.
 But there are only 2.4 hospital beds for them. 
Thus, the rest will not be able to get help. Of course, not "first-class" care.
 15% of these 2.4 people will die.
 65% of the 398 remaining sick people will die.
 This makes 258 people DEAD out of every 1000 infected.
These are real world statistics for this virus.
 The figures claiming otherwise from within China are completely false.
 They deliberately lie about the number of deaths, so that, apparently,
the communist regime is still in control.
That is why today, February 17, 2020,
a total of seven hundred sixty million people in 70 cities of China are in quarantine. 
Health officials here in the US are already hiding the number of confirmed infections. From the Centers for Disease Control Center (CDC) in Atlanta, who conceal “more than 1,000 cases” two weeks ago (the story is here), to the local district health commissioner in Erie County, New York (near Buffalo, Rochester and Watertown ), which published the GAG ​​ORDER, which does not allow police, firefighters and EMS to tell anyone about coronavirus cases (the story is here), people in the USA are NOT told the truth.
Officials fear a massive panic will happen if people find out about this,
so they will INTENTIONALLY keep everything secret. 
Now here is the ugliest part. 
Quarantines mean that no one entered
and no one exited.  
This means that there are no trucks for delivery.
Interpretation  :
2019-nCoV infection caused clusters of severe respiratory diseases similar to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, and was associated with admission to ICU and high mortality. The main gaps in our knowledge of the origin, epidemiology, duration of transmission of the virus from humans, and the clinical spectrum of diseases need further research.
See a more detailed  list of symptoms:
Fever: 98%
Cough: 76%
Fatigue: 44%
Sputum production: 28%
Headache: 8%
Hemoptysis: 5%
Diarrhea: 3%
Also note that it took eight days (shortness of breath) to develop shortness of breath.
Also note that 12% suffered “acute heart damage,” which means permanent heart damage.
The study continues to acknowledge that there is "... big gaps in our knowledge ..." no matter how bad this analysis is, things can get a lot worse.
But the most troubling aspect of this study is this:
Overall, 98% of the symptoms were fever,
76% cough,
44% muscle pain or feeling tired.
If 98% of the fever is present, this means that one in 50 infected people will not experience fever and,
therefore, easily bypasses the existing screening methods practiced by medical professionals.
If one in 50 infected people can be screened, which is primarily looking for fever
and respiratory symptoms, this means that this outbreak is unlikely to be contained.
Simply put, if you, your spouse, your children are busy with the things you usually do,
all or each of you MAY be exposed to this virus from other people
who were in the area minutes earlier. None of you may know that you have been exposed.
Of those exposed, 83% of them DETECT IT. Of these, 15% will die.
The best strategy for this has not yet been developed. 
We ALL move: work, school, shopping, leisure, etc.
So how can we protect ourselves while we're on the street?
Well, the fact that this virus can spread through the air,
in addition to remaining alive on surfaces such as countertops,
tables, water fountains, door handles, inside cars and buses,
food packages on store shelves with which someone was talking,
or sneezing at them. or coughing, including those delivered by mail,
FedEx, UPS, etc. - this greatly complicates the situation.
Step one: stay home. Do not go outside if you DO NOT NEED it.
Step Two: Assuming that you should go somewhere (which we usually do EVERYTHING),
be sure to wear a filter mask.
N-95 masks are almost completely sold out.
 So you can get the best mask rated as N-100 or P-100 until THEY sell out.
 Links to various suppliers HERE-N-95 and HERE N-100(I am NOT a seller)
You can also purchase the VASTLY AVAILABLE 3M 7500 (HERE), which uses 3M 2091 filters (HERE).
 This mask system is more expensive, but it works and is widely available.
 (Again, I am NOT a seller)
Get eye protection, either cheap goggles for swimmers (HERE) or the best goggles (HERE)
Get a box of rubber / nitrile gloves (Here)
Wear this equipment when you go out.
Yes, you will look and feel funny. But you will most likely have the last laugh,
because YOU are protecting yourself.
The absolute moment when you return home, take off your shoes and leave it in the lobby.
You may have walked through a lot of infected material,
as if you were not there, and if you wear these shoes in the house,
the virus will spread throughout the house.
Next: Go to the bathroom, take off your clothes,
put them in a basket or plastic bag and take a shower. 
You must wash away any virus that could get on your body or hair while you were away.
Put on clean clothes. You cannot sit on a chair
or lie on a sofa or bed in clothes that you wore on the street. 
The virus will fall from the clothes
, onto the furniture and everything, someone in the house will pick it up.
Make every member of your family do it the very moment they get home.
 This virus is very contagious and kills people.
 We cannot save or be lazy while protecting ourselves.
Eat right, take vitamins (I use Centrum) and pray to Almighty God
that He will be protected by Him during this crisis. 
I am not kidding. I mean this: PRAYER.
Even if you have not prayed for decades, start now.
 “Hello God, it's me (such and such and such).
 I know that I have not prayed for you for a long time, but now I am returning to you ... "
And then talk to him honestly and sincerely in a very quiet voice.
Just remember that it is God, not a wizard who needs to be called in order to do tricks
or provide services on our call. He made us.
Have emergency food (HERE, HERE and HERE) in the house in case Quarantine
is introduced so that you and your family can eat for 6 weeks or so,
such quarantines can last a long time.
Store spare water (HERE) in case the water supply is contaminated.
A source: 
Рубрики:  Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/USA .
Putin President New Russia(7/5/18)/TRUMP. USA
Polyglot 83/ Furman Ed
Polyglot 83/Personal comments on my writings.
Polyglot 83/Personal University of Self-Development
Polyglot 83/Polyglot Correspondence
Polyglot 83/Own translations, language learning
Health & Lifestyle > Health

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Михаил_1949   обратиться по имени Вторник, 18 Февраля 2020 г. 17:04 (ссылка)

What attracts man, where does he strive?
Where did he turn? Where is his mind directed?
In the future, which: - While the project?
The past is past! He is not attached to him!

Vector direction - with a dream does not match
To the north, - to the south or to the east ... to the west?
We must close our eyes and ... move forward,
The complexity of choice - is growing - for ... clumsy.

My dream floats: - my Paradise boat,
On the waves of the Universe ... - slowly,
Beckoning direction, - rebirth: - in constable?
Vector, - direction - true: - Soul feels.

The world "today", - it is landed: - it is covered by a dream,
In carelessness, - in waves of thoughtlessness: - Floats,
Dawn - can not act: - in an empty ...
In a virtual, - ghostly: - happiness does not live.

Sadly, do not hide the face - the only way: - forward ...
To the insight of reason, - the road, and ... - by fate: - by a roller ...
Vector, idle fun, - in suffering: - will return,
Proclaim victory, and ... hymns, - we will sing: - then.0

In the world of today, everyone has a sad face,
From life, - people turned: - to death ...
From infinity, - they have left: - one RING,
Ring - like the bottom of the funnel: - in a black whirl.


Once, finally, the people will understand,
Where the line lies: - between Good and Evil ...
And the people will have to wander: - forward ...
The people, that, - on the RING: - rotate in the past.

The rest is a sandwich, which is now asleep,
Swaying, - rejoicing: - in full length,
In his heels there is: - a sense of hooves ...
On the Milky Way, - "lays": - the orbits of the Stars.

It is in vain to extract, from the depths of the Universe,
From its gravitational waves: - bad sounds ...
Everyone remembers the antique world, - inspired, -
The Ancient World! He is different: - not short-sighted.

Our World, did not give a choice: - Between Good and Evil,
«Sermyazhnaya», - was made: - Mask - Hypostasis,
Moves without thinking, - Space of the World: - his forehead ...
Mad mind, corrupts and ... carries away in passion ...

You need to hone, - «kondzo»: - in your Soul,
Save in the Soul - all the puzzles: - put them together ...
Determine how to live, and ... keep your paddle:
It is up to you to decide without help.

Someone - honestly lived yesterday ... But the vector is lying,
He is very far away, and ... in the wrong direction took ...
Nightmare - was life: - and ... without prospects ...
Man, today, - deep: - went into the darkness .

In sorrow, and ... into melancholy, - from hopelessness: - he hid himself,
Nevertheless, I was still looking for: - a saving landscape ...
The changes were not shifted forward, the vector wind vane is not installed,
I have not seen - where the reality is this: - where there is a mirage.


That's all - I'm stuck: - I was not cunning,
I looked - into the heavenly space: - into the abyss of the Stars,
The firmament, - in the darkness: - the clouds have ceased,
But, you know: - LIGHT of the Universe: everyone will be deployed.

Without surprise, I observe - silver of the moon: - in the night in sails,
The forest rustles in the wind, - rustle: - leaves, branches ...
Aspiration - avalanche clouds: - in the night flight,
The clouds are twisted, and ... pour out: -. fleeing for dreams ...

The clouds are fleeing - the night is melting: -, The stars are melting,
The moon - does not melt! - In the light of the sun: - above me hangs,
Sunny sunrise, - beautiful! the day arrives ...
LIGHT is more - more, - everyone likes it - his visit.

The Stars are gone, and ... The moon, - was heard: - LIGHT Lira,
The rain rustled, - over the leaves, - Earth-blind,
Water, in the space of time, is MIRRA,
She, - pacifies billions of Souls: - with a tear ...

In the World's past, especially, witnesses: - will confirm -
To the characters of the past, - inherent: - persistent magnalias.
In doubts, - the heart was pierced: - the thought flies
Hide - in the past, filling: - Being realities ...

Infinity of time, - the ocean: - does not run streams ...
The planets, the stars ... do not swim: - in shallow water ...
They leave, - the Milky Way: - with the attained death ...
Burn their sails - their wings - finally to flash.

Earthly, behind the clouds, are: - lost - with roots,
Moon, Earthly Nights, - for the cosmos: - an empty world ...
The path to the Stars is not determined: - Earth's lights ...
Peace, - the savior of the mind: - my faithful guardian.

And, maybe, today, and ... for the last time,
Someone wants a mirage - to visit again?
Dust - in battle with the mill: - energy will give ...
And ... boils. - in his veins: - bad blood.

Turn, - another mind: - it is deep enough,
Everyone should, and ... no doubt, - understand:
Resistance is stupid! Solves everything for us: - God ...
By the bad will of the human, - the universe: - not to conquer.

She complains to the brainless, - sad: - it is very sad,
It is not able to - think in a figurative way: - this is not a format ...
Unreasonableness, - carries them to a dead end, and ... in the backwater,
Renaissance, they will not prevail, and ... Paradise will not be created.

Accumulation, are born: - in the sufferings of the fatal,
Present presents: - from the past: - picture ...
Phenomena are awakened: - the tides of real senses,
Eternal, - reveals our world: - its secret.

To see the transformation, a sharp eye is not needed,
Everything will be seen, - the process of progression,
Its rapidity, - excessively - overloaded ...
Who is hungry for sleep, are the myriad of Stars: - from heaven!

Again, inspiration breaks my chest,
The former moment of time, no one can withhold,
LIGHT, - escorts the past: - in the last way,
It is impossible, - to the dying moments of time: - to imitate.

Expression of the past, - "there is nothing to lose," - grown up?
Loss, ostensibly, nothing - "except their chains"?
My mind - lost: - when the good is gone,
"Life has become better - live became: - more fun"? ...


Farewell, sages: - the whole past: goes into retreat ...
Desecrated, did not have time to inspect the palace,
Misunderstanding of past lives - and longing - will go away ...
No one knows when: - that bacchanalia is over ...

He throws people - in the cold and ... throws: - into a fever,
Our World is dreaming - everything in the world is: - dead,
It begins - in holy places: - a fire ...
It was a dream - not just me: - it's a verdict.

I dreamed, - the past, and ... the approaching darkness,
He hovers before me, in ... dreams, - God's face,
I saw, - in Souls people: - the enemy is climbing ...
The symbol of death, - the mystery of doom: - worth ..

When will this happen? To learn it is impossible more precisely!
To the existing one - it is necessary to get used ...
Our World, - became in the contours: - dead,
From what he saw, on Earth - everyone wants to: - shout ...

And is there today: - sincere crying? ...
Plch, is a shadow from the past, which: - I still love,
In my mind, I want to leave a lot to: - do not burn ...
Consciousness, - does not understand - I am flabbergasting, or: - I sleep soundly?

Years of the seventies: - forty years ago ...
I return to the past, I concentrate my gaze, -
How is everything: - with the day, today, to bind ...
The reality returns: - the past clowns?

I do not see - coincidences, only: - farce,
Ears and eyes, - viscous cotton wool: - has closed,
The union is divided - into ten: - individual states ...
Or, maybe, - my memory: - changed?

Today we see, - outside: - not the top, but the bottom,
But still, this, until now, is my home ...
Why? In that house, until now: - dark?
Specify, whether there was a God LIGHT: - in what?

I wanted to understand that I sang not in vain ...
No return - to past passions,
Above our world: - a new Dawn rises,
Will it be laid - the edge: - to former deaths?

It is necessary to think, and ... to dream of happiness,
With a dream, of the future, it is easier to build a house ...
In it, - DREAM: - eternally prosper, the
Order will be established, - on a global scale.

Unbelief is bashful, - out of consciousness: - it will leave
us, we will save it, - from misfortunes: - God ...
Everything, - they hope for it, and happiness: - waiting ...
Other, future, - imagine: - did somebody manage?

The term of fulfillment of desires, I can not name,
I Hope, - the Duty of people, and ... Honor,
It is necessary to show nobility ...
I am sure there are prerequisites for changes!

In them, I hope - the void will not be born,
And their transformations: - destroy the groan ...
Our World, will save - from ugliness - LIGHT,
In the World, much will come: - stubbornly protected.

The wind of changes - in our ears whistles,
For Our World - it will not be evil,
In the Coming - singing: - once sad,
It will not become - TIME by the former.


Our Universe, - changes will save:
Perfect, - transformations, in it: - flows ...
In Our Universe, - Spirit, and ... he bites,
He proclaims that we are not alone!

Perhaps - so! Or maybe: - not!
Today, a revival, and ... no one sleeps ...
Verse, the original song, - until the end of the propet,
Тhe LIGHT of the Stars of the Universe, - for everyone burns!

Life goes on: - in the crucible of change,
On that Earth, - on a modest ship ...
The universe is the way, into the transfiguration: - is hidden ...
There is no death on Еarth! We: - in your saddle!

I will go - to the Great: - "May Be" ...
It became known to everyone: where everyone, and ... where floated,
In the Universe, - in TIME: - we will live ...
The vector is checked, - there everyone: - was not wingless.

Galaxies, - an abyss, in them: - Totally bright Stars,
Spectrum of LIGHT, - Stars: - in the Paradise loop ...
The Moon, bestows: - a bouquet of sentimental tears,
Memories, the sorrows of the departing, and ... Earth.

He pursues a sad look: - Attacks someone else's slander,
In hard destinies, you can see: - a hurried run,
Waiting in front, - Good luck: - gleam-LIGHT,
Everyone has: - his own, personal, amulet.

Hear the sounds, - coveted: - Heavenly Strings!
In the waves of the universe, it is impossible to frighten them away ...
In the nebulae, - POWER: - a swirling typhoon,
In it, - to sounds, infinite, it is impossible to drown.

Empty – «VOYDI»: - similarity of wings of birds, -
Endless World, - its immensity can not be grasped ...
The look of a person is not able to cover its borders!
Moreover, - unseen, - before him: - can not resist.

With the Universe, there is a direct connection,
Her, everyone's feel, - Always happy:
At the heart, and ... In the Soul: - She, at YOU radiant,
Lets in the Universe: - Avoid obstacles ...

Her rays, - exceed the LIGHT of the SKY: -
From the Stars , blinking: - billions of years ...
Divine flow ENERGY: - has not disappeared,
Life-manifestation OUR - revives LIGHT ...


In the heart, more precisely: - everyone in the Soul:
feelings are born, - the family is formed: -
Under the fingers of the Soul, - in a hearty hut ...
There is LIGHT in it, and ... ENERGY: - it realizes its own.

And in this vortex of impressions,
Such fears as me - among the planets: -
Witness, - real: - entertainment,
I'm looking for something that: - In the World We do not.

Then it will grieve, perhaps, sadness ...
Think about it, and ... sober up completely,
To truth pril'te , but keep in mind: - this way -
With the true life: - sadder, and ... harder!

To dispel, not accidental, steep,
Our World stands on that! - And in this: - all,
Do not be offended, for an open reason,
She, when illuminated by LIGHT, develops the TENT.

Forget impossible fatal disasters,
At sight? - the waves of the Universe, flying to Us,
At a sight: - the Constellations striving for Us ...
When running lines, according to former TIMES.

The universe, not Ours, of course, is someone's thing ...
I've seen enough, and ... .. this thing: - FULL ...
The universe, - from destruction, God could save ...
Consciousness freezes - from it: - FREEDOM of WAVES!

Prevents - awareness - in the soul of breaking:
Thoughts, arose, - lying in the brain,
Returning to us - in ourselves: - in the beloved House ...
We leaves death, before him - in debt ...

We say, - to each other: - with sadness at face,
With lowered eyes, - at last:
It's more convenient to sit down, - on, - broken out,
From infinity: - RING ...
WE GOD, determined - such a simple, order!


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