NYT: “Third World Coming” - After the Suleymani assassination, Americans are anxiously discussing the return of military draft

Short linkUntil recently, military registration was perceived by US citizens as a
simple formality. But everything changed after Washington liquidated the leading Iranian general, Kassem Suleimani, writes The New York Times. The tag “Third World” began to gain popularity in social networks, and many young Americans began to fear that the authorities would again make compulsory military service, the publication notes.
ReutersFor decades, American men over 18 have been registered with government agencies in the event of military conscription. In recent years, this action has become a simple formality and was mainly done “ for show, ” writes The New York Times.
NYT: “Third World Coming” - After the Suleymani assassination, Americans are anxiously discussing the return of military draft
But everything changed after one of the leading Iranian commanders Kassem Suleimani died in Baghdad as a result of an American air strike. The assassination of the general raised concerns about the possibility of a new war in the Middle East, and the often forgotten registration in the Armed Forces caused concern among many Americans.
The phrase "Third World" began to gain popularity in social networks. Young people suddenly remembered that they had entered the military register after their 18th birthday, many went to it in order to receive financial support for studying in college. One of the Twitter users wrote that he blocked the US Army account, mistakenly believing: " They will not be able to call you if they do not see it."
The interest in the issue was so high that it led to the collapse of the website of the Military Records System, an independent government agency that stores information about Americans who are eligible for a draft. Due to the spread of misinformation, our site is currently facing a lot of traffic. We appreciate your patience, ”the agency said on Twitter.
The United States began to call soldiers during the war of the North and South. They continued in one form or another to use conscription during the Vietnam conflict, says Jennifer Mittelshtadt, a professor of history at Rutgers University.      
But since 1973, conscription in America has ceased after protests against the Vietnam War. The entire political spectrum of the United States greatly helped to abolish the draft, Mittelshtadt notes.  
The modern US Armed Forces are entirely composed of volunteers and number about 1.2 million people. To change the situation, Congress will need to pass a bill to return the draft, which the president will then have to sign. In any case, such a step will require broad political support, the publication emphasizes.
All men from 18 to 25 years old are required to register in the military registration system. Many young people get into the database of the system when they get a driver’s license, some register to receive state aid for education.
But registration does not mean at all that a person will be drafted into the army. At the moment, registration in the military registration system does not indicate the likelihood that you will serve in the existing Armed Forces ,” says Mittelshtadt.  
Moreover, if a young man is not registered in the military registration system, he will face life sentences. For example, he will not be able to count on federal subsidies and work in government agencies.
Historically, in the United States, only men were subject to draft in the army. But in recent years, the question has been raised more often about putting women on military records. Especially due to the fact that they are playing an increasing role in the Armed Forces.
In 2015, the Pentagon made available all combat posts for women. Last year, a federal judge in Houston ruled that the exclusion of women from conscription was contrary to the Constitution.
In the 1860s, during the Civil War, crowds, mostly consisting of white workers of foreign origin, took to the streets of New York in protest against the draft. They burned houses and launched attacks on black residents of the city.
A century later, the burning of the agenda became a symbol of protest against the Vietnam War. I think it’s fair to say that the call has never been very popular, ” Mittelshtadt said.  
However, according to her, there are arguments in defense of the return of compulsory service in the army. In particular, it is proposed to make the Armed Forces more widely represent American society. The modern American army, which consists entirely of volunteers, mainly includes people from the working class and people with a non-white skin color. 
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